" Indian Pilot Jrfnrc Rupert Datl? rectos Friday, October 1, 1948 s Crazy IT PA YS' TO ROLL YOUR OWN WTH L ke Fox Bill Veeok Helpinf CleTeland haartfteda: 9o bar woird per Insertion, minimum chars. Wo. Birth Ifotloa: Wo; Cards Of Thanks, Decth Notices, Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements: 2. SPECIAL DISPLAY. DOUBLE PRICE ;ittMlfld Advertising Is payable in advance. Please refrain from telephoning. Cigarette Tobacco FOR RENT W I ill . :iH v - f ; 16 " . V- - v. t ' , . -1 ' LOUIS GETS TROPHY FROM defeated and un-retiied heavyweight boxing champion Joe Louis is pictuiea receiving irom ADe J. uieene, prtsiucni, oi inc National Boxing Association, a trophy for his outstanding sports manship during his boxing career. The presentation was made at the annual Boxing Association convention at Philadelphia. S JOB SALE FOR SALE Two-oven McClary Chef Junior range, complete with canopy, in good condition;- Ideal for camp or res- taurant. Price $200. Apply P.O. Box 219 Prince Ruper;. (232) TOR SALE New and Used Fur-hiture, Hardware and Office ' Fixtures. High grade quality slightly-used Chesterfield Suite; Bedroom Suites; Tri-- lights; Electric Lamps; Oil-Burner Kitchen Stoves; Electric Carpet Swtepers; Kitchen ' Sets; Circulating Heaters; Rifles, highest quality; Underwood Typewriter, perfect condition; New British India RUgS. Everything at the lowest frricea. B. C. FURNITURE C. Blacto 324. (tf) FOR SALE 4 -piece bedroom sult; chesterfield and chair; ; large size dining room suite (8-piece); little used "Easy" washer; 10-tube G.E. cabinet radio; small kitchen range; heater; kitchen table and chairs, etc. This furniture Is in good condition. May be seen at Suite 5, Wallace Block, afternoons and evenings. (232) . FOR SALE 6 room house, solid foundation, just painted, In excellent Condition. Best location at 216 4th East. Price $3700 cash. Phone- Red 154. (234) FOR SALE 1940 Ford 1-ton Truck with 1946 100 h.p. mo- - -tor. Al shape. See this for real value. Arriving Central Hotel Oct. 1. A. G. McCpnkey. (234) j - ... . FOR SALE Pre-war Chrysler, Good condition. Apply Royal ' Bank. - (231) FOR SALE Oil range wick burner, duo therm oil heater oil contract included. 309 2nd Ave. Blue 787. (231) FOR SALE Leroy cook stove, good condition. $15.00. Green 438. (231) FOR SALE Double bed with BRIGHT VIRGINI CRUCIAL BALL GAME NOW ON Cleveland Indians and Detroit Tigers Are r:a:ng Today NEW YORK, W Detroit Tigers once again stand in the way of Cleveland's bid for the first American League championship since 1920. The Indians, who lead the runner-up Boston Red Sox and New York Yankees by one and a half games, are clashing with the Tigers in the opener of a three-game seriei at Cleveland today. A Victory for Cleveland would assure the Indians of at least1 a tie lor the league crown. William Hanldge, president of the Amprlcan t pamm tt.il yesterday that the pennant battle must be settled by Sunday regardless of whether any contender has a postponed game left unplayed. Harrtdse said that the League constitution provides that any postponements which cannot be played before the regular season ends must be written off. Ml IVfi .Irnora Blades! Greater comfort, plut eonomy Irtot't th rWdown on Minora. IVi ttto quoltty blodo bt tho low-prico field. nrs reun oouBif-toce iazoi MILD, SWEET, Hotel.. A . mvais Prince Rupert J. M. Bennett, Vancouvef ; Or- vll Holum, Ketchikan; O. Brahman, Edmonton; Mr. and Mrs. D. Main, Sunnyslde; E. Smelt- zer, Ketchikan; G. E. Glass, Edmonton; Mr. and Mrs. Bayne, Prince George; Howard Moore, Ketchikan: Mr. and Mrs. J. Howell, Wrangsll; Merle Esker,' Artona, California; Mrs. K. McNeil, Montreal; J. W. Bryant, Alice Arm. Mr.-and Mrs. G. Leoply, Swift Current, Sask.; Major J. M. S Sprake, Fort Richardson, Alaska; W. D. Wllliscroft, Terrace: Mr. and Mrs. H. Smart, Swift Current, Sask.; N. P. Steacy, Vancouver; W. H. Francks, Vancouver; W. Brown, Ocean Falls; F. Drew, Vancouver; Mr.j and Mrs. 3. Clark, Vancouver;! A. Harvey, Ocean Falls; J. S.) Kingston. Vancouver; D. E.i Solanik, Vancouver; F. C. Duff, Vancouver; ,D. G. Stenstrom, Vancouver; A. J. Brandstrom, Seattle; N. A. Faugner, Ocean Falls; Mr. and Mrs. R. Weaver. Ocean Falls; B. Dysnrt, Nelson; A. H. Kelly, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Barry, Vancouver; C. E. Hopper, Victoria; 4. O. Graham, Vancouver; H F. Olds, Vancouver. Train Schedule fn the Eas vtonaay, Wednesday, Frlday- im From the Easl t Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday-10:49 p.m WRATOALL'S PIIOTO FINISHING Develonlne. printlnr - Enlarrine, QUICK SERVICE Amateur and Professional Supplies iC'fi4 1; -: K.lJm,-. . . . V'. 4 . v.. . 6 w ... .. .T-- "T to American Leaftte Pennant By George Forster Canadian Press Staff Writer Now that Cleveland Indians are sprinting for the American League pennant, Bossman Bill Veeck Is getting a bit more res Dect. Some people who used to think he was Just plain crazv, now think he's crazy like a fox A lot of them though Veeck was stark and staring when he i-helled out a reported $100,000 for Pitcher Sam Zoldak. But if the Indians win the flag it would not be far-fetched to say that they could not have done so without Zoldak. A PITCH IN TIME Zoldak first pitched for Cleve land in late June and beat the Yankees 5-2. Since Sam put on a Cleveland unJf0J.m ne nag won eight games and lost six, a .571 percentage. During the same period Bob Lemon and Bob Feller show 10-7., .588 each and Oene Bearden shows 9-6, .600. j Zoldak gar - Manager Lou Baudreau a pitching staff which remains workable despite Lou's habit of tossing a dozen or more hurlers Into a contest. CLOUTING CATCHER j Another vital factor In the Indians' flag hunt was the sur-1 prise hitting this year of Catch-, jim Kenan. I Over the stretch he collected doubles, two triples and a home safeties, Including nine runs for a torrid .361 average. ' Unless Its Hegan himself," there Isn't a nul in th iihttim ' expects him to continue that' pace but the opinion Is eouallv unanimous that his recently-! acquired, flat-footed stance is going to make him a far more dangerous threat at the plate In the years ahead. Football Players Thieves' Victims MONTREAL Montreal Alou-ette fpatball players are mourning the loss of $600. In clothes and $37 in cash. While the were playing in Ottawa, their rooms in Montreal were being plundered. Baseball Scores American League Washington 3, Boston 7. New York , Philadelphia St. Louis S, Detroit 7. National League Cincinnati 0, Chicago 1. Pltstburgh 1-1, St. Louis -4. MEN!!! HAVE YOU SEEN THE NEW Commuter Boot ALL-RUBBER OVERSHOE AT OQOViUVJOOD'S (247) NOTICE!' We are taking orders lor TUXEDOS again. Made-to-Measure or tailored In our shop. LING - TAILOR Movinc, Packing Crating, Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable ana - Efficient Service, call Lindsay' Cartage & Storage Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established Phones M and M - cable spring and lovely spring T ' filled mattress, as new. $35.00. 1 FOR RENT Two room Apartment and single sleeping foom. Apply 221 Fifth East. (231) FOR RENT Flat In Rand Block. Apply Max Hellbroner, Jeweler. (tf) FOR RENT Fully furnished front room for lady. Close in. Home privileges and use of kitchen. Apply to Box 403 Daily News. (tt FOR RENT Housekeeping room. 801 Borden Street, (tf) HELP WANTED WANTED Girl or woman to do yght housework and look after four year old boy from 0 till 5 weekdays. Blue 128 after 6. (231) MAIDS WANTED tor Kitchen and Ward work. Salary" to start $81.00 per month less $30,000 per month mainten ance: Uniforms provided. Ap-j piy vu jvicuicai Duperiiiienaeiiv, Miller Bay Indian Hospital, Prince Rupert, B.C. (236) SALMON CANNERY owner located on C.N.R. line near Prince Rupert, requires services of young woman to assist wife in looking after three children under school age and with light household duties. From middle October to end April; will live In modern home in Vancouver, where other help employed, balance! of year on Skeena River. Girl will be well treated and paid good Wages with time off and annual holiday with pay and all transportation provided. In return, must be healthy, clean, between 20 and 40, fond of children and capable taking j charge of them when heces- sary, and be able to supply best of references. Perman-i ent position commencing early October. Write full details to A. E. Macmlllan, Caspaoo PO., B.C. (MWF) WANTED WANTED Puppy for little boy. Green 296. (234) WANTED Car Datterles, car radiators, brp.ss and copper; paying good prices. See B.C. FURNITURE CO.. Black 324 WANTED TO RENT 3 room unfurnished modern suite or 3 or 4 room modern house. Phone 300. (233) WANTED TO RENT 2 or 3-room furnished cuite, centrally located. Apply Box 404 Daily News. (232) PERSUMAL PERSONAL Why Cook Supper? Take home Fish and Chips from the Terminal Lunch fflr 40c and ..save money. (tf)' PERSONAL See Mr. Hicks agan iabout the Afghans. At the Fraser House. . (232) PERSONAL Lewis's fresh-killed boiling chicken. Phone Black 949. (238) ...... ffTT.T m rr n Re safp finarrt , vnnr Vina lh Hygienic supplies (rubber k gooasj mauea in strong en- velopes. Absolute secrecy without embarrassment. First- class merchandise. Price $1.00 per dozen, mailed one hour after receiving order. The Greb Trading Co., Dept. 202, 1275 Queen St. West, Toronto, Opt. (256) RANJE 5. COAST DISTRICT Land Recording District of Prince Rupert TAKE NOTICE that Columbia Cel-luloBe Co. Ltd. of Vancouver, occupation manufacturers of Cellulose Products, Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands, for the purpose of use In the manufacture of Cellulose Products, and situate on the South shore of the Skeena River between the mouth of the Scotia River and McLean's Island. Com mencing at a post planted at the Southwest Corner of Lot 3931, Range 5 Coast District, thence 8outh 45 degrees West, 8 chains, thence South 65 degrees West, 6 chains, fcherwe Northerly, Westerly and Northwest erly, 1UUUW1115 iiia water line chains, thence North 04 degrees Ehst, 68 chains, thence South 4 degrees ncoi, to ennuis w puiiib ui cum - mencement and containing 160 acre3 more or less. COLUMBIA CELLULOSE CO. LTD. E. R. Barr, Agent. Dated September 24, 1948. TRY A CLASSIFIED . AD ! Watch the Ciassmed Acl A PERFECT fi.OOO OUT OF 6,000 Out to win the Canadian open Sporting Rifle title in 1949 is Mrs. Roselle Coe, Edmonton, Alberta, mother. She's the third woman in Canada to score a perfect 6,000 out of 6,000 to win the Dominion Marksmen's Expert Shield. BOXING ASSOCIATION Un i VjJJ i jm yS .r 36 Obviously pondering this de velopment, the motorist con tinued on slowly, turning off on First Street, circling the block and returning to the scene of the mishap.' Apparently he concluded that the trestle had deliberately and maliciously moved itself into th? path of his car and that trestles in general should be taught a lesson. Bystanders, thinking that he had merely returned -to assess the amount of damage, were sur prised to see him pull over to the side of the street and run his vehicle head-on into another I " ' k" 14 taill U 1 1 1 1 L Y uic uuvcr uatKea nis car. swum :. . ' B into the traffic and departed cP-"- Lt, 'apparently satisfied. Ton saw w in tne Daily News! Classified Advertising Pays! pnoiNE 654 ?5c Per Dozen Paid For. Empties This advertisement 1R Tint. niihllahAri rtr llsplayed by theLlquorContro) Board or by the Government of British Columbia. When Your Car Acts Like Something Out of a Rodeo . . . dont let it throw you! Bring it to use well check it and condition It until It handles like , a well-trained Phone Green 800. (233) FOR SALE 1946 Chevrolet Fleetmaster sedan, two-tone finish; good rubber, In good condition. White Box 69, Smithers, B.C. (236) FOR' SALE Pullets, ready to lay. New Hamps., from government - Inspected stock R.O.P."s. $2.00 each. Leroy's - Ranch, Kitwanga, B.C. (236) Machinery run sale TO 1 SAW better lumber more economically use the modern : and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills . msnufac- ; tared by National Machinery s Company Limited, Vancouver, ' B. ' ' 1 (tf) METAL WORK in 1 v 1 Here's J your m enjot 1 SI "re Onen tt I nrday a" and H TuescU) " Phone CITY DRIVER WINS BATTLE WITH TRESTLE A city motorist, who perhaps, felt that Prince Rupert's streets are hazardous enough without adding artificial obstacles lo driving, actively expressed him- j self Thursday afternoon in a manner' that could be termed, at least, quaint. j As his vehicle proceeded east along Third Avenue, near the Daily News building, the right' front ..fender clipped a tempor- ary trestle protecting a trench 1Mb IffaTtkiv IJML which workmen were digging to guarding the westerly side of the; locate a buried water pipe. The trench, ft leaned over drunken-trestle crashed to the street ly, almost falling into the ex-with considerable clatter and a'cavation. chromium rim of thp car's 1 Thpn PLUMBING Installations and Repair. SHEET METAI ;?WMIK. Tar and Gravel. Bool-" tog. Letourneau & Sons, 628 Blxth West. Phone 543. (tf) 4 t t TENDERS TENDERS will be received untt: midnight, Saturday, October 2. .1648. by E. A. Evans, Box 943. city, for the purchase of cabir. tfuiser "Rainbow No. I.' , 33x9x4 V2 ft., 15 Vivian. Th highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Terms cash. Boat at Yacht Club Monday to Friday. Phone Black 618. (2321 'For the gifts you'll give With pride Let your Jeweller be your guide.' For more than a quarter of a century the people of Prince Rupert have shopped at Bulger's. There have been many changes but In all that time people have been able to depend on the quality of Bulger's merchandise. Bulger's have always been very anxious to have tneir customers well satisfied. This year Bulger's have been fortunate in having had a large stock on hand In many lines before prices advanced. People will find prices reasonable. . NOTK'E OF APILICATIOX FOK i CONSENT TO TRANSFER " OF BEER LICENSE " NOTICE 18 HEREBY given that on the 18th -day of October A D 1948. ,. ;. .. the undersigned Intends to apply to . the Liquor Cotitrol Board for consent to transfer of Beer License No. 7979 " " uv.auu6u mc iuimuiu .... . . . couecuon 01 wood, ana smash- L inriT(,a wu t,u TI 1 V..JU1H.U, LOST LOST Between Broadway and Jones News Stand, black wal let. Finder please leave at Dally News. (233) IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA 1 IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRATION ACT AND IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MIKE KACHMAR, OTHERWISE KNOWN AS MIKE CACZMAR, DECEASED, INTESTATE TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Honour Judge W. O. Fulton, Local Judge of the Supreme Court of British Columbia, I was on "the 20th day of September. 1948. appointed Administrator of the Estate of Mike Kachmar, or Mike Caczmar, late of Prince Rupert, British Columbia, who died on the 29th day of August. 1948. at Prince Rupert. British Columbia. All persons indebted to the said estate are required to piy the amount of their indebtedness to me forthwith and all persons having claims against the said Estate nr required 10 me mem witn me prop- erly verified on or before the 30tn flay of October, 1948. failing which distribution will be mafie having regard only to such claims of which I shall have been notified. DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C. thin i8th day 'of September, A D. 1!)48 JAMES TEETZEL HARVEY, Barrister and Solicitor, Prince Rupert, B.C. (242) Issued In respect of premises, belli,? part of the premises known s the Commercial Hotel situate at the corner of First Avenue and Eelghth Street, In the City of Prince Ruperi. province of British Columbia, upon the land descrjjjed as Lots Thirteen (IS) and Fourteen (14) in Block Rlne (9) Section One (1), Map 923, ttinoe Rupert Land Registration TMstrtct, from Panko Mlchalcmk of Prince Rupert, to Harold Wlllard Helgenen of Prince Rupert, the Transferee. DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C., this IBth day of September A D. 1948. HAROLD WILLARD HELOERSOM. (244) One of the oldest flowers in cultivation is the pansy which belongs to the violet family.