0 to aid in the betterment of our HOTEL ARRIVALS country by working ,i,nM.. pUnce Hupctt Dailp !3c.tos Jt0. Friday, August 13, 1943 0 Local News Items.. to shoulder with other Cana- pressions of Canada'i physical vastness when he first saw its shores in 1929 and added that this is backed up by the qualities of its people." We are a great nation." he asserted, "but sometimes I think Prince Rupert John Ker, Victoria; Lloyd III Johnstone, Terrace: P. C. Phil Percy Mcintosh of Vancouver, arrived in the city this morning by plane to attend the funeral of his father, the late :laiis heard uns. Canada offers us that opportunity." He cautioned against laxity m respect to 0ur traditional tree-doma i and privileges and warn- lips, Vancouver: A. E. Lawson, la at tlir we fail to talk of our deeds as much as we should. I don't think that we let the world know of Adam Mcintosh, who passed Soccer Tonight Roosevelt Park, 7 p.m. Legion vs 120th. Battery. (It) Miss Evy Rivett is sailing by the Catala this afternoon for a trip to Vancouver. Mrs. M. Holkestad is sailing this afternoon on the Catala for a trip to Vancouver. Just arrived at Brownwoods large shipment of men's basketball shoes. (191) Vancouver; W. N. Tennant, Winnipeg; J. B. Jack, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. R. Peterson, Del Mar, California; Mrs. ting a1 ursday "y away at home Wednesday eve " B must iealously , k the creatness of our lana. ning. ,, w.ai no onc lnt on our rights." tunisn-""'" Terrace Club Sport Jackets It Is not necessarily good to be a Canadian merely because P. Beam, Port EssinRton; Ivor Mr. Hansen was thanked for ,cludca a that "Hs Jepson, Nanaimo; A. K. Krause, he thp land is rich and large Mrs. K. Reynolds and chil UUICM oy ciulJ presldcnt D :iafl- ' .j.ij A man mleht bp a mpm- Murphy,' Oregon; Elloitt Lotty. Alf Yoxall, director of the Terrace Civic Centre, is spending a few days in the city on hninpsc Inplnriinu nrnani7.nt.inn dren of Terrace are sailing this afternoon on the Catala for a A. L. Clements, president of the Pennsylvania Railway, was a round trip passenger on the steamer Prince George, which docked here northbound for Alaska this morning. He was accompanied by Mrs. Clements. Mrs. Edward Williams and " won bcr of a great family and yet J ..a personally fail to show similar ,r.7 uuesls at the meeting were Al Rogers, Van- Jack Webber, Victoria, and B R Dodds, Terrace. of a big celebration in the in- lu Victoria; o. Benoii, Terrace; F. Lapp, Kitwana; J. W. Ireland, Kitwanga; L. Teller, Trail; C. Ryall, Vancouver; D. W. Fowler, Smithers. i terior town on Labor Day when visitors in the city this week To be great, we must strive first im- logging sports will be featured, are Mrs. M. Cottle and daugh ter, Carol Ann, of New West minster, who are here ot at daughters, Claudette and Eileen, arrived in the city this morning by plane to . join Mr. tend the wedding Saturday GLEN PLAID CHECKS SOLID COLOR COVERTS night of Mrs. Cuttle's sister, Miss Lorraine Thornton, to Glen Williams, Canadian Pacific Air Lines agent here. They plan to take up residence in the city. Smith. Rev. Basil S. Procter will perform the ceremony at St. Andrew's Cathedral. HARRIS TWEEDS Mrs. M. McLtoa, Sixth Avenue West, who has been on a trip to NEW NUMBER for IB flUHIfflff Vancouver, returned home from the south on the Prince Rupert Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. C. L. Youngman and three children returned on the Prince George this morning on the Prince George from a "Chicken in the Rough' $ to take home CALL KfcU 705 $ CIVIC CENTRES 5 I) I N I N G R O O M '.V.W holiday trip to Vancouver. It's smart to look smart in one of these Terrace Club Jackets . . They're comfortable, handsome and economical. Featured in a WEEK-END EXCURSIONS to BUTTERFLY NYLON HOISLRY Terrace and Laneise by Kaien Island Stages Ltd. Terrace re-j turn $3.45. Lakelse return $4.20.! Bus leaves Prince Rupert 7:30 a.m. each Sunday. For tickets; and reservations call 93 or 229. i ' (tf) Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dibb are wide range of olaids, plain colors in town for a few days from i n d tweeds, we ,4 their summer residence at Lake Lakelse. They will be returning p-quarter Length iave all sizes m By Sweet Sixteen On Sweeps the 'New Look' in our brilliant August collection of furs bringing you luxurious warmth in brilliantly fashioned coats and so delightfully feminine and enchanting. You'll feel like Cinderella capture his heart. And all at Sweet Sixteen' s preseason values. to the interior at the end of the week. ooth young men s i n d conservative Miss Dolly Ostrom of Bella JDUTON LAMB u ou beavcrlike Mouton ins. hiird I SI 29.50 Bella, who has been spending a week holidaying in the city Tiodels. will leave on the Catala this levenlig on her return to Ocean Falls. New Stock of mi SKIRTS RECUSES COATS KIDUIKS' SNOW SUITS Announcements All Bdvertlsemeni i this column will be charged for a full muntn at 25 cents a word CARDIGANS anil PULLOVER. Aoic Availuhlc! Orange Tea. Proceeds Pro testant Home. Oddfellows' Hall, September 1. SWEATERS on or about August 15 Moore's 206 6th Street LVS Barbecue Feed and Logging Sports, Grand Home Site Draw "W ' 4: I ing, auspices Terrace Civic Cen V4 urn I Day, September 6. I Moose Bazaar, Oct. 14-15. Evening entertainment. j Queen Mary I.O.D.E. Bazaar, October 20. WRATIIALL'S PHOTO FINISHING Developing. Printing Enlari;inir QUICK SERVICE Amateur and Professional Supplies 7 LUXURIOUS NORTHERN MUSKRAT Back Pelts Flank Pelts S395.00 $295.00 Fine high-grade pelts developed in the North, where the vigorous cold develops thick, luxurious, hard-wearing fur. t'-U S ft t IX A Sons of Norway and Sonia Fall Bazaar Oct. 22. Canadian Legion W.A. Bazaar, November 10. LOOK. FOR TUB NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL SALT LAKES FERRY SCHEDl'LE UK P y & fi ' '''" " , jF Daily except Men. & Tucs. Leave Cow Bay Floats Wed., Thurs., Fri. 2, 2:30, 4:30, 6:30, 7:10. Presbyterian Fall Bazaar, Nov 18. Salvation Army Home League Sale, Nov. 23, 2:30 p.m., Sons of Norway Hall. Cambrai Chapter, I.O.D.E. Sale November 25th. Dance. Every Saturday night. Oddfellows' Hall. (197) Saturday Every hour from 10:30 a.m. Sunday Continuous from 10 a.m. JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd, Third Aveuue Last boat returns 10 p.m. Adults 50c. I'nuYr 16, 25c HERE'S Return All schedules weather permitting. Inquiries 123 Taxi Full I ninth MOUTON LAMB $139.50 BEAUTIFUL CONEY- (Dyecl Rabbit'. Sturdy, rich-looking Coney for smart appearance $119.50 Glistening FRENCH SEAL ( Dyed Rabbit . Glistening Seal, so sleek and slenderizing $149.00 I V'1 Nt M p;:i : T i . mm -. A FURNACE IN YOUR BASEMENT IS WORTH TWO IN THE SHOP.... . . . . when winter drapes her frost trimmed garments around your home. INSTAL AN AIR-CONDITIONING FURNACE NOW THOM SHEET METAL LTD. 253 East First Ave. I AWCETT DEALER Black 881 THESE BEAUTIFUL FUR COATS E PURCHASED ON SWEET SIXTEEN'S l'EKSONALIZEI) On Display at All Sweet Sixteen Stores Throughout British Columbia. UIMiET PLAN mil NO CARRYING CHANGES Moving:, Packing: Crating:, Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 ' Phones 60 and 68 NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home SO Kooms. Hot and Cold Water PRINCE RUPEKT, B.C. Phone 2S1 P.O. Bos 199 With Stores to Serve You at 2138 K. Hastings St. 2:1." Main St. 2201 Main St. 1110W. 10th Ave. 61-G3 W. Hastings St. 807 Granville St. 2111 W. list Ave. lfilfi Commercial Dr. It's (h e L. ti In one coat B-1I "Frest-onette" covers kalsoinine, wallpaper . . . ghes you a satiny washable surface. Drleo in a couple of hours. ex Cate $ Kinjrsway and Clark Drive H30 Ixnsdalc Avenue, North Vancouver 059 Columbia Street, New Westminster ... for Tasty Meals ChopSuey Q Chow Mem 727 Yates Street, Victoria port Alberni Chinese Dishes a Specialty Second Avenue opposite Prince Rupert Hotel 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 a m- Prince Rupert 2204 MAIN ST. FUR SALON Flione 311 McBride St.