3. Prince Pupctt Dailg 0cto Tuesday, March 22, 1940 Local News Items . . . AIR PASSENGERS To Vancouver Miss C. V. McGrath, J. Wilson, H. Men-zies, Mrs. 1. Bridgeman, Dr. L Gretne. Is 'Masset' Not 'Massett' ATTENTION MOTORISTS HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert' Mrs. D. Johnson and family To Sandspit R. Coburn, S. Shimborski, J. Maksymyshym, Extra miles is time wasted on Mr. and Mrs. B. Skalmerud sailed this aflcrntjon on the Catala on a trip to Vancouver. highway driving, pick up your needs at your Imperial Station on the highway entrance, Midland Pines. (69 iifilUilUuulliiuililiiillilli STEP OUT IN A The Graham Island town which has been spelled generally, and incorrectly, as Mas-sett, hereafter will be officially known as Masset by the Post Office, in order to eliminate" confusion with another British Columbia town. C. P. Balagno is returning to the city on the Princess Norah tomorrow from a trip to Van H. M. Daggett, L. W. Lefler, R. Nicholson, N. Tarbuck, N. Bu-choltz. From Vancouver G. F. M. Dygert, O. J. Moscrip, Dr. L. Greene, R. B. Boulton, K. Liv Vancouver; MLss M. McMillan, Vancouver; A. Fzatt, Port Edward; E. S. Bailey, Vancouver; H. M. Verstigen, Vancouver; E. N. Bolton, Port Essington; D. H. OK: f Dimension & Finish Lumber Plywood and Wallboard p Sash and Door Cement, Plaster, Brick T & McCAFFERY LTD. Jcrylhing for the Builder" noruicrn iiems were vcrv couver, Victoria and Seattle. Crockett, Whonnock; D- Candow, ingstone, K. Reid. Mark Gormely, district forester colorful over Prince Rupert last evening. The time was between eight and ten o'clock. and newest new member of the club, will be the speaker tomor William : Cruickshank, district row at the weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Gyro Club. -lie 1 passenger agent, Canadian Na From Sandspit Mr. and Mrs Willman, Mr. and Mrs. P. Turner, G. Besseson, Mr. Richardson and child. MONDAY To Vancouver C. H. Orme To Sandspit A. S. Ward, L. Bucholtz, Miss E. Beaven, Miss E. Vancouver; R. Nicholson. Vancouver. W. N. Tarbuck, Vancouver; T. B. Walte, Vancouver; Mrs. R. Pongs, Masset. Mr. and Mrs. P. -Turner, Queen Charlotte City; O. J. Moscrip, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. E. Yeltatze and son, Masset; S. i Simpson, Masset. tional Railways, who has been will discuss the, work of his de PHONE 116 -Actually, the Masset spelling is correct but it has generally been disregarded by custom in favor of the double-T ending for many years. Recently, however, the post office ruled that the correct spelling should be used in order to end confusion with the southern town of Merritt, which it often resembles when written in longhand. partment and also give some facts and figures regarding th? on a trip to Winnipeg on official business, is returning to the city on the Prince Rupert tomorrow by way of Vancouver. industry in this area. FLANNEL THIS SPRING O To complete your wardrobe for spring and summer, may .broadcast In which Mr. Mclan- .OTEMS con participated last night was Sheppard, R. P. Smith, Mr. Hen-nessy. SATURDAY From Vancouver T. Rysstad, Mayor Nora Arnold has made the first time in Video history PICTURES 111 APRIL that totem poles were used as a subject for a telecast. S. Bradley, J. McKay. BJECT Jciaudc Melan- Skinny men, women gain 5,10,15 lbs. Get New PepVim, Vigor From Sandspit-Miss N. Dawes Mr. Mclancon, assistant clir- Radio Dial 1240 Kilocycles CFPR 'ector of Public Relations of the i well Known TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY such satisfactory progress following her operation a week ago In the Prince Rupert General Hospital that she was able to leave the institution for her home today. She plans to leave Thursday night on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver to receive further treatment and complete her recuperation. '..'. niri author.1 Canadian National Railways, Bookings fur Coming Month Announced by Manager J. II. Black (Subject to Change) FOR SALE Kitchen cabinet What a tbrtili Pony limtw fill out; ufly bollown All up oetk no lougrr srrswriy; bofly hww hslf-Ptarved. sickly " bean-pole" look. Thounitntls ol tl'rl, omeu. men. win never oould R&iu before, mrm now nruufl of fmrnueiv. ne<ti-V-tuuhiittf dvmD?- and buffet. Phone ureen baa (73) we suggest a Flannel 'Suit in medium grey. Picture bookings at the Capitol Theatre from now until the end of April are announced by Man TSirv ti'Mik tliftwecial vmor-buildinii. riesh-builtiing tonic, iwtrcx. ltd ttiiuw, t(sinlaDt", invigorators, lro, vitamiB ki, calcium, rnnrh bl(fi. lmprov aDUrt'.te anrl dieestiou so f(Hnt sive you umt nrpiiKth bfl iHnirwhmciit; put flKh on bare dodw. Jxtn't lesr Kettmic l' 1T. Stip wIipu you've galnert tur h. U(. Ifi or &i HtM. you dcpi! lor normal wpfeht- 'fmii lit tie. w "Kft rjiiiimtecl" mze only HW. "Iry IftiriMuB iwippx Tome Tablew ftr new vtitor Ad uimi tfMWi'i. Uu very Uay. At ail drutt-sw. ..dumber of Brit-! Montreal, will be guest star on u, polos on the the Robert Lewis Show from 3:30 "f television pro-! to 4 o'clock this afternoon and American Broad- discuss Skeena River and other m's Video Net- Canadian totem pole areas. This Hi-id States last interview will be broadcast over interviewed on more than 200 associated and uuU's on another ! affiliated stations of the Col-r.Kwork this af- umbia Broadcasting System in w York. The the United States. 3:00 Ethel and Albert. 3:15 What's New 3 :30 Divertimento 3:45 BBC News 3:55 U.N. Comty. HOW CAN I ? ? By ANNE ASHLEY ager J. H. Black. Here they are:" March 22 and 23 -"Duel in the Sun" with Gregory Peck and Jennifer Jones. March 24, 25 and 26 "I Remember Mama," Irene Dunne and Philip Dome. Q. How can I make an acid Made up in a double breasted model with hand picked edges . . . Lasting appear- for the manicure? . Chandler & Cowgill PORTRAIT STUDIO Film Finishing Enlarging Flash Photos Taken at Home Phone Green 389 216 4th St. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. A. By putting one teaspoon TUESDAY P.M. 4:15 Stock Quotations and Int. 4:30 Children's Program 4:45 Easy Listening 5:00 The Looseleaf 5:30 Whatcha Know, Joe. 6:00 Supper Serenade 6:15 Dinah Shore 6:30 Musical Varieties 6:45 Smoke Rings 7:00 CBC Newo 7:15 CBC Roundup 7:3(JLeicester Square to Broadway 8:00 Music by Eric Wild 8:30 Record Album 9:00 Points of View 9:15 Recital Time . 9:30 Heritage of Music 10:00 CBC News 10:10 CBC News 10:15 Les Way . March 27, 28 and 29 "Bride Goes Wild," June Allyson and Van Johnson; "Temptation Har ol lemon juice into a cup of warm water. This will remove QUITS USING LAXATIVE PILLS Itaps regular aw with famous cereal t constipation a serioua trouble with you? Then read thia unaolicitd etter: ance ('Stains from the fingers and nails, 'and will also loosen the cuticle. Tailored . Perfect bor," Robert Newton and Simone Simone. March 30 and 31, April 1 end Q. How can I remove the Comfort Taste. 2 "Paleface," Bob Hope and Jane Russell. string from beans? A. Every bit of string from the string beans can be removed i wort pet tnaerUun, minimum chn?. iO. Birth Hokum; if TbanM. Ueath Notices, Funeral Notice. lUrrUg T and EnRaitenient Announcement: f4. SPECIAL DISPLAY. DOUBLE PRICE tig U payable In advance. Please refrain from telephoning. Deluxe Delivery Phone 383 Prompt and Efficient Service AFTER 6 P.M. CALL I was sick with constipation. 1 reached the point where no sort of pill helped. Then April 3. 4 and 5 "To the Ends of the Earth," Dick Powell FOR SALE and Signe Hasso. April 6 and 7 "Call Northside FOR SALE Boat "Alto." $3,000 if after thoroughly washing they are plunged Into boiling water for five minutes and then drained. Q. How can I make perforations in home-made paper Anything Anytime my mother taut I should try KELLOGG'S i ALL-BRAN. So I began eatint Black 419 " 285 " 892 777," James Stewart and Richard will taKe a nrst class troiier. Phone Blue 981. t69 Anywhere Conte. ! ALL-BRAN i April 8 and 9-"River Lady," FOR SALE New and Used Furniture, Hardware and Office Yvonne DcCarlo and Dan Dur- Fixtures. Slizhtlv Used Art! jf THANKS "tofextend sincere 1 -appreciation for . and svmpa-ott'itilul floral of-i jias.ses from our ntiB tendered during ot our beloved -r Special thanks 4 to Father Ray-,;t r L W. Kerfiin acii'sits and sym- f V.ernug, apt Chambcrland. A. This can be easily done cles Chesterfield Bed, Wood Opposite Health Unit . AHHE'S by running the patterns through the sewing machine, without v . , . - every day. It I j ard to believe, but I am regular now!" . Mrs. Lucien Kelly, 8 Dcslauria Street, Quebec. j You, too, may forget you ever had eonstipation due to lack Of bulli. in -the diet. Simply eat an ounc f KELLOGG'S ALL-BRAN daily and drink plenty of watr. ALL-BltAN is not a purgative but a 10:30 Palace Hotel Orch. 10:55 Interlude 11:00 Weather and Sign Off WEDNESDAY A.M. 7:00 Musical Clock 7:45 Singing Sam 8.00 CBC News 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 Music for Moderns j 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News and Comty yea. April 10, 11 and 12 "Key Largo," .Humphrey Bogart and Laur-een Bacall. April 13 and 14 "Beloved Enemy," Brian Aherne and Merle using thread. Home-Made Candy ami Fresh Roasted Nuts and Coal and Oil Ranges, Electric Heaters, Corner Enamel Wash Basins, Office Chairs. Folding Chairs. New Articles-Floor Coven apt, Toasters, Cups and Saucers, Axminster Rugs 50 less than regular price, 52-plece Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, etc. All at the lowest prices. Call at the B.C. Furniture Co. FOR SALE 1941 Dodge Station Wagon. 452 8th East. " (70) Obcron; "Wedding Night," Gary "CM NOTICE Cooper and Ralph Bellamy. You saw it In the News! Announcements All adrnttaennuee title column will be charged for lull month tin ma vura 1 wholesome regulating cereal. Eat a I cereal or in muffins for constipation relief. If after using a package I you are not completely satisfied, get i i 1 1 i i. J W Eastwood,' 9:15 Morning Devotion 9:30 Morning Concert April 15 and 16 "Life With Father," Irene Dunne and William Powell. 1 Street, Prince Ku-io announce tue 9:59 Time Signal ? ol tneir ouiy uouoiv yuur muney uat u.j , teed on the package. Get delicious ALL-BRAN from your grocer to day. Made by Kellogg ' af Low Owtario. ure Is ibelle to FOK bale- uuukc qcuu, April '17 - -Behind Locked, lu:u0Elleri Harris 111 ttltui J. For ... SATISFACTION Make Bob Parker's Uptown Service Station your lubricating headquarters. Just Call 791 we will gladly pick up your car and return it promptly. tvans, 22)i West Vancouver. ii.V. I FOR SALE Single bed. bunga- MJ i wu uint- iJiai.t: i, Kj,p Km.ne B ack B81. loin tt.iia1.' April 14 at 1 f it P. ooiuim-inn pr-r CAT IT 1 Q4R Mnnnrcrt fio- Rebekah Fashion Show, Mar. 23, Oddfellows' Hall. , Presbyterian Tea, Church Hall March 24. Card Party, Catholic School Hall, 8 p.m., March 24. , Prince Rupert Symphony Orchestra concert in support of Prince Rupert Film Council, March 25. (70 ...ii, ii1..i..,v..iw.. lull. JJAJ Ueore E. Send- . clan. Apply 99 Taxi. (701 .nt. ' a I -. . , Commodore Cafe COMPLETELY RENOVATED "Better Than Ever" vnn RAT.F. 1941 b acK juuick Doors." Lucille Bremer and;l0;15 Morning Me J odics Richard Carlson; "Strange Mrs. ! i0:3u Roundup Time Crane," Marjorle Lord and Rob-1 iO;45Scandinavian Melodie ert Shayne. ' 11:00 Musical Varieties April 13, 19 -and 20 "Johnny n:i5Songs of Yesterday Belinda," Jane Wyman and' Lew n:30 Weather Forecast Ayres. j 11:31 Messaz P0,,,ni April 21, 22 and 23 "Mr. n:33 Recorded Interlude Blandings Builds His Dream H;45 Famous Voices Houic," Cary Grant and Myrna p.m. Loyi . 1 12:00 Mid-Day Melodies April 24 "Joe Palooka in 12:15 CBC News Fighting Mad," Joe Kirkwood; j 12:25 Program Resume "T.nnrt nf the Lawless." Johnny 12:30 B.C. Farm Broadcast sedan, 40,000 miles. Can be seen at Lonji Motors or at 1051 Herman Place. . (73 1 Service Hours: Weekdays 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. Sundays 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Navy Dance, Friday, March 25. tNTS WANTED reliable man to iRii Products In n and surrouna-l No experience start. Write today. 1 -nt. W. G., C-inniiK's. Man. ? (II) FOR SALE Furnished large 4 Wartime House. First Overlook. Phone Blue 954. (70! BOB PARKER'S Navy Drill Hall. Commencing March- 28 two TOR KENl UPTOWN SERVICE STATION to TTnlvorsltv Home Fur- FOR RENT Comlortable, Bed-1, . . ...-,, Afternoon and PHONE 791 12:55 Recorded Interlude Second and McBrirte room for lady witn micnou' - ,. . privileges if required. Close in evening sessions. Register Civic -El V WANTED muum Company- Mack Brown. April 25, 26 and 27 "Three Godfathers," John Wayne. April 28, 29 and 30 "Julia Wo-roasi ilislriou-1 IMPORTED TOYS opposite Boroeu ot. dcuuui. centre. tX 8,r inqUtr (U I Operetta. Borucn St. School 1 at Civlc Centre, March 31 and FOR RENT - Furnished 1:00 Concert Hour 1:30 Bemie Bradeu Tells 'a Story 1 : 45 Commentary My Mother 2:00 B.C. School Bdct. 2:30 Musical Program 2:45 Don Messer's Islanderr Best Food and Service in City Phone VI for Send-Out Orders Third Ave. David Chow, Mgr. Misbehaves," Greer Garson ana Walter Pidgeon. .room apartment, oui noiucu - Lutheran tea and sale of home Street. TO DELIGHT THE KIDDIES 0 NEW O DIFFERENT NOVEL Daily News Classified Ads get WANTED t'incal Proiluct.s, bales HcprcsviiU-i iu.,irict. w , com-0i complete int'or-ply to Box 497 Jk (73) i ESTATE ays 4 room War-He eoniplcie with PER tvne ml ln;il -r Quick Results) I WANTED TO RENT 3 bedroom house urgently required by Navy man and family. Write, or call Chief P.O. Pelan, H.M. C.S Chatham. M cooking, April 2, at Mrs. Soiland, 130 5 th Avenue West. Women of the Moose spring tea. April 7, at Mrs. J. P. Mol-ler's, 124 Fourth Avenue East. Orange Spring Sale, April 13, 2 to 5 p.m., Oddfellows' Hall. Sprinjf Powered Boats, Cars, Planes, Waddling Ducks, Peeking Hens and Butterflies Reasonably Priced .these are some oi , the Imported Toys on display at bendix Wasner. , payauie as rent. . WANTED Interested in purchasing preen clinker built rowboat under Co-op gear - ,1 ntnaco Pnrtlie nannies well built 2 Apr. 14, Borden St. P.T.A. Sale 'wni.se on English n iviciiricio on 7tn Blue 148 if willing to sell. (73) and Tea. uAM-rirn nr a rititm Suite. Queen wpietelv liirnisheil -mm Mary l.aD.E. Tea, Spring Sale, vouiiR married couple, quiet, April 18. furnished. J Jcfferies. Red Presbvterlan 240. Suite 4. 028 Taylor Street! jj""" pajt ' move! Phone Bed 400 518 3rd Ave. W, Anglican Spring Sale, Satur- iiius copper pluinn-wnlerlui view, nice replace and is built f on 1st Overlook. toiuliUon. Posts RO avuiR natural hemut Win. Full price I ii lor a revenue a aniT can more will from rents. wAisrrvn Tri n.KNT . 3or 4 roomed house fully furnished -day April 23. Sale, with bath. Box 4ao uny News. 7UI Legion Auxiliary Spring April 27. Nourish Every Inch M Use Hold Down That DUST . WOiiK WANTEW- uny other houses LANDSCAPING, driveways and rrarflotlilKT riollfi. PllOUC OM St. Peters Y.P.A. Musical Show, "Spring Fantasy" Civic Centre, April 29. The United Church Spring (68) it I, "'inlatlor Limited (721 after 0. r-At) ntrxTT'tro iirnnfa Rill till fobs Tmi your dog GAINES nourish tvery inch! That means hepllh for him -more fun for 1 in city. Satisfaction Ruaran- Sale, May 5 teed. A. Jones, Box 4-J3. vauv C.CF. Spring Sale, May 7, Sons ! Fnr (iAlPhh is kennel- ;'wr Room House, 'fied, 2 lots, good wit basement, Rlass-W(s. Armstrong (69) News. Genuine Dustbanc and Dustbane Products Paper Towels Brooms Mops Soap Wax Rags and all good JANITOR SUPPLIES Sold to Industry in Prince Rupert at Vancouver Prices t . "f - f ,t.. 1 : none 342. (73 of Norway Hall. Eastern Star Tea, May 19, Mrs. L. W. Kergin. WANTED Housework with one year old child. Margaret HI 1- t- Residential and . yard, 2003 Seal . Cove uireie. vour P.O. Sub. No. 1. J U: ailrl l-i, M it :..;n. H.M.CS. Halda Chapter I.O.D. E. Tea, May 21. Sonja Ladies Tea May 28. ? until Vou buikl ' '-UN Y Sro" 1, trued dog meal biologically proved to be nutritionally compU-te for every breed. You'll save money! GAINES cosls less to feed than any oilier lype of .og food. It' all food. Some oilier types contain 10 moisture. Why pay for italer? Bqy nourishment ! Buy GAINES ! A 3 lb. b, ntijUs from 10 to 12 lbs. of reudyto-eat hod. jEasy to feed Just add water (soup, milk or gravy). For variety try GAINES KRL'N-CBIGN, which is GAINES Meal compressed into crunchy bile-size pellets. in rasp, owner nnc-ies. Phone FOUND JHhS Keys .,J, . ... L , By may nave same Dy cauum and the Daily News ouieu payliiR for this ad (tf) PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE in tot: supreme court op british columbia in probate In the Matter of the "Administration Act" . ' i.. i. M.nipr of the Kstate ot Karl PEItSONAL Phone 632 P.O. Box 772 712 Second Ave. , f(!ni Wartime WMinable. 1425 Pi'-' L (70) Biln?0',1 lranecliatelv, g nealow. basement, ; un . located on 9th rmValhalla "all. fph bPe Armstrons He'll 9-1 9 uri5hme u (tarl) Julian Osoterlunrt. IK-t-eaeil. Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Honor JudKe Pulton, dated the PERSONAL DRUG SUNDKip . (rubber Roods) twelve samples for 50c postpaid in plain sealed wrapper, catolopue included. General Novelty Co., Dept. 'PH', 71 Major St., Tor-unto, Ont. 79) P1SHSONAL The Acme Cloth -inn Store. We announce Uie im lv ."""nlshcd 4 17th day of March, 194, I was -poinU-d Administrator of the Katato of the late Karl (Carl) Jouan Outer-lund, formerly of Terrace, British Columbia, who died ou or about the Mill I ii, ' nou, 00$ nist dav of October. aii per L : " " 2"d Over- Sfl, mside and I ,ntnr. All "nU1,,7nJ"rttCT S1' Redj872 c(a7 Ladies' 1 Corvd'm B ur bury Uas Wu claims aa. forward the them a.d WAN TED M rLlCATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED I OR THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS FOtt 1949: CAMP MANAGERS , BOAT CHEWS ONE SKUTEtt. J. CLAUSEN & SON RUPERT MARINE REALTY un estate are. required to (71) Coats, sizes 14 to 20. vl.Ub ' t mn mi or before April sum, ivyj. ate nTrcciv AirTNin unrl Altera- properly verified, and all persons in- Complat Meal for ALL Dogs n,ierUU tteei. lions. Plione Blue 413. (73) . debted to the Bald caUte are "quired I Xty pay uj me vuw tuouwn rlr.htr.rliip.sa forthwith, METAL WOrtK WHEREVER DOG FOODS ARE SOLD 2 lb. S lb. AND 25 lb. IA6S , A floduct f Goirtdl FoodJ -datp tthe modern Wnliuue National t Nation"? anufac- Box 248 PLUMBING Installations and Repairs. SHEET METAL WORK. Tar and Gravel Roof 0-IB8 DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C. this 18th day of March. A D. 1049. GOIUX3N FEASKR FORBES Official Administrator . Prince Rupert, B.C. . ' (71) ing. Letourneau as tsons. pf Sixth West. Phone 543. (tf) (tf )