J "rr-' prfrtre ttntsfrt Daflp lUctos Friday, January 9, 1948 Local News Items LOCAL COUPLE WED QUIETLY A quiet wpddine ceremony, JT MADE A ''X mm! 1 V EAT UP ALL f I THERE NEVER WAS AN ) I COMPENSATION BOARD DOCTORS -i mt tMWij V EXTRA AUNT 1 ', solemnized at 9 o'clock Wed The Quality Tea , nesday evening, united rrince E'TO VISIT HERE nnarina Ann Brown, oi Ladies and Gentlemen See j Valhalla met ting tonight, 8 our new spring; suit samples. Tip j p.m. All members plea.se attend. Top Tailors, 206 Fourth Street.; (lti I Major Lahiff, who has been in Rupert, to Charles Arnold Lakey, also of this city. Rev. R. A. Wil- , A medical panel or the provincial Workmrtrs compensation n Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Black and Terrace since last summer, re- child, accompanied by Mrs. j turned to the city a few days Black's mother, Mrs. McBaiiv aao. Since the arrival of winter, First United Church The bride Jan uary 21, according to worrt wore a gown of floor-length , ceivtd by lhe Prince Rupert Trades and Labor Council Which sailed on the Prince Rupert last night on a trip to Vancouver. affairs In Terrace have become rather quiet and there Is no lack of snow. J. S. Kinross of Fernic, father Mrs. A. R. Holtby sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for was Mrs. Fannie Jackson of Ha.clton, who wore a floor-length gown of blue satin. J. R. Grant of Prince tupert was groomsman, Mr. and Mrs. Lakey will reside In the city. Vancouver where she will make of Mrs. W. R. Kennedy, is ex- ORANGE PEKOE met in regular monthly session Thursday niuht. The panel Will hold interviews at the Prince Rupert General Hospital and the Council was asked to notify persons interested in its arrival here. The council endorsed a brief .submitted by the Winnipeg Trades and Labor Council, seek pected to arrive today by air Irom Vancouver. Mr. Kinross is 85 years of age. W. M. Watts and A. S. Nicker- Wf Parian an extended visit with her granddaughters, Mrs. P. W. Martin. Mitchell & Currie started yesterday morning to enlarge and remodel the Little's News Agency building. 1 AIYANSH NATIVE COUNCIL ELECTED Reuben Mutiroe ha.s been elected chief councillor of the son returned to the city on last night's traii from Smithers where they spent a couple of days on business. ing amendments to the Unemployment Insurance Act. The brief will be presented to th ! as roast. Dr. R. M. Lane, director of the Prince Rupert Health Unit, sailed last night on the Prince Ru- G. C. Walker who left here for the United States early last sum- federal government by Percy j Bengough. Canadian Trades and i mm pert on a trip to Vancouver and mer. is living at Santa Monica, Victoria. California, aid expects to re main Hofi Itirinf i it i t o it TTa Viae Sports Jackets Checks, Tweeds and Wool SLACKS Labor Congress president, Reading of !.e minutes of the Vancouver Trades and Labor Council resulted in a lively discussion of the rising living cost in relation to wage increases recently granted workers. . Col. Parker, who has been in , C4C 7T , 'S deal of motor been do.ng a good charge of the local office of m efferent parts of War Assets Corporation for the travelling Naas River village of Aiyan.sh for the year 1S48, according to advice received at the office of the Indian Aent here. Councillors are Frank Tait, Hubert McMillan, Roy Azak, H.?nry McMillan and Abel Derrick, with Pager Mercer as secretary and Christcpher Clayton as chief i constable. I Modern Etiquette Hy HOBEKTA LEE SHIPS and last several months, left on the j the c"ntry Prince Rupert last night, companied by Mrs. Parker, Calgary, to which city he been transferred ac-j Cadet John K. Kennedy, who for spent the holidays here with his has parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. J Kennedy, sailed by the Prince I Rupert last evening to resume The Waitresses' Union reported that it had signed a working agreement wii.li the Commodore Cafe, the first such agreement Plain Wools, ds L-hecks and riai Hotel. . . WATERFRONT Union steamer Cardena, Capt Ernest Sheppard, from Vancouver and waypolnts, is reported due in port at 11:30 tonight and will sail at 'midnight on her return south. his studies at the Royal Canadian Naval College at Royal Roads. Hagbert Hansen and Harold Helland, directors of the Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative, sailed on the Prince Rupert last night on a business trip to Vancouver. to be signed wiih any restaurant in Prince Rupert. The Pile Drivers' and the Car penters' Union reported having .recently amended their agreements with several employers, under which wage adjustments arrival Prince Itupert DAVID MILNE PASSES AWAY Pavid Milne, former halibut fisherman and for more than 20 "Brother" Moody, pioneer bar- were made in a inenauy atmas- i Q. It a Komau acquaintance' sneaks of hi" hu.sband iwhom you do not know i as "Tom,'' should you also refer to him as "Tom"? A. No. You .should refer to him a.s "Mr. N: 1 sjii ."' I Q. Should ihe family of an honored speaki r sit in the audience and noisier applau e for what he is savins? A. It is (iKte all right for them to look pleased and happy over what he Is ayins, but their applause shm'.rt he soft and brief. Q W'liii' al-ould' a woman .luesl l-ave i',f r wraps when at-trndiiii: a lai'K" dinner? A. A woman's raps are usually l-rt at the door. Q Is it important that a maids room be both comfortable and attractive? A. Yes i ber and the man who bought a ' corner of Second Avenue and nhere. Other unions reported that negotiations In this line also were unrti.r way.1 Sixth Street at the first sale.'jears a resident of Prince Ru- C. Waters, Vancouver; G. B. Jones, Vancouver; P. S. Bonney, Vancouver; E. L. Milton, Vancouver; Jack Alton, Vancouver: Bert Dinsmore, Vancouver; C E. Orheim, Vancouver; Bruce Thompson. Vancouver; Jack By- ' has been heard from indirectly, pert, died last night in the He is living in Minnesota and. Prince RuDert General Hospital Union steamer Cajssiar, Capt. Alf Asplnall, arrived In port at 2:30 this afternoon from Van-ouver via the south end of the Queen Charlotte Islands and will sail at midnight for Massett Inlet poinU whence she will return here Sunday on her return "south over the same route. PLAID J ACQUETS For Sportswear HOUSECOATS All-Wool, in Colors and Plaids Full Line of Nylon Hose with Pencil Seam ANNETTE mansell UPSTAIRS IN STONE BUILDING A letter was received from the Vancouver Trades and Labor ( aithough weu beyond 80 and un-; at the age of 63. For many years council giving information re able to see well, continues io smce his retirement from the sea he had been employed as a take a lively, interest in Prince Rupert. He sends regards to all old friends. beverage dispensr in local hotels. yarding trade-, and employee! who will be employed by the Columbia Cellulose plant at Watson Island. He was born at Newhaven, Scotland, and has no relatives In Canada. ford, Vancouver; Doug Grant Vancouver; Major F. C. Pace Vancouver; Jack Green, Vancouver; James Moses, Vancouver; Trevor Shaw, Vancouver. D. K. MacKay, Vancouver; W MacDonald, Vancouver; G. E. Smith. Victoria; A. Genyiuk, Massett; C. Aberg, Massett; C. Salter, Vancouver; C. J. Long, William Weis? and Eric Speers have been named by Junior Chamber of Commerce President i A. P. Crawley as delegates to the February meeting of the senior I Chamber of Commerce at the Sam Snldal Is sailing tonight on the Cassiar for a business trip to Massett. Mr. and Mrs. EjI Bridden, following a visit to the city, are sailing by the Cassiar tonight on their return to hteir home at Massett. AIR PASSENGERS From Vancouver "Thursday) D. Johnscn. G. Newbury. Tortured By sinus pmi V... mmm ..4 ...lot. -.I.f Edmonton; S. T. New, Vancou Mrs. John McKerhnie is sailing tonh'ht on the Cardena for a trip to Vancouver. . . monthly meeting of the junior H. Ormbrak of Massett, who group last night. Maurice Bryd- has been visiting with his wife, ges represented the senior Cham- ils her at last night's meeting. ....... ,..,... ...... irom painmi distress wtt:n VltKS by the Cassiar tonight on his Guests included Ian Dunbar of vickTva-tXl return to the Queen Charlotte Prince Rupert and the Vancou- 'jt works right Islands. ver Arrows basketball team. where misery is! lUmL frmmid,'U;iriv YATRONOl SPECIAL OFFER Regular $1.40 Now only 99c This offer jrood only until Jan. 31, 1!MS ver. Constable Da'e-Johnson, Mas-trtt; Mrs. J. C Preston and daughter, Ket-hikan; William , Gibson, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Van Rhyn. Carlisle; H. Bloom-f'eld. Emonton; William S. Gibson. Toronto: J. T. Sweet. Van-( uver: Geors." Newbauer, Queen Charlotte Citv. FINED FOR SUPPLYING In city police court Norman Lafrnmboi.se was lined $50 plus $3 50 costs after he pleaded guilty to a charge of supplying an Indian. He was fined an additional $10 and $3.25 costs on a ; charge of drunkenness. PYREX BOWL SET rtnwU iIihI yiu (n uhi- !'t mhng, I,.ili"n nLil'- rnnit. Ih-sijjntd ir liuiiil r t in till- Ix-Mtilltf. V-it lo-(irtlnr In 'UJrii sjime. A ct uf time BATTERIES Fresh stock always on hand for Radios Flashlights Hearing Aids, etc. RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC PHONE 644 BOX 132 Miltrlilr M., Plump 311 i LONDON i The Carlton Hotel, situated in Pall Mall, has I been taken over by the govern-I ment but th? grill room and bars will remain open to the public. I.. ft- More Heat More Economy with DUO-THERM AIR CONDITION Fl'RNACES Attractive, Streamlined, Oil Burnin( I nits Easily Installed in Limited Spar ASK US ABOUT THEM V7, lull Mht llllc YIEWSIEY. Middlesex. Eng.. 9 The building of a prefabricated shop in the High Street has been banned because it would not be in keeping with the "character of the street." SHENTON'S SHEET METAL WORKS 3rd Ave. East Agents for McClary Furnaces Phone 3) m i: i s nut ai i. iti:M nti.MF.NTS in tiii'uv Supplies Cniisiill us for your needs in all types of printing work. Everything in high-class stationery. Card;, for every occasion. Fountain Pens. DIBB PRINTING COMPANY Announcements All ntlvprtlspmpTiTs in thlf column will he rlmrurd for n lull month nt 25 cent word. USE THIRD AVENUE HESNF.lt BLOCK U. F. A.W.U. Whist, Cribbage. Dance, Refreshments, Oddfellows' Hall, Friday, January 9 and 23. -JM ML m I Bulklev Vallev Card Party, Catholic School; try ! . Hall, January 15, 8 p.m. Booth P.T.A. Jan. 21. Home-cooked dinner from 6 to GREER & BRIDDEN BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS COAL AND SAVE It's here! New Fleischmann's Roya! Fast Rising Dry Yeast, the modern granule form that' always there when you want it. No need to keep it in the icebox New Fleischmann's Royal Fast Rising Dry Yeast stays fresh in the cupboard for weeks ready at any time for speedy action. Just dissolve according to directions on the package. IF YOU BAKE AT HOME you'll be amazed at its fast rising action delighted at the delectable flavor, finer texture it gives to breads. Order a month's supply of New Fleischmann's Royal Fast Rising Dry Yeast today. At your grocer's (331 0. 60c. Bosun Inn. Repairs Construction Alterations OR T.O. Box 721 Phone RKD 561 Get 25 More Heat From A Ton of Coal Your dealer can supply you BULKLEY VALIEY COLLIERIES FOR KITCHENWARES ARE A SPECIALTY WITH US Margaret McLeod Optometrist LIMITED Telkwa, B.C. Janitors' Supplies See PRINCE RUPERT taw fcgs" at Metal Bread Boxes, Kitchen Garbage Cans, Stainless Steel Cutlery, Measuring Spoons and Cups, Beaters, Cleaning Vr VI i ft TRY 7 1 MAwSONb r v : I it" $ Reupholstering Repairing Our Specialties TRICK AND AITO CrSJIIONS REPAIRED AND RECOVERED New I'pliolstery Materials LOVIN'S BLl'E 81 H 330 SECOND AVENUE (Next to CFPR) Prompt Attention tiiven to Outside Orders ASK ABOUT CREDIT TERMS. I Jewellers SUPPLY HOUSE Pads, Napkin Rings, Sifters, Chair Pads, Shelf Paper AND A HOST OF OTHER ITEMS Phone 632 712 2nd Ave. 522 Third Ave. Phone Green 324 for SUMMIT ICE CREAM FOR YOUR TARTY It is Good, FRESH MADE and Delicious VALENTIN DAIRY rhone 657 tf) Agents for: IWSTHANE CO. OF RC. S. C. JOHNSON WAX l u. ! ii wnnn AM) CO. IJKOniK IIHIISH CO., etc. Red 400 , 518 Third West 3-