UsiSTEMCE IS 10T OF MAJORITY III CHINA J3rfnce Bupcrt Daflp HctoJ . -Friday, October 1, 1948 jn,m V badly tnan government em- ferine imd.,.i.v l .. 0 !Uaj'"' ployees. High officials continue lumbers in. vZ .ri.. rrge PRODUCES COAL "India's most valuable mineral v- itn lluo In Dn, I lu. j . . m, noia Bev- CALLED JESUIT BAHTK Cinchona bark, whierr produces quinine, was known twe centuries ago as Jesuit ba!rk. Iiinrt7.e , " T'" u-iu.uu-erai jobs outside their teaching f foreign-style rriin-t vl houses, nnns ' -rlrlo 'ride in In of-hours-in n ,t. . m.nv many . is coal, found throughout most ir' To- tb,.a, trtmftK.. ..." m menial of the country. "".l. nrid .7""' " C1,c ,aoor Jons-to make 'end mppt. P"vuige8 which free Chinese atudenU ...t wari . are another e (m from the nece8sltr ot v- clas hard hit by the Inftation ' "tr cent lng n thClr meagre 8alarles- AbUt "'the county 'ced Cli. tn The average government em- students depend on a eovern- 1 EoMi tcr iLte 0fiw rri' pioyee, however, gets only the ment pittance. Jpnee eT"- .,. equivalent of eight to nine Am- Many educational Institution. outstanainB tric&Q doUftnj a month, plus ra- now demand payment -In terms - - cnl nana 01 nee, eu, sail, sugar and hi nee or the cash equivalent institute oi coai. Most of them live in eonlof the rice iprevailin At the 4' linlon- gested government dormitories, time payment is due. In many " 11 rtkij. v 1 1 : 1 , 1 1 1 ; . r(W tilt by -tafia- wiwi loiuiuc lour or nouse rents are col five often crowded into one lected on the same bases. smau room, joui it is esumated i t;ninese soldiers are better ' 1 that in Nanking alone, over off. Although a common soldier 8,000 government employees are fcets only a few cents in terms of "2" BES not given living accommoda- j United States currency he gets tions. ' his food and clothing free. In Life for these people is a mat- ,arBe c,tte soldiers travel free i ter of trvine to keeD alive. Clnth. ,on municipal vehicles lna and many other commoditl-i But reports are Yeachlr here ties are priced beyond their."1" soiaiers in rural districts Announcing ... reach. are helping 'themselves to any In these circumstances al-1 tn,n8 they can lay their "hands X most all resort to "squeeze" or ln Shanghai the im bribery. Although saueeze Is P081" polite force Tvm been nothing new to China, It is more unable to top -gate crashing" ln evidence today than ever be- bv ldiers at theatres. tore. You even pay to buy tra-' The tafia tton has brought to el fares. ja umdstili the businesses cf . JBERLINKRS CHEER ANTI-COMMUNIST DEMONSTRATOR A group Of the rioting German demonstrators in Berlin cheer their unidentified comrade who climbed to the top of the Brandenburg Gate and hurled the Russian flag to the ground, where it was torn to Shreds. The gate is the dividing point in Berlin between the British and Soviet sectors. It was at this anti-Communist demonstration that Red soldiers fired at the CTowd after being stoned. small manufacturers and mpr- HUI1UUL. TfcAl'IIKKS chants. Handicapped by lnsuf- BETWEEN SUFFER to the Interlocking of LAKES DISTRICT lioient capital and lack of raw School teachers and colleee matoriL! thw finn ,h- .f n verts' the with Engineering Department MAN IS MISSING Medical Health Authori- VANCOUVER and PRINCE RUPERT (Commencing October 6) . S.S. CAMOSUN I On The Side . . . by H. S. " 'VJ IMIU 11V JL professors are In much the production so high that they ame plight as the ordinary , cannot compete against lm-government employee. Majority ported products cheaper In of them are deep ln debt or suf- price and better In quality. A search . was begun in the Francois Lake area Thursday ties" were presented to the gathering. While ,ln Victoria and Vancouver Engineer Stew for Joe Corbett, district 'rancher Southbound art, iook me opportunity 10 in- and.- i0ner, who has been area Northbound Vancouver What tlo delegates to an en spect tne mixing pianis ,mai missing m the wooded Lv. Lv ding eake which was duly cut by the bride. Prince Rupert Sunday 11 p.m. supply surtacing material xor south of Burns Lake since last JlVool Dress Pants. OUIET BUT INTERESTING the streets of the two southern Sunday when he went out to It m. Wednesday 9 p.m. Arr. Prince Rupert . Friday 2 p.m. Arr. cities. L Tweed S h r t round up a number of horses. Vancouver Tuesday 3 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Morgan are residing at 879 Summit -Avenue. The bride arrived hre about a year and a half .ago from gineers' convention do? Like any other gathering of specialists, they talk shop and, acpord-lng to City Engineer D. C. Stewart, who attended the Municipal and Public Works Division of the British Columoia Engineer District residents and provin see us "Narrow cial police began the search As others Winding and , warmly lined. i x $2.75 Miss Doris Date ana II. B. Mortan United In Marriage wanderins; roads Yorkshire, England. The .groom after it was learned that he had has been a resident of Prince ramble throughout the upper IT failed to return from the hunt. bORE'S A quiet but Interesting wed- Rupert for many years.. ing Society recently, engineer reaches and lead almlesslyjTJie search was reported "to be ding was solemnized at St. An- ith Street throughout tne rocKy nuis anu continuing today. Corbett, with individual problems were to get expert advice during in Also new service between "Prince Rupert and Queen Charlotte Islands .. Leaving Prince Rupert (alternate weeks) fcl Fridays 10 p.m. (October 8, 22 etc.) for South Island ports Fridays 10 p.m. (Oct. 15, 29 etc.) for Masset Inlet ports Full information and tickets from . FRANK J. SKINNER Third Avenue Prince Rupert Agent 1 " Phon fS8 knolls that make up the resi- ( well-known pioneer In the Lakes drew's Anglican Cathedral on Wednesday evening when Miss formal talks after conference : MEW PASTOR dential part 01 tne city. in .District, was known to have Mil- Doris Dale, former superintend hours. 'It seemed ' there wa is composes mostly of old, fered from a heart ailment for usually someone who had nad houses, including many good j many year. ent of the Ridley Home, and IJCDC TAHAV Reuben B. Morgan, former well ,CKL lUUAl personal- experience with the ones, ana tne occasional re-1 modelled one. Also scattered! . Known naiiout boat operator and now navigator of the Anglican Mission boat Northern Cross, were united in marriage Rev. George Sendell to Assume Pulpit of 'First Presbyterian Church situation under discussion and was willing to pass on their Information. ,1 While In Victoria Mr. Stewart around are a few new houses,! BASICALLY THE SAlvlE part of the current expansion All rubies and sapphires, going on in the area. v genuine and synthetic, are eom- Am. Prockter. Mrs. by Rev. Basil S Tn ncsumi thp nnstAraLP inf ftnet a former commanding pi- a These asphalt roads are bare- posea or aluminum oxiae. ly wide enough for two cars t3 I nass and are tediously built beside the road; or o o ntop a tten'ded the couple and Peter jh". We pulpit of which has been a- md with on the Continent Lien i presided at . the u- pipe j organ ant in Rev: A F MacSweenl-.w.v, v,. w wiih n mraiH and nvpr small hills and oi a rocxy curi nign aoove a (1 - - - - - i vv i iri 1 varc t w t v iwvii ' v . - " i to play the wedding march. left for the prairies about for all occasiz: i BirtKdays 4 ( 1 Showers t . Weddings.. J-.,.;, Annivei'sarbs we have many others. - ; Following the ceremony, a re 1 nln t,A t 8. vi " V. ' survey company of Royal Ca-na-! other obstructions. road, giving of course a nice view dlan Engineers. At 'that tinv; Through the business section oI the surrounding landscape, they were engaged In the task are bright wide roads, one block t ' of 'tdentifying enemy -tfanspejf -wrrtrtits" paved" with " goodj Prince Bupertltes deny the ICTORIA ... w dall arrived ln the city by thK II7TLE 1 afternoon's plane from Vaneou- Alfred .Street, where a number pi p.m.. Cardena ver. nnrt wnnon movement bv means strPpt lipht s.ind sidewalks and . towering mountain forming a m, Catala Mr. Sendall . was recently or of friends gathered to tender their felicitations to the couple. G. V. Hanley proposed a toast few are a H ALICE ARM full-length backdrop to, the city causes a daily rainfall. This summer for Instance they had a Of aerial maps. Dr. Trorey, now the next block Is a nightmare managing director of Aero Sur- jn wet weather. veys Limited, addressed the con-- vrv nld h,,,,riins nniv mctA. p.m. dalned ln Vancouver after graduating from Union Theological College. He Is a Bachelor of to the bride to whicn the groom lesponded. Refreshments were EN CHARLOTTE vention on "Aerial Photos as an erateiy old buildings, and a few record of six weeks without rain Arts and Bachelor of Divinity BLAXDS aid to Municipal canning. quite modern buildings are all Just "e we arnveu. leatured by a handsome wed-. genda1 ftnd chd u.m b? im, Oct. 2, 11 p.m. arriving later. i Delegates were welcomed to quietly resting siae . oy siaa iue huuiui, hu w6r, wi. '"' 'victoria by Mayor P. E. George around the business area about wrote, thU description for the !at the opening of the conven- three blocks wide by five blocks Powell River News, following a Wea-ftion. During the two days of long. Business lots come in three trip he made through here last I. SKINNER Phont Cd t'J . w. SI8 3rd Ave Prince Rupert Florists 300 Srd Ave. Box 51G Tel. 777 flowora For All Occasions Ruoert Aeent James Forman left on - (- '1:1 . i Phone 568 nesday night's train -for a holl- meetings, addresses that ranged conditions: (a) on a level with (month, does aoes admit uumii that mat i-mrcv Prlnw Say trip T to Edmonton,., Urom "small bridges and cul- the road; (b. deep in a gully Rupert Harbor is picturesque. 1 )NESS AND PROFESSIONAL By CHICK YOUNG BLONDIE -A Study In Still Life. WBAY "NEW LOOK" . BY USING TITS -.ttjtt vriTTTJ HflME THE WORKS DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST SUITE 5. SMITH BLOCK Phone 18S P.O. Box 1401 P GREEN 391 UiVl AWiw . . WIDE CHOICE OF BEAUTIFUL TINTS FOUKOP Satin-Glo Enamel Satin-Glo Finish j i - Repairs lmshlp Estimates V I Kermath Marine FOR TfOtR 1H0MPS0II HARDWARE CO., U fngines ROCK AND CONCRETE TECHNICIAN WORK ' CALL BLUE 839 ' I!. J. SAUNDERS New, Modern Equipment All Work Guaranteed -tag and Repairs' i iii irrii:iiiiii tr inn: vv. 1 D1 ; ' I RAISE VOL) , " , M LflWISH SMEX ,1 .j-, ' V , J( FOOT, PLEASE,) aKY1 LrXrJ 1 ThURRV UP WITH A . ' ' f TC iftJltt DEAR h S?tV V THAT PHONE J I " 'j-Z'He Gets IUn ' !, ! 1 ' .1 .JH S ( ?ST H (wHFN 1 ASKED ) IDONT'. J- s . i WELL, QUICK--C HIM, HE JUST jSp. ,W ( KNOW WETHEI?Lrl YiaskeotheV , ZtfZ rKBME)7K,'sjQh' 'That weans J& C0LUSSI -" BLACK 758 10th East Has the Oil Filter on your car been cnangea at mi facturer's recommended mileage? And while on tU Bubect MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST In New Offices ROOM 10 STONE BUILDING ITSON'S TERF.RS AND 'RE REPAIRS f Materials Mattresses Curtains Cushions, pfer have all the other points requiring periodical SUCh US" ' ' Wheel Bearing Repack Chanfee of Transmission Lubricants Cleaning and Re-Oiling of Air Cleaner, etc. to the Instruction book? been taken care ot according overlooked even by the owner Many of these details are who conscientiously has his car lubricated regularly. f We-remlnd our "Regulars" as these services become due. LINDSAY MOTORS LTD J O PHONE 866 O New Phone BLUE 593 P.O. Box 1184 Nd Furniture 811 P.O. Box 5S6 pnd Avenue RUPERT, B.C. HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Wavfcg Beauty Culture In . all its branches L- HUGHES fopractor NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS FNER BLOCK 204 th street Phone 658 Phone Blue 442 E L. RO.RIE HANDYMAN , HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS "tint, Auditor, etc. That's Liquidation. f f I H113IIIIIO TsEEi msw ilitiiiiiiii1'1 liiiiii'gri I r-- 'Eir ' "PipUlilU wELLTHEN&VE )A NOTHAT t i fll H J I'LL GIVE VOU ;i I I 1 , 'J ! VO0"1-0 CAUSE LJJ-llJiti SQUIRT IN plliiC-k 1-" A f- nTNOU A CUT IN h THINK VOU k lPAt SRV--THAT) DEFLATION-- WELL,THEN. ) f THE EVE WITH MY f WKAT '- FL ""urns Comnlled lock Phone 387 Building and Repairs of all klnaj lOLwHT TUoiVC J f VSJOULO JUSTI IWILL BPINQ I IHATb WK5t WW WILI. 1 J FOUNTAIN HtNl f A M AN gSyfcr, Heapa.6.! ??WKga mces ocmi). vou give K-TVr-H to -VJU Roofs, Chimney and OH Burner f E RUPERT For obvious reasons, the principal one being Increased cost of production, it has become necessary for the Daily News to announce a long deferred but small increase-in circulation rates to be effective on and after October 1, 198. The new rates will be: ' ' CITY CARRIER DELIVERY: Per Week, 0c; per Month, 75c; per Year, $8 ' BY MAIL Per Year, $5; per Month, 50c Payment may be made up to and including September 80 of any arrears or of advance subscriptions at the present rates Of 65c per monh and $7 per year for city delivery mail. Thereafter both arrears and advance by and $4 per year payments will be at the advanced rates. Subscribers are advised to check up their accounts and take advantage ot the old rates as long as they lat. COLLECTOR PHONES: Red 894 evenings P BLUE fiio Black 687 I5 r IN. I QUALITY REPAIRS Ltd. For Downtrodden Heels nd Worn Soles MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 174 Second Ave- BLUE 980