.. ..... FROM BR0ADWAY...T0 CI1ICACO...T0 Lnuvr, Prince Uupctt DaUg JQcUijs Xtn. Wednesday, May 26, 1948 TEN MILLION PEOPLE ROARED AT THE STAGE SjJ MAYDAY MINUTES REFRESHING AS YOUR FAVORITE DRINK 'Grass Widow" made a hit in the parade. In fact the judges alloted the costume wearer a prize but W. Griffiths, who was SHIRT for the COKE SET behind the dark glasses and within the green grass skirt,-cal-c.ulated he was a bit old for the Straigtil from hundred: competitions and turned the award back. f hilarious wceVt on (lie siaga eumn tlie most bctuved romantic comely Broadway ( Robert Irvine, J. O. Bateman, and E. D. Anderson were a geraf- a i. help in assisting the sports com ADVANCED CANCER FIGHT Advances that are being made in the campaign against cancer along educational, research and therapic lines were reviewed at a meeting in the Civic Centre Monday evening by Dr. John Ganshorn, Vancouver cancer specialist, and Rex. C. Bell, executive secretary of the Canadian Cancer Society for British Columbia. Particularly gratifying, said Dr. Ganshorn, was the growing realization of the importance of early diagnosis and treatment of cancer. As a result, an ever-inci easing number of cures was being achieved through x-ray, radium and surgical treatment. Hope was expressed that new treatments might be opened up through development in the field of atomic research anl radiacti-vity. Optimistic mention was made by Dr. Ganshorn of a new radiotherapy treatment for cancer now under study by Dr. Ivan C. Tchaperoff, radiologist at 6t. Joseph's Hospital, Victoria. . ' The importance of being on guard against the wiles of quacks, such as John Braund of Australia, who could cause loss of vital time through deferment : .., - --? f -aiia- - . r eve knew. Now tlie Rage ( llit Slage is a Smash it on the Screen! mittee run off the boys' and girls races. There were other volunteers too Including several of the fair sex who helped with refresh iV ments. V rt- Retiring Queen Alice Nickerson Paramount Presents charmingly discharged her "royal" duties although she still HER HE-MAN "HUSBAND" IS A SHE Vida Lorene Danner (leftt and her "husband," who looks like a big strapping hunk of a man, are shown together after they were taken into custody by Fresno, Calif., police on a charge of vagrancy following discovery that the couple who lived together for the past more than four years are both girls. The "husbiwid," who worked as a cook in a local restaurant, was known as Carl Devine. The Carl should have been Cora. Vida worked in a tavern as Mrs. Carl Devine. WlLUMlJlOLDEN'l requires the assistance of crutches when walking. Joan Caulfiew r I I Benny Windle and Louie Van Pykstra clowned their way right into the hearts of the kiddies with their mad capers. The two clowns were in practically every race and, although they permitted themselves a good head start, they gathered nothing better than consolation prbSs what City Council Did . . Learned that the finance agreement will be filled in when 9 the results of the Vancouver of legitimate treatment, was ' W.).'.M:I:M'.'J settlement reach the city. stressed by Dr. Ganshorn. There committee Is continuing Its' study of the possibility of financing the installation of a new $250,000 telephone system and was still to be kept up in the Weit till the genj jets en eyeful of shese'Doukle Deter Skirts. They're plenty solid . . , made of Pacific Mills cotton twill end printed ill over with ejen-u-ine Coca-Cola bottles end ceps in natural color; jiving like jitterbugs. Senforizcd-irirunk, ft it color in blue, maize end ten. Be first with this refreshing tpcrt shirt For Teen-Age Boys and Girls 8-18 $2.98 etch A unique feature of the King Edward School car was a mechanical merry-go-round sign designed by Joe Goscoe. campaign against cancer the fight against fear, Ignorance . . . Received a petition signed by a number of residents of Piggott Avenufc urging construction nf a cinripr siripunlk alnnu will report as soon as a definite conclusion is reached. ... On recommendation of the and superstition. 'Cancer," declared Dr. Ganshorn, "is a treacherous hting. Piggott to Sixth Avenue East 'der boys and girls seemed and removal of dangerous rock i reluctant to display their speeds finance committee, approved the Roy Rogers in "HEMiOKAIIO" along the streets. The petition and, as a consequence, five relay races were cancelled due to the ! At WALLACE'S Of Course! j Usually 'it starts wits some little thing which is seldom painful. Always be watchful of and seek early treatment of sores that do was referred to the board of appointment of R. W. Long as Acting City Clerk in the absence of City Clerk H. D. Thain who is leaving tomorrow night for a works. lack of sufficient teams. The prizes were turned over to the schools so that contests may be held at" a later date. not heal up, particularly around . Moved to advise Kaien Island ADVERTISE IN THE DAILY NEWS FOR UKT REStJ Stages Ltd. that it has no juris diction over a former army building situated on the traffic portion of Ninth Street which the stage company seeks to use for a garage and workshop. CICAN VP PAINT UP During the latter hours of the dance Mel Skallnierud, a member of Sammy McCaig's orchestra, had a shocking experience when he put a hand on the metal microphone while holding his attention was first drawn to the "Mrs. Backhouse daffodil through navtag seen that they took first prize in a London Horticultural Society show. He has four bulbs, each with eight blooms. Mr. Fuller has also raised successfully the Beershaba type of trip to Trail and Nelson. . . . Approved the following sales of city-owned property as reported by the finance committee: Lot 24, block 37, section 5, (Ninth Avenue West) to William A. Pilfold sr. for $325. East half of Lot 27, block 9, section 5 (Sixth Avenue West), to Roy Boychuk for $200. Lots 9 and 10, block 22, section 1 (Corner Fifth Street and Your City RARE DAFFS GROWN HERE " F. J. Fuller, First Avenue, has Succeeded in growing to beautiful blossom the "Mrs. Backhouse" daiiocil, which is new and rare in these parts. Two of the delicate blooms, with light tongue, mouth and Hp, painless lumps and irregular bleeding, Increase In size or change in color of warts, moles and birthmarks, persistent indigestion, difficulty in swallowing. The percentage of cures is steadily increasing with early treatment." ' Mr. Bell spoke of the organization now engaged In the fight against cancer and what, through a steady building up of funds, was being accomplished by the Canadian Cancer Society ir. the way of public education, . . . Gave leave of absence for tlie month of June to Aldermen Brooksbank and Casey. Both will be out of the city for tlie month. daffodil, also not often seen her.', eight blooms issuing from one SEE US FOR YOUR! ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS electric guitar in the other. KUCHING, Sarawak Jj The government is constructing a fleet of floating dressing stations to provide hospltaL services In this virtually roadless, heavily jungled country. Rivers offer bulb. These open in a cream Second Avenue) to .David G. shade and later turn white. 1 (OMeea tuM Weather at Prince Rupert on pink trumpets and white petals, he brought into the Dally News office yesterday. Mr. Fuller's Stenstrom for $2,850. Sunday was perfection Itself. Monday, May 24, a shade spotty the National Cancer Society, In research, and hospitals, clinics RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC Pair of Terrace Trucks Stolen . . Approved a board of works ibut eniovable. This morning i the only means of travel In the BOX and foundations in the work of 313 THIRD AVI.M K WKST PHONE 641 if t I, i it it" ' I treatment. These were the na report that the City Engineer ; brought the trickle of rain. interior. has been authorized to repair . tional organizations. In British Columbia there were the British Columbia Cancer Foundation and the British Columbia Cancer Institute. Order of the Eastern Star. Rehekahs nnri Tlaiiffh- the intake on the waterline from Shawatlans Lake to the old pumping station which is being repaired' for stand-by use. Two Ways to TERRACE Late Sunday night two trucks were stolen here one belonging to Little, Haugland & Kerr, the other to David Graf. One was found near Dorreen. The other is still missing. Police, who are investigating, believe the trucks headed east from here and are expecting to catch up with the second one before long.- ters of the Empire were assist-! Adopted a board of works ing invaluably in auxiliary work recommendation that two city n ucua, a "4-ton uocige ana a &- GOOD Bean Eating! 5 such as the making of dressing and the raising of funds to assist needy patients in obtaining treatment. An accomplishment of the past year had been the opening up of the fine new $50,000 cancer clinic at Vancouver. ton Ford be traded in for a new 3-ton Ford truck. The additional balance payable by the city would be $1,677. .... Gave first reading to a bylaw permitting the amend ThcPopular c c smt ment of the Trade License by During a dicussion period ill which preceded the close of law to Provlde that busses trav-Monday night's meeting, Di!elllng exclusively on inter- VC' f RUPLK1 Sails For spa 'f& Ganshorn conceded that there routes oe cnargea ju appeared to be more incidence -for every &ix monlns Period, in-of cancer now than previously stead of $40 as formerly. The but he accounted for this in the i reductlon was requested by the fact that DeoDle were llvlnr t.r 1 "censing committee because it a greater average age now than before and also to the fact that was felt that such busses do not use city streets as much as busses travelling wholly within the city. . . . Moved acknowledgement of VANCOUVER AND INTERMEDIATE PORTS EACH THURSDAY AT 11:15 PJM. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT F"r information call or write City or Depot Tloiet OMUtt PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Re-decorate over wallpaper with fust on coat that's ell. B-H f reiconette One Coat Velvet finish dries quickly, covers perfectly. Lovely colors, eaiy end simple trifaaply. One quart covers about ISO , " i"uan feet. See our color card of this Ant fi product. STYipdp.. the gift of a patchwork quilt donated for the Pioneer Home by the Lutheran Daughters of the Reformation. i ... In reply to a query by Aid nn l fiui n 1 n ma.. VaUftW.-1l -W IWIsflJJII I L HIIaH 1 L. erman Casey, City Clerk Thain reported that in its efforts to there was more and earlier diagnosis today. Mrs. J. D. Fraser, president of the local cancer society, presided over Monday night's meeting. Mining Corporation Executive on.Visit ALICE ARM Executive of the Mining Corporation of Canada, J. H. Paterson of Toronto arrived here at the first of the week aboard the Cardena to pay a visit of inspection to the Torbrit mining property where mill construction is now under way by the Northwest Construction Co. Mining Corporation controls Torbrit which is now the largest new mining development on the north coast of British Columbia. w . . ... dispose of the former Seal Cove School, the city must get permission of the provincial government since the crown grant for the site restricted it to school purposes only. However, Mr. Thain felt that it might be possible to obtain authority from the government to dispose of the building. Hollywood Cafe PRINCE RUPERT'S NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT OPEN FROM 3:30 P.M. TO 3:30 A.M. Special Dinner Every Sunday, S p.m. to 8 p.m. CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY you can suit every taste with these two popular, Now delicious varieties of Van Camp's Pork and Beans! There's Van Camp's Pork and Beans with Tomato Sauce. Plump, tender beans, cooked as only Van Camp's know how with the finest Canadian pork, and a delicious, spicy tomato sauce A favorite everywhere! For another adventure in real bean eating, try Van Camp's New England Style Beans with Pork; You'll find the same, juicy Van Camp's quality beans: The same generous morsels of sweet Canadian pork. But a wonderful, distinctive sauce that's all its own a rich, appetizing blend of real molasses and tomato sauce. You'll surely enjoy both styles of Van Camp's Pork and Beans. So make aiote to get several tins of each the next time you shop. . . . Heard Alderman Casey casti SKIS OF AUSSIE WOOD CANBERRA Recent tests gate Alderman Brooksbank for CHOW CHOP For Outside Orders SUEY Phone 133 MEIN "misinforming the council in the matter of the liquor Interdiction of residents of the Pioneer Home. have shown that some Australian ! timber is suitable for skis. Such ! species of wood as mountain ash, I According to Alderman Casey, i brown stringy-bark and black wood are comparable to hickory I"' , Z ui.i Ettf.n' of the Pioneer Home committee, in in riensitv density, to-h- toughness Ormcs Drugs and hardness. City Merchants PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS STORE HOURS WEEK-DAYS, 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M. SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS 12 NOON TO 2 P.M., 7 P.M. f O 9 P.M. V had informed council that the interdiction imposed last winter, could not be lifted for six months. Alderman Casey said that he had learned otherwise, that it ccild be lifted at the discretion of the police magistrate. ' City Clerk Thain,- who was charged with having the interdiction lifted, said that he would see to it immediately. . . . Tabled for further information the city's agreement with the Civic Employees Union which is based on settlement leached In Vancouver. Details of the City merchants are asked in future to have copy for all display advertisements into the Daily News office by 4 p.m. of the day previous to their publication. This co-operation will greatly assist the mechanical department in keeping to the regular Jcjuyuatlon. VAN CAMP'S CONTAIN ONLY THE FINEST INGRE Emergency bicycle delivery from 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. and Sunday Daily car delivery service from 9 a.m.tlll 6 p.m. PHONE 81 'J