Prince Rupert Daily News I 5. What is a word beginning 1 ;with bl that means -prof ant"? Modern Etiquette Slftrl Wednesday. April 19, 1950 Ray Reflects ... . . - and Reminisce Sanitarian's Report Prince Rupert Cleaner Now and opportunity. Both are beckoning. An Independent daily newspaper dpvotpd to the upbuilding of Prince Rupprt and northern rind rentral British Columbia Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prinee Rupert, British Columbia O. A. HUNTER. Managing Editor. H. O. PERRY. Managing Director Nfember of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Daily Newspaper Association SUBSCRIPTION RATES By Carrier, rf r Week, :0c; Per $8 00; By Mail, Per Month 50c; "All ."ity property has been Inspected and found to be in fair condition," fays the monthly sanitation report of the public health unit. "Since the return of ga-bage collection to normal schedules, lanes and private property contain less litter. However there Is still a certain amount of indescrim-inate dumping of garbage in vacant lots in the city. This policy helps to encourage rat infestation. The Health Department deplores this irresponsible action of certain sections of the communlty and requests the co- operation of all householders In helping to keep down to a mln imum the number of rodents. "The new sewer by-law has helped 'In the cleanup program and a Rood response has been received from 'householders In connecting up u rth the city The British Budget BRITISH Chai'cellor of the Exchequer Sir Stafford Ci-ipps adheivs resolutely and realistically to the austerity line. His budget yesterday offered little new in the way of surprises pleasant or ' otherwise. 0ie commentator last night aptly put it as a document of "sober optimism" in view of the announcement that the program of austerity was commencing to bear definite fruit in the way of better international fiscal standing. The people M ere, however, warned. that austerity must continue if inflation and unemployment are to be avoided. On first consideration, the moderate sounding budget would appear to offer little for the Opposition to attack. The trades unionists may have something to say about the continued policy of holding the line on wages. Even the beer tax is to be unrelieved but the patient Briton will have something of a sop in the jUiia-casing of the strength of beer to help him bear 6ut under his continued sorrows and sacrifices. sewer lines. I and I came late," "The new clause to the milk: 2- What is the correct pro-by-law "has been put into effect nunclation of "combatant"? Answers - Say, "Other besides Dick and me cpjie late." 2 Pro 1 nounce kom-bat-ant, accent on first syllable, not the second 3 Resuscitate. 4. Great in number or extort. "We were confronted hw Tr.nltitml'M...... details." 5. It Pays lo Aaverse! It's business wise to advertise. v. SAVES SPACII GIANT CAPACITY I fASUV CTAlt OPERATM ON IS 0 tO CYClf I McBrlde St. Phone 311 I DAY OR NIGHT Oil Burner Service ? If our oil burner does not Rive perfect service call CORDON KONSON The NEW phone number BLACK 503. Gordon D. Ronson Oil Burner Specialist All work Is backed by an unconditional guarantee 733 5th West Black 503 Herp a,. 1 1 snoe r proot faT M' Dres, 0XFJ styles n Special From Men's DRESS 1ESS ,J sizes. Reg. $7.50 Now Ynnnr u - ture PANTS-ReJ Mw'' Cabardin, made in England a lng. Now Boys' Cabaril- Three shades, ph zippers, real barga From Pointing & Q . -'Cah-SPENCE X u Phone Blue 515-3 PRODUCT for Wolls, Woodworl I end FumM Thompson H Co.tti MoTinn, Parkint Shlpplnt n4 (j Cirta-f and Si Complete Reliable lent Service, also Canadian Liquid .'. for Oxygen. Atj welding supplies. Lindsay's Ca Storage Lint Cor. 2nd and Pa: Est 1910 Thou- and all -restaurants have co - operated to the best of their ability. "Two new eating and drink - Ing permits were issued during the month. "A routln trip was paid to the Terrace district accompanied by the Medial Health Officer who received an introduction to the sanitary problems affecting the -community. Much satisfactory work Is being accomplished." the report siy s. During the month the mil!: from all milk producers in the Smithers-Hazelton area has been regularly tested and found generally satisfactory. A certain amount of trouble has arisen regarding the supply for Smith- ers. This, it is thought, will bl SALE! TT1E U.S. PROTEST J ,, Saiin-R J - ' 1 Q if a Kill hub been corres- ' ponding with a ntimber of youns men. and becomes engaged to be married, should she stop the cor- . respondence? a. ies, me gin snouid stop thic pfirrpsnnrwipni1? imtriorltntalu gagement. . Q. What Is the proper thing to I say when two persons separate : alter an introduction? ' A. "Good-by. Mrs. Wilson," is sufficient. Try, to avoid the trite I phrase, "Pleased to have met i you." Q. May one ever lay a piece of bn-ad on the tabie to butter it? A. Bread must be broken into -mall pieces which are held be- ,ween tne fibers Vhlle. being buttered. Better English 1 What is wrong with this sentence? ' Others beside Dick j 3. Which one of these words is t misspelled? Resurgence, resusi- i 1 tate, resurrect. ! 4. What does the word "mult It-i udinous" mean? j : rectified by the Installation of j better cooling system. One dairy in Hazelton was closed due to Insanitary condi tlons. A number of camps were In speeted Including one at Burns Lake during the month all rec- commended Improvements ar? I being carried out. Routine Inspections of res 1 taurants. bakeries, stores, etc were carried out and apart from one cafe which has now been brought into line, were found to be generally satisfactory. SALE ! 303 Third Ave. W. wimL I! This is said to be a first cla.3 travel year should one's -fancy turn toward the British Isles or Europe. The pith of the situation appears to be that you can live well and see more for less money. That's saying a lot in a few words and so easy to remember, i Construction of what -will, be an eleven story apartment block started last week in Juneau, capital city of Alaska. ' Juneau, as a townsite, is cramped and narrow, and not to be compared with Prince Rupert. But be it 1 remembered that only a few years ago, Juneau local enter-l prise built Alaska's finest hotel, ' said to have paid for Itself already. And now, up with an eleven floor structure that will provide more than' a hundred housing units. And Junenti nearly 500 miles from the nearest railway. Four thousand years ago Moses said to the people: "FU-k up your shovels, load tip your camels, mount your asses and ride with me to the promised land." Tour thousand years later John L. Lewis said to the people, "Throw down yolir shovels, sit on your donkeys, nn'i light up a camel. This ts the promised land." If anyone eoiild recall the money spent on the Acrdpolis. since the beginning of Trine? Rupert, the total might be surprising. True, the view from th? ball park, so called, has its un-: doubted value and charm. Ge.-ting there, by motor, is, of course, all right. But thousands ; do not have a car, nor can they often patronize a taxi. It a.l amounts to this: people do not like hill climbing. Had the city playground beca packed somewhere down cn he level, to ba eventually surrounded by residential districts and convenient ly reached, use of the area In all likelihood, would have meant far less cost -and effort, and '.certainly more popularity. Three of Canada's most important military base on ?ier ! Atlantic coast, all in Newfound-; land, are controlled by the United States. It could not hav; ! been thought cf a generation ago. But today, when anything is done for protection, it is as much for the defence of-fwj nations, as it is for one. That's only common sense. If Improves the flavour II of SOUP Simply mix a pinch of Col-man's mustard with a little cold water, let it stand for a few moments, then mix with . soup before serving. You can Uisle the improvement! For free recipe book, "Culinary Art", write to Reckirt . Colman (Canada) Ltd, Station T, Montreal. Dwhat is termed the "unprovoked" shooting down EMANDING action against those responsible for of an American patrol plane over the Baltic Sea far "6'tit from Russian territorial waters, that indemni-Ttfi! be paid for the ten lives lost and that there be guarantees against further such violations of international law, the United States has stepped out rather far in its solemn protest to Soviet Russia over the incident. Russia has already honored the airmen concerned by presenting them with medals It is unlikely that even the United States protest will now i-IH'ompt the Soviet to turn-about on this action. SALE! Hundred of young families arc growing up in Prince Rupert. Parents are young and so are friends and associates. For that I matter, as cities go. Prince Rupert is also youthful compared ' with sorr.e centres. M.iny of the new, fresh faces will take on the stamp of multiplying years, 'as people grow with a com-l niunity and the far off town, once so strange-and unfamiliar, j slowly becomes home. One can i-do worse than settle in Prince Rupert. Here are elements of development as well as health & mm rn an r wmm. I 1171 i (MADE FT0M 180 WHOLE WHEAT) . . . here's whole wheat in its most popular form! You need all the goodness, all the nourishment of whole wheat "m your diet! It contains riltl iood elements. And NABISCO iHREDDED VI HEAT it m4t from 100 uhole trbemt! Tomorrow, scree fresh, golden NABISCO SHREDDED MEAT with MILK and brown sugar. You'll love it! APRIL 21 & 22 Infants' Unde rweor- Gowns, Rompers Children's Sweaters, Overalls, Shoes Boys' 6 - 10 years, Pants, Underwear There is little reason anything at all in response to the protest. And, if Month, 73c; rer Teat. Per Year $5.00. to believe that Russia' will put aside, cr on any day the green; nothing but a he Stork Shop she does not, what will be the United States' next move? Even this will probably not bring about a shooting war. It is more likely to prove another loss for our side in the cold war. Blue 810 For the Besr in RADIO REPAIRS- "THEY'RE IKISTIMEX FIKST iAh P NEWSPAPERS p.v- speculating on what vJ.O.may happen if ?cme day in Washington John Hearne, ambassador for the Irish Republic, tiould bump into Sir Basil Brooke, Premier ot - Northeast Ulster. .,.,, Something to make Irishmen smile. For the Watch Repairs SEE GEORGE COOK. JEWELLER Kox 1188 YouH be Satisfied 52? 3rd Ate WE PICK UP AND DELIVER 48 HR. SERVICE-HONE BLUE M RADIO 2nd West 718 Ave. KEN'S th is that, their politics PLANNING YOUR HOLIDAYS ? : (Drmes Drua Include a certified used car from Bob Parker's in your holiday schemes. Come in or phone for free demonstration. the Pioneer Drugs j I PRESCRIPTION 5M , 1 'jll .11 I1SL1 UIXMTl:HrW.R Daily Delivery Service Phone 81 ' ' ' ' r' ! " ' !l , , imt St. Patrick's or the anniversary of the BoynP. the Irish, North and South, they get on together famoufly. Even in the old bittt r "Home Tiule days the personal friendships of the Nationalists and the men from the North seldom were disturbed. "When T. P O'Connor was threatened with a libel suit which might have ruinod him fin; ncially it "was Sir Ed ward Carson, then at the height of his legal i an.f:, who offered to take his case without fees. It wts tfie same Carson, then rn old man, Mho Vhook the hand of Kevin Higgirs. erstwhile reVl, and said to him: "You and I have fne thing in common; wf both love Ireland". And it was "Lord Craigavon, Ulster's first Premier, who, when John Redmond died, spoke of hir.: the finest of all tributes: "A greaf Irishman is dead; God rest his pouV . And so outside cf Parliament. Leslie (cous'n of Winston Churchiil) tells how when Carson, at the height of the bitter battles over Home 'T!ule, visited a remote part of Northern Ireland.- the local Ancient Order of Hibernians loanod th-; .Orangernen their band "so that the place be not let down in welcoming a great Irishman'". That is the Irish way. Rival factions of then might riot in Eclfast, aid heads be broken, and jany v nut or bolt be hurled outside Harland and Wolfe's ard, or in trc Fa 'Is Road division; 'brt 3iaven help the unfortunate Sassenach who tried ntTinterfere with the fun. So if Tiearne should run into Brooke there will RUPERT CEMENT PRODUCTS LIMITED Ready-Mix Concrete Delivered to fhe Job When You Buy t 1 ; te ml 1 mi YOU BUY THE H Bttycht .... $41.95 o incycies Joycycles PRICES: include Darex (he fifth lneredient in Concrete Four Sacks Cement to Yard $.16.01 per yard Five Sacks Cement to Yard n.5fl per yard S I x Sacks Cement to Yard $18.95 per yard No Orders Accepted for less than two yards EQUIPMENT FOR RENT: Two wiieeled rubber tyred concrete buggies 6bc per day Seven cubic feet capacity Single wheeled concrete barrows 50c per flay t ORDERS TO BE IN ONE DAY PRIOR TO DELIVERY Phones: Office 60; Plant 564 & l JJm If ondispioy he. noihing like wigs on friendly chat between two Irishmen who understand -riiings that those who don't know Ireland or the "XXS-ish can never quite get through 'their Tieads. Ottawa Journal an M wvif vi 12 one ox. Biscuits in Every Box