PROVINCIAL, LFHOVINCIAL LIRRadv VICTORIA, fc. c. """' : AY 31,-49' VICTORIA, B.C. NORTHERN AMD CENTRAL BftTTLBH COLUMBIA 'B MKW8PAPCB DRUGS PHONE V JS NT ii jr y m At All Hours h Delirrrv ma jot 1 PHONE 81 Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest." STAR CABS vuu AXXVII, No. 190. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. FRIDAY, AUGUST 13, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS ' LEAP C WAXES L CMSK ' JEWS TURN 1 i.iWSj ImATOM 3 DOWN PEACE 1 So Says Count Folke B"rnadotte, United Nations Mediator ROME rpc,,iint Folke Berna. A SONG IN THE WILDERNESS Amazing Developments as Situation Remains Tense dotte, United Nations Palestine mediator, said today that the Jews had turned down his latest attempt to bring peace to Palestine. "They are taking an enormous responsibility," he A loud - speaker blaring forth from the front of a Third Avenue music store played Prince Rupert's theme song today. To scores of parched citizens and not-so-parched tourists, It roared out a rendition of a hill-billy tune "You never miss the water commented. Indications Are That All Is Not Going So Well In Talks at Moscow NEW YORK (CP) A Russian woman teacher CANADA MAKES He had asked the Arabs and Jews not to return fire directly BETTER MARKS at them after 6 p.m. today. flung herself yesterday from a third-floor window till the well runs dry." Bernadotte said he thought Arab Irregulars were to blame for yesterday's blast at Latum of the Soviet consulate here, climaxing an amazing story with international ramifications. Quebec Canoeist Comes In Second at Hanley in Olympics LONDON '! Canada's recofd at the fourteenth Olympic Mrs. btephanvna Oksana Kosenkina, 52-year-old Jimmy Doolittle On Alaska Inspection pumping station. Family Burns school teacher, is in critical condition with broken leg and internal injuries in hospital j ' with a strong New York police summoned the United States Games received a belated boost" STARTS THEM YOUNG The Royal Navy s future .sailors young carries on as witness muthful Royal Navy cadets standing trimly to Iiif s'.y Kmc Oeorgc VI looks them over during rf command of the Royal Navy. Shwhout water LOCAL 1 h;FS (Standard Time) 1 ANCHORAGE A party of United States Air Force officers left here recently for an inspection of air bases in Alaska and Aleutian Islands. They included Lt. General Jimmy Doo guard barring visitors, partlcu- ambassador to the Kremlin and August 14, 1948 Saturday, High : . larly Soviet officials, from her . 10:07 15.1 feet demanded immediate surrender of the other teacher, Michael Ivanovitch Samarine, and pun- room. 21:39 17 9 feet Mrs. Kosenkina made it clear Low little who lived at Nome and In Explosion Two teen-age girls are in hospital here today as a result of an explosion aboard a boat at Cow Bay this morning which endangered the lives of a family of eight. R DECLARES EMERGENCY .. 3:37 5.9 feet 15:30 10.1 feet in canoeing events at Hanley-on-Thames when Doug. Bennett, 28-year-old paddler of St. Lambert, Quebec, placed second yesterday tn the 1,000-metre singles and teamed with his fellow townsman, Harry Poulton, to finish fourth in the 1000-metre doubles. Bennett thus turned in the best individual showing among Seward 34 years ago. had jlshment of all persons who had that a part In what Molotov called to the police that she Jumped deliberately and "kidnapping" of Samarine and his family and Mrs. Kosenkina. It seemed certain that Secre she had been held in the Russian consulate against her will. Soviet Consul-General Yakov Lomakln. who led a band of Kill let Hi A tary of State Marshall would re Niini Arnold declaring that an emer-almnst all "f Prince Riiert has leen sui;ily since 10 o'clock Thursday night r level in the main reservoir reached iimint as a n'sult of a major break in !y line wliii li had occurred forty-eight ject outright all protests whlcii Russian "officials on a se'f-styled "rescue" of the woman i. ft Canadians to date. His second place is good for five points and Burned about the face, arms and legs when a gasoline stove exploded in the family's small glllnet boat were 15-year-old Sally and 14-year-old Nora. the Saviet government raised in connection with the action of last Saturday from a white AMBASSADOR TO CANDA is the highest placing Canada has so far obtained. Russian (antl-communlst) camp The ci'y the teachers. In Berlin the Russians today evacuated tha Allied four-power vigorously denied that she had been a prisoner In the consul- ate, , Kommandatura uuuaing nere daughters of Mr. and Mrs. James Shaw, of Kitkatla. Mr. and Mrs. Shaw and their four other children received minor burns. City fire department and the r;T.t had to to reach tlie bun nm'kiiiK day in tli" . complete re- When picked up after the fall, and hauled down their flag. Nasal Operation For Beaverbrook LONDON Lord Beaverbrook, the woman Insisted on beiniiThis action appeared to indi-taken away from the consulate, cate a complete division In Ber- ambulance were called but the of the water needed, the city began sending its large water tank, ordinary used lor dust laying, around the business district. Tubs and buckets were brought out in a manner reminiscent of a medieval city. No definite time was set for the re-opening of the water system. East of the Hays Cove bridge, She expressed fear of being exe- lin east and west-as far as the fire-which followed the blast had been put out on their ar- Canadian-born newspaperman, has been receiving surgical treatment. He had a nasal operation in a London nursing home. cuted if she remained there. Russians are concerned. Today United States govern-' The Russians had withdrawn ment officials promised asylum July 1 from the Kommandatura to Mrs. Kosenkina and another , but maintained a sentry and Ival. The family was taken to Prince Rupert General Hospital. hir iir.i (i ! i requireni'':i's, Vr,ir CI'! '.i1ll"!l it tyr'PM-off the aier nieht in tii" where the two girls were admit- few homes were afferted. The ted The rest of the family were break occurred at the intersec-1 treated and allowed to go The blast occurred when a ' a supply tor small gasoline stove in the fore THIEF DROPS OVERSIDE IN SHIP ESCAPE castle of the boat was lighted for flag at the building until archives were removed. The building is in the American sector of the city. Meantime there is no statement from Moscow as to conferences there on the Berlin situation and hopes are beginning to fade of a settlement being reached. Russian man teacher who expresses fear of being executed if he falls into Soviet government hands, The sensation-packed case of the Russian refugee school teachers threatened today to complicate already difficult Mot-cow talks on the Berlin crisis. Foreign Minister V. M. Molotov fire or o'tier fxp"tj that been rffi-tcd t on tin air lion of Hays Cove, Ambrose and Sixth Avenues. One of the city fire department's two pump trucks was put to work this morning to step up pressure in the two hose lines which are being used as by -passes from a hydrant above the break to one at the Juncture of Seventh and Eighth Avenues. The city reservoir, which or annoimri' tlx WASHINGTON resident Truman today named Iaurenre A. Steinhardt to be ambassador to Canada. Steinhardt, veteran career diplomat, succeeds Kay Atherton, recently named alternate dele-Rate to the forthcoming United Nations General Assembly meeting in Paris. His last post was that of ambassador to Czechoslovakia. KXCLUDEI) FROM DANUBE HELGKADE The Danube conference today excluded Great Britain, Y ranee and the United States from participating further in the Danube control body. The general committee of the 11-power conference voted 7 to 3 to limit the body to one member each from the Soviet Union, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Ukraine and Czechoslovakia. Observers said it was unlikely that rejected Britain, France and United States would now sign the convention when completed. NOT WITH SPY IUNG WASHINGTON, D.C. Lauchlin Currie- Canadian-horn former assistant to President Roosevelt, denied today that he had been connected in any way with the Communist spy ring in the United Stales. Elizabeth T. Rent ley, testifying before the House of Representatives un-American affairs committee, had said that she did not think Currie was a communist but that he was helpful to a Soviet espionage group in the government. MORE POLIO IN B.C. VKTORIA-Two more cases of poliomyelitis in British Columbia have been reported to the Provincial Board of Health. One is at Port Alberni and the other in Vancouver. So far there have been 52 Polio cases in the prov ince this year with two deaths- An escaping thief who over the side of the steamer tiy consumers ' Die wan.'im' Prince Rupert to make his awav after he had been found THE WEATHER breakfast. The two oler girls were closest to the stove. Mr. Shaw is a fisherman for Carlisle cannery where the family have been spending the summer. The boat was charred inside', but was not greatly damaged. MacAdam 25 Yfcars In London Service LONDON, Q W. A. Mac- dinarily maintains an even water pressure in the mains, emptied yesterday. Pressure in the secondary mains dropped Another cool now of air is gushing eastward over the province today. Showers are expected across Vancouver Island and the Lower Mainland today and tomorrow. Northern coastal BEAUTY CONTEST IS TAKING HOLD So keen is the interest being taken In the local contest for a trip to the Pacific National Exhibition in Vancouver and possibly on to Hollywood that it was immediately the water was shut a supiily f ir I eft ceitrp' lcy j s nm.v:'Jeial)ly i i -ince Rupert, ke.s on water ImiiiKt v iy;ii, "hou' it ami tin 'lliis-! ptit'M'.f In 'T'triiiiitr If 1!, P did not have U tm t.uj'li to oif last night. Thursday completed 25 Water was not available for either the steamer Prince Ru- years in British Columbia's ser ransacking a passenger's cabin Is the object of a police search today. So complete was hU disappearance that the authorities are not certain whether he drowned or swam to shore. The man dropped into the water on the starboard side of the ship while she was moored port side at the C.N.R. wharf here at 12:45 last night after he had been chased along the deck by Don Eby, whose cabin he had entered. Mr. Eby went into his cabin jyst before sailing time 'and found the prowler going through his effects. The man ran down areas will be cloudy with frequent periods of sunshine in the afternoons. Thunderstorms will develop in the interior this af I vice in London. He is now Agent-General for British Columbia. (Mr. Mac Adam visited Prince Rupert last summer with a Brit- necessary to stage two parades of the nineteen competing bath pert, which was in port last night, or the Prince George, which docked here this morn-iivi. Both ordinarily take on water here. sh timber delegation). 'IT v'T.-.i"ll of Mil. ooooopoioooaiiKioooijotoooooooooootntDCnoocnooeh-w : : TOD A Y'S STOCKS : : Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co. Ltd. "art went Into ternoon and again tomorrow afternoon. Temperature there will be 5 to 10 degrees lower tomorrow than today. Forecast Queen Charlottes and North Coast Variable cloudiness tills morning and again tomorrow morning. Clear remainder of time. Winds, little change in temperature. Lows tonight! and highs tomorrow Port Hardy 52 and 62, Massett 45, and 65, Prince Rupert 50 and 62. Rupert, today tlroustht that a result of a " IS-inrh main :,"'n are strug- Bevcourt -36 Bobjo 10 Buffalo Canadian 07 Consol. Smelters 11125 Embargo Is Lifted I 1 drmmht hiuu'l ing beauties at the, Capitol Thea -tre last night. The large attendance was matched by the enthusiasm of the audience, many of the girls sixteen from Prince Rupert and three from Terrace having numerous applauding supporters. It was an eye-filling spectacle of curvaceous pulchii-tude. Manager J. Harry Black acted as announcer, giving details of the contest and acknowledging co-operation from Wallace's Department Store and its manager, L. M. Felsenthal. After the par'a&es. ballots were deposited. These will be counted cumulatively on Sunday night with the co-operation of the Junior Chamber of Commerce and the winner will get a trio to Vancouver to take part In '"t f the city 1.17 Conwest Donalda 60 s Cove bridge il fullest t)is CANADA WINS CONSOLATION Defeats Peru In Final Basketball Game at Olympic Games LONDON ?' Canada defeated Peru 49 to 43 tonight to take ninth place in Olympic basket Eldona East Sullivan 1.Z6 2.55 58 "Precis of fam-'ncl that, ihoir Beef, Veal and Other Meats Can Now Be Exported Again a corridor with Eby in pursuit. As Mr. Eby followed him on deck, he saw the man' hanging over the rail. He dropped into the water on the side away from the wharf as his pursuer approached. He was then seen swimming alongside the boat but disappeared into the darkness. City police and C.N.R. Constable Jack McPhail Immediately began a search but were unable to find any trace of the intruder. The police patrolled the length of the wharf in a rowboat, throwing flashlight beams under the wharf. However, because no body ha3 been found and because the man appeared to be a strong swimmer, it is believed likely that he managed to get ashore. ARMY OFFICER'S NECK IS BROKEN MONTREAL Xleut. S. D. Houston of the Argyle and Sutherland Highlanders fractured knife 4.45 OTTAWA 0' Minister of Ag VANCOUVER Bralorne 7.10 B. R. Con 02V2 B. R. X 09 Va Cariboo Quartz 105 Den ton la -Ol'i Grull Wlhksne -04 Hedley Mascot 37 Minto -OUi Pend Oreille 40 Pioneer 240 Premier Border 02 Vi Privateer -I5 Peeves McDonald 1-75 Reno .08 Vz Salmon Oold 13 Sheep Creek I-17 Taylor Bridge 31 Taku River -32 Vananda 30 l produre the shut down Just when citv God's Lake Giant Yellow Hardrock .... Harricana .. Heva Hosen riculture James G. Gardiner announced today the lifting of ex- his neck at Petawawa Military .21 .08 .11V2 .36 V2 .04 I nnrt. controls on beef, cattle and ball rankins. The Canadians down 12 fret Camp and is now in the neuro thus won alii ... . j.. logical hospital here. Army P'Pe srrl.inn. It, lve 'he men In Jacknlfe headquarters said the accident The relaxation applies to beef Joliet Quebec occurred In a "friendly scuffle' 1 c"aneP to re- the final contest for being chosen "Miss P.N.E." and receiving a trip to Hollywood. In the washroom of a barrack n Pil'e which !1E half nf ,,hp hut. .Houston was paralyzed from the neck down. .uo .04 2 .70 .06 2.27 .35 the Hays Creek Lake Rowan Lapaska Little Long Lac Lynx Madsen Red Lake . M.-KpHzie Red 'Lake '"itinues .03', Congress their consolation games to wind up at the top of this division They were eliminated from the championship round by losing games to Hungary and Brazil. In last night's game top scorers were Pat McGeer and Bobny Starr, both of University of British Columbia, with nine points each. Harry Kermode of U.B.C. had eight. Tomorrow United States plays Fiance in the final for the today and veal, dressed and other edible beef and veal products, canned foods containing meats and pastes as well as livestock on the hoof. It means that the United States jfuttle market, which has been closed to Canadian beef producers for six years, will again be open. It means also that retail beef Passenger Suing Steamship Company "I cit "ens tiant. MrLeod Cockshutt -86 ,i..nii 3j thiins arc in 'rt. SEATTLE A $10,000 personal SurfcrcM 2.06 48.75 .54 1.87 are ''i'e (le- iVIUllfM Negus Noranda Louvicourt Pickle Crow Regcourt San Antonio cnntnr Rouvn ir Emergency Notice TO ALL HOUSEHOLDERS AND BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS Owing to a major break in the water supply line it is requested that wafer be conserved as much as possible until further notice. (tf) CITY ENGINEER. prices in Canada will hoot up ...rtiuuiij,! .in '12 Pacific Eastern 05 Hedley Amalg 05 Central Zeballos . 01 Silbak Premier 29 ils A. P. Con -14 Calmont -38 C. & E 5.30 Foothills 2.75 Home 8.10 -Toronto Athona -6 Aumaque I5' Seattle .61 possibly by as much as 20 to 30 I'1 absence f f ablUi,ns were Injury suit has been filed in the Federal Court against the Alaska Steamship Co. by William Israel of this city. His claim is that he suffered a fall due to negligence through removal of the safety mat at the washroom entrance, while , aboard the SS. Denali at Uganik, on July 19. 3.25 .45 percent. The ban on exports was or- I T aI laun- Plants Shcrrit Gordon 2.30 Unlon steamer Catala arrived at, (iginaJIy lhiposed September 1942 sent at 1.90 thej Steep Rock i- this afternoon and will sail, to main.. Canadian consumer lr working . 19l M. . tW w..-" Sturgeon Kiver -' I supply and enforce price control. at 5 p m. for Vancouver. Sidver Miller -37 a Portion