Wmt Huprrt ' Wednesday, Daflp I3etos 00. May 26, 1943 BASEBALL SCHEDULE Todmnj in Sports SAVOYS TAKE INITIAL GAME OF CITY BASEBALL SCHEDULE SAVOY 7, MOOSE 6 First game of the 1!)48 baseball schedule opened at Roosevelt Park last night with Savoy, sparked by Jack Sharpe on the mound, defeating their ancient rivals the Moose by a score of 7-6, If the first game is an indication of the type of baseball to be played in the three-team league this sumnn-r, fans can Classifieds: 2c per word per Insertion, minimum charge, SOc. Birth Notices! 60c; Cams of Thanks, Death Notices. Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements: 2. SPECIAL DISPLAY. DOUBLE PRICE Classified Advertising is payable In advance. Please refrain from telephoning. MEN'S FASTBALL ON WEDNESDAY This evening has been set for the opening game in the Men's Fastball League for the current season. Commission Chairman Staff Sergeant Johnson will be on hand to officially open the season and will possibly throw out the first ball. The playing field has been renovated and some necessary repairs made to the backstop and everything is in readiness fo? the opening of the six-team league. After all preliminary opening features the piece de resistance will be a league game between Angelo Astoria's Co-op nine and Don Nixon's Canadian National Recreation Association team. Both these teams claim to be ready to field stronger lineups than they did last year and both sides are confident of starting the season with a win. Gordon and Anderson meet 99 Taxi in the second game of the season on Saturday evening and games will then be played every Monday, Wednesday and the second to the seventh inning while Savoy made hay. In the fifth, the hotelmcn circled the field four times to bring the score' to 6-5 in their favor. Scherk, who got a base on bulls, was brought in by Pavlikis. Sim-undson, who got on base on a fielder's error, scored off a double by Davis, as did Pavhkis. Davis was brought home by a single by Morgan. Savoy's fifth inning merry-go- y0 "Where do you keep the cheese?" round was precipitated by all error on Moose second baseman Warren who fumbled a drive bv pavlikis with two men on base, Moose tied the score in the Following the opening game last night between Moose and Savoy, schedule for the remainder of the season is announced as follows: Last mentioned team is home team. Muy 27 Merchants vs Moose May 30--Savoy vs Merchants June 1 Moose vs Merchanta June 3 Merchants vs Savoy June 6 Savoy vs Moose June 8 Savoy vs Merchant June 10 Moose vs Savoy June 13 Merchants vs Moose June 15 Savoy vs Moose June 17 Moose vs Merchants June 20 Merchants vs Savoy June 22 Merchants vs Moose June 24 -Savoy vs Merchants une 27 Moose vs Savoy June 29 Merchants vs Mooso BOWLING SCHEDULE Mav 27 Oranue vs Rnnkprs Miller Bav vs. Westview. Moose ivsi Sweet Sixteen; Blowers v 1 1 1 , HUM La vs. Cua-ilcl.? -Tllllu 1 lnriotu tla T n.ilri. strikes Watts vs. Bis' Sisters Savov vs. Orange: Toilers vs i' son s vs. Annettes jn'S-Balike ers vs. Coasters Blowers vs. Rosa Lee's. Miller n" on'i ! w Toller " Watt "1 iNickerson vs. Westview. Luck' i Strike vs Cosmos. Sixteen, Miller Bav vs. Cornets They'll come in crowds, in two-by-twos, when your ad is n The News. Minora Blades give Minora outlajtt and "outjhavei" ordinary doubl-dge blades. For honeit-to-goodneji economy, Iry lh quality blade in the low-pric field. Fits your doubl-dge razor. seventh when Vanetta, getting ;g.av vs. Sweet Sixteen; Moose vs. . , ' 5 ."VWest view. Scubv s vs. Cosmos on base on balls, was brought june 8 Cosmos vs. Orange, home by Windle's second double Savov vs. Variety. Manson's vs nf iua ! Comets; Watts & Nickerson vs o .v, oi me gamt. Toilers Aniicttp's vs Wi-stvipw i A bad throw by Vanetta in the ' June 10 Luekv 8trlkes vs ninth was responsible for Savoy's!?.0 Lees-,s1ubv'svs- Rasters ... . ; iMuose vs. Miller Bav: Blowers winning run. Pavlikis, who I vs. Bankers. Bin Sisters vs singled, slid home the winning ISweet Sixteen. w"en the Moose first-bagger tossed a bad one to Lavigne. on the mound. Sharoe faced . . June u mowers vs. uoasterr 3i men for Savoy, struck out ll.'Scubv's vs. Rosa Lee's. Moose vp allowed seven hits and walked 'Bttf Sisters: Annette's vn Swee! . . . that for a mild, cool, sweet smoke . . . there's ot to match a tobacco expertly blended from high gtii Hurley leaf. He knows that Hurley is a lolucco h FOR RENT FOR RENT-St. -Rooms, 622 Fraser (1201 FOR RENT-ed -Two-room furnish-Call suite. Suite 1, Bay Apts. (122) FOR RENT Furnished and heated apartment. Phone Green 688. (126) HOUSE FOR RENT Four rooms and bath; newly decorated. Near Seal Cove. Prince Rupert Realty Co. Phone Green 917 (tf) FOR RENT Flat, Rand Block. Apply Max Heilbroner, Jeweller, (tf) FOR RENT 3-room furnished suite. 1028 2nd Ave. Blue 270. (125i FOR RENT rumisnea Suite and cabin, nice, clean and ! warm. 1142 Park Ave. Green 224. 1 126 1 j FOR RENT Comfortable sleep- ing room, 806 Fraser St. (1291 ROOM AND BOARD ROOM AND BOARD $45 each double; $50 single. Sleeping rooms for rent. Table meals MM. Lawley, 622 Fraser Street. (tf) HELP WANTED HELP WANTED First class automobile mechanics. None others need apply. Lindsay Motors Ltd., Prince Rupert, B.C. (125 1 WANTED Stenographer-book keeper. Apply Dr. Large. Phone 134. (tf) WORK WANTED WANTED Part time or relief work by experienced stenog rapher. Apply Box 349, Dallv , News. (124 PERSONAL FOR BEST HOTEL SERVICE in the Interior, stop at Telkwa Hotei, 244 miles from Prince Rupert, just half way to Prince George. (tf) LOST AND FOUND LOST Ladies' gold Elks wrist watch. Finder please phone Black 446. Reward. (124 ) FOUND Pair of silver rimmed glasses in wine leather case. Owner may have same by calling at the Daily News and paying for this advertisement, LOST Grey Waterman:s fountain pen in black leather case. Phone Green 626. (126) METAL WORK PLUMBING Installations and repairs. SHEET METAL WORK. Tar and Gravel. Roofing. Letourneau & Sons, 629 Sixth West. Phone 543. (tf) MACHINERY FOR SALE TO SAW better lumber more economically use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. (tf) AGENTS WANTED MIDDLE-AGED Man with car wanted to take over a profitable established door-to-door business in a portion of the City 01 Prince Runert. ODnor- packs easily . . , burns slowly, leuing a dean sh . . . a tobacco that stays lit! He knows that it mets the real test of mildness he can smoke it all dav Isn't this just the tobacco you arc looking for? Tr; t three, McKinnon, on the mound for Moose, faced an equal number, struck out four, allowed nine hits and three walks. ' ABR HPO Scherk 2b 3 1 0 1 Simundsen ss 5 0 0 Pavlikis ir 5 2 1 Davis lb 5 2 10 Morgan c 4 2 13 Arney 3b. ..- 3 1 0 lG"rvicn cf 4 0 0 TOSier Tl. 4 0 1 Sharpe 4 2 1 9 27 MOOSE AB R HPO Shier If 5 2 1 2 Moore rf 4 0 0 McKinnon p 5 11 Vanetta. lb 4 3 2 'Windle ss 5 0 3 Calderoni, cf, ss 4 0 0 Warren 2b 4 0 0 Lavigne, 3b 3 0 0 Rose c 10 0 Kerr cf 2 0 0 37 6 7 catcher in 4th. Umpires Downey and Monte ano. Engine Tune The Pick of Pipe Tobacco For; uall FOR SALE 3-piece chesterfield. 218 8th Ave. West. (126) FOR SALE First $400 cash buys gillnetter "May"; Easthope engine, new chain drive d:um. M. M. Stephens, sheriff, (tf) FOR SALE Rooming house and boarding house contents. Good revenue. Apply Box 347 Daily News. (123) FOR SALE One 12 ft. x l'V Tobin Bronze Propellor Shaft, new, fitted with 2" sleeve standard taper and nut. Also - 30x19 L.H. Sumner Propellor, new. Cheap. Apply C. Aberg, Massett, B.C. (124) FOR SALE 4 Roomed House, furnished, wash house, wood shed on 3 lots. All in garden and fenced. Boat building shed on one lot, with carpenter tools, blacksmith shop and tools. Acetyline welding outfit. Boat float connected to shed on waterfront. Good location for machine shop. Price $4,000. Apply to C. Aberg, Mas-set, B.C. (124) FOR SALE Paint Sprayer, one quart, l3 H.P. electric motor; 2 10 ft. ladders, ladder jacks. Phone Black 245. (124) FOR SALE 6-room house, with full basement and three lots. Apply Andy Honky, Terrace, ' B.C. (25) FOR SALE 1942 Dodge Special Deluxe Sedan. Newly painted. , Excellent condition. Apply 13 Taxi. (tf) FOR SALE Acme cook stow with pot burner and blower. Apply 99 Taxi. (tf) " FOR SALE Empty 500-pound steel drums. Apply Daily News. (tf) FOR SALE New 12' clinker-built boat for inboard power, com plete with shaft, oars, tarp, pump, etc. $190.00. Phone Blue 365. (123) FOR SALE Cement Mixer, & yd., and 2 Cement Buggies, A-l condition. Apply Box 578, Prince Rupert. (123) FOR SALE New and Used Furniture. Used chairs 50c; house desk $2.50; kitchen set, five-piece $12; hassocks $1.50; hot plates $2; spring for double bed 95c; bath room basins from $2; jacks, 3-ton size $2; men's bicycle $12.50; bedroom suites; electric washing machine; Frigidaire; caulk boots; cooking utensils from 10c, etc. Come and look things over. B.C. FURNITURE CO., Black 324. FOR SALE Tables and si in its- Studebaker sedan; 2"x3" decking; stoves; gravel cart; dol-leys and trailers; soil pipe; j beds and various other items ; too numerous to mention. ' Apply 1401 Frederick St., highway entrance. (125) ,FOR SALE Two cleared resi-t dentlal lots, 6th Ave. E close In. Priced below assessed value , ' for quick -sale. Phone Green ' ; M after 6 p.m. (tf FOR 8ALB-r30 ft. gillnet boat with drum. 1st class condition. Ready to go. Cow Bay Boat Works. (127) FOR SALE Axminster rug, 10' " 6" x 9, $20.00; 1 small dresser $4.00; 1 round table, $4.00, antf ,., two other tables. Phone Red 914. (125) FOR SALE Carpenter tools and . household articles. Apply 792 Alfred Street. (124) FOR SALE 12 ft. speedboat, cheap. Can be seen after 6 p.m. at 615 8th Ave. West. (123) FOR SALE Trolling boat, ready to go with gurdies, sail, skiff, -radio and spring bunk, reasonable. Apply 1669 6th Ave. E. (w, f, m . HOUSES HOUSES HOUSES 6-ROOM HOUSE, 3 lots, basement, furnished or unfurnished. 2 WELL LOCATED wartime houses. , LARGE APARTMENT block, - ideal for couple. Owner leaving. Only $1500 down to handle. OTHER HOMES from $850 to $9000. ARMSTRONG AGENCIES Phone 342 (123) expect an interesting season on the bleachers. League .authorities have apparently arranged the teams evenly enough to provide strenuous competition. Moose, in a manner reminiscent of last season, drew. first blood by scoring heavily In the first two innings but were overcome by a fifth-inning Savoy-rally which the lodge brothers brought on themselves by an error. The opening Inning saw Shier, a youthiul veteran of last season, get on base on a fielder's error and score off a hit by , Benny Windle. Lome Vanetta, a j newcomer to the city league. nlmitPri n sinalP nnri ...... s hrminht , . ; " r. - - .- home oy warren on a fielders choice play. Savoy remained scoreless during the first inning, but brought-in a run in the second when- rnpu ont rm hn nn a IViirH- .,,, the CirCUit- ' Savoy scored again in the third. Pavlikis clouted a single, and was brought home by Davis. The second inning was Moose' and Shortstop Benny Windle's big inning. Benny clouted a two-bagger that scored three runs Shier, McKinnon and Vanetta. Moose remained scoreless from TRACK TEAM HEADS SOUTH Tough competition will fnc n team of four Booth Memorial High Rnhrwil Ctnrlf.nl. ,h lf ' Monday night on the Princess Adelaide to take part in the provincial high school championship track meet at Nanaimo on Friday. The team, consisting of Gordon I Rothwell, Frank Symes. Eric Moore and Robert Williamson is j , travelling with Assistant Principal j R. D. Cleland who has been their instructor for the last six weeks of training. This is the first time that u Booth Memorial team has entered the competition and they are expected to meet strong competition from Vancouver, Victoria and other cities where training has been going on continuously most of the winter. "We believe they will put up p. good show but, whether they win anything or not, they will be getting acquainted with high class track competition which will benefit the school," Principal A. M. Hurst said. The meet is sponsored by the Provincial Department of Education. ' QUALITY HatS and Shoes 10 Percent OFF This Week! COMPLETE RANGE OF UNDERWEAR STANFIELD TURNBULL PENMAN Acmnie Clothing Store Tavoy' HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 544 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert I -,-- i ? mm I i":cn..s commission with all team rep I resentatives it was decided to Put hi to operation a new idea in reeard to the umDires for all ames tms season. The new Dlan. endorsed by all teams, is to make i the home team for each game I responsible tor providing one umpire and the visiting team the second. All umpires must be approved by all teams in the league and must be able to officiate behind the plate or on the bases. This puts the onus of responsibility for choice of arbiters on the teams playing. One important stipulation was made to this ruling which is that any umpire used must be one who has been approved as an omciai Dy tnc league which includes the managers of all team9 in the league. A partial list of already approved umpires for the current season includes the names of Johnnv Comadina. Alex Bill Rpnnv Winrllp Wnllv T.anilnn ! and Neil Ross. SCHEDULE FOtt FIRST HALF May 26 Co-op vs. C.N.R.A. May 29 Gordon and Anderson vs. 99 Taxi. May 31 C.N.R.A. vs. High School. June 2 Gordon and Anderson vs. General Motors. June 5 99 Taxi vs. Co-op. JiVie 7 Co-op vs. Gordon and Anderson. June 9 High Schdol vs. 99 Taxi. June 12 General Motors vs. C.N.R.A. June 1499 Taxi vs. General Motors. June 16 C.N.R.A. vs. Gordon and Anderson. June 19 Co-op vs. High June 21 C.N.R.A. vs. 99 Taxi. June 23 General Motors vs. Co-op. June 26 High School vs. Gordon and Anderson. June 28 General Motors vs. High School. Classified AtrveruiCng Pays! Advertise in the Daily News! IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE III the Matler of (he Ktato of Curl Andrew Mirlamler. Dm-rawd, Intcstiite TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Honor Jude W. O. Fulton, Local JudKB of the Supreme Court of British Columbia. I was on the 7th dav of May, A D. 1948. appointed Administrator of the Estate of Carl Anurew Norlander, deceased, late of Prince Rupert, British Columbia, who died on or about the 31st day of January. 148. at the CltV of Prince Rnnprt British Columbia. All persons lndebt- ed to the said estate are required to Pay the amount of their Indebted- '" wm De made having re- gara only to such claims of which 1 UAitD at Prince Rupert, B.C., this 10th day of May, 1948. .GORDON FRASER FORBES. . Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. (125) DEVELOPING PRINTING ENLARGING SUPERPAN PRESS KODACIIROME and KODAK FILMS Chandler & Cowgill. Fourth St. box 645 PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED SEE - R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. - (Near CFPR) RELIABILITY PERFORMANCE ECONOMY Now that your drlvinR is no longer confined to town become important To ensure maximum efficiency and trouble-free economical operation have your car tuned up the LINDSAY way with modern scientific equipment and trained personnel. LINDSAY MOTORS LTD. Now is the time to repair GARDEN FENCES STAIRS, SIDEWALKS LEAKY ROOFS and REPLACE GUTTERS Mitchell & Currie Limited PHONE 363 Builders and Contractors , ') .. r t- .J V. Mi : . t t 1 r ,. 1 TWO sailinK" ' i Tuesday. 1:30 p.m,Cocl Saturday, 3 a-m. w STEWART nd.,AUi'I Sundavs. u "U"J F0K H VMEg M iv u anu FOR SOITH ISIA Mav 1; ana FRANKJ;jH Prince tvu""" j,if,i vt MAN'" tunity for someone with a "ciaTa.nsf a"hePCTS small private income to im- ; estate are required to file them with prove his Standard Of livine me PrPerly verified on or before the r,15th day of June. 1948, which This U hnn. , falling fi,i This IS a a bona fide proposi- Itribution will be made having re- Accessories aid motoring pleasure-Before summer trip, come in and see our complete Seat Covers Gabardine and Kool-Tcx Fibre Back-l'p and Spot Light, ami Many Other nun anu win siana mvesuga- uon. ror iun miormation apply Box 348, Prince Rupert Daily News. (i24i TIMBER BALE X-43002 Sealed tenders will be received by the District Forester. Prince Rupert, of June, 1948. for the purchase of not later than noon on the 24th day Licence X-43002, to cut 1386.000 feet of spruce, hemlock and cedar sawlogs on an area situated West end of Mosquito Lake. Two years will be allowed for removal oi timber. Further particulars of the Chief Forester, Victoria. B.C., or the District Forester. Prince Rupert. B.C., Ranger ecoii at wueen Charlotte Islands. I tyMBm Delivered Free CO-ID, 25c per dozen paid for empties. Please have tnem ready when the driver calls. Phone 654 LUMBER PLYWOOI) SAbH - PHILPOTUVITT&CO.W NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OK RESERVE Notice Is hereby given that the reserve established pursuant to Order-ln-CouncIl No. 1456. approved October 30th. 1943. notice of which was published In the British Columbia Gazette on November 12th, 1943. covering Lot 16. Block 9 of District Lot 369. Range 5, Coast District, Plan 972, Terrace, B.C.. Is cancelled. GEO. P. MELROSE, Deputy Minister of Lands. Department of Lands and Forests, Victoria, B.C., 10th May, 1948. (It) This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia; Complete Line of Bui! i