A- Evince Unpftt SMp fSefctf Tuesday, November 8, 1948 "e--u, FISH CO-OP IN SESSION burg. MRS. MA5TELL PACE SETTER ftrtnrinff Reerd io WixrM Bvwlinf League fw Kraaon t Dale Mrs. Evelyn Mastell of Dod Semi-Armuat MeetiiiB 0f Prim; Rupert Amnetatio .Semi-aiimwl general meett,,.. It's Rust-Proof! It's Insulating! SEA AIR AND SEA WATER DO NOT AFFECT IT! gv gig MI Jr; - -j - -vr Vv 'v &S7r' X of the Prince P,m,. 6 1 A,,1Jllb risnei'-t. men s Co-operative Association1 gets is setting a stiff pace for the ladies in the Mixed Bowling w m in aeeoiKi day at the Odd- lollnu'a' Mull iA j ... " una win con- i League. Record for the season to date, a compiled by Secre ALUMINUM Ribbed Roofing and tary Alan Matheson, show Mrs Mn.e!l a holding all the prin- titj,ti high scoring recoi"d the hih sinRle game, the hih av erage.and high strikes. She has contributed to her team having the high single game SIDING Available fat 6, 8, 9 ft 10- fort lengths, 28 inches wide. Clio I CIGA PA i.iuue uus evening, m the rhul- i Is Capt. A. M. Marlinusen th ' preside at, with K. F. Mardii'ig as ! general secretary. Baslntag lon. ; sl.sts to. large extent of presen-; tation of reports. The election' of office: s takes place at the ;.pring session. In addition to local delegates' and members, the folhjwingout-ef-town dclejates ate heto: Fishermen's Ce-o p e r a 1 1 v e Fecierallon T. H. Soretiscn LXnnild Bentiey and A. V. Hill, Vancouver. 'j United Fishermen's Co-oper-' alive -Colin M.Kee, AK-x Eytonl record. ' ... Men's individual honors are more divided with Johnny C o in a ii I n a of Hadpinners having the high overage. George Staenbm of Kingolnners the high single game aitd Bob Vuekovieh of Wingers the hih THE ICEMEN COMETH IN FORM OF NEW YORK RANGERS Seems like only yesterday the boys were sweltering In the bleachers. And here it Is hockey time again. The New York Ranger rang up the curtain with a battle against the Detroit Red Wings at Malison Square Oar-den in New York. The home-town fans were disappointed, for Detroit beat the Rangers 3-2. However, the team is handicapped through Injuries sustained by star players in a bus accident at Montreal before the Season opened. Here are Eddie Kulimun, Edgar Laprade and Tony Leswick, expected to be the backbone of the Ranger sextet this season, chopping up the -jce during practice. . . . . Order Yours, From - - - - PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. PHONES 651 - 652 COAL, LUMIJEK and BUILDING SUPPLIES and Wilfrid Peck. KyuQUut Trollers' AisocUtion John DoualdsoH and George strikes as well as high three games. Following are the season's rt'cui ds in the- Mixed League to date: Ladies' high averuae, Mrs. Gi eenwcll.' Eolntula Co-operative. Tonv settled before they became too dangerous. With Sampson at centre, Brownwoods shimM have a nnaersun. Evelyn Mastell, Dodgers, 197. Men's high average, Johnny better team than last season and Comadina, HearfpTiiners, 228. ST ml Ladies' high strikes, Mrs. Mastell, Dodgers, 75. Men's high strikes. Bob Vuck-ovich. Wingers, 90. they aeom as maiiy points as anyone in the 1947-48 show. With tlie top whistle experts of the leagvte unavailable at --' Metfleda: 3o per wort per Insertion, nittnum tmrf. Do. Btnk RotlMa; . 60c; Cardi of Thanks, Death Not low Funeral N (it low. laarrtag and Engagement Announcement: ta. . , SfKClAU DISPLAY. DOUBLE PHtCB jtasslfled Advertising is payable In ttdvanee. Plewe refrain Irani MepMnttg- i, f 1 'ifiioc' Vi(wV enai TJortlio ' I OK SALE present, tl referee problem to' Macey 6.!. run i:ent proving a bit of a headache for FOR RENT eieeprmr room for Mert's high spare, John Paul, Pushovers, 69. ' , two men. (i50 7th Ave. East. FOR SALE 1 Electric Range. 1 auxiliary heater. Phone 466. " (tf) the Referees' Asuociation. It is generally felt that, in this grow- Fnone Red 471. (tf) Ladies' single game, , Mrs. ing community of ours, there Mau. 330. for rent Furnished room for two. 850 7th -Ave. E. B E T W E E tl B A S K E T S must be the odd referee and Men's sinyle eame. Opotitp coach drop in from time td time. Shenton, Klngpinners, 330. Those who are In that category Ladies' three games, A. Mc- Every 81 SLACKS in . none Red 471. ' tf) FOR RENT 5 room house," 3 rooms furnished, 4 months. Phone Green 997. 264t would be welcome at the Civic Ueekin, Headpinners, i4. Brand New j Centre desk. FOK TEX D While it has been mentioned WE BUY .& SELL .New and Used Furniture, Hardware, etc. We tiave sligrrtrr- -used Radios, Portable Qramaphones, Kitchen Sets, Vacuum Cleaners Small Fancy Tables. Logging Boots, Rubber Work Clothes, . Lousing Saws, New and Used Kitchen Ranees for Wood, - Coal and OiL Kitchen Chairs. Underwood Tfbewriter in best shape, New Kind Used Hardware, Of fie. Desk. See us first for your furniture needs, ..either to buv or sell. 7 B.C. FURNITURE CO. Blaflk ,324 , . . (tf) FOR RENT To quiet couple, 3 room house with bath and range. Apply 215 4th East. (tf) Men's hree games, Bob Vuck-ovich, Wingers, 832. Team high single game. Dod-gtrs, 1376. Team three games, Headpinners, 36G2. Spare RefrttJ that there Is a shortage of referees, it hasn't been told why Buy MOW WANTED thrd Johnny Comadina and Fred . Savoys, have of eourse, lost Sev j derone ftroulld go tiT ms Of course the current PHONE 654 WANTE D Car batteries, car radiators, brass and copper; payinr good prices See B.C. FURNITURE CO.. Black 324. around the Civic Centre gym Dominato. Yet Sev never dW year. Well Johnny had to part these evenings is the Harlem seem at home with the hotel jwith his tonsils, a very un-Preu, and no doubt loneed to I Peasant parting by the way, and AC et.i experienced seam- Globe Trotters and then- antici-stress will take in sewing.' Phone Btack m. 14 9th E. ipated visit to Prince Rupert. is on the road called FOR SALE Rouen lumber cut to order. See Mrs. Irene Ada Harris at 247 1st Ave. East or write General Delivery, Prince Rupert. (265) with the gang he has Dlaved V I 'nuinj . . movine at a fast rlin C.-.Mmr. fSc Pet Dozen Fald For Empties Trtt advertisement m not published ot ltapliryvd by tneUqunrCoutrnt Board by the Uovern nent of Ut Ulna Columb la rrrfrrfnftrfnfrfiujj Passengers sailing for Vancouver Saturday on the Princess Louise were F. M. Barns. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. May, O. L. Murray, P. C. Flenng. L Petersen, R. Parry. A. J. Downing, Un. F. Hut lift te and" II H Church. CL0 PERSONAL these boys in action will natur- with for years, the Co-op. Onom took h,s varalion from hig the other hand, Savoys have j 0u company job to hit the f ssh-picked up . Jack Haugen an i lng grounds for a week or so and RAh Menzlea from last year's1 d,,e an day now It U to be ally look forward to seeing them PERSONAL WELL SHOP FOR STO FOR SALE 1935 PWmouth Coach. Can be seen 1364 Over-1 look, after 6 p.m. (266) FOR SALE 14 ft. dory, in good shape. Price $30.00. Inaulre Those who haven't are "Villi It jnn trnrwv n-hat tmn ' ai'illll. want, but live too far awav tot in nr crii-otviiM Thom mo' S'.anfleld's SelAffiReett melon-tossing are now re-Co-op team and are definitely , hoped these two boys appreciate and Best .. Skogmo's Boat Repairs, Cow FUN FOR ALL how much they are being miss- not without strength. lmon Building. Vancouver. nowned all over the world and it Bay. (2H5t fed and how important their (272) I was a very great surprise to Don METAL WORK Forward when he received word Notice of the incorporation ot Skeena Sawmills Ltd., $25,000 Terrace, appears In the Van- presence is to the successful operation of the league. Get that wheel-chair rolling Johnny. Brownwoods are nun.u one oi their most valuable players o! last , year, Don Hartwig. Yei they have Reg Lavlgne and Doufe Shier -to fill in and have Dicket. GivJff PLUMBING Installations and from Chuck Jones, their Van-KSTa8rHJy representative, that ing. Letourneau & Sons. 629 Prince Rupert Is to be favored i couver press. . FOR SALE-Steel bodied 1S42 Dodtte Station Wagon, $1,400.1 - Apply C. Maclntyre, 349 Taxi.' (266) j FOR SALE One spring-filled mattress. 3-4 size, good condi-' tion. Phone Red 501. (269) ' f - FOR - SALE One Oil Burning aixcn wesi, fnone 543. (tf) City merchi In future to ha LOST ton saw rt in tire iKnrv News.' with their show. When it i.? p the pl0Spects of the considered that crowds of te:: yeafi young Ecl Sampson from to fifteen thousand turn cut L. Hoi t aiirmw. hamnsmi. who roil saw n in the Daily Newi! LOST RhirV and Rroo ninnllv display advertl tliem innks like the beat from th rup on Mctsriae Bt. Child s uenwrrs to see Bring the whole family alori:, next time you go bowling! They'll love the stlmutatln-; action, the social get-Higethcr with Meads ami netehbors. Rex Bowline Alley Open to general public Saturday and Sunday afternoon and evenings. Monday Tuesday and Thursday evenings after 9 o'clock. the Dally Ni pet. Blue 6W. (266. there seems little likelihood that 1 neighboring community smc- p.m. of the ii Heater with circulating fan attachment, $75.00. One lun- ior youth's bed with spring ad inanress, $20.00. One child's wagon, $5.00. Phone Blue 900. cjtirj. FOR SALE Electric Range? most new. Phone Blue 686. (2G6) Blade (hanging's a Cncfc with nllow THE NEW they are looking forward to Sonny Beyrvon came here in thu- their publlcatl. ThU co-oi uie iew snexeis tney will pick up early thirties, has not had a r . f I - Uete. It appears very clear that Nnflll m ATC u 18 J" an opting for the lads greatly assist department In chance to work out 'with thei team due to his being south un til yesterday. He was much ii llVU an! a bH of a break 'for that regular hour lo tough rircnlt they follow in the i FOR SALE Marconi electric record plaver. Plavs with or without radio, $30.00. Phone Green 446. (265) TENDERS t United State. Larry Gains, 'Toronto Negro Getting back to the homo BLADE DISPENSER town lads here we should go out and British Empire . heavyweight champion, scored a two-round technical knockout over on a limb , and predict a victory Uant TENDERS will be received by the undersigned for the purchase of house and two lots at 812 6th Avenue East. Prince ior one of the two senior teams Sf Thr'i a nw GttUtt 4 9 f f4y ir yvr demand when he turned up and Brownwoods finally got their hands on him and he's theirs When it was found that Ed was to spend the coming winter here the Brownwoods management immediately began sending out feelers through his friends at Simpaon and believed they were on the track all by themselves. When Sampson turned up yesterday, Art Murray was surprised Alexander Lutz, . British . challenger, in London 20 years ago. Gains relinquished the Empire title to Jack Peterson thiee years later. GitUit Racer, Rupert, B. C. Highest tender not necessarily accepted, on or before November i'h. iu4o. ti. u. tieigerson Ltd. 1 207 1 P CAS PUMP ATTENDANTS O LUIiMCATION MEN O CAR WASHERS m tonight's battle but It's a very difficult chore and also dangerous in this rabid community. Wrlth tlie exception of very slight change here and there, both Savoys and Brownwoods are essentially the same clubs that fought -it out tooth and nail on many occasions last season. : MACHINERY FOh SALE Winnipeg Blue Bombers smashed through to theN TO SAW better lumber mow eennnmleallv use the mnrlern KSrac- 1 nil My fourth consecutive Western In- Applicants must apply In person Uo and up-to-date tvpe National to find that Co-op had already been afler the lad and there was little time lost- In getting things iwprovincial , : Footbail charn fort.RD'e snwmi maniifae . Mahi Office, 170 Tliird Avenue wsi Those positions will be filled early in Dec: tured by National Machinerv pionship with a 23-2 wm aver the ' luckless Calgary Brones " "irjany Limited. Vancouver, (tf) i oiserwif a i i i fyw 1 ;, I l In The Hii)ireme r-onrt nf Hrltli ('Hliinitiia In ITiilmte eight years ago. Bombers took the title In two straight with the first win of 7-0 at Calgary and the second in their home town. In the Matter of the "AiimlHMrRthm it - ' (he of the 4 I Act" And You change blades rn jiffy save time and bother wilh the new Gillette Blade Dispenser. This modern plastic con tamer protects the bhides at all timet. They reach you factory sharp and stay that way until used. Ask lor thii handy shaving aid. In 4m Mntter lit the Kstutr n Frame nenveii. iichmwI, lntexte. . . TAKE NOTICE that by Order of Hl Moniir Judfje W. O. Pulton, miwle the 28th day of October. A. D. 1118 I was appointed Administrator of the racM Movinn, Shipping Cartage look feel snpf bm spf use Gillette Blue Blades HEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away Prom Horn For Efficient S'l savoy HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. PHONE 37 P.O. Box 54 FRASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT Lindsay'4 estate of Frances Nedved. deceased. All parties having claims against the said Estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 30th day of Docember. 1948. after which clatma filed may be paid without reference to any claims of which I then had no knowledge. - All parties indebted to the estate 1 are required to pay the amount of ' their Indebtedness to me forthwith DATED this 2flth day of October ' A.O. ,1MB. ALBERT E. RODDTS. Official Administrator. - Atlln, B.C f , (270) & Stor( SO Rooms, Hot and Cold Water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone i p.o. Box 186 and W Cor. 2nd Establish feu ' eDB-J' piwmes f 7 "iim:RMi:Nt i.iqi ok act- Tone Quality Beauty Sensitivity I y'"'"" 11 l( Commodore Cale FISHERMEN This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board, or by the Government of British Columbia. Repairs to HIGH SPEED ENGINEJ specialty. We have the latest in i ni i t ? 4 t IT cnintrry ana specialty innii'- ,l 4a ft QMilLi 4k!o nlnCD nf t nrk. Let u" . engine now, do not wait until the 'a. i ,i , ... 4U nl.mir oi i If Large Slock Now on Display. Ask for a Demonstration in Your Home. Liberal Trade-In on Your Present Radio. (Bectlon 28) Nolle of Annlh-atlnn For fnntienl to Transfer of Beer Meenee NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the 27th day of Novem-. ber next, the undersigned Intends to apply to the Uyuor Control Board for consent to transfer of B-er Licence No. 7821, issued In .respect of premises being part of a building known as Caledonia Hotel, situate at Front Street, Port Esslngton, British Columbia, upon the lands described as Lots 3 and 8. Block 1, Townsite of Port EssinR-ton. Map 637. Prince Rupert Land Registration District, in the Province of British Columbia, from Alfred Henry Perkins, Licensee, to Janet Rosa Brown, of Port Esslng-ton, British Columbia, the transferee. DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C., this 27th day of October, 194S. JANET ROSS BROWN, ' " . . Applicant and Transferee. taw) mat overnaui. ii you arc u 0d RUPERT MARINE REALTY (J. CLAUSEN & SON) We Take Listings of BOATS FOR SALE OR CHARTER BROKERS IN BOATS, MARINE AND FISHING EQUIPME NT TRY-RUPERT MARINE REALTY FOR QUICK SALES OR CHARTERS Jtaui, we w.Mi be giaa io iw? j pjjoN and make our recommendation. 1 better still DROP IN and talk it oe Shop Foreman. . i RUPERT MOTORS e I elMae Bros COMPLETELY RENOVATED "Better Than Ever" Best Food and Service In City Phone 17 for Send-out Orders Third Ave. David Chow, Mgr. (Just East of Lipsett's, Waterfront) Box 548 LIMITED Phone Green 975 PHONE 5o