THIS AND THAT prince tXuwt Dailp jScUj , Friday, October 1, 1948 PACIFIC COAST SALMON PACK Canned salmon pack on the British Columbia coast this year is more than 220,000 cases below MUNICIPAL. ORGANIZATIONS ARE IMPORTANT, MAYOR ARNOLD SAYS Mayor Nora Arnold affirmed the value of Prince Runprt's nnrtioinatinn in two municinnl SHOES iVo ?.ra alter- ...... t. , , j,. Thursday afternoon in an address to the Rotary the corresponding period of 1947, latest bulletin issued by the Chief Supervisor of Fisheries, Vancouver, indicates. Total pack so far this year is 1,001,583 cases as compared with 1,223,947 a year ago. Pink salmon dominated the "sing, tv ' PONTIFICAL BLESSING AT ROME RALLY Carried aloft in his chair through the throng of celebrants, Pope Plus gives his pontifical blessing to the 300,000 persons that jammed St. Peter's Square in Rome during the celebration of the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Young Men's Catholic Action. Delegates came from almost every country in the World for the celebrations. 'Very valuable to the city." Her address concerned the province-wide Union fit.ii.. "A or B.C. Municipalities and tho regional Central B.C. Municipal "1st tht , thl rule bj' Using ' Association, conventions of coast pack this year with 318,729 cases being out ud. This was a (A " They were very intent on their Jobs and there was little frivolity." She paid particular tribute to Mayor William Mott of drop of almost 200,000 under last r year s pack of that variety. which she attended as a civic delegate earlier this month. Her address was brightened by comment on incidents and observations at both conventions. This year, there were 254.646 New Westminster, retiring presl- "a very Po(r dent of the U.B.C.M. and Mayo- P' U great fc' Percy George, of Virtnn, tJ. ern"ient ami cases of sockeye produced, as compared with 274,120 a year "To some, the value of mem SKAGWAY TRYING TO GET DENTIST SKAGWAY One of the principal subjects taken up at a Chamber of Commerce meeting ago. new president. ' to the unde- bership in the UB.C.M. may In the Naas and Skeena areas. seem questionable." she said. She described the U.B.C.M. as paUti - V'vf however, production of all varieties this year was well above but I believe that it Is of great r Mj use value. These form good con THE NEWS the 1947 level. Total production this year was 289,075, as compared with 224,546 last year. tacts that are very valuable tn the city." 12 u. TODAY and SATU For many years. Prince Ru Sockeye pack on the Naas and here concerned the possibility of obtaining a dentist. Between Skagway and Haines, with a total of about 1,100 people, there" is no dentist. This field, it was felt, should offer r. dentist a good living. But thf-re is none. pert had not been a member. Skeena was 120,013 pases, almost OUR OWN 'MARGIE' 6 "Madame, are you still sure you take size six?" double that of last year, while and it developed an insular attitude which made it practical!" 7:00 P.M. - S P.M. SATURDAY 2:00 - 4:32 unknown to other centres in the production of pinks was 152,259, as compared with 46,518 a year ago. province. TT.nUS Mill... OK Reminiscences By w.J. d Reflections BRITISH MEN NOT MARRYING LONDON Fear of another wai Production of other varieties this year was slightly above that of 1947 level with the exception of chums, whlh was slightly lower. Figures for this year are: "We rejoined the U.B.C.M. in 1943 and for the first two yearj, our delegates reported that they cut no Ice,- she said. "It is not to be wondered, since we had been out of contact for so many years." " springs, 4,665; steelheads, 3,165. ls stopping Englishmen from getting married, thereby causing SMTT coho, 38,615; chums, 70,358. Says the Daily News of Sep-( Prince Rupert needs a mod -temher 3. 1915: "His Excellenrv prnizpd t.plpnhnnp svstpm an Now, however, Mrs. Arnold , continued, there Is a great feeling of cordiality toward this ' i.t i .1 i, ... i an acute shortage of husbands. A second factor is the "dowdi-ness and lack of physical attraction of British women," says Dr. Mayo Wingate, the Los Angeles Paper Increases Its Price Gregory Wilinkln, special rep-, well as more telephones. There resentative of the Russian Fin- is also another problem dealing ance Minister, will arrive in u-it.h the sprvire Tfc is bnw tn " HI Hill LOS ANGELES For the first time in 28 years, the Los Aneeles -njf in me souin, resulting largely from the contacts made by successive local delegations. The Central B.C. Municipal Association, the Mayor said, was Examiner has increased its price Prince Rupert tomorrow aboard eliminate non-essentials from a the Prince George. He will be telephone message, thereby re-met by a special committee of ducing valuable time by about the Board of Trade and shown "75 per cent, over the city. Between the great things we i- i ,j ...... cannot do and thp small thlntrs per copy, this time from five HERE IN 1000 A.D. The Nnrsp PYnlnrp Toif Tr-i. organized in order to solidify cents to w seven ocvcu cents. ceuuj. The ine reason reason . uMv-ivuiiw son is believed to have reached is increased onst. nf nXcnrint fM the common Interests of communities in the region "and to the shores of Canada about 1000 higher labor rates and other ex- present an organized front to incic is uui an uia dwelling v B house In Prince Rupert, for the we do not do the daneer 1 that city was only Incorporated In we sna11 do nothing. Ex. : $ the U.B.C.M. and to the provin cial government. 1910. That's one way to look at it. But when a residence is btph tn PHficouiiro From this has resulted a greater awareness of common Interests In the various parts Hi cheaply and hastily put togeth- Tunisia has almost inexhaust-er, more for renting than to ible supplies of phospates mln-occupy, and precious little at- ed principally in the Gafsa tention given to Its care and and Kef regions. of central B.C. and an increas Available at Rupert Radio A m r - mm siaoimy mereaiter, then in JJ'Aif outfit to treasure from deed it is1 old. That's another way to see the situation. There Fall through Spring. Coats J J and Suits in the 1948 man- tier. W are many homes that have been 1 jr-n u.s. si LADIES, take advantd uwuumg iui uciibunes ana more :comforbtale than many a new one. I WALLACE'S I WEEK END Elmore Philpott returns from Of Course the north to say there is nothip left at Lake Bennett but the i railway station and a beautiful deserted church. The site of COTTAGE CHEESE New Creamed Fresh Made the latter is fair indeed but what Is left of the old building is utterly unlovely. It is gradually falling to pieces or was ing friendship toward Prince Rupert on the part of other communities. AT VANDERIIOOF At the Vanderhoof convention of the Central B.C. Municipal Association,' she said, "our very able city clerk, who know j the Municipal Act from start to finish, was able to aid other, communities with their problems." ' Prince Rupert's delegates, In return, received "a wide education in the wonderful resourcej of that country" (the interior. Mayor Arnold told of the vast agricultural prospects which exist in the Vanderhoof district, and told her listeners that agriculture would be the basic Industry of the region, long after the timber and mineral wealth had disappeared. As a result of the Vanderhoof convention, delegates from Prince Rupert and Prince Oeorge went to the U.B.C.M. meeting at Harrison Hot Springs "with a united voice," knowing that In H VAT WXTTTIVT nilDV ' i Your Dally ; some years ago. It's half a life ALL-WEATHER 8ERVIC1 . time Since Sounds nf nnrshln were heard from within those mouldering walls. - at - ANNETTE MANS FA tZD yfe"?V--V- RABBIT HOLE CACHE GREENOCK. Scotland, tn SATURDAY, OCTOBfl Searching for a lost ball on a golf course here recently, A. B. Finnie, retired dete'etive. found PARIS VETERANS ON SIT-DOWN-A huge group of French war veterans jammed traffic on the Champs Elysees and other Paris streets, demonstrating for higher pensions. Here drivers are honking their horns as the medalled vets sit tight Some carry crutches and canes. Outstanding Values on Quality Gr we are proud to offer yoo Greatly Reduced Price a bundle of banknotes in a rab- Dtt hole. CORDUROY VELVET RAW PUFF, PUFF, PUFF Stop the presses . . . 18-months old Larry Phillips Jr., of Springfield, Mass., is enjoying his usual after dinner cigar. Larry's mom said that at the ripe old age of one year Larry started picking up cigarettes and smokin them. But now he smokes two cigars a day, one in the and one In the evening. His six-year old sister, whom he undoubtedly considers prim, doesn't smoke drink or chew tobacco. Mrs. Phillips sadi she thinks she has an unusual boy. Regular $29.50 Week-pnd Special Marrying Women May Be Dismissed VANCOUVER A resolution to the effect that women school teachers in British Columbia may face dismissal if they marry during the school term was passed at the convention of the British Columbia School Trustees' Association here. their voting they would represent the whole territory. "We found that resolutions presented on the floor with no one to speak on them received short consideration. It is highly important that thire should be personal representation." Mayor Arnold declared thet "It is very encouraging to note Yoiir Best Eating Place FULL COURSE MEALS "11 a.m. to 8 p.m. . ; Banquet Hall for Luncheons, Dinners r;,'.':j and Parties ; : Chinese Dishes IkOADWAY Two Islands, the larger of which is.between two and three times the size of Prince Edward Island, have been discovered . hi Foxe Basin off the west coast of Baffin island, north of Hudson Bay, by the crew of an Air Force Lancaster of 413 Photo Survey Squadron from Rockcliffe, engaged in aerial photography at Baffin. Map in upper right shows the location of the two islands In relation to the rest of Canada R c A F aircrew operating in the .far North have been credited with making many changes to existing maps, which In some areas give omyan approximation of the country. Discovery of the new islands adds over 5000 square miles to Canada's known terrlt0ry" ' (RCAF Photo) nnrCCrC 4'repes, Jerseys and Pr IIILJJLJ t0 46. IfeKiilar $19.50. Week-end Special the character of those delegates. 1 ClinjC Wool, Crepe and Alpine OlVIll I J Keg. $8.93. Week-end Spa I m CAFE 608 3rd Ave W. . Phone 200 I-Njion Pencil Seams. Ne HOSE" 51 jjauge Week-end Special - REMEMBER. TWO DAYS Chandler & Cowgill ----- Photographer Developing, Printing - Enlarging Box 645 218 4th 8t. BE THRIFTY . . . SHOP 4 coca ni rvi irrr fVrnes. Stripes and Jer DLUUjtj including Wack and J Regular $895. Week-end Special TWIN SWEATER SETS' J 00 Wool. Regular $10.93 Week-end Special fJEW LUXURY STEAMER PRINCE GEORGE SAILS FOR VANCOUVER AND INTERMEDIATE PORTS EACH THURSDAY at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT - For Reservations Write J i or Call CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. l -31 V-V peninsula). iLjJ FOXE BiSH J SOUTHAMPTON ' ; - ' strip1'' niii-r rtAiiinn U.'ivon. NIljHI WJWNb Regular Week-end Special . . . Phone 651 for "Foothills" Alberta Coal All sizes In stock. PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Order your supply NOW Be comfortable later. Don't be left out in the cold when the first chill blast strikes without warning. We're ready to serve you promptly ... our prices are right. PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Lumber, Building Supplies CI IITC Worsteds, Crepes. Stnpfs. s. JUII J Regular to $59.50 Week-end Special ' '. i ' 5 Miff 'Buy With Confidence; n. itA nncf 525 THIRD AVENUE WEST