1 r ?5 - Tuesday, November S, 1948 -Vegetables Celery, lb 15 Cttuiuiower. lb 20 fcwiss -Chard, lb. .21 ' ' i7n, .Www.ii ii - -i ' . ..v' . : ; ', ' WIMWJwwww 'mu'''i0y& m ... I i V ' !. ' ' 1 r sx Men's Sleeveless All-Wool ' SWEATERS from 2 00 Men's WORK PANTS , All Sizes ;S2.S. ' Men' Enelixh Gabardine COATS, Aquarock . i Brand L.,4 $30.t3 Men's Fur Felt HATS J &ik Lined, reg. $7.5 .... ;S5, Men's Sample . j' TOP COATS .... $12.5 Children's Latse HUBKKK JIOOTS '.. 9?c Bg' All-Wowl fftNTS ,' ' All fiiae, veg. ia $259 (OrtUdmnSs AUBBKB rAP:S t Kg. $2.35 1JKS CW' AtR1 itur irtittol Mud Utcwi Ntuly 'XattMMl !$1J55 36 HhKiit'tad shades MS. K 3&ti Sadies' HOUSE SLflrPERS , f. 1.50 95c ?P TEX ;(' hot 2 cop, D,s 15 Iht parsnips t uuwarihedJ Jb. 00 1 Turnips, lb U7 i Mushrooms, lb 85 1 Head Lettuce, bunch. 15 Cucumbers, each .IS Green Onions. 2 bunches 15 Australian Onions, 3 lbs 25 caDDage. id .UB; Spinach, lb 25, Beets, bunoh 14 Tomato6, No. 1, lb. 55 Potatoes. 5 lb a Canned Vetllcs I Dill Pickles, gal 1.99 Cut Green Beans,, icy 17 No. 5 Peas, fancy 14 t Mixed Vegetables 'J9- Diced Beets, per tin 16 1 Wax Beans, choice "... .21 Mixea I'eas ana uarcots ...... :i Pumpkin .15-1 "akeii Beans. 20-oz. tin lfci Baked Beans. 45-oz. tin 15 Bananas, lb .25, Apples, cooking. 2 lb. 25 Fancy Apples. B lb .3i Lemons, large, .doz. 44 Grapelruit. Texas (white), Hi'. 3 f"r SI. Dinkt. Ws, 8 fur 25 Oranges (.NavelJ 25 .49 Dates, lb. : 28 Fresh Milk Quart .22' Pint .;. .12 Cream, 'y pint .2a '- . JEbks i Grade A: Large, cartoned, loz 7R Butter First Grade, lb .74; Milk Evaporated Milk. 16-oz. tins. 2 lor 33 Case 7.75 Canadian Cheese, lb. 57; Flour ' Pastry Flouf. 7 lbs. 59 Flour, 49's. No. 1 hard wheat 2.99 (Contmuer on .raae Jwm war a more excitingly uikirful, flavorful uYsseri A And like very Jell0 tliih. this Two-Tone M.mM LIFE IN THE NAVY Hawaiian surf and sky form the background for this Royal Canadian Navy .photo taken during a tour of the Island of Oahu by 300 men from the Canadian task foi'oe now visiting the United States naval base at Pearl Harbor. These two Canadian sailors are taking advantage of the trip to make friends with two Hawaiian girls. . The task force returns to Esquimau Nov. 13. . , CP Phoio) Jell O is always sure to please, serving. gorgeous "colur and exc lusive L,.(KiU mrmiMtf it) maUe. Spjrlliiig flavor-lilletl it costs less than 2 a Bf aure you enjijy the nied-in" flavur if genuiue ! BJ.-Q" leiterj in the box. it trad nark i could not pass unnoticed or tneglected. That long voyage Jell O. Look for the bi red Reminiscences By VJ. Reflections MtlO a owntd by Gwrol Food. limited Clyde .Gllmour writes in Trie ties had been charged with "de-Province about the -time ,he was frauding the country of its in Newfoundland during the money." Too bad ! But not every war. He says: "I'll never forget the old fisherman J was chatting with one fine morning on Water Street MAM around the Horn led to the lounding of what became some of the leading families of Wash ington and Oregon. Rrrs. J. S. Matthews, who helped her husband fo.und Vancouver's city archives 35 years ago, died last week. The collec tion covers an entire floor of the City Hall. It has. real value. Unless someone takes a direct and practical Interest in this job of preservation, in any growing city, it will never be done. Prince Rupert has already made a first rate start and is deserving of fullest encourage ment. Providing this is done prjnce RUpert by 1B83 will in deed have something. TRURO, N.S. (P St. James-Presbyterian Church recently celebrated its ,P8th armivr sry. The church is one of the 1 "'''est piotestant churches in Canada. ... in St. John's. A pretty glcl Cent I Maids Irom Europe travel to by with a perky, bouncy walk j-Prince Rupert to join the hos-and smiled at us. 1 .pointed atjpital staff. But this Is not the her, and said: "Nice, Isn't she?", first time potential homemak-The old man took his 'glasses ers have jounreyed to the distant w TERRACE buck! It is generally understood ther.e is some gold still in Kentucky. be to their advantage. Not long after the Civil War .scores of young women under an organized plan were passengers on a steamer from New York for the then unpeopled Northwest., But it worked out successfully. I Youth, comeliness and health off so iie .cuuld see better. Hej'coast praying the change would , M t )keena Restaurant TERRACE LLOYD 8AUDER, PROPRIETOR mm food - good service- rn 8:30 a.m. till midnight. Closed 9 p.m. Sundays DINE AND DANCE Bring your friends and enjoy yourselves AFTERNOON TEA8 3 TILL 5 J'HIi AND THAT nrifflijniiRiw ii in COTTAGE CMEESIi i New Creamed Fresh MaV VALENTIN DAIRY Your Dally , 'v ALL-WEATHER SERXlCE i mm X FOR outaide .orders Phone 133 CHOW MIEN I Ranges Phone'210 RAISE Coming ! hcktd - mJeH - O flavor ' SfftcTv X Product of GaiMrol Foodt There ore sevr delicious Jell-O ft J-1(4 Better English By D. C. WILLIAMS 1. What is wrong with this sentence? 'When this fell ibe-,neath my observation, I was astunlshed." , 2. Wlwxt is the correct pronunciation of "mania"? 3. Which one of these words is misspelled? Perennial, per-ciicament, perfunctory. 4. What does the word "sufficiency" mean? 5. What is a word beginning with 11 that means 'a suit of law"? ANSWERS 1. Suy, "When this fell under my observutiun.": 2. 'Pronounce ma-ni-a, first a as in main, 1 as in it, second a as in ask unstressed, and three syllables, not man-ya. 3 Predicament. 4. Competency. "The sufficiency of my merit is -to know 'that my merit is ,nut sufliciant." Augustine.. 5. Litigation. Classified Aatsi. using iPtiyi.! Advertise in ine uany Newa! NOTICE , Tlie Dailv News wishes to Hrnw attention to the rule 1 that classified and transient advertising is payable :in advance at the office at time of presenting copy for advertising. Those desiring to advertise in this manner in the Daily News are asked t3 assist the office and respect this rule by refraining from telephoning classified advertising. XM AS PHOTOS Order Early Chandler & Cowgill For Appointments PHONE DAY: GREEN .389 NITE: BLACK 615 216 4th Street NOW AVAILABLE XOOK FOR THE JMEW RED AND ; WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL i nnw Hoi I yvvood Cafe Newest and Most Up-To-Date Cafe in Prince Rupe'rt Open from 5:30 p.m. to 5:30 a.m. ' t I I I I 18 I Is I ii I 1 ; MrFT 'Vl , . Tlw Cnrr MtlWw rjH iM- ' 9 x mi W i.jflf 1 1 .1 a gazed .after her .in silence, for neveral seuonds. Then he sighed and, wi6h the utmost chivalry and sincerity ,he said: "Dat be truly w.unnerful, sir. J do like to see ii wouman ciat she's got a bit of a twiteb to duh flank." The situation at Stewart , is healthier than .what it was made to appear last summer following cjosing dovn of the Premier mine. According to those living there .anyone wanting work, can find it. Even there's been some small business increase. After ,all ,once a spot has driven its roots, frail though they may be, .it's not so easy to kill It utterly. While there 'cannot be said to be growth there seems to be such a thing as .indefinite lingering and to be one of the community is not so uncomfortable. ... .' ; -Yesterday's the paper said chairman of the United States llouoe of .Representatives coin-1 raittee on .un-American activi- WRATH ALL'S PHOTO FINISHING Developing, Printing Enlareini QUICK SERVICE Amateur and Professional Supplies Plumbing or Heating Call SMITH & ELKINS Phone 171 Box 274 NEW LUXURY STEAMER PRINCE GEORGE SAILS FOR VANCOUVER AND INTERMEDIATE PORTS EACH THURSDAY at 11 :15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT For Reservations Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT -OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. ilS I IB We specialize in Chinese Dishes : SUET Electric I I ' M I I I ' 1 I I u' if' Ml - M - 4 ! i r hl r i i ! ' . r: i 1 " r no, dear, I haven't any pennies!" . LATEST IMPROVED QUALITY MODELS We are pleased to announce to our customers that we .have received a small shipment ; of electric ranges. ONLY A FEW ARE AVAILABLE- While they 'last, immediate delivery is guaranteed. fi The Northern B.C. Power Co. Thorn Sheet Metal LIMITED CLEAN YOUR REPAIR YOUR INSTAL A NEW FURNACE Phone 209 .0 U1VUTED AND Make in rt.j . ... o.. 4 mi.i Another F3ICE ""st Are. FAWCETT DEALER Black 884 B A IP T ONE "AVVN PlK-lr 0A ZLZ WHITE TIBET GOLD IVORY POWDER BLUE PEACH PAMPAS CREAM All Building Trade's rates to rise, effective in this area. January 1st, 1949. In these days of rocketing prices, every dollar saved is of growing importance to the property owner. Those of ,our fellow citizens, who plan repairs, alterations to homes or business premises before spring, can effect a saving of ap-t proximately 20 by having their work done BEFORE Janu- ary i, 1849. ' This' notice is posted in the Interest of all concerned " as a . public service but our company would be pleased to offerjf advice and suggestions to anyone directly interested. .Estimates of course, are free. ! Hoping to be of servioe to you, we remain Yours respectfully, NORTHWEST CONSTRUCTION LTD. : Phone 5G3 (268) The Wonder Wall Paint I w 1 .11 fflOMPSOH HARDWARE CO. LTD. I - V "v - Sf- , ....C r CM xjjjj. DAlLy NKyvB CIRCULATION HOUN