AIR PASSENGERS "To "Vancouver Mr. and 'Mrs, Prfttff TSnpett aflp S3eto HtB. ' Wednesday, May 26, 1948 'DRAMA GROUPS MUST EARN E. D. Manson, Mr. McCall, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Fletcher, D. Sutherland, A. McSwain, E. Swanson, T. A. Clarke. H. E. Montgomery. j pa rs "WHAT7 IS ''AX TO ROLL YOUR OWN WITH Baseball Scores . SATURDAY National League St. Louis 6, Boston A. Cincinnati 9, Philadelhia 2. Chicago 0, New York 11. Pittsburgh 3, Brooklyn 1. American League Boston 0, Cleveland 7. New York 10, Chicago 2. Washington X St. .Louis 4. .Pacific Coast .League Seattle 4, .Los Angeles 3. .San .Francisco 5, Oakland 1. Hollywood 5, San Diego 4. Sacramento .1, Portland 5. IT i From Sandspit B. Hems-worth, L. Hemsworth, F. H. Brown, M. H. Bothwell, O. Walsh, Mr. Hall, E. E. Hydnman, E. Swanson, A.- McSwain, M. D. Sutherland. A I. . ft . J Writer-Director Says Canadian Theatre Movement To .be Success Must be Built "The flard Way" . TORONTO, A sunsldlzed WITHOUT A gARDEN?j national theatre and regular was most jikely to initiate the pay for semi-professional actors necessary enthusiasm to start ft Cigarette Tobacco would help Canadian drama along Immeasurably, but one of FRONT YARD PATIO NOVEL IDEA FOR MODERN HOUSE dramatic movement in a community. Once the leaders appeared the rest was comparl-tively easy. "All art requires leisure, end you'll find it more highly de I ID. SWEET, BRIGHT V I R G I N I its warmest advocates feels these steps alone wouldn't be enough. Raymond Card of Toronto, whose writings and directing efforts won him one of seven Canadian Drama Awards In veloped .in the older portions of the country," he said. He pointed Western International League Vancouver 10-2, Victoria 8-3. Bremerton 3, Tacoma 5. Salem 3, Wenatchee 4, SUNDAY National League St. Louis 18-4, Philadelphia 3-1. Chicago 5-4, Boston 8-12. Pittsburgh 1, New York 2. Cincinnati 6, Brooklyn 5. American League GEES FROM to Quebec as a province which 1847, says drama, like any other takes its drama seriously, main Radio Dial CFPR ly because it has settled down to art, must be built "the hard D HOME 1240 Kilocycle community life. way," starting spontaneously (Subject to change) with a small group of enthusiasts. The financial support- Philadelphia 7-8, St. "Louis 3-1. from government or private Individuals comes later. "Until the First World War, original Canadian drama was almost entirely limited to cowboy and Indian stories, with icaltered efforts -at dramatizing the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Now the trend In Canadian New York- 6-1, Cleveland 5-5 Washington 1, Detroit 0. Western International League i Bremerton 3-1, Tacoma 1-6. It would only hinder the growth of true art to subsidize I f the local motorist: fried at Terrace for the jp: the Victoria Day cele--mere unable to get back a iy owns to the sudden f the Skeena River floor! Lid came in by train. !,me back by the Skeena jr, sport Ltd. plane. I arrivinu by train last Jriurted Mr. and Mrs. C. I Mrs. Jens Munthe, Mis-. t:ie. Miss Marian Miller, jHrown, Mel Thompson fc.-s Ham. .Pacific Coast League Seattle 13-7, Los Angeles 5-0. 1.. w- 1 ' I 1 s 1 q 1 ,( , v ' IP , ' its Sit- ' ' ' '!C JO-' I ' jf? ' ANNUAL MIXtD. ' VQ g 1 i2-ageratum,cwarf; P fioDduuQ, . X7,U V San Francisco 7-0, Oakland playwriting was more pronounced and often veered toward comedy "which is actually harder to write than a serious play." 0-2. Sacramento 6-6, Portland 5-12 peopie who have not contributed anything worthy and the right sort of drama would not necessarily be produced If the government offered to build a theatre in every community," said Mr. Card, president of the Shakespearean Club of Toronto. Eventually community thea Hollywood 1-2, San Diego 6-3. ".M. 4:00 Edmund feocKrlugt 4:1a Stock Quotations and Int. 4:30 Music by Goodman 4:45 Maggie Muggins 5:00 Ilendez-vous Room 5:30 Inside Story 5:45 According to the Reeoni 6:00 Current and Choice 6:30 Musical Varieties 6:45 Plantation 'House Party 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CBC Roundup 7 : 30 Oscar' Natzke 8:00 Canadian Music 10:00 CBC News 10:10 B.C. News 10:15 Why Laugh 10:30 Royal Conservatory String Quartet 11:00 Fish Arrivals I'RINf'E KI'I'KKT AKHK.SH1IKNT IIISTKICT NOTICE Is hereby given that a Court of Revision and Appeal, under t.h nrrtuiKintia rtt thn "Tuvatir, Donald- iiiitl Mrs. S. R. tres are necessary and both ac in Should be and amendments thereof, and "Public tors and directors 4 Bobby Woods came If ferably in harmonious, con A modern treatment of the paid, but only after they Jiave Schools Act," respectint? the Assess-jment Rolls for the Prince Rupert I Assessment District for the year 1U4U, f travellers reported the trast with the walls. , landscape planting around this proved themselves. MONDAY National League Cincinnati 4, Brooklyn 9. St. Louis 2, Philadelphia 6. Western International League .Bremerton 6-6, Victoria 4-12. Yakima 6, Wenatchee 10. Tacoma 6-10, Vancouver 4-8. TUESDAY American League Cleveland 4, Washington 0. Philadelphia 4, Chicago 3. St. Louis 9, Boston 4. New York 16, D'etroit 5. I -'.'i v . Against grey walls, brinht Acting is a full-time job and be bW "e Court House. modern home, expands the walk to the front door into the dimensions of a paved terrace. it takes a lifetime to become June nth at a o'clock in the after-proficient at it" said Mr. Card. noon. H mud Salvus up to the $' pa. Water was entering jt: in at Salvus and out-p were loose. l:iin moved through a Ijf a of swirling water al: pink or red flowers, bordered with white alyssum would be striking. The red could be obtained with lilliput zinnias eel-osia, petunias, or scarlet salvia. 'It should be paid if Canada is ' r'" " l"' In the center of the terrace going to reach the heigtits or is planted a small tree, of the 11:05-Weather Forecast and dramatic greatness." WALTER D. VANCE. Judge of the Court of Revision and Appeal (It) flowering crab, or hawthorne If the walls are i creamr or Generally, a colony of artists type, which will produce a beautiful display of bloom each spring, and provide shade the buff, dark blue-purple beds would be attractive such as could be obtained , from balcony blue, or elk's pride petun rest of the year, while never growing so large as to dwarr the house. ' TOURING CANADA General Albert Orsborn, C. B. E., (left 1 international leader of the Salvation Army, is shown on his arrival at Windsor station in Montreal. He was greeted by W. A. Mather, president of the C.P.R., and Commissioner Charles B a u g h (right), head of the Salvation Army in cauaca. After spending the week-end in Montreal, General Orsborn went to Ottawa to begin a Canadian tour which has taken him to Toronto, Winnipeg, Calgary and Vancouver. ias bordered with a dwarf marigold of the harmony type. Against the walls of the house Sign Off THURSDAY --AM 7:30 Musical CfotV 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 Music for Moderns 8:45 Little Concert 9 00 BBC News 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Transcribed Melodies 9:45 Modern Musicians 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Morning Visit 10:15 Morning Melodies 10:30 Roundup Time 10:45--Scandlnavlai, MHiie Against white walls,, a pink are broaa Doraer piaiumgs m dwarf annual flowers. While annual chrysanthemums are sug ( TIOV MIX tlimlMT alf 4l(i.R nivill be offrrcd for sale at at 11 o'clock in the 4j t Tui'wJay. the 8th June. UK ii ofhc of the District r' Prince Rupert, the licence ji . cut 1.860 000 t ta.m. of ( and felled Spruce. Cedar, I, ;cid Balsam, on Lotn 5Q16. $ the West half of 6817. half 0 ! of Shames Station. Range HJ.ind District. If viiirs will be allowed for li tm.lier ft Ml anyone unable to t -lie auction In person may tender to be oMied at ti 1 of auction and treated uid." (i particulars may be 00-n the Deputy Minister of flower bed would be harmonious such as could be planted with pompon asters, annual pinks, gested by the artist to fill the. or small flowered pink petunias. beds, with a ribbon of dwari Annual chrysthantherruims ageratum to edge them, there are many other annuals which have both single and double could be used. flowers. The singles have a rtark center, surrounded by a zone of Like most of these new houses 11:00 Kindergarten of the Air Advertise in tne uauy News! jdictona. B.C.. or the District U:15-8ongs of Today in this day the lines of this one are severely plain, depending lit Prmcc Huert, B C. on good design and correct pro color different from petals. Purple, scarlet, orange, rose, yellow and white are Included.. They are late In flowering, but-once started the flowers continue until frost kills the plants. portion for a pleasing effect. The and Professional fastness flowers should harmonize witn 11:30 Weather Forecast 11:31 Message Period U:33-Recoraed Interlude 11:45 Let's Waltz P.M. 12:00 Mid-Day Melodies 12:15 CBC News 12:25 Program Resume the coloring of the house, pre P. J. CHENEY DENTIST 1 SIMPLICITY Al last, yon ran have all the Jcll-O Pu.Minfis you FOR YOUR ROCK AND CONCRETE WORK CALL BLUE 939 M. J. SAUNDERS New, Modern Equipment All Work Guaranteed TE 5. SMITH BLOCK 705 P.O. Box 1401 Dress and Needlework PATTERNS like, whenever you like, lour choice of lour marvelous flavors - anil enough to lan second helping all 'rouiiA Enjoy the goodness and speed and economy of those wonderful Jell-0 Puddings "like Grandma's, only more so". Serve them plain ... or with cream ... or wilh fruit. Or use them fg & ELKiNS LTD. 12,30 B.C. Farm Broaucast 12.45 Recorded Interlude 1:00 Symphony ilour 2:00 Sheila Presents 2:30 Commentary and I Learned Late 2:45 Western Fine 3:00 Ethel and Albert 3:15 Spotlight on a Star 3:20 Sketches In Melody 3:30--Report on CM A. Annual Convention, Tor. CBC bmbing and Heating Engineers Simplicity Patterns lead the way to easy sewing, are guaranteed perfect ind include illustrated sewing In JONES NEWS STAND We handle Eastern and Western bucIi inspired serving as suggested on the packages. P.O. Box. n B74 I A Product f structions. PATTERNS FOR ALL AGES INFANTS TO GROWN-UPS I Gnral Foods Y-1 T TTTTnTT T"l f1 Papers Swedish-American Tribune and Western Miner Sixth Street Red 808 Chiropractor 22 BESNER BLOCK : 894 Phone Blue 442 ORGE L. RORIE T a A FOUR FAMOUS f ifliOKl I I w A a BW Moaern Department Store I VA . i jiVvJF Nationany-known -Hnes-tftJ PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning, Voicing and Repairs MIKE COLUSBI Phone BLACK 756 972 ;0th East .. . JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Accountant, Auditor, etc. Tax Returns Compiled. t Block Phone 387 JEORGE McWHINNEY HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Wavfig MINTING AND PER HANGING P.O. Box 1426 Beauty Culture in all Its branches 204 4th Street Phone 650 Icon St. Phone Green 394 l ! I V f T o.r.i limi Third Avenue jt-is i lJ .' ii! K 1 Lmmmm-mm LAXl I l?Si52Eil3 Mn'S C,othing Sh y' ' mm . " 'jr. '. '; "fijWH? "Si3 Plus 6 new Self-Sfe Eod LONDIE Visitor Doing Well Thanks! By Chic Yountr r'ttSsflPj-! SMt,on wlth a STt . , ,.im, 'M Service. t "'" . ; hS e3 &X) I Wg THE SKEENA MERCANT1E . heREAMMr I f for vou--) Sk'itsmv -h rY-I- (supposed 4 tJtrT&MZ?&. ?S?X' .Ck ZT ( M? II V Seabee Amhibian Plane '( fUEN ERICKSON flANO TECHNICIAN ININO AND REPAIRS HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS p5 411 West 7th Ave. Building and Repairs of all kinds Roofs, Chimneys and Oil Burners (rain Schedule ' 1ft East jhy, Wednesday, Friday he East day, Thursday, Saturday- PHONES: Green 486 Ked 894 pa p.m. QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Ueels ' an GnlM ft, the Fisheries Industry fells (P.R.) Ltd. ana num MAC SHOE HOSPITAL la pe, Labelling, Weighing "'80 BLUE 9S0 1 i V tWt I f itty 4 J3: Mi SKEENA AIR TRANSPORT LTD. : Izy- vVTAV I ( A 1 ... WeJ. fianiPr !l; ? r j I Terrace: PHONES Prince Rupert 5-Sr !l '. l.' rr -rwlH ;fl;;'ll; fil IT rmmAJ w. H. Martin, 23; E. T. Kenney, Ltd. 35 Red Top Cabs 349 The End of A Beautiful Romance. i L 1 J. - , , , , , , , , i , , , , ,. 1 1 1 1 i r-r : i':.,'iiiiii;iiiiii;iii'.i HT 1 i ; i : ; ; ; i i n , ! ; M 1 K'i::!!!:!!; 'iMiilllliliiii' r- ' for the best in automotive service ... 7 GENERAL MOTORS DEALER. : VfheB W SSSS SSSSglCi? Chevrolet Huick Chev. Truck, -'tV ZgSkVi hS3 U" T MACHINE WORK A SPECIALTY j I FKWn fMS3l l$k 0 m Terrace Machine Shop & Garage ! I ? 1 TERRACE, B.C. GREER & BRIDDEN BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Wir Construction Alterations 1 Flnnr Kanrlmir a SDCcialty w -wwm D - PLACE AN AD IN THE DAILY KEW8 CIRCULATION COUNTB 1 umiwmm' )one RED 561 P-- Uox iil