TPtinct nuprrt Paiip ritwt Lio. Thursday, August 19, 1243 aboratoritiS" afe (Sraof Procter & mm From ft fldav Tip' 'I Etavelutiont are m ...youVe never used anyfng f7ce if! TIDE is a truly amazing discovery that brings'you a wonderful new "V." C .,. ; y ' -if"-. . . 3 kind of washday! Born of new knowledge gained in wartime research, Tide does what's never been done before washes clothes cleaner than any soap, yet leaves colors brighter! The first time you try Tide, you'll know it's a brand-new product! Oceans of suds low up instantly, even in hardest water! Those wonder suds hoi different . . . they even feel different! ONLY ffilS&B DOES ALL FOUR! GUAff&NTEfi Procter ft Gambit tmrmntm that Tide tl do eretythlnj ciatmw far It la tbU adTenlwm.nt. If too arc not com plctty nri.flMl,r.turK the anuwd portion of your psckaiic to dealer, aAd the purciuuc erica will pt tU tuJad. 2. Actually brightens cole . Washes clothes cleaner! Yes, cleaner than .any soap madci Ercryfn'ngcomescleaner with Tide-even greasy overalls and heavily soiled work shirts! Tide not only leaves clothes free from ordinary dirt, but actually removes dingy soap film as well! No soap in the world can get Tide is not only safe for dainty; washable colors; but actually brightens soap-dulled, faded-looking colors. Brightness perks up almost like magic as Tide makes dulling soap film disappear! You can fee the, difference! your whole wash as clean as Tide! i ,. w-i am mr m r a mm lammm ircv f b js .m y-v. I I I If fill c- !4 3. Hever' "yellows" white things! Tide can't turn them yellow, no matter how often they're washed or how long they're stored. Tide-washed clothes A Tli mniol Produ6 UIU x V '' Vi ''AVXi stay darriinft white, week after week! MADE IN CANADA W'l rrf ' T--, ftl n '?:J (fi yV 7n ' Kind-to-hands ruJs! Faster suiIh! . ' Vn -?f!r, ' .'-Lf-! irLw rY kuJs than any wwp I fL ' 'x yrVftiJi' ' i .i U'JU-Z""' 1 . "v . AV;gK rTJ hi hardest water! Tide cuts ftrcase A- , w i'7 vi,llM;,i-J- ir., 1 T sa7 fl like magic ... washes dishes cleaner rmmj ( j ! Uylr jL V 1 Cil' r-i3t VfV than any soap! No scum in the A,.... .. I 1X15 rA V f-o ' water! No cloudy film! That's why - I I'ffrM " 1 1 dishes and glasses rinse and dry ff T; '. ' rfjt-U:l hSt TV sV i "fe"aVt -oy PrHm cear-even without l. ( ) "i I wing! ( ; I 'f jr ; ( WMgk EG I'.tV.WBI'AI I A 1 M -W.W f aafc "T lll.lall I r A 1. J J. ..f Jl I JTTWTTVU - - - - --