GIRLS REPLACE BOYS AT ptttuf .tlupal jDallE )3fto JLto. Thursday, July 22, 1943 Dutch Envoy Sees Peace Vp to ten years ago Canada and t he Netherlands had seemed Ui apart with but little in common. All that, however, had local light heavyweight, defeated. Eddie Shannon of Seattle on points. Mr. Jones of New Yoik refereed. Cyclone Scott outpointed Killer Campbell, a local man ,in the preliminary. CAMP OF K I N S ME N AT LA and the Netherlands.' now been channed. Canada had i V.'jl'ia.u George Barrie, pro prietor of a city furniture store, The fish that freauent t,hi PRINCE RUPERT I YEARS AGO died In PelerborouiUi, Ontario I alter a Ioiir Illness, according to In the midst of new' alarms suggesting imminence of the breaking out of World War III it was refreshing to hear a chief envoy of one of Europe's most severely subjugated and suffering nations in World War II express confidence that, If the Dr. Evenster acknowledged the instrumentality of Canadians in liberating his country after its painful years of Nazi bondship as a result of which "Canada entered into our history forever." He further acknowledged how Canada had been among look that c,nno who have hiu, lurc or 'il-cJ food, fresh air : "on and Slltlsh, fl,'t anoUl, he same them finr, u. . word received by S. V. Cox. man-aner of the business." Mr. Barrie was a former city alderman and a member of several lodges. Biven hospitable sanctuary to the Crown Princess and her family during the war. The Canadian Army had been ninety per cent responsible lor the liberation of Holland. Then there had been the food and building materials which this Dominion had provided after the war. In return. Holland had nude one contribution in the way of 2500 A fisherman named Lawrence Burns, age 26. was drowned when he fell from the gasboat Verna at the Davis floats. ! the first, after the liberation, to A Forbes, mineral rxin-rt lor I July !2. 1923 City Council uooepted a Vic-Jorla company's Wil of 1)8.47 for llu city's $78,000 six per cc-U debenture bonds cover Inn Booth fohool repairs and predion of h fcridip- over Hays Creek. C A tier Im-ihk closed down fji tive il.iys following " fire which rleM roved a number of building::, the furnaces at the Oranby Jmelter at Anyox were blown In again, resuming full production. freedom-loving countries held fast together .there would be a good chance of another global conflict being averted. It was Dr. A. Evenster, consul-general for the Netherlands in Canada, war brides who would be a reali rush supplies of food and terials to a starving and stricken people. A rapidly re-establishing Holland was now attempting to the provincial government, ex-1 amlned the salt bed a'. Kwii'iuuij addition to this country There Oeorge A. Findlay and Miss Belle McDonald were rescued from Ihe harbor by Jack Buddie after their canoe had capsized. They had been In the water for half an hour. July 22., 1913 In a spirited 15-round bout ai the Mclntyre Hall, Lem Kegs. had also been the contribution; farewell t,, Ule a"y and, before ' the city al 6:15 , tug forward u, j their families r' camp adventurr,'. and re-told. Girls whh Ur,. Kinsmen's Joyce Strand; Eli,' Glenys Owens to . waters of iakelse Lake in the vicinity of the Kinsmen's Kiddies Kamp probably flipped their tails with joy today as the last boat load of boys chugged down the lake heralding the breakup of the first boys' camp this summer. All the boys didn't catch fish during the ten-day stay at the lakeside camp but most of them tried with t-very lure they could think of to land a lake trout.- But perhaps the fish colony won't be able to rest completely for the next 11 days; thirty girls have replaced the boys at the camp and there may be some of them who can cast a mean bait. This morning the girls, with what a male observer estimated was enough luggage to keep them going for six weeks, boarded the big bus and, amid a barrage of farewells and last-minute Instructions from parents, owned by Frank Mobiey and J associates and expressed the j opinion that there had o-cn a 1 salt lake there In prehistoric times. , do what it could to repay by , sending to Canada a good type of Immigrant citizenry and goods on a reasonable basis. who spoke thus before the Prince Rupert Gyro Club at luncheon yesterday, his subject being "The Relations of Canada Taylor, Roberta o of immigrants. 3000 last year. 10.000 this war and an expected town next year, mostly a type of mixed farmer well adapted to conditions in this country Dr Sevenster reviewed in some detail the excellent post-war prvvgrss which Holland was making in spile of difficulties. The nation, dependent upon exports for its economic stability, had been stripped of her natural resources, forty per cent of her shipping had gone and her ports had been destroyed. The country was flooded, bridges blown up. roads gone, transportation PE PL wooa, Marjurip w Becky Morgan, ' Betty Oskey, Ivy g Webstfr, Mynif , dine MoorehouM. Olive Strand, eic Norma Johv- m m were on their way to hollday ; Laura Eri(.ksim '. showed keen M.rarf,. n,. land. The girls 3Mw miercsi in every pnase oi inejRogo Maru. b trip and their enthusiasm often jgcliwab. Jewell c rippled out in group songs. R. O. j McKay and Ms- Moorc, who accompanied the j group as guide and supervisor, j Both found his task an easy one. Miss Women arc rr E. Kinnaird of the Social Wei- gastric ulcer-ware Service will act as camp are chiellv alii , supervisor while the girls urcuiC(.rs. at Lakelse Lake. . When the girls reached the1 WORN by f lake the boys were waiting to in Elizabi liar. disrupted. She had been bereft of Indonesia which had provid-( ed fifteen per cent of the national income with its oil, rubber, sugar, tea, coffee, and tobacco. The consul-general then re-wpwed the remarkable progress which had been made in rebuilding the country which had now reached 80 per cent of its pre-war capacity in production. Sale Mow On! Cash Prices Must be Lower. Cash Pays! board the bus for the trip nomc. land ear-nut, All of them bore that vigorous ; by men and won.. for l DDirsss Sail VZ.'.JS 5Jl . Y m- (dOoper. Vt Buy One Dress and Take Another FREE ! 'J.-'l SI 'HERE'S now YOU .lust pick out 2 dresses. Any 2 you desire. Over 200 dresses to choose from. Pay for only one. If the price on each dress is different, pay for the higher priced dress only. You jret one dress absolutely FREE. frW'A )( 7V The merchant fleet had been rebuilt. There was enough food and. with well regulated distribution and price control, the country was in excellent spirit, remarkably free of strikes or any form of internal dissession. Holland was sharing In the new European Recovery Plan through which Canada was continuing to give aid. But it was hoped that Holland would before long be independent even of this and would be able to regain its old position of trade and export with the rest of the world and Canada. President O. G. Stuart occupied the chair at yesterday's luncheon and the speaker of the day was thanked by Dr. Jens Munthe. the Norwegian vice-consul here. Guests included Rev. Basil S. Prockler, E. T. Applewhaite and C. A Bcrner. ENTRIES FOB SIZES 11 UP TO SIZE 48 SIZES FOR EVERYONE FORMER PRICES $3.25. 54.23. $4.95, $7.50. $7.95. $9.95. $1 1.95. $13.50. $13.95. $15.50. $15.95. $16.95. $17.50. $17.95. $21.50 Miss Prince Rupert (a MI ST HE TIRNEI) IN BY SATI KDAY Mi 2 GIRLS' SUN $3.95 $5.95 Ladies C1 AH HATS V our Choice 0 I ntv Fishermen! LADIES' BATHING SUITS SUITS AND SWIM SUITS BE SURE Have your KM $3.25- $4.75 Ladies BLOUSES - Choice S1.99 by Expert Servicemen at.... 99c r :': ? Sizes 1 to 7 S3.99 Formerly SoM-SlMX ! 1 it H' RUPERT RADIO & ElEC llov 1331 $3.25 $7.25 Ladies ai mm SKIRTS Choice 01.33 45c 75c Girls and Boys mm SUN BONNETS LSC 75c Kiddies m LEATHER PURSES 45k GROUP NO. 2 S1.49 Reg $2 43 to $o?S Sizes 2 up through size lo Smartest Seasons Styles Sizes 12 and up in eluding Size t ,12, 41 Princas Line !j New Stock of WATERMAN'S I'cns and has just arrived. A fine praduation or point: -away DIBB PRINTING CO HI SAILINGS to VANCOUVER and way ports Every Monday 10 pm. to ALASKA Ketchikan, Wranjeil, Juneau and Sitagway Jul; tt and 30 to ALE R T I) AY and Vanosuver July 24 and 31 BESNER BLlU'K THinri -rrnirfffii,tri,,,J,f,,l,,rrrt(t riwiiirif m ft 7'7'.s7 Come. First Saved. All Sales Final. No Exchanges. Every Item in this Sale is Priced Lower Than Wholesale. (,,"E ) i Ladies' Coats l. jr-i i i iri v x ii n Ladies' Suits Group No. 1 Larger Sue? 20. 40. 42. 44 Regular Prices ?:?? Sol Your Uel K' t in c ni Bsr Group No. 1 IMPORTED TWEE1S Kej:. $;;.-$ -Vv .W; Sues S19.99 S19.99 Upholstering 'AT for Lur.e.M'oi and Par Chinch i1 A Group No. 2 Keg. 6..t Now Only $21.!i Keg. .0.J).. Nov, Only :l. Ketr. So2.!)", Now Only SW.IH Keg. $ Now Onlv Group No. 2 Sizes 1 2 and Up Reg. ,I2-!-. Now Only $2!).W Keg. $1J0. Now Only Keg. SSZJSTi. Now Only J58.P9 Keg. S62.,i. Now Only $13.!9 W hen TtHir hus needs a nr- look on top r just rr pairs to the root and gutters, Mitchell & Currie Limited PHONE 363 Bmldrrs and Contractors BROAD tr -v FrRMTUKE REPAIR CAR 60S Srtt Ave. Group No. 3 As.: Sue. Rtv $;w442 Group No. 3 Onlr Four Suit. Reg to S4n RUPERT MARINE M S14.99 S10.99 Dunlnpillo Foam Kuhher Cushioning: Plastahidc lialtaflox Plastic Artisto Table Covers and Curtains (J. CLAl'SEN i S We Take listings of ... . BOATS FOR'.SAl f OR CHAR BROKFKS l Rmrc mr,v, .v-nilIIIN ... ' ' ' ji.irvir r. ,i . TT?V - - RUPERT MARINE REALl LOVI N'S NfSt to CFPR) PHONK BLCE 111 FORQCICK SALtS OR CUARTt4 (Jiu. EasI ot UpseU's. Wiiertron.) i miiminmtii(iiii!MMIII,HIIPIIIf!I!((ii((ij(i Box &U ffeen' Vhaflt )