Wedding Is Outstanding tin Euperl Raili Eitof JltD. Friday, August 13, 1948 1 Better English By D. C. WILLIAMS had Plenty 0, Sunset and Muieum Intrigue Tourists South bound tourists, aboard the SS. Prince Rupert last evening appeared to find a special interest in two attractions. One t LOCAL WOMAN TO : PRO-REC COURSE Wallace' For Yard Goods D. Lambie for a reception. The rooms were beautifully decorated and the bride and groom received congratulations and best wishes before the fireplace which was adorned with red briar roses. Toast to the bride was proposed Ty B. R. Dodds and responded to by the groom. MISS P. N. E. BEAUTY fi nv Tiit'CTwu, ADE POURING NEW POOL Concrete Work Started On McClymont Park Job Pouring of concrete for the new swimming pool being Installed at McClymont Park by the Prince Rupert Gyro Club commenced yesterday afternoon. Contractors Mitchell & Currie expect to have the pool completed by the end of the month and official opening has beea tentatively set for Labor Day.. The "swimming pool, Prince Rupert's first, measures 75 by 30 feet Its depth will be from SVi feet off to Eli feet. Assisting the hostess were j- niij l'jj THURSDAY, FRIDAY AM)Su YOU WILL BE THE jr CONTEST BASH) ox Mrs. N. Orme Catt and Mrs. O. C. Withers, who poured, and Mrs. Margaret Carlgnan, Mrs. Pete? Peterson, Mrs. Hans Peterson, Miss Dorothy Kergin, Miss Dorothy Macdonald and Miss 1. What is wTong with this sentence? "Did you ever see Niagara Falls?" 2. What is the correct pronunciation of "renew"? 3. Which one of these words is misspelled? Aparell, apathetic, aperture. 4. What doe sthe word "pernicious" mean? 5. What is a word beginning with lo that means "garrulous"? ANSWERS 1. Say. "Have you ever seen Niagara Falls. " 2. Pronounce the ew as in few, not re-noo. 3. Apparel. 4. Highly injurious or destructive In character. "We see the pernicious effects of luxury in the ancient Romans." Addison. 5. Loquacious. SHIPS and WATERFRONT BEAUTY POISE - pKiNn, APPEARANCE Nuptials of Miss Zona Hedley and Orme Stuart of Widespread Interest An outstanding late summer social event took place before a large congregation in St. Andrew's Anglican . Cathedral at 8:30 last evening when Miss Zona Hedley, daughter of Mrs. James P. Hedley of Oak River, Manitoba, became the bride of Orme Gordon Stuart, son of A. G. Stuart of Vancouver. Rev. Basil S. Prockter, rector of the Cathedral, performed the ceremony before the chancel which was beautifully decorated with white gladioli and early fall flowers. The bride, who entered th Cathedral to the strains of the Wedding March played ty the church organist, Peter Lien, was given in marriage by B. R. Dodris of Terrace. She was indeed a lovely picture in her ivory satin wedding gown with sweetheart neckline, beaded bodice and full skirt. Her floor length veil was held in place with a coronet of orange blossoms. The bridal bouquet was made up of white carnations and gladioli. Two charming bridesmaids Evelyn Macdonald. The bride and groom cut a SATIRD.IY SHOWS 1 :J5 - Z:55 . 4 53 . , tA mkm rut ua -nj n Miss Margaret Siinn, physical instructor at Prince Rupert's Civic Centre, will attend the annual Pro Rec summer school at Vancouver later this month when teachers and instructors from many parts of the province will gather for an intensive two-week course. The course will be held from August 23 to September 3 and will feature men's and women's courses stressing leadership in adult and junior physical programs in community centres. The women's course will be headed by Miss Hilda Keatley, provincial supervisor of women. Latest techniques in physical training for adult age groups, including rhythmic gymnastics, tumbling and vaulting, games, folk dancing, tap dancing and elementary ballet and several other types of recreation will be featured. Junior girls Pro-Rec programs, stressing apparatus work, dancing and games, as-well as recreational programs also included. The men's course will be directed by Jerry Mathison, provincial supervisor of men. k tiomctt coiok Modern Etiquette By ROBERTA LEE Mr-BSD . Q When one finds himself In a predicament where a "white lie" will extricate him. Isn't the lie justified? A. No. It is better to tell th; truth and face the consequences. The only justification for a "white lie" would be to protect another from Injury, or give happiness to the person who is burdened. Q. How can one overcome ex (1) FOR PRICE (2) FOR QUALITY (3) FOR WEAR It's Wallace's 3tol! Whatever your "Design F'or Sewing," you'll find it here. A large varied yardage selection. WALLACES DEPT. STORE Having on board the local agent, Col. Keith Dixon, who is handsome three-tier wedding cake. Later in the evening the couple sailed on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver on a three weeks' honeymoon tour which will take them through the southern and central interior. The bride's going away cds-tume was a dusty rose gabardine suit with navy accessories. On their return to Prince Rupert Mr. and Mrs. Stuart will take up residence at 1919 Atlin Avenue. The couple are well known and highly popular. The bride has for some time been a member of the staff of Orme's Drugs Limited in which the groom learned his profession as a pharmacist and eventually became the proprietor. He served with distinction in the Royal Canadian Navy during World War II, becoming a commander, assuming command of destroyers in the North Atlantic and winning the Distinguished Service Cross. were the Misses Sheila and Isla making a tour of inspection, j Ramsay former wore pink lighthouse tender Alberni, Capt net over taffeta with matching Connor Joseph Petersen, left this morning on a ten-day trip to lighthouses In the local area including Green Island, Lucy Island and Triple Island. sons interested in community j Thermo L Has made thousands el women ay: ' I saw the vy others . . . then I bought 1 V leadership, wnetner proiessionai or voluntary. 5 cap and her bouquet was of pink carnations. The latter wore blue net over taffeta with matching cap and her bouquet was of yellow carnations. W. D. Lambie was groomsman. Acting as ushers were W. M. Watts, Dr. A. W. Large, J. T. Harvey and G C. Mitchell. Following the service, many friends of the couple gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. treme self-consciousness when in the company of a group of persons? ' A. Really the only remedy is to think less about one's self, devoting one's entire attention to the other persons present. Q Would It be all right for a debutante to wear a pink gown at her coming-out party1 A. White Is the most appropriate color. Did you know that the CONNOR. 1 SEE THEM i: Rupert Radio. There was some concern felt lately, for the Alaska fishing vessel Sunset, the boat having failed to return to port within the usual time. The U.S. Coastguard started a search. The Sunset, however, showed up in course of time, explaining that there had been no particular reason for anyone to worry. Her skipper is Andy NORTHWEST CONSTRUCTION LTD. has a specialized alteration crew trained on FOUNDATION WORK AND GENERAL ALTERATIONS 41 ceeixg . . . 2x12x6-2x8 Shiplap and Flooring NOW ON SALE (192) Phone 563 for Estimate . 720 2nd. Ave. W. IT PAYS ro CliE mm with ROLL YOUR OWN WTH ' The first ship in twenty-five years to dock at an Alaskan port of entry, directly from Japan, tied up in Skagway a few days ago to pick up surplus equipment from the Canol project vegetables in rapid style. It is Mttfisltasds specifically recommended for cutting herbs and eggs to There is some evidence that English firms are making a determined assault on the gadget front. Latest indication of this is a little machine designed to help the housewife mince up her for delivery in San Francisco. SATIN-GLO Beautifies the home and increases the value of the things you own. Many attractive pastel tints from which to choose. THOMPSON hardware: CO., LTD. shreds. It is a handled, nickel- plated ailair equipped with a 7 5' The vessel was the Swarthmore Victory, 7,000 tons. Tobacco I guard that keeps the herbs or Cigarette vegetables in their place in stead of wrapping themselves around the axle. Remember when angel food cakes were the pride of nearly MIID. SWEET, BRIGHT VIRGINIA K Co-op aien every lady cook? A number of y,XJtil)W.PiH ' JlWOTfTtiii "i if K 111 Pm'TVi 'II ilnfliiiiif fHTiiTiM ItiM! mucoid of hot! factors including the shortage of special tins required for the JUST ARRIVED baking resulted in almost a total eclipse of that "heavenly" food But for the lack of a pan a cake need not be lost now. Bigger A SMALL SHIPMENT OF GOLD SEAL RIGS AND FLOOR MATS. CHECK OCR STOCK OF MOIRE AND JASl'E INLAID LINOLEUM, BY THE YARD. See the New Patterns in Table Oilcloth. 'and apparently betten angel cake pans are now on sale in PHONE Phone 179 WRITE Box 1127 DROP IN 251 3rd West local stores. An added, feature of these utensils is the way the side flies apart when a catch is released. 9 Jt 4 4 1 1 I i Plastic clothes pins, in a variety of hues and fitted with stainless steel springs, appeared on the market during the war but their price kept them Hollywood Cafe Newest and Most Up-To-Date Cafe in Prince Rupert Open from, 3:30 p.m. to 3:30 a.m. IFuMDiiilliL'y Vilon The foundry-workers' union tn Vancouver xu tk KiiTKct Knnrlu u'jup-rafM in CjrwJd. The lrom making a hit with thej ladies. They are beginning to appear again on the local market with price tags that put them closer to their wooden rival's class. The long and the short of We specialize in Chinese Dishes went to a conciliation board and the union ifi-c FOR outside orders Phone 133 CHOW MIEN CHOP SUEY .S it. You can see them both in ladies' styles, especially where coats are concerned. One of the latest in the shonie parade is the gabardine raincoat that ends its protection about midway between hip and knee. It was a great victory. Today, two years later, a foundry worker i'u those high wages but the industry pvc? worktop one-tenth as many men as before. Vancouver s ioj-industry is practically dead. The promise ot a B.C. i' with jobs for thousands of men ha? not hc-:n tu INSTANT CHOCOLATE 1 MILK SHAKE Mix 1 rounded tablespoon of this delicious Cadbury chocolate with small quantity of milk in tall glass. Fill glass with milk and mix well. Instantly ready! Young ladies, apparently, find the shorty raincoat a handy WHEN YOU BUY A WATCH FROM US 1- 1 r .1 -jr....-! li-intvn t W WW- y :, c m.,,. :-,.. garment, particularly suited for wear with slack suits. For lovers of art in carving, there are a few pieces of genuine hand carved India ivory for sale locally. It is no secret that Canadian rew mcmoers 01 tne union amauu Communists. But theu top leadership is ot the These leaders ignored protests that the wage Jtf would fnrr the foundries out of busines?. The evtra INSTANT HOT DRINK they said, could come out of profits. But the profits E Made right in the cup. Simply add hot milk or hot milk and water! there production costs had soared, pna i'rtU culture is laregly undeveloped. For time to time there are proposals for the creation of a national theatre or for the expan pace, and the B.C. foundries could no longer enmp -.t . f .1 t 1 . . (C-.nfiv aw sion of the national art gallery tnose tanner Last working just as eui" v lower costs. but, in the realm of Canadian There is one main advantage over getting it away from home. If the watch doesn't come up to your expectations, why you always know where to have the trouble adjusted or the watch exchanged. If we guarantee a watch that guarantee is binding. Also we have been in the business so long thit we have a chance to know which are the ones which give satisfaction the longest. Watch prices are as low here as anywhere in the land. t Something from Bulger's is always worth having Some foundries were forced to close down; 0 literature, there is only one way the individual can help encourage native authors buy their books, when you know they have something worthwhile to tell about this truly great land. to cut their payrolls to the bone and lose V union leaders had won but for 90 per cent of thf workers it was a hollow victory. AND THESE MOPES RIGHT ON THE TIN INSTANT CHOCOLATE SYKUP QUICK CHOCOLATE ICING Ctl AMY CHOCOLATE FUDGE . 1 ... Must this experience be repeated in ptr L"" . or will management and labor work toth" B.C.'s payrolls? BRITISH COLUMBIA FEDERATION OF TRADE trtir USEFUL EXHIBITS WINDSOR, Ont. P Mrs. Edith B. Ross, police court stenographer here, has a motley array of unclaimed articles used at one time or another as evidence. The exhibits Include a set of brass knuckles which serve Mrs. Ross as a nut-cracker and a dagger she uses for opening mail. Advert! In tue tmliy Nwsi at work "".fHLi.;M of lmnt . B.C. cK" KACE AN AD IN THE DAILY NEW 8 CIRCULATI ON COUNT'S