t EARIY PIONEER REV IS ITS CITY i! LETTERBOX vii irx it rv if r i a i i ii u i f r,i if D D Radl Uia Cc IJ K 1240 Kilocycle (Subject to. change 2 Prince Rupert Dqilp J3cto3 LtD. Thursday, July 22, 1948 An Independent dally newspaper devoted to toe upbuilding of Prince Rupert and all communities comprising northern and central British Coluiabl (Authorized as Second Ciass Mali, Post Office Department, Ottawa) Published everv afternoon except 8unday bv Prince Rupert Dally News Ltd.. 3rd Avenue. Prince Rupert, British Columbia. O. A. HUNTER. Managing Editor. H. O. PERRY. Managing Director. MEMBER OP CANADIAN PRESS AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION ))frt(IM'""' rlNDi n u t v t lu v i n w 1 1 ex. I One of Prince -Rupert's earliest pioneers, who u would uke, the person or first came to Kaien Island in 1905 revisited the city t2ZZ. this week and found it far removed from-the wilder- my riog.s eyes to,know that4 lt ness that greeted him and the Grand Trunk, Pacjf ic j Aecewary.or Mils, type of dog townsite planners .43 years ago. -jw have the, hair .4vr. Lhe,yg, Jean Wacker, 70-year old founder of Wacker, also that i am capable of caring Alaska, which claims Ketchikan, - lor my, own dog and, when. It is as a suburb, does not think that ls g0od to see two of your ;-nry ITn Th s he will pioneer any new . . territory! ........ babies-turn , out to-be strong,!011' .'ISO. so. ' ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES City Carrier, oer week. 15c: Per Month. 85c; Per Year, 700; . By Mill. Per Month, 40c; Per Year. 4 00. Dr. and Montreal; f Eckstein,' h Victoria; j. thony, NfW IsWI, SW i 8 JMtiAtlUu-r .Little, Trn, "ver; E.fo H. ,-A. lyU(, Hudge, v, W. Pukc, v, 8:45 Sports Review " 9:00 Ernie Adams Show 0:30 Vancouver Theatre. 10:00 CBC New '0:10 B.C. News 10:15 Points of View 10:30 Nocturne 11:00 Fish Arrivals 1 1:05 -Weather and Sign Off FKluAl A.M. 7:30 Musical ClocK 8 00 CBC News U: 15 -Morning Song 8:30 Music for Moderns 8 :45LitUe Concert 9:0OrBBC NEWS 9:15Morniig Devotions 9:30 Transcribed Melodies 9: 45 -Modern Musicians 9:69 - Time Signal 10:00 -Murnuig Visit 10:15 Morning Melodies 10:30- Kouud-up Time 10 :45 Scandinavian ...Melodies 11:00 Bernle Uraden Tells . a Story 11:15-1111 Songs of Yesterday THURSDAY PM. 4:00 Tony the Troubadour ,4:15 Stock Quotations and Interlude 4:30 ,WaJly Wlckon 4:45 Stories of Adventure (Wpg.) 5:00 The Happy Time 5:30 Canadian Caravan 5;45 Platter Parade 6:00 People Ask 8:15 Freddy Martin's Orch. 6:30 Musical Varieties 6:45 Smoke Rings 7:00 CBC News 7:16 Odd Spot, Mtl. ,7;3U Eventide a:U0 -The Mighty Fraser 8:30rThe Nation's .Business until his nast nmifci bloom into1 healthy men," he chuckled. Thanking you, .iVIr.i Editor, for your space. 1 Mrs. A. j. w Mr. an,) w, (dako; ,h p ' Hand, Van,., cUies rivalling - New York andl He sailed back to Wacker, Al-San Francisco. This, he thinks, aska, via Ketchikan, last night is entirely possible. with an earnest promise to keep Mr. Wacker has been here or; an eye on his growing southern the last week visiting friends youngster. ( and he thinks that Prince Ru- Mr. Wacker remembers. many pert, which lie first knew as a of the early Port Essington pio- MRS. FEERO. .EXPORT, HOSIERY , Canadian tullr fashioned , hosi -ery .was.exporled ta.49 different countries. In- I Vancouver; k gleam in a group of idealistss' neers, among them Geofge:. Friz- rVer;H.E.fifc j awl .Mrs. Tv 1 anil Mrs K zell, George Cunningham .audi, eyes, has justified their early Canon RusnbrouK. tie recatien the old times ,.wiUi the , latter while on his .visit here. Rem miscences and Reflections By'W.t PRINTING PRESS FRAGRANCE STAYS Published statements .jiboutla darnsight, one cannot picture a government. closing. the, fiscal' Stewart silent and deserted. The 1 faith. "It's going to be a bis city, maybe even bigger than Wacker, Alaska," he says. Mr. Wacker arrived on Kaien Island first as a special constable for the B.C. provincial police and recalls vividly that his first duty was to take a group of Metlakatla natives to Port Essington for trial because they had defied the G.T.P.'s exclusive claim to Kaien Island and had attempted to re-establish their own claim by moving across the habor. They received small fines from Uie magistrate and were sent back, docile For (lifts .You'll (live With I -Lt Your Jeweller;He Your (; . ...IW n 0r.xl,.o nt OA Hi! ciip Is not bunt tnai way. , veil -wtuii -a quV4to.yi w,-z'.u" ulUJinuiun f V linn . dollars , leaves .us . positively advertisement for a new, -pertume cold. -So do the, remarks, of, an astronomer .Ueflning ' Uie , distance between , planets, tit's iar more pleasant ,and . understand Prince .Itupert has had all kinds of nublicity in Uie last 35 years hut none has been more ' satisfying than the sale of Col- umbia cellulose bonds. This is a Hv reason of. Ins experimc J appeared recently in ,Ute dully Oklahoman ,aad Times,,, and, .us a feature, the paper bore the pleasant fragrance . of the advertisement. Forty five pounds able to he.ar of the. year's catcli f,iiaUbut,er Oie..Uusiit;l yield of I new ypt- of advertising tor Ue enough, lougn, to 10 the ine Holy nuiy City. uiy. nor .nn .V.ui . UPt it V. fliT it HR'ailS tUtUTC WOl k - , , i u j j of the essence had been .duu.ped Moving north, he settled on yoyraeeth I1U0 Wiat. j and wages on a major scale, the I year round, and a gratifying into Uie The P.d-up presses. jrage Revilligigedo Island and opened vcrtisement only ran for few ,a the townsite of Wacker which i ' iscmii's anrl t.hp xnace Is now. filled (Despite wars, crisis after; public conlklence. saw some ueveiopmem uul iau-, - . .... j 1 hv mhers. But the , ucrfuniery crisis nrolonued austeritv. fin- Miuulil be able to leil yuu tiir iim .be sells. That Is yuur bent piuatamw . himself resjMinsihle wlien lie iiukrMl,, Your Jeweller knows thl jw, thin . yuu buy from him to be fxj.il.y, Iwi ause most peupln do not prrlrnd ti jewrllry like lliey are of other tiirrrlMCl You ran buy with runfiiiriu, 11111I you'll find our prices about (lir vu, ( anailiaii cilirv uoi.uiiK ure beiiif' Has Won Gratitude RT. HON. William Lyon Mackenzie King, who has been pilot of the Canadian ship of state longer than any man has piloted parliament in any British country, is going ashore from his last official trip. Whether any other pilot could have brought the Canadian ship through such rough waters will never be known." Although, in serving safely, many Canadians felt that he often sailed too close to, the reefs of appeasement, Canada owes Mr. King a great debt for his successful navigation through the shoals of disunity. No critic could say that he himself could have saved the ship of state from less harm, or left it in any better condition to weather the coming storms, ' , for no ne but Mr. King knows all of the risks which lie Imd to take nor all of the reasons for the courses he steered. Whatever history may make of his achievements and mistakes, this it must record, he was a statesman of wide knowledge and considerable gifts of diplomacy, a leader with a vision of Canada's part in preparing the way for peace, a man of fine character whose concern for human betterment should inspire Canadians to devote themselves to the common pood. Canada will remember Mr. Kmg as an able statesman, a worthy .Prime Minister, and a great Canadian. All good Canadians wish him many years of health and happiness in the continuing service which he cannot fail to render to his country as a historian and wise counsellor. FREE OR CONTROLLED JOBS CANADIANS want an economic condition MOST within which every dollar is an earned dollar and all health, pension and welfare benefits are derived from self-sustaining contributory .funds. Although people everywhere are seeking the greatest gain. from the least effort, Canadians generally realize that in the long run they must earn by personal contribution what they get in goods nnd services. What Canadians want politically, in our opinion, is a state of freedom to effect. democratic reforms which will provide individuals with : the greatest possible number of opportunities, and to confine ; privilege to the minimum, necessary to maintain; a democratic government in a competitive economy. ; Liberalism does not belong to any. one political party, but it is essential to. any political party which believes in a democratic, competitive, economy which ,is free and automatic in making myriads of, evolutionary adjustments. Liberalism cannot dive : in, a party which believes in a planned .and controlled guisneu uiaiiuy uctausc ouiuc-j k-t-- r . -; . body budy else else decided decided that that Ketchi- Ketchi- lingers iingers on. 011. :u It may oiay be w itiere ubhu ipr ( anpwil ai stress,, c,inuitm restneied markets, , ,...0v - kan had better prospects This weeks, no .matter .who or what ! property losses, bereavements, launched by victims of the fras-. . .T .i F.nirlanri F.nvianH mill still has has the. the. same same old old i er er Hiver Hiver flood.: flood.: Litigation Litigation may may be be upset Mr. Wacker somewhat but is advertising, did not diminish his faith in his chosen spot in the slightest. ,That 40-year faith has now apparently, been justified. "I am glad to learn that Prince Rupert has gots its celanese mill Premier Mipe May Re-Open All the men laid eff at the because it makes me feel that class . distinctions, says ..a :Lon-j necessary and justified. -To be don correspondent. .There is washed, out of house and home, nothing surprising n that. 1 For j and then saddled with a law-j it's everywhere. .People .arelsuit is .about all the grief one pretty much the , same wherever can ticcuimnodate, say, in one yuu . find Uiem. And that does ; summer. not mean , a dead, level. ' Until ..you've eaten a ..meat .Already, whispers of '.ghost casserole out of a Dutch oven town" are, heard when. Stewart you haven't really eaten, say.) is mentioned in connection with ; Penny Wise, in urging Uiat the the Premier Mine shut .down, hom'ebullder be sure to have Forget it! .Even .admitting .the such an oven, a vital part of gravity of a sudden. ceasing of house construction. There are an industry that gave a good Dutch settlers in Skeena and said ! Premier Mine closing have not I was right on two counts left the Portland Canal area this short, energetic man hap Quite a few are still at Slew.irt awaiting. The impression appears to be prevailing that Uie pily. "Wacker, Alaska, has a pulp mill, too." Wacker's mill is to be a paper Pimet'mine will reonen. but just how mill beloiming to the living to hundreds for 30 years, more are coming. A tip to re-and lias not yet played out by member! Sound Pulp and Paper Co. and soon, or under what conrilticvs now is in the first stages of de-1 or circumstances remains un-velopment. It probably will be-1 certain. A few of the men are gin construction and get Into being retained, production about the same time ' V. r'll.,lQ ViU nt- US Uie VUiuiuuia vcumuot v Watson Island. I Y A tjawtu . m BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL FOR YOUR MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST ROCK AND CONCRETE An Important Announcement from B;C. Hospital Insurance Service WORK CALL BLUE 939 M. J. SAUNDERS , New, Modern Equipment All Work Guaranteed In New Offices ROOM 10 STONE BUILDING T.o All Residents of British Colui New Phone BLUE 593 .It is the.Jlim of the Provincial Government, through the IJ.C Himpital IilMirautr in to provide ItritiHli Oilunibia ritizeiiH with neeary firiirrul lioxiiital iurr l rriiiiuntfj which everybiMly will b able to afford. 'I lie Plan 1mi iirnviilfn .for the ,rlabliJim' PIANO .TECHNICIAN Tuning,. Voicing and Repalr MIKE COUJSSI Phone BLACK 75 912 10th East . LokpitaU on a sou ml linuneiul haniH ami in the lirnt utep l.iwuruM f-realiiiK bl tr lirallh foriiriliah (Uliiinhia. -'lit Ilimpital liiHiirance Act stales that all rritleiiu of JJritieli Uial DR. r. J. (!HENK.Y DENTIST SUITE 5. 8MITI1 BLOCK Phone 765 P.O. Bux 1401 will arti'itat in the .l,nveriiiiieiit-iiMiiiHiir(-4l plan. METHOD Uf PAYMENTS Payment may be made by of thr fsUn HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOB Permanent Waytig Beauty Culture in . all Its branches waysi (a) Payment in full) (b) equal moDlkH alalluirut between Deloher and HsnH JOHN F. L. HUGHES Chiropractor .21-22 BESNER BLOCK P.O .Box 894 ' Phone Blue 442 204 4th Street Phone 659 coverage fur the full year lt. 1bii"l ' economy, in which adjustments are. made ajbitrarjly. In a Liberal democracy all jobs,. except those of ; the least possible number of civil servants.. are .-sonal iobs, chosen or changed by, individuals at will. Socialism in a-socialistic. democracy, if democracy can brpreserved in a socialistic. economy, is, a state operation in which every job is a government job or ', a controlled job, to which individuals are directed. -.TlwScene from BHINEWAVK FARM. POLITICS AND H. C. L. ; THE COST OF.LIVING in the United States keep" ; I climbing, and what is happening invites the care-! ful study of Republicans and .Democrats, .as their leaders endeavor to give reasons whyGover-; nor Dewey or Mr. Truman should dwell in the White-House. ; Inflation took another upward step across the ; border last week. Steel workers demanded more money. Today ,they are drawing in excess of $l.fiO ; an hour. That's going to hit, the average family man. Indirectly it.will mean the paying out of more cash for most of the things that go to support and ' help maintain a family. It is this that interests-the head of the house. And this may have a bearing on . how he votes. The same goes for Canada. tended o Jielp those per so us wbursosl the prruiiuaia.at one litue EXFMPTIONS HANDYMAN I JO ME SKRVICE GENERAL CONTRA'JTOHtt GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc, Income Tax Returns Complied, .Besuer Block Phone 387 All insurance tympanies AssoristloW""1 eirtirs providing Hospital Insuraurc es""": ' lirilish tdumhia and persons suU"" " such plans are advised that uoJtr fm 1 EDINBURGH, Scotland, (P -.'.Building and Repairs of all kbw Scots had better watch their '.Roofs, Chimney and Oil Burners ;ears! A law allowing Manxmen, .subsection 1 of the Hospital Jusursoce bf aous. may be. eiempt from aymrnt of p"""0 by the tminiissiuucr, oly where "t ' Hcnclii isrit-s and paymenla to hoapitab a" least equivalent to thoec rovidwl ' to lop off the ears or kill the (Scottish invaders of the Isle of Man on sight, made 500 years .PHONES: Oreen 486 - .Bed K4 Act ago, has never been repealed. ,TIME OK.HDGISTKATION i&acisliaUua U MoiiMtlcvry and will Ix-piu early 4 t. .PRF.MIUDIS fiJJM) ,r , auuiun for aingle ptrwiu 16 year if .age awl, over wbu are upMirling llieuivelvea fiaau'iaily. ,2.0U ptr luuuul for Head uf a family willi uu ,irTuUrut. -kfStf.VO per annum for Head of.a family with more- than sue dependent. .Dependent A wife, ami children under 16 yeara af age or alher member! uf a family group living wih or apart from the Ilea.) of a family for whom be U linaueially reiponnilile. f urther detail are provided with registration foruia. ..BENEFITS Public Ward Accommodation, Mealaaiul Special .IlieU, Ward iuring Care, Operating Koom Kacilitiea, Surgical OreMinp and Cal, Availahla X-ray 'Service, A'ailahle Laboratory Service, Atailable Phyaio-Therapy, Approved Drugs. Hvspital Maternity tare without .a .wailing jeriod. Ji retlfi. tiom on Uie number of time or ei vttutaf time that may be spent in bospital, so .oug as liwspitaiiiiiiii.il is necessary. .Hospital Benefits will le available in the eaC3 ,f. illness pre.eisting (he date when the Plan .coiwea into effect. v Payment to Hospitals will be based on Hospital eosls of public ward accommodation and services. fKkt.liTKATIO.N AND I'HKMIt M I'AYMKNl S Jtegistration and payment of premiums may be ,trrirl uti (a)-by individuals, (ii) as a group, (e) wilb tbe cooperation, of Management. -ArraMgtu.ents .will be m.,Je for regi.tr.tiun .aud.paimeiit.of premiums under group plans, .spoosored l,y either employees t'hemselv.. v, ,jlth the .aasislanca af Management. (.'ulcaa speciuiall7 tiempted -by t ...i ... .ihtf W f . uwvcniiius " Insurance Plans will alill.be rw)"" : .1 flw " Serving the Fisheries. Indus tr Wells (P.R.):Ltd. MliAMTY BtHAIKS For Uuwntruddeo Heeb aud Worn Soles ' MAC SHOE HOSPITAL: r. ?7i SeeoDdAT. .....m... ,uurr trie iisfi""-avoid such a uossilalitv subscribe " Cartage, Labelling, Weighing plans slinulil ulilain uiuisur' I . . Li s BLUE 781 BLUE K0 m Miuitisnj ,r aaocianoM diliona protUluig for aiempli"' , . ... . ..life" Government I'Jan.wiil be nici- i"-- i,irlit .panics, Association and wi'lirt . . .JIIIHF meet the lwv comlilioaa are ui- ) Ormes Drugs all necessary details to the 1kbi""- ill Insiirancet Service, Parli""' " .- ., tall We can supply all your needs in ... . BUILDING SUPPLIES including WALUJOARDS, FINISH LUMBER, PLYWOODS, SASH AND DOOR, NAILS, PLUMBING SUPPLIES PAINTS PHILPOTT EVITT & CO. LTD. Victoria, csempiiona tner mh .above are aa folluwsi (a) Krsldent of an area f" , .. . ! aI PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS STORE HOURS WEEK-DAYS, 9 A.M. TO 8 P.M. SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS 12 NOON TO 2 PJH., 7 P.M TO 9 PM. general uospitai cr-able. 1 itind (b) Adherent or members in I af tbc.Cirittiau Nieue I" Dally car delivery service from 9 ajn. till 0 p.m. Emergency bicycle delivery from 7 p.m. tlll,9 pjn. and Sunday -Serrine the North Since 1920" Phone 651 652 LUMBER PAINTS COAL PHONE 81 i