Miss Phyllis Batt of the local) 3 IPtfnce tlupcrt Daflp tfJeto Friday, October 1, 1948 PRESBYTERIAN Local News It ems . TBIP Indian agency office returned to the city on the Coquitlam this morning from a trip to Skldegate. Dr. Polley, well known Juneau dentist, was a passenger aboard the Princess Louise yes-' terday returning to the Alaska CITY COUPLE WED QUIETLY ROTARY BACKS MALE CHORUS Prince Rupert Rotray Club decided Thursday to resuma sponsorship of the male chorus SUL-BRICK SIDING S.O.N, meeting, Friday, 8:00. ; (231) i Mr. and Mrs. William Leask of Metlakatla sailed last night on the Prince George for a trip to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Christ-off sailed last nieht. nn capital. which was born last spring when Moose whist drive and dance every Saturday night, 8:30. (232) Major R. Lahiff has returned to the city after being out of town for the past few months on guard duty la connection with the salmon fisheries. G. W. Nickerson sailed last night on the Prince George for Vancouver where he will attend the forthcoming wedding of Miss Mary McMillan and Frank Boreham and son Jack arrived in the city on Wednes- TEA ENJOYED Fine weather and a good attendance made the tea sponsored by the First Presbyteri?. Church Ladles Aid held Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. John McLeod, Border Street, one of the most successful in years. 1 j Receiving the guests were Mrs. McLeod and Mrs. C. G. Ham, Ladies' Aid president and general convener of the function. Presiding at the urns were Mrs. Robert Cameron and. Mrs. M. McLeod, while Mrs. Neil McLean, Mrs. W. S. Noble and Mrs d beautiful exterior wall siding that re-Lst on paint and fuel savings. This color-Ler resistant, durable and Inexpensive. Prince Gebrge for a trio to Van. the club presented a minstrel show at the Civic Centre. The club accepted sponsorship and granted $125 for the purchase of music for the musical group. Chairman of the chorus is C. H. Lock and C. P. Balagno is musical director. couver and Vancouver Island. Jmplete stocn oi or piouucia. uay irom Vancouver and are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Lambie, Fourth Avenue East. R. D. Cleland left today by Miss Shirley Forrester Becomes Bride of Karl Hart A quiet wedding uniting a Prince , Rupert couple was solemnized Saturday evening at the Manse of First Baptist Church when Shirley Louise Forrester was joined in marriage to Karl Hart by Rev. Fred Antrobus. A few friends witnessed the rite. For tne ceremony, tne orlde wore an afternoon dress of claret color and carried a bou phone us today Meeting of Job's Daughter! Friday, Oct. 1, at 8 p.m. General business, Silver March and Jack Carson. Fur Coats of distinction for 1 & McCAFFERY LTD. air for Vancouver where he will attend an executive meeting of the British Columbia Teachers' Federation. He will return to the city Monday. social. (231) George Ross sailed lash nitrhf 1BER - BUILDING SUPPLIES George McCllntock, resident auditor for the Unemployment Insurance Commission, returned last night from Smithers Sydney Elklns acted as servi- PHONE 116 discriminating women see them at Fowlie & Ruttle, 3rd. Avenue. Muskrat $295.00, Squirrel $350.00, Persian. Lamb $295.00. (tf) quet of yellow talisman roses teurs. In charge of the kitchen were on the Prince George for Vancouver where he will take delivery of a new car for his taxi business. BADMINTON MEETING! A meeting for the formation of thi Come to Bazaar at Catholic School Hall Wed. and Thurs., October 6 and 7. Afternoon Tea, where he spent several weeks Her attendant was Mrs. Joseph on business. Former Governor George Home Cooking, other attrac Mrs. W. W, Bowes, Mrs. Neil Macdonald and Mrs. Dan Krist-ma'nson. The home cooking table was under direction of Naylor Jr. Gromsman was Obern Sep-tav. A small group of friends at Parks of Alaska was a passen 1 tions. Afternoon and Evening. (236) Hocai ger aboard the Prircess Louise id in vmc centre Adult Badminton Club will be held nr s,,r,.. yesterday returning to his" home in Juneau after a trip to Yel Mrs. Thomas McMeekln and Mrs. H. C. Halllday. tended a reception which followed the ceremony at the home Mrs. John Bremner was October 3, at 2 p.m. All adult members welcome to attend. (It) of Mrs. Joseph Naylor jr, 425 lowstone Park where he paid a visit with a brother. Mrs. William Cruickshank and Mrs. A. R. Nichols sailed last night on the Prince George for Vancouver where they will attend the forthcoming wedding cashier. - 1 Sixth Avenue East. The room was decorated with pink and ATTENTION LEGION AND The Hat white streamers with pink tap W.A. MEMBERS ONLY. "Foot of Miss Mary McMillan and John Carson. ers and fall flowers atlornlng Men are demanding and get kely to have MANY ATTEND HER FUNERAL ball Benefit Social Evening," Legion Hall, Fri- 0 the bride's table. ' Toast to the bride was pro ting more color In their shoes. H. Green, agent at Juneau of arlav. Oct. 1 8 n m. "Brinz jtr tne puQiit fcding to one MRS. BLACK HEAD LITTLE THEATRE play and Musical Review To be Presented Soon Burgundy Is one of the new - - - - (fk-i-ma , iwvour missus" or "Bring posed by Mr. Naylor, with response by the groom. Numerous the Alaska Steamship Co. and the Northland Transportation litional lines shades that Is popular. With this desire for more variety in Husband." (231) Many friends, particularly from Sii? your Part of Is iom Japanese telegrams from relatives and Co, was a passenger aboard the the village of Port Simpson and friends in Ontario were read. and Mrs. Thomas Wallace Mr rnncess Louise yesterday re- knufacturers. b wUl be in At the second meetine of the1 Ttte couple lett baturday sailed last night on the Prince turning to the Alaska capital MAN the Prinre Rnnprt. T.it.tip Thpatro night on a honeymoon trip to George for Vancouver after after a trip to Seattle. y toys and, ers are hav- color men are also asking for shoes that are definitely on the rugged side which Indicates that while men are becoming more style-conscious they are also Interested In walking comfort. having sDent the summer at held In the Civic Centre on . Vancouver. They will take up der some of Wednesday, the election of of fi- residence in ranee Kupert, pprs rpsiiit.pri n fniinus- wnere Mr. Hart is on tne stall In the case the Ameri- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ritchie sailed last night on the Prince George for a: trip to Vancouver. C. E. Salter, manager of the Canadian Fishing Co.'s Carlisle Cannery, sailed last night on Sunnyside cannery on . the Skeena River. Frank Dockrill of Telkwa, who went to Juneau as a delegate to the Associated Boards of Trade convention, expects ti lave reserved Men's hats are falling In line Kitkatla, gathered at the chapel of the B.C. Undertakers, Gren-ville Court, for the funeral of Mary Anderson, wife of Charles Anderson. Senior Major Qharles Warrender of the Salvation Army officiated and Capt. Earl Jarrett presided at the organ for the accompaniment of a hymn which was "Abide With Me' 'and a solo, "God Be With You Till We Meet Again," by Joe White. Following the service, inter Irrab. Due to of the Department of Transport. Mrs. Hart was formerly on the nursing staff of Prince Rupert General Hospital. For travelling the bride wort a gold-colored topcoat with fur President, Mrs. J. S. Black. Vice - President, Mel Skal-merud. Secretary, Miss Elspeth Mac-Kenzie. Treasurer, Mrs. Helen Mar- the Prince George for INTRODUCING A FEW NEW FALL STYLES by STETSON terican States- do!-ited with the lighter shades appearing In suits, sweaters, ties and socks. Some of the new off-color shades available In town are willow green, mint green, sage green, oak, brier, caribou and concord. among those trim. leave this evening, returning to his home in the interior. ' Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Stevenson Laurence Higgins, agent of be Canadian chlldon. . j The play "Hot Water" which is under the direction of W. D. English toys the Yukon Territorial government at Whitehorse, was a pas re numerous. Griffith, Is well, under way, also senger aboard the Princess ks with life TRY A CLAShX-IED AD1 Advertise n. the Dally News! sailed last night on the Prinqe George for Vancouver where Mr. Stevenson will attend a convention of the Western Can a musical review, both of which it is hoped will be presented to Louise yesterday returning to the north after a trip to Van 1 please the company Hi are arrivin? ment was ma'de in Fairvie-v Cemetery. Pallbearers, representing the Port Simpson Athletic Club, Young People's Educational Association (Port Simpson), and Kitkatla Excelsior the public near the end of couver and elsewhere in the ada hospital administrators as TURF CLUB A smart hat in full weight felt, snap brim with narrow binding. ' HORE CLUB Light weight casual hat with a narrow, ROTARY CLUB GREETS GUESTS Rotary Club President D. C. Stevenson welcomed s a v e n well as the annual meetings of south. He was accompanied by Kingdom as 320X8 Little Theatre meetings are the British Columbia Hospitals Mrs. Higgins. a skln-Uke held every Wednesday at the Club, were Davlrt Johnson T. Association. Aid. J. R. Morin .guests to the club's E. B. Harkness, Canadian Civic Centre. (3? f weekly WeUs A WellSi y Dudoward also left to attend the Hospitals luncheon meeting at the Broad National Railways industrial Association meeting. .e when tnelwaJ uursuaj uibernuon. agent for British Columbia, sailed on the Prince George last PESTS FOLLOW PLANTS CARD OF THANKS V. Wells, T. Ryan, H. Weslev C. Nelson, D. Campbell, F. Spence, William Gladstone, 1 Collison and Norman Lewis. nsldercd the When any plant is cultivated' THE "HfiHT II VlEMJr SIMEIS HMREWMEIQMC TRIUMPH night to return to Vancouver Mined dom- two-tone band,' snap brim with binding. CASUAL Over welt snap brim hat, full weight, practical, and correct for any occasion. .; Charles Anderson of Prince cn a large scale various dis now a very! Rupert and Mr. and Mrs. Joe There were many floral eases and inspect pests appear. "flulpment in ; White of Port Simpson desire after spending several days here after attending the Associated Boards of Trade convention at Juneau last week. One of. these included a visiting Rotarian, W. J. Alder, of Victoria,, who is In the city on business. Guests of members were Fred Duff, Vancouver; Phillip Allen, Vancouver; Alf Rtvett;C. F. P. Faulkner, New Westminster; John Berry, New Westminster and Mr. Booch-evcr, Juneau, Alaska. to express appreciation to many Types vary sper imp'.e- friends for expressions of synv CIVIC CENTRE AUDITORIUM rs with crank Mrs. Mary Anderson was 23 years of age and was born in Port Simpson. Her parents are Mr. and Mrs. Moses Alexcee and Mrs. Joseph White of Port Simpson Is a sister. patny ana acts oi Kinaness ex-1 Capt A M Martinusen is tended during their recent ber- leaving on tomorrow afternoon's Tuesday, Oct. 5, 8:30 p.m. are usually Reserved Seats $1.50 and $125 $7.50 to $16-50 eavement in the loss oi a loving piane f0f a trip to Vancouver. , (oar wife and sister. peratlon but P the lid in he cutting is Mrs. Charles Ellison, formerly Rush $1.00 Students 50c Tickets Ormes and Civic Centre VICKS VAPORU0 4 ow, however, itchen ranges Announcement All lortim't oi tnu column will be charged for full moDtb t as centa word Wear a Stetson of this ciay, sailed last night by the Prince George on her return to Vancouver, where she now resides, aftr a visit here with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lindsay Jr. ny diving for iey have the r sen that is on Presbyterian Tea September 30th, Mrs. J. MoL eod, 833 Borden Street. A firm has pine that fits pinboard iirid fci.Wa litt'e VENETIAN BLINDS ' Strongly made with steel' or . aluminum slats, in a variety of smart colors with liar-' monizing tapes. Ask to have our estimator call. Wa measure your windows and "instal the blinds. pine lifts th? ha and holds it. ' -Bridge Party, Civic Centre, October 1, 8 p.m. United Church Tea, October T, horn eof Mrs. Withers. 715 5th Ave. West. Lutheran Ladies' Tea and Sale of Home Cooking, October 9. Anglican Cathedral annual C o n g r e gatlonal Thanksgiving WENT EARLY TO WORK WHITEHAVEN,) Eng., W --Shifts at Halg Pits were moved ahead two hours after the National coal board said a Rugby League match between Whitehaven and Workington Tow would cause a loss of 3,000 tons of coal through absenteeism. Fnow. no one a p an estimate bobby pins the lose in a year f the number FOR YOUR 'CHICKEN IN THE ROUGH' CALL RED 705 CIVIC CENTRE DINING ROOM isterfields, car ninner, Monday, October 11. wts, the loss Aon? Available! the millions. f money and 1 pobably more Jwtlmes means Phone 311 McBride Street Moose Bazaar, Oct. 14-15. Evening entertainment. Queen .Mary I.OD.E. Bazaar, October 20. Sons of Norway and Sonla Fall Bazaar Oct. 22. Rebekah Bazaar, November 3. Piano Concert by Mr. Joseph vt i Tli U- - 4; v r 5 A pHy captured 'here Is a wavo A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. A Good Place to Buy and rubber-bobby pins the answer, on sale In besides keep- 1 t ... I Frankv. Presbyterian Church, Ormcs Drugs DRUGS November 3. Canadian Legion W.A. Bazaar, toe, they save November 10. Presbyterian Fall Bazaar, Nov. teeth enamel. 1 Piece wool 18. . SEE THE WONDER MOP at our store. It washes, drys and wrings without need of placing your hands in water and, no need for bending. Phone 775 327 Third Ave. PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS STORE HOURS WEEK-DAYS. 9 A.M. TO 9 SUNDAYS AND HOUDAY&-12 NOON O 2 PM., 7 P.M. TO 9 PM, LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL Hed to finri ladlra this sea- CHURCHILL GETS ROYAL GREETING Arriving at Antibes, France, for a vacation, Winston Churchill, Britain's wartime prime minister, Is greeted by the Duke of Windsor (left). Mrs. Churchill is In centre. It is reported that Churchill will come to the U.S. in December on a speaking engagement. P that is going s 's the suede 18 a variety of Emergency bicycle deliver from 7 pjn. till 9 p.m. and Sunday Dally car delivery service from 9 a m. till 0 p.m. Rer is almost GET READY e to find the ft shoes and Dance every Saturday night Oddfellows' Hall (233) Salvation Army Home League Sale, Nov. 23, 2:30 p.m., Sons of Norway Hall. Cambrai Chapter, I.O.D.E. Saie November 25th.' St. Andrew's Cathedral bazaai , November 27. Orange Ladies' Bazaar, December 1st. United Church Bazaar, December 2. CCF Bazaar, Sons of Norway ; Hall, December 4. j St, Peter's Fa Bazaar, December 9. PHONE ai Ncrtjit HEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Horn , 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold' Water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 291 P.O. Box 19$ GREER & BRIDDEN BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Repairs Construction Alterations Floor Sanding a Specialty . K Re- '0r admteolrm w Australian Fed to st.au e natural-born Ul,e recruit. P.O. Box 721 pn." Phone RED 561 ) MARINE REALTY Hollywood Cafe Cafe in Prince Rupert Newest and Most Up-To-Date Open from 5:30 p.m. to 3:30 a.m. If you have any electrical problems, Consult us, we can help you. - WE SPECIALIZE IN: Commercial, Industrial & House Wiring Appliance Repairs Planned Lighting O Refrigeration Service The Northern B.C. Power Co. O LIMITED O 3rd Ave. & 3rd St. . Telephone 209 or 210 j . CLAUSEN fc SON) Fgs of . . JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd Third Arewit FOR WINTER PREPARE- FOR WINTER NOW BY, LETTING US REPAIR AND PROTECT "YOUR HOME FROM ICY BLASTS. Mitchell & Currie LIMITED ' Phone 563 Builders . and . Contractors bo2R SALE OR CHARTER ATs, marine and fishing equipment fRT MARINE REALTY FOR outside orders Phone 133 CHOW MIEN toil We specialize In Chinese Dishes CHOP SUEY KSALES OR CHARTERS Just ; r . tast of Llpsett's, Waterfront) ; Phone Green 875