prfnre Enjsetf Thursday, Dan? I3tto3 D3. Julv 2. 1&48 T inlay hi Sports PERFECT COMBINATION FOR PERFECT Makes Good Start Openlns BaHmen tiie l p Bie Seores lor Finland in Test Cricket . LONDON In the fourth test JlAostfleds: 2c per word per Insertion, minimum charge, SOe. Birth Kotlceo: 60c; Cttrub of Thanks. Death Notices. Funeral notices, Uarrtaga and Engagement Announcements: 12. SFECIA1. DISPLAY. DOUBLE PRICE DusKled Advertising is payable in advance. Please refrain from telephoning. A. SHAVES! You get the slickest, most refreshing shaves of your life with the Gillette Tech "Raaor and today's Gillette Blue Blade. They fit exactly, and protect you from the diBCom-' fort caused by misfit blades. Gillette double edges mean double economy, too. use Gillette I irt ttt trr mr c Vv With th s tver honed! V? C. G of W. H on this a! business ti HILL HELP rOR YANKEES Performances of Tommy Byrne, Siim lefthander. -is -the talk of the New York Yankee, camp these days as the Bronx Bombers continue to fiuht it out with the Cleveland Indians and Philadelphia A's for the American League lead. Byrne, who came up last season from Kansas City, recently set the Detroit Tigers down with two hits. FOB IRON cicVet match being played at Leeds, England made a fine start against the visiting Australians, the score at the tea in'erval being England 194 for ono wicket. Washbiook and Hutton played steadily and the first wicket p-irtiu-rship was not Droken till Hutton had made 81. Washbrook had scored 94 at that time. Alter resumption Washbrook went on to complete his hundred ami was 105 not out when play adjourned. Edrich was 6 not out. Soccer Postponed Last evening's scheduled football fixture between High School and tne battery in tne secoiui round of the Gilhuly Cup competition was postponed on account ol wet grounds and unsettled weather conditions. Friday evening's fixture will bring the Canadian Legion and the Battery together, judging from the display put on by these teams in recent matches, tnis game lould prove to be a leal bdtue. The Canadian ; Legion, in particular, has shown great all round improvement. As an indication of their deter-; mination to continue in the winning column they held a practice last Monday evening and, under the guidance ot Alex Haig, for merly one of Prince Rupert's All Star representatives, they went through a good work-out. In previous games between Battery has had the best of ex- I changes, having won three, in- eluding the Dominion Cup game, and drawing one. However m light of the improvement shown i oy the Legion and in view of their determination to get re-1 venge for the three to nothing defeat handed out lhem bJ me Battery in tneir utsi iiuicu, tomorrow evening's game has all the ingredients for a first class batUe. Sport Shotsi Boston's erratic boxer-sailor, Jack Sharkey, was held to a 15-round draw by Mickey Walker at Brooklyn 17 years ago. Former world's heavyweight cham pion, Sharkey started 3-to-l lavorite but the "toy bulldog" to toe to earn a draw. Ab Jenkins established 21 world's automobile speed records in a 24-hour run at BonneviUe Salt Flats, Utah, eight years ago. His main achievement was the mark of 161.8 m.p.h for 3,- j. c. Gilker, assistant mana- I ger of the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for a business trip to Ketchikan. 1 riume Vi MEN'S FASTBALL SCHEDULE July 24 Gordon Si Anderson vs. Co-operative. . vs. Canadian National Recrea- tion Association. Julv 28 General 'Motors Taxi. July 31 Co-operative vs. General Motors. August 299 Taxi vs. 'Canadian National Recreation Association. . ... - .i i ' ' ' ' I'll ONE 654 55c Per Down Paid Fr Rmptre This Mlvertlimnent In tint publiubMl or 1l6playd by tlneUqwir Control BoRrdoi by the Oortrnment or BrltuXi Columhl. r Baseball Scores American League Cleveland 3-12. New York 7-8. Chicago 1, Boston 3. Detroit 1, Washington 6. St. Louis 17. Philadelphia 5. National league New York 4. St. Louis 8. Brooklyn 9-7. Chicago 3-1. Boston 6. Cincinnati 2. . Philadelphia 3. Pitsburgh 2. Western International League Tacoma 8, Wenatehee 4. Bremerton 4, Spokane 2. Victoria 4-9. Salem 0-5. Yakima 4. Vancouver 3. Pacific ComI League San "Francisco 9. Sun Diego 4. Los Angeles 8. Racramento 5. Portland 9, Hollywood 3. Oakland 8, Seattle 6. Old Timers Serious Practices for I'.xhibition Football Game fnoVr Way i Continuing their preliminary plans for the exhibition football game the old-timers, and son who are not so old; are getting, some practice m. while others haye turned in tner namPS as being willing to contribute of their talent and what they have left of wind and muscle. ', A practice has been called fur nfvt Mnnil.iv pvenine at Aero- I nn will v".-iv name, n.iried to the list of prospective players IncUide Ernie Webster, George Howe, Hulverson and Dave Owens. It was interesting to see two father and son combina tions at practire last Monday. DaVf 0w.pns and son, Andy, were one pair and Jack Wilson and Pat the other duo. And both lads were agreeably sur- JlllSeU ill LI1C juuiwuia nit'i know how" shown by their "old men." Another old timer who showed that he could hit a ball end put it where the goalkeeper was not was Halverson. The exhibition game Itself might be arranged for the vacant Friday of next week if the Gilhuly Cup games are finished then. Failing thit It will be played en a Monday evening. Going Steady "7 k SUPREME ' ' ' - FOR RENT FOR RENT 2 room apt. and single sleeping room. Apply 221 5th East. 1 176 FOR RENT One three roomed suite, nicely furnished with private bath. Apply cottage at rear of Washington Blk., 2nd Ave., or Phone Black 490. 173 FOR RENT 3 room house with garage. Apply 1845 11th East. (173 FOR RENT One large house- keeping room and one sleeping room. 650 7th Ave. East. Red 471. tf FOR RENT Furnished bedrooms, one single and one double. Kitchen and home privileges. Phone Blue 716. 174) FOR . RENT Flat, feand Block. Apply Max Heilbroner, Jeweller. Uf) FOR RENT 2 room apartment. 801 Borden Street. (tf) WANTED WANTED Urgently needed 4 or 6 room house or bungalow to rent. Dominion Govt, employee. Box 371 Daily News. (172) WANTED Car Datteries, cor radiators, brass and copper; paying good prices. See B.C. FURNITURE CO., Black 324. (tf) HELP WANTED REQUIRED by local business concern as assistant to accountant, young man age 18-25, with some knowledge of bookkeeping. A permanent position with every opportun- ity of advancement. Apply in own handwriting giving ex- perience, qualifications and salary expected to Box 372, Daily News. (173i : ioYS WANTED Bovs desiring . . News routes should leave thsir . names at the office as vacan-! cies may be occurring any daj. SALESMEN AND AGENTS i wwx v.mvxixo Duoj-, VPCO i r Ti r-i I v ui i nice viiper l . available for industrious man desirous of getting into a good-paying business of his own. Suitable for man in! good health nearing retirement age. Average daily profits about $10. For full information apply The J. R. Wirkins Co., 1010 Alberni St., Vancouver, B.C. (17?) MACHINERY FOR SALE TO SAW better lumber more economically use tha modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. . (tf, METAL WORK PLUMBING Installations ana repairs. SHEET METAL WORK. Tar and Gravel. Roofing. Letourneau & Sons, 629 aixtri west. Phone 543 (tf) CANADA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE I'ralrif Kanu Kchabililaliim Act I KMil KS Sealed tenders will be received bv the undersigned until 12:00 o'clock noon. Repina Time. August 4. 194S. for the construction of an earth fin dnin and reiniorccd concrete outlet works. The work is located annroxi- mately 635 It. outh and 545 ft west of the northwest corner of lot 4090 ?o?uZir:uru?Zen "int f K-wwna. in the West Bank Irrigation Project. Tenders must be submitted on the forms attached to the specifications, hi me envelope provided. The following are the main Items of work. Excavation 90.000 cu. vd. Earth Pill 89 000 ru vri umciTie 550 cu yd. Cement 825 bbl. Reinforcing Steel 51.000 lb. Plans, specifications and form of contract are on view at the Veterans Land Act Office, Marine Building. Vancouver, BC ; at the P.F.R A. Office. Kamloops. B.C.; at the PPR.A. Office. 910 McCallum Hill Building. Hegina. Bask ; at the P.F.R. A. Office, 418 Public Building. Calgary, Alta. f f. t "pT?"lM"ms antl t'nier " winy ue uoiainea from the undersigned at his office. 910 McCallum Hill Building. Regina. Saskatchewan upon deposit of Ten Dollars (10 00 cash or a certified cheque for that amount, payable to the Receiver General of Canada, which deposit will be redeemable upon return of the plans and specifications in good order within one month tter tenders have closed. Any tenders which are not prepared strictly In accordance with the "Instructions to Bidders" may be rejected. The lowest or any tender not nec-ensarlly accepted. By order L. B. Thomson Director of Rehabilitation. 810 McCallum Hill Building, FOK SAEfc FOR SALE Brunswick portable gramaphone and about 20 records. Apply 1438 Overlook Street. U72 FOR SALE Bargain. Rogers cabinet radio in excellent condition. $6000. Phone Black 264. 173 1 FOR SALE McCiary Cream En- j amel Oil Burning Range. 433 5th Ave. West. U76i I FOR SALE Nearly new light walnut bedroom suite, consisting of bed, vanity dresser with stool, ar.d chiffonier desk-wardrobe; also kitchen cabinet; McCiary kitchen range. Apply .31 0th Ave. W. tlTli FOR SALE We have several moderately priced homes for sale some with low down payments In good locations. Cad us for information and inspection. Armstrong Agencies, Phone 342. Eves. Green 297. 17i FOR SALE-1942 Dxlge Special Deluxe Sedan. Nev !y painted. Excellent condition Apply 13 Taxi. (tf ) FOR SALE 2 H P. Water Cooled Fairbanks Morse "Model' Z" A-l condition. Phone 530, Dave Jones. (171) FOR SALE New and Used Furniture and Hardware. Slightly used Bedroom Suites, Kitchen Sets from $12.50; Bed, complete $15; used Carpet In good shape; Occasional and Kitchen Chairs; enamel Wash Basinj $5; Underwood Typewriter in perfect shape; Office Chairs; nw un pain ted Book Cases. Other useful household ar ticles. B C. FURNITURE CO., Black 324. (tf FOR SALE Girl's C.C.M. bicycle. In good condition. Phone Blue 825. (172) FOR SALE Second-hand 3x12 planks, $25 M.; also fir or oak barrels, $1 each. Apply B & W. Transfer, Phone Red 182 H (17D) FOR SALE 4-room furnished house, newly decorated. 1424 Pigott Place. (173) FOR SALE 6 - room Wartime house with brick chimney and level lot. Sacrifice at $1550. Apply Robert E. Montador Ltd. (173) FOR SALE One Royal Portable Typewriter with case, new, $75. Box 370 Daily News. (174) FOR SALE Oil range, "Renown," pot burner type. Complete with new fan for perfect draft. This stove is in excellent condition. Price S185 less freight to Prince Rupert. Address reply Post Office Box 60, Burns Lake, B. C. (175) FOR SALE 6 room house, 1300 block 6th East. Apply 132G Piggot Ave. "(172. FOR SALE OR RENT 7 room modern house. Also for sale-piano, dining room suite, kitchen set, oil burning range, furnace tte and other numerous items of furniture. Phone Green 29G. (172 1 ?Iusiiifa AavertHiiflg Pays! Wartime house four rooms. In excellent condition. West of Conrad St. Cash or terms. $1700 cash. Superior home, 5 rooms and bath, lovely view, 43 foot lot. Hot air furnace. Cement basement. Near Borden St. school. $0000. Terrace 10 acres in fruit trees, 4 room house and barn, low taxes. $2100. cash. See us about your needs, we have many listings of other properties PRINCE RUPERT REALTY CO. 212 Fourth St. Phone Green 917. (172) USED LIMBER Flooring, 3" and 4" Fir. Bhiplap, (short). Demension Lumber 2"x4" 2,x6" 2"x8" Selling reasonable. NORTHWEST CONSTRI CTION LTD. Second Ave. Phone 563 in ForKt' WtDNZSI); T 'H uiiurui(i City Dnl ritrsti j algae from various places ir. the United States. They came from the soil rather than from the sea. Algae live in earth r.s well as in water. Usually Professor Smith keeps the males and females separate But to make tests he lets them together now and then. the microscope they look likf smilitly-grvenish. air bubbles about half as big as the head of pin. They swim around aimlessly. But when ateae are mlxed tne effect is almost start. anE . Tnev slart .,. off ,.,. couples on a dance Poor To prove his theory, Smith had t0 make algae grmv in darv:le.,s i There thev reDioduced them-' 'selves in the conventional non- S(.x,,al ,,.av Thl,v ,ipwr aroused except after exposure to ii,t That demonstrated the mysterious power ot llBht to pro mote reproduction. Dr. Smith found also that th'-algae were a bit clannish. Of al! the different kinds, onlv those from Amnerst Mass., and D?er- field, Mass., would mix. The non-mixers were of different sped' s. They produced hormone sub- rk 0" I means there are different kinds of these elements', chemicals, and that their effet'i depends upon whether they "e'.'rlr" with their objective . . . Where this will lead scientifically, nobody knows yet. Jonn IV reiuieuy, vino is a'.-1 tending Royal Roads naval col- lege at Victoria, arrived home o.i f the Prince Rupert yesterday j from the south for a two weeks' vacation. d 1 fe"- JStttc Available! J GREER & BRI LOVE LIFE of OF ALGAE Unidentified Chemical Sparks Single-Celled Creatures in Presence of Light By RENNIE TAYLOR PALO ALTO, Calif., Science Is finding out something new about reproduction. a In a Stanford research labor atory are several million one- celled creatures which pay no ,lLPIluu" l" o;ner in tne aarK DUI- a,ltT ey spend a wnne u. tne 'nt-they go for each other '" When they mate they literally -!!me. ey melt .int; cat" uuitr unu oecome a single cell. The fused cell finally , two males and lwo fema)es wh';,.h (never mate unless they happ.'i to get into the light for a while. Professor Gilbert Morgan Smith says this means mat some mysterious and potent sub stance which resembles se hormones But they produce it only when exposed to light. This is significant because these organisms are the lowest kind of plants, yet under the influence of light they act like the main characters in a boy-mee!..--gir! plot. The one-celled things are a type of algae or seaweed called chlamydomenas. Algae ana other simple organisms' ordin-airly reproduce without sexual activity. The cell simply grows and divides in a chain reaction which perpetuates the species. Sex hormones presumably are produced only by the higher plants and animals, which are made up of many different kinds of cells and which have sex organs. The alga has nothing like that. Under lirjht he ju't breaks out with some come-hither chemical. TWO YEAR JOH If the lowly aiga, which lives on carbon and water, can pro- duce a hormone-like substance, , . , then maybe sclence lias been missing ' something. Professor stance after nearly two years uf . , ... researth- I!e T, desn 1 know 'xact- t ly what it is. Its isolation and identification is a job for the biochemist. Smith's interest is in learning more about algae. To do this work the scientist collected more than 500 samples PERSONAL I P. Kelley wishes to contact Edward Stead who is believed to be in the city. ' 172 ! FOR BEST HOTEL SERVICE in the Interior, stop at Telkwa Hotei, 244 miles from Prince Rupert, fust, half way to Prince George. (tf) I Steel, any quantity. All ! sizes. Available at ones. BUILDERS AND CONU Repairs Construction -Floor Sanding: a Speri Phone RED 561 K aien Co-op Wt- A pi 1 REVERE WARE J)rop in and checli over (he cw Stainless Stetfl IVeasnre other linwof "otu and Tans. HE) VIS6IKIIA PIPE TOBACCO PHONE Phone 179 WRITE Ifcu 1127 Hi JOI.KON AL JOLSON . IN HIS "LATEST WCC Bl M All vm 24397 '1 Want a CirL" "Where the Blarli-Tyed Susans 24398 "When tb Bad Bed R"hl'' Si AN OUNCE OF PREVENTION IS WORTH . . . a pound of cure. Our regular servicing of your car keeps it in A-l condition-assures you safe, smooth, carefree drivin. Along." "Someone pse May Be Thei 24309 "For Tile'mnd My Gal." "When I I.ero the World Binl1 24400 "There's lUllibww Wound "About a Quarter to N''-DECCA ALBUM NO. A-4fl-NW Lei, us service your car every 1.000 miles. It's the wise thing to do! Call 83 for pick-up service LOOK FOR TUJIC NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL Writ for pria i1. Fnclow aaff addressed envelop. Dept. 3, 1275 Ouoan St. W., Toronto, Con. mum T1TT) iV- 7r-r--.r, ; rcegma, HasKatchewan. i (172) j