Prfnre fttiptrt S?afli Betes tt5. Thursday, May 27, 1943 LAWN BOWLING TTodeztyi in Sports SEASON OPENS President Beats Vice-President In Initial Match Monday saw the opening of the C.N.R.A. WHITEWASHES CO-OP IN SEASON'S FASTBALL OPENER . C.N.R.A.11, CO-OP 4 Canadian National Rail "Vcrnrl .-?M- Birth Notice.: lawn bowling season at the Canadian National Recreation Association greens. A large number of members were present and . ... runcrai onces, Marriage and Engagement Announcements: 2. K . . , , SPECIAL DISPLAY. DOUBLE PRICE laMlfted Adverting Is payable In advance. Please refrain from telephoning. ft- ENGAGEMENT NOTICE FOR SALE the dampness of the weather did not daunt their spirits. Eight teams were drawn for the President versus Vice President match. After playing fifteen lng for keeps at Gyro Park last night when they opened the fastball season by walloping Co-op 11 to 4 in the first game of what' probably will be the most epds the President's side won oy Mr. and Mrs. A. Barbe announce; the engagement of their elder daughter Alice, to Mr. John Christensen, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Christensen of Prince Rupert. The wedding to takfj place on June 26. tumiJtuuve season in years on tne. small diamond .11?.. , v ... FOR SALE 5 room house, 9th East. Basement, Furnace. Priced for quick sale. Also, 4 room Wartime House, near King Edward School, good condition. Armstrong Agencies, Phone 342. 307 Third West. 129) a score of 56 to 48. Following the games. J. Frew ueiung on to a slow start, the railwaymen into ciuuieu me wnarrsiders .5 2o e 35 THERE IS HO FIHER CIGA RETT E presented the President with ;i fine silk hat. After the exchange of greetings the president drew confusion in the fourth and fifth innings of the city league onpner IN MEMORIAM Percy Clog Wins B. C. Amateur Golf two rabbits from the hat and thereby establishing a position which will take careful very graciously gave one of the In memory of my dear friend, FOR SALE Service Station and Garage on two lots, centrally located. Good monthly turn- VANCOUVER. W Percy Cloea rabbits to his opponent. Harry Levin, who passed away of Vancouver, 1947 city amateur Lest there be any confusion Arrangements are being made for league games to start May 27, 1947. His memory is dear todav as the hour he passed away. Always remembered by Dom on the part of the absent fan, let it be stated at the start that the Columbia amateur chainuionshli) 1 L. r.A. (JL i C l' H ; Vancouver at 05. S:U be 'iot .. to his trophy collection. He de conflict was well larded with er . this flight w MEN'S FASTBALL SCHEDULE May 2ftGrdci and Ander inic Elio. it. over. Can be bought on terms, half cash. Selling as is, stars and equipment. For full details inquire at 404 McBridc St. or write Bert Bellamy, Box 1047, Station "B", Prince Rupert, B. C. (1291 Alii SUlLDlLh rors on both sides ,a condition that is practically inseparable feated Walt McAlpine of Vancouver three to two. In the 3iU hole final. FOR BALL TERRACE WINS Change in Canadian Pacific son vs. 99 Taxi. ! May 31 C.N.R.A. vs. High FOR SALE 3-piece chesterfield. 218 6th Ave. West. (126) Air Lines schedules between minutes. The dialers are URCe have been made lo cob arrival time n V.un'ouv Prince Rupert with T:a at'a Airline s castbound and departure times. OVER TELKWA from the raw condition of the players at this stage of Uie schedule. However, both coaches and bleacher critics are hopeful that. FOR REM FOR RENT Rooms, 622 Fraser FOR SALE First $400 cash bus gillnetter "May"; Easthope engine, new chain drive d:um. M.' M. Stephens, sheriff, (tf) Close Baseball Game Featured Victoria Day Celebration St- (12G) School. June 2 Gordon and Anderson vs. General Motors. June 599 Taxi vs. Co-op. June 7 Co-op v. Gordon and Andersom June 9 High School vs. 99 as the season advances, the cal ibre of play will improve to some FOR RENT Furnished and Prince Rupert, Sandsplt and Vancouver which will set back daily arrival and departure times between 45 minutes and an hour were announced at the . company's city offcie today. Tho changes are to be effective June 1. After' June 1, the scheduled comparison with that of the TERRACE Terrace defeated DEVELOPING - HtlNi! Heated apartment. Phone Green 68a (126) Telkwa 4 to 3 in a keenly. con- city's favorite winter sport bas-tested baseball game which, ketball. After all. it takes time. Baseball Scores WEDNESDAY American League Philadelphia 7, Chicago 1. New York 3, Detroit 7. Bolon 5,0' 'St. Louis 3. Washington 2, Cleveland 0. National League. Chicago 4, Brooklyn 1, Cincinnati 8, Boston 5. St. Louis 7, New York 14. Pacific Coast League Sacramento 4, San Diego 1. San Francisco 6, Los Angeles Taxi. ENLARGING FOR SALE Rooming house and boarding house contents. Good revenue. Apply Box 347 Daily "News. (126) v. ;ui: 1- l i, ... . ! -J , HOUSE FOR RENT Four rooms June 12 General Motors vs. w ueveiop a ieam and even luiguugmeu me victoria Day Sl'PERPAN press C.N.R.A (uiu uaui, iicwiy uecoraiea. iceieDratinn wnwam v,nQ I atic uil aircraft will leave Prince RuDert Near Seal Cove. Prince Ru June 1499 Taxi vs. General Monday . KODACIIROME and KM at 1:55 p.m. daylight time, ar Motors. longer to develop several of them. Co-op marked up the first run of the seeason when Spiro Pos-tulo made the circuit, scoring on In the tug-of-war contest Orange Lodge won over Kins FILMS riving at Sandsplt at 3 p.m. Re j June 18 C.N.R.A. vs. Gordon and Anderson. men. pert Realty Co. Phone Green (tf) FOR RENT Four room house with bath. Apply 208 9th Ave. E. between 1 and 4 p.m. (125) w.n. oijl -ne i5 it. x 172 Tobin Bronze Propellor Shaft, new, fitted with 2" sleeve ".' standard taper and nut. Also . 30x19 L.H. Sumner Propellor, new. Cheap. Apply C. Aberg, .Massett, B.C. (1241 Chandler & Cow Rain notwithstanding, races for children and field snort? an error. They failed to make another run until the fifth inn 0. Jun& 19 Co-op vs. High June 21 C.N.R.A. vs. 99 Taxi. June, 23 General Motors vs. Fourth St. PRINCE RUPERT, Hollywoad 10, Oakland 7. ing. proceeded in the morning. mining 10 rrince Kupcrt, tlirj the plane will leave Sand-spit at 3:20 p.m. and arrive in the city at 4:30. The schedule in this case is set back an hour and five minute. The Vancouver leg o't the fliuht FOR RPWT Flraf rj ui i. aau teams which " came came from iruiu C.N.R.A.'s ledger remained ivaiiu DiucA, ! ADDlV Max Heilhrnner Tmirol-. rnnce RUDert did nnt. wfiif frt a blank until the - mc fourth juuiiu when wnen vnw- . - "-.v u ler, ftfi Play but hastened hneir tn th 'Rrhwah Vonott., n..i. ... , Co-op. June 20 High School vs. Gordon and Anderson. June 28 General Motors vs High School. I . , . v"- muics anu INCOME TAX will leave the southern citv nt -..v-...!, -u..UUiu nwiru. in uie nun. FOR RENT 3-room furnished iRivpr tu .. Seattle 9, Portland 7. Vancouver 14, Tacoma 2. Bremerton 7, Victoria 5. Spokane 4, Wenatchee 2. Salem-Yakima, rain. TUESDAY Pacific Coast League Sacramento 5. San Dieeo 0. ,., iiuuu tlil Co. L. suite. 1028 2nd Ave. Blue 270. 11:15 a.m., daylight time, arriving at Sandsplt at 2:50 p.m. The Vanetta, Paules, Hay and Tsch-abold came round again, totalling eight for the railroaders. In the fifth, Co-od scored two (125) RETIRNS PREPARED- R. E. MORTI.ME 324 2nd Ave. (Near Ci FOR SALE 4 Roomed House, furnished, wash house, wood shed on 3 lots. All in garden and fenced. Boat building shed on one lot, with carpenter tools, blacksmith shop and tools. Acetyline welding outfit. Boat float connected to shed on waterfront. Good location for machine shop. Price $4,000. Apply to C. Aberg, Mas-set, B.C. . (124) , Record for King's iuuiuuuuu southbound flight muni, will win leave leave HOTONG , SCHEDULE .Sandspit at 3:30, arriving at fUH RENT Furnished suite ri., r. . runs. Slater getting on base on San Francisco 3, Los Angeles and cabin, nice, clean andi lale 18 oet UP warm. n42 Park Ave. Green TORONTO, W-A record for "4- (12S) the Kinu's Pinfo K.,f t ... .Ir?av Oranue vs. Bankers, Miller Bay vs. Westview, Moose' VS NU'PPt Qlvlcan- Ui . .. 2. a fielders choice and Smith on a base on balls. Warren tarni.irhi Cosmos, Rosa Lee's vs. Coaster? In Co-op's final run in the eighth . o - wi4i. nut lur uie FOR RENT Comfortable sleen i tTrack was made Monday when inrr v, on , Jim Pair's nni loof -i, Engine Tune-Up ing room, 806 Fraser St. (129i Strikes. Watts vs. Big Sisters. Savov vs Orange; Toilers t Comets. Manson's, vs. Annettes. June 3 Bankers vs. Coasters. Oakland 5, Hollywood 1. Seattle 12, Portland 4. Western International League Vancouver (, Tacoma 4 Yakima 11, Wenatchee 4. Bremerton 11, Victoria 3. Salem 10-4, Spokane 1-11. iviai i wuii the King's Plate, doing the distance of a mile and an eighth in ROOM AND BOARD FOR SALE Paint Sprayer, one quart, H.P. electric motor; 2 10 ft. ladders, ladder Jacks. Phone Black 245. U24) aner getting a base on ballsr C.N.R.A. scored their ninth run in the sixth inning when Stephens, getting a base on balls, came home on a fielder's error! The railwaymen's final two uns Bay vs. Sweet Sixteen; Moose vs. UfcO t O..U.. ... n ROOM AND BOARD-$45 each , mlnutes fIat- A colorful f double; $50 single, Sleepinr01''? Day crowd of nr'y FOR SALE 6-room house, with tuiy inousana saw the race, RELIABILITY PERFORMANCE ECONOMY Now that your driving is no longer confined 'to town become Important okuu VS. L.OSIIIOS. June , 8 Cosmos vs. Orange Savoy vs. Variety, Manson's vs' Comets; Watts St Nickerson vs. Toilers, Annette's vs. Westview Jimp 1ft. Qtril..... came in me eighth when Ste rooms for rent. Table meals Mrs. Lawley, 622 Fraser Street. (tf) RpirciDin t iDhens clniitprf o j , full basement and three lots. Apply Andy Honky, Terrace, B.C. (25) vav nwo j u'"bc ttiiu came Two hundred different home on a series of errors, and BASEBALL SCHEDULE Posa Lees, Scubv's vs. Coasters " i " indent, crimes laimes ROOM AWD BOARD near Cold were punishable by death under vc.nucua icpcaiea tne To ensure maximum efficiency and trouble-frre ernnJ oiure, leoo vtn Ave. East, -"bumi law during the 17th cen Phone Green 482. (128 turv- mouse vs. Miner my: Blower vs. Bankers. Big Sisters vs Sweet Sixteen. June 15 Variety vs. Orange Manson's vs. Toilers: Watts FOR SALE-1942 Dodge Special Deluxe Sedan. Newly painted. Excellent condition. Apply 13 " Taxi- (tf) C.N.R.A.- WANTED iai operation nave your car tuned up the LINDSAY nan modern scientific equipment and trained personnel. LINDSAY MOTORS LTD Strike vs. Cosmos. June 17 Blowers vs. Coasters Scuby's vs. Rosa Lee's. Moose v. WANTED TO BUY 40 bundles ol 2nd hand shingles. Box 350 Daily News. (125) dik oisiers: Annette s vs. Sweet Sixteen. Miller Bay vs. Comets FOR SALE Acme cook stove with pot burner and blower. Apply 99 Taxi. (tf) FOR SALE Empty 500-pound steel drums. Apply Daily News. (tf) MACHlNKlt FOR SALE TO SAW better lumber more economically use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, Bc- (tf) HELP WANTED May 27 Merchants vs Moose May 30 Savoy vs Merchants June 1 Moose vs Merchants June 3 Merchants vs Savoy June 6 Savoy vs Moose June 8 Savoy v Merchants June 10 Moose vs Savoy June 13 Merchants vs Moose June 15 Savoy vs Moose June 17 Moose vs Merchants June 20 Merchants vs Savoy, June 22 Merchants vs Moose. June 24 Savoy vs Merchants une 27 Moose vs Savoy June 29 Merchants vs Moose HELP WANTED F 1 r s t class automobile mechanics. None others need apply. Lindsay Motors Ltd., Prince Rupert, Bc- (125) m AB R H ..100 ..4 2 0 ...4 1 0 ..: 3 2 1 .323 ...5 1 1 ... 4 2 2 ...4 0 0 ...4 0 2 .411 36 11 10 AB R H .41 l ..4 2 1 ..400 ... 5 0 ., -401 .40 1 .300 -.210 .400 34 4 4 IN THE SUPREME COURT GP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE III the Mailer (if I he Kutiitn of Onrl Andrew Norland!-, Itnvawd, Intestate TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Holior Jlldi'A W rt TP..i - FOR SALE Tables and slings; Studebaker sedan; 2"x3" decking; stoves; gravel cart; dol-leys and trailers; soil pipe; beds and various other items too numerous to mention Apply 1401 Frederick St., highway entrance. (125) ' Batted for Lahtl CO-OP Postulo, rf Slater, 2b WANTED Stenographer-bookkeeper. Apply Dr. Large. Phone !34. (tf) Judge of the Supreme Court ot British Cnhimhiii .a. n .1 n... AGENTS WANTED ' ' "M m uh of May, A D. 1948, appointed Adrnin"- Bellis, c W. Ward, 3b iwn"ii'iiwtiti(iffffPti)'i ul me Estate of Carl Andrew Norlander, deceased, late of Prince VANCOIVKR VICIUl --, ...... ,VJ( u4 i-rmce Kupert, iu British Columbia. All i,ii,. t.,,.. Still li i' Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Can Saiuruay, 9 a.m., Ca FOR SALE Two cleared resi- dential lots, 6th Ave. E., close : In. Priced below assessed value : for quick sale. Phone Green ' 248 after 8 p.m. at) FOR SALE-30ft. gillnet boat with drum. 1st class condition. Ready to go. Cow Bay Boat Works. (127) ed to the said estnf . . I lleuelt P pay the amount of their lndebted- MIDDLE-AGED Man with car wanted to take over a profitable established door-to-door business in a portion of the City of Prince Rupert. Opportunity for someone with a small private income to improve his standard of living. This is a bona fide proposition and wiU stand investigation. For full information apply Box 348, Prince Rupert Daily News. ( 124) iu me ioruiwith and all persons havinu Claims Kanlr,t h ..u! i STEWART and ALICE i Sundavs. 12 midniaht l QI EKN fHAItlOTTF FOR MASSH T AND P' Now is the time to repair GARDEN FENCES STAIRS, SIDEWALKS LEAKY ROOFS . and REPLACE GUTTERS Mitchell & Currie Limited PHONE 3C3 Builders and Contractors estate are required to file them with TEST WHEN TIDE OUT fKp?pcrl? rrlflecl n or before the The hard sands of Davtona distribution will be made havlni? re- ln8 ground for racing cam is Wr?ATlrT.?crt,.!,,20 wide at low tide. ' L I.l'' t-T Mav 14 and 28-11 P:;- FOR SOUTH ISlANnj QUALITY Hats and Shoes 10 Percent OFF ThiWeek! COMPLETE RANOE OF UNDERWEAR STANFIELD TURNBULL PENMAN Clothing Store HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop.. FOR SALE Carpenter tools and household articles. Apply 792 Alfred Street. (1241 10th day of Mav. 1948 " 1 R?J?fT,ir,RArR?ES' The Pduction of cheese' was May Hi and 3U-u f FRANK J. SKINNFi; Prince Rupert Ate". Third Ave. Phone WORK WANTED FOR SALE 12 ft. speedboat, cheap. Can be seen after 6 p.m. at 615 8th Ave. West. (128) Prince Rupert bo tne ear"est form of dairy manu-(125) facturing. WANTED Part time or relief work by experienced stenographer. Apply Box 349, Daily News. ,i24) THIS AND THAT FOR SALE- Walnut three-leaf gateleg table, $45; chlffionier $15; porcelain topped table, four chairs, $17. Inquire 1104 8th Avtnue East. WORK WANTED-iookkeeping Princess Line SAILINGS to VANCOUVER and way ports Every Monday 10 pjn, to ALASKA Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway June 4 and 7 toALERT BAY and Vancouver May 29 and June 9 mauuine operator and typist would like full-time employ ment for summer. Rnv 31 FOR SALE New and Used Fu;- niture. Used kitchpn nHoii.- Dailv News (126) STbonc hnni 1 . " ried ried man man woniri would like v oi Accessories aid motoring pleasure Before leaving on t! summer trip, come in and see our complete stock Gabardine and Kool-Tex Fibre Seal Covers Car Robes Grill Guards employ 1Ui juggers, Meads & i-ans Make; All wool worir meni ror 4 or 5 hours evenings Box 352 Daily News. (126) shirts St jackets: men's suite- Afrf'H a n,LT c II.LI. .h Manv Other PERSONAL Phone 37 pn. Box 54 FOR BEST HOTEL SERVICE in the Interior, stop at Telkwa Hotei, 244 miles from Prince Rupert, Just half way to Prince George. (tn kitchen sets, from $12.50; electric washing machine; dishe; cooking utensils; bedroom suites; good hartiwood office chairs; new and used stoves, best makes; other useful household articles at the lowest prices. See B. C. Furniture Co., 3rd Ave., Black 324. FRASER STREET j Prince Rupert LOST AND FOUND LOST Ladies' gold Elks wrist RUPERT MARINE REALTY watch. Finder please phone Black 446. Reward. (124) DONNACONA yASWlJIi PLYWOOD LUMBER FOR SALE-20 ft. gas boat, 4 h.p. Easthope engine. Complete ."with 8 ft. skiff. Phone, Blue - 148 between 6 and 7 p.m. (129) FOUND Pair of silver rimmed Available Available at at glasses in wine leather case. 9ttV. have METAL WORK CLAUSEN lc SON) We Take Listings of . , . BOATS FOR SALE OR CHARTER BROKERS IN BOATS, MARINE AND FISHING EQUIPMENT TRY RUPERT MARINE REALTY FOR QUICK SAS OR CHARTERS (Just East of Llpsett's, Waterfront) Box 548 PHILPOTT, EV1TT & CO. tTO. ntiwrc pnnFS csi BSl R52 652 k i J l $Iy News and 593 Ijertisemenlj PLUMBING Installations a-repair. SHEET MET" WORK. Tar and GraveLfjgS ing. Letourneau fc g v " Sixth West. Phone 543 o 5 1UUU- - LUMBER- - P?141?, COAL "Why Is the umpire sending him to the showers? er case. ' (125) KiinilreS 1 - Complete Line of Building jjiq ne lorget to wash his ears?" ' nunc ureen 75 ,stsr.,tttttt..str,,t,,,,