Prinri Gnjerl Daflf neSrEKL PRINCE RUPERT Friday, August 13. 1948 YFARS AGO i a Twenty-Five Years Sockeve pack on the Skeena i appeared to be headed for a record. The pack stood at 105,-000 eases to date, 30.000 cases more than the previous year. 71 a 4k ?- ilwt.'Mi: 3e per word per Insertion, minimum ebirn, Me. Birth Rotloca: 60a; Card of Thanks. Destb Notice, Funeral Natlces, Uamag Ed Engaeement Announcements: 2 SPECIAL DISPLAY. DOUBLE PRICE 7!Afte! Advertising ts payable In advance Pleue refrain from telephoning. AT POPULAR PRICES The council of the Board of Trade decided once more to lay before the Canadian government its claims for a grain elevator at this port. A formal re FOR RENT FUNERAL NOTICE FOR RENT Sleeping rooms. 801 Borden Street. Uf solution was drawn up and for-j warded to Prime Minister Mackenzie King. FOR RENT Comfortable sleeping room. 427 5th Are. East Phone Blue 967. 195i McINTOSH In the city Wednesday. August 11, 1948. Adam, aged 63 years, beloved hus- band of Mrs. Margaret M:-" Intosh, 733 Sixth Avenue West. Services vrill be conducted at Grenville Court Chapel 2:30 pjn. Saturday, August 14, Ri?t. A. J. Lawton, First United 333 THERE IS NO FINER i FOR RENT Suites, Bay Apart ccJ Resolutions urging amendments to the Municipal Act, School Act and Hospital Act were prepared by the city council for presentation at the annual convention of the Union of iv'1 yt, I ments. Apply Mrs. Greening. Phone Black 815 during day, after 5:00 p.m. Red 391. (199 ?ywww'i",i J Ka.vji Iff itnl Willi Ifimn iiBHTlnilliaw B. C. Municipalities which was- Church, officiating. Interment to follow in Fairview Cemetery with B.C. Undertakers in charge of arrangements. It FOR RENT One sleeping room 650 7th Ave. East, phone Red 471. tf) FOR SALE Sport Shots ' " - ".; fat.- : .. to be held in Prince Rupert later in the month. Thirty-Five Years Construction of a telegraph line between Sandspit and Ali-ford Bay on the Queen Charlotte Islands had just been completed. FOR RENT 4-room basement suite, 3rd Avenue, partly furnished, for quiet bachelor. Phone 855 or Black 166. (lti FOR SALE One aluminum and canvas folding go-cart, slightly used. $12 00. Phone Red 609. (191 runs in what game. For a time Buckle (Berkshire) High School appeared to ,htld the dubious record, having lost 10 wickets fui two rum in 10 minutes several years ago. Now comes the story of Little Somerford, Wiltshire, who succumbed .for one run in six overs to the demon bowling of nearby Brinkworth. The Brinkworth curate, Rev. Malcolm Robinson, took six wickets for no runs in three WANTED OLYMPIC WALKERS ON THEIR TOES Pacing a bus down the main street of Uxbridee. England, heel-and-toe champs Fred Sharaga Heft) and Henry Laskau, both of New York, get in shape for the Olympic Games in London. They were entered in the 10,000 metre walk and, hence, keep right on their toes. The hockey teams which rep- ( resent Wembley in Britain's National League will be shaken! up violently before they take( the ice aeain this winter. Wem FOR SALE Diamond engagement ring, reasonable. Phone Red 243 or apply 806 Fraser Street. 190 WANTED Car batteries, car radiators, brass and copper; paying good prices. See B.C FURNITURE CO.. Black 324 The Ladies' Altar Society of the Catholic Church sponsored a Sunday School picnic for the children at Tugwell Island. The launches Alice B Regent and Alouettee were used. bley Monarchs will retain a few, of last season's stars, reinforced I by the pick of uie present Wem- j overs. Toiliiy hi Sports W A N T E D Second-hand linc-leum. In good condition; also bedroom dresser. Apply Box 378 Daily News. FOR SALE OR RENT Six-roomed house, modern, on large level lot. Owner leaving tovm. S. Traquair, 1320 Pig-got Ave. P.O. Box 1207. H90) bley Lions squad. Meantime Coach Alec Archer has returned to his home town, Winnipeg, to collect fresh talent to drape in Lions sweaters. He figures on coming back with about a dozen hopefuls in tow. WANTED TO RENT Oarage, close in ,near City Centre. Phone 150. 191 Football Schedule Mobler Cud ' ""'ist 13 Lesion vs. 120th Battery. '. Auzust 18 Legion vs. Hizh HELP WANTED The Ladies' Aid of the Presbyterian Church held a successful tea at the beautiful home of Mrs. Westenhaver, Fifth Avenue East. Mrs. F. G. Dawson presided at the tea table and was assisted by Mrs. T. McClymont. Mrs. A. M. Man-son, Miss McKenzie, Miss Mcintosh and Miss Holty. A cake and candy counter was in charge of Mrs. H. E. Campp and Mrs. John McRae. Hardly had Henry Cotton pot School. FOR SALE New and Used Furniture and Hardware. Slightly used Bedroom Suites, Kitchen Sets from $12 50; Bed, complete $15; used Carpet In good " shape; Occasional and Kitchen Chairs; enamel Wash Basins $5; Underwood Typewriter in perfect shape; Office Chairs; '-npw unpainted Book Cases. Other useful household articles. B.C. FURNITURE CO., Black 324. (tV WANTED Cook, at once, male or female for 12 men in sawmill camp. Apply Employment Office, Prince Rupert. (191) BABE RUTH IS LITTLE BETTER NEW YORK, CP Babe Ruth's condition was reported from Memorial Hospital for Cancer and Allied Diseases here today to be improved but is still critical. The mightiest slugger in Big League history, Ruth has been ailing for two years. He suffered a relapse yesterday after developing a cold. His wife and family are remaining constantly beside the 54-year-old Ruth who is still conscious. Baseball Score National League Brooklyn 1, Boston 2. St. Louis 2, Pitsbur&h 2. American League Cleveland 4-26, St. Louis 8-3 Western International League Bremerton 4. Spokane 2. Tacoma 2, Wentchee 1. Victoria 2. Yakima 1. Salem 6, Vancouver 0. Pacific Coast League Oakland 11, San Francisco 9 Sacramento 5, Seattle 4. Portland 6, San Diego 3. Hollywood 5, Los Angeles 4. August 20 120th Batterr vs High School. August 2d 120th Batterv vs. Leeion. September 6 Final round oi Stuart Snield. HELP WANTED Woman to take Yon saw tt m the uaily News! Train Schedule care of house and small child for two months; live in. Phone Green 897. U92i ted his final putt and won the BritUi Open golf champion when offers from United States promoters began to pour in. But Cotton didn't want to be rushed He pocketed the cables and said he's consider Uiem. Meantime he plans to compete in the French Open later this summer and then tour South America. Cotton says his best shot in winning his third Open was his second on the 453-yard first hole of the last round. Tl:.1 brassie blow, :n;o ;he teeth of a bitter wind, came to rest a yard from the cup. For the INFORMATION WANTED BOYS WANTED Boys desiring FOR SALE Brown circulating heater. 228 8th Ave. East. (192) FOR THE PURPOSE of closing ECONCK PUCK Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8 pm. From the East-Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday -10:45 p.m. News routes should leave their names at the office as vacancies may be occurring any da W. Mcintosh, Mrs. E. Williams and two daughters, W. FOR SALE Exceptional Value 5 room house close to schools and cfowntown. Concrete basement, corner location, fur AIR PASSENGERS To Vancouver W. Joy, J. A. Ker, R. G. Hoar, L. Gaudette. Miss J. McCubbing, A. E. Law-son, A. Baardsen, C. Schultz, Pte. Iverson. WANTED Girl for general laundry work. Apply Pioneer Canadian Laundry. (tf) From Sandspit N. Tarbuck, Mr. Hickel, Mr. Dahne, Mr. and Mrs. McLaren. FOR ECONOMY USE an estate, information is being sought as to the present whereabouts of one, James G. Garnett, Jr., who was last heard of as an employee of the Prince Rupert Dry Dock in the year 1921. Any information available would be appreciated. Please Tone 14 between 9 and 5 or v.-rite Box 658. (194) nace, fully modern, $3300. Armstrong Agencies, Phone 342. 307 3rd. Ave. W. U93) Mild controversy has arisen in British newspapers over what cricket team scored the fewest To Sandspit A. Van Pykstra, P. Parkvold, Mrs. Helmer and Wood's Industrial Papi MAIDS WANTED tor kitchen and ward work at Miller Bay Indian Hospital. It will be necessary to live in the Staff Residence. Some positions are for relief work and may be Cromax and Gcrmax Thomas Crawford, after a six weeks' visit here with his daughter, Mrs. W. L. Armstrong, sailed by the Prince Rupert last night on his return to Vancouver. FOR SALE Chesterfield and one chair. Phone Red 333. (191) two children. From Vancouver G. McCrea F. Rudge, J. Wilson. Mr. Jen Ozium and Ozitox Spray sen, Mrs. E. Daniels and infant. - i - ' ' ' ... -i. i - i - bane, Sisal. Triumph Mop inghouse Lamps, Brodit made permanent if services are suitable. Regular Civil Service Leave credits are granted. Apply, Matron, Miller Bay Indian Hospital, by phone or letter. (190) i For High Quality at UiW FOR SALE Wartime house; sit rooms. 6ood condition, excellent neighborhood, 7th Ave. East, $2,500. Prince Rupert Realty Co. (191) LOST LOST Man's wrist watch Tues-, day night, between Seal Cove and Hays Cove on 6th Ave. Reward. Phone Rred 728. (192) .. t v. PRINCE RUPERT Jt PERSONAL PHONE iVXl FOR BEST HOTEL SERVICE ir. the Interior, stop at Telkwa Hotei, 244 miles from Prince Rupert, just half way to Prince George. (tf) METAL WOHK PERSONAL The Green Rooms, 622 Fraser Street, under new PLUMBING Installations and repairs. SHEET METAL WORK. Tar and Gravel. Roofing. Letourneau & Sons, 629 Sixth West. Phone 543. (tf) 3 pgjl management. Boarding rooms and rooms. Phone Black 548. (198) I'll ONE 654 A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. A Oood Place to Buy MAPLE, OLD COLONY DININO SUITE. Refractory Extcntion Table. Atmosphere of distinction to live with. Phone 775 327 Third Ave. TRY THE TERMINAL'S FRESH Jersey Milk or Buttermilk with your next DeLuxe Hamberger. ; (U 25c Per Dozen Paid For Empties This advprtlwmcnt Is not jmbllshed or llnplayed by theLiqunrCnmrnl Board 01 by theGovernmentof British Columbia MACHTNERl FOR SALE TENDER City of Prince Rupert "SEALED TENDERS, marked "Tenders for Fire Hall Paint-' lng" will be received by , the . undersigned up to noon, Wednesday, August 11, 1948, for painting the exterior of th? City Fire Hall. Specifications may be obtained at the office of the City Engineer. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. H. D. Thain, City Clerk. (190' ox- Zv RUPERT MARINE TO SAW better lumber mors economically use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. (tf) (J. CLAFSEN SON) We Take TJstines of . BOATS FOR SALE 0RC The Popular S.S. 7 PRINCE RUPERT BROKERS IN BOATS, MARINE AND Fl! TRY RUPERT MARINE RE FOR QUICK SALES OR enj Sails For (JustEastotLipseuJ, GREER & BRIDDEN BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Repairs Construction Alterations Floor Sanding: a Specialty Box 548 On tW s,,ve ;; rJ-chor, rVoB.v.vv.i.i.vo.iW'oJf. AL JOLSON AL JOLSON 1 fvk pi Phone RED 561 VANCOUVER AND INTERMEDIATE PORTS EACH THURSDAY AT 11:15 P.M. (PST) For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT (PST) F"r Information call or write City or Depot Ticket OfXlm PRINCB RCPERT, B.C. P.O. Box 721 Vacationing with Your Car? IN HIS LATEST PECf A 24397 "I Want a Girl." C Sum "Where the Black-Eyed 24398 "When the Red Red R,,bbin Alonj." "Someone Else May Be The 24399 "For Me and My Gal." U'rld B "When I leave the ( 24400 "There's a Rainbow Ro' "About a Quarter to Nine- DECCA ALBUM NO. TJgEIiSa OS Points to check before you leave to ensure a carefree holiday: ENGINE Tl'NE-l'P Maximum miles per gallon of gas. Insurance against engine failure. BRAKE INSPECTION Safety and Confidence. WHEEL ALIGNMENT Driving comfort when at the wheel for long distances Prevention of excessive tire wear. And last but not least a thorough LINDSAY LUBRICATION and know that every part of your car has been correctly lubricated and checked includes under-car inspection. LINDSAY MOTORS LTD. PHONE 866 O IRON FIREMAN STOKERS 1T 30 MOII HI AT SMITn & ELKINS Phone 174 Bo, 274 This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia.