ART SHOW AT CIVIC CENTRE Agricultural Association's Friday, August 13, 1948 ri.ish ColumLia Pressing For Post Office v? ivic Centre Four new waier color pictures, wmcn he created while on a recent trip to Juneau &,UPr i A Delicious Coof Drink Directions: Make te exactly as usual . . While till hot poor into glasses filled with cracked ice . . . Add sugar and lemon to taste . . . Terrace Board Srt Deterred Lakelse 'Phone Line T Show at Prince Rupert TERRACE The need of a land ,Kpert August 21t to 2Hth , . , ' I ! terest to the art exhibit which Ejorn Selvig, city artist, opened Thursday afternoon in the la-cues' lounge, at the Civic Centre The works were shown yes'er-day for the first time in Prince Rupert. They were di.snlaved unti. clearing unit for the extension ft rr Display An .25.26 Cash Prizes some 40 other paintings, black-j and-white drawings and water "uisianaint! m'erit. nt which is obvious. The current J" If f wt ,(.' . of agriculture in Skeena district was voiced at Tuesday night's Terrace Board of Trade meeting. It was disclosed that there are only two such units on this line one In the Prince George electoral district and the second one in the Oinineca district. Both are entirely mobile. As matter? are now, there is very little chance of the machinery getting to this district for twa or three years. Accordingly, the Boari decided to approach the Minister of Agriculture to have a third unit placed in this dis jHOW CAN I ? ? ? J By ANNE ASHLEY (lass 1-llOSES Sec. 4 One Polyantha. Rtd 5 One White. Flllk One Any Color. t Rose in show 'any variety. s,und prie ?- fash , .i bv h. m. . S"81 Nasturtiums oiendula " 'r r u , (double). , variety'- 6-Three Asters. Murit"k,s- ' 7 3 to 6 Antlrrhin- (Jastuitiums. urns Snapsi mixed ', or otherwise. 1' p,ir sulks. 8 Any Other Annual. iaiuuii, wmcn continues this afternoon and evening, is Mr. Selvig's linal one here. Later this month he plans to go to the interior to paint. Then he will go south Tor an exhibition in Seattle in October. Hi.s four Alaskan water colors are .scenes in the Juneau and Ketchikan areas and are notable for their clever simulation of Q. How can I remove old fire and after burning for a few minutes, blow It out and, inhale the camphor funics. This has often proved effective. Q. How can I remove varnish stains from fabrics? A. By saturating with turpentine, rubbing between the hands, and then sponging with alcohol. putty? A. Pass a hot soldering iron, or red-hot poker, pver the putly. trict. The gathering of all data concerning the acreage of land bright Kumhine and delicacy of to be cleared was left .In the ,, (ah. Second Prize $1.50 Seed, donated by J 4 hands of the agricultural com IK'. r'JZSsz; U I Do not let the iron touch th-glass, or it might crack it. Oi-J cover the putty with soft soap and allow it to stand for several hours; it can then be removed mittee. Jiinit-s Brai v. ( Uss J-llAHUAS ' In a letter from Hon. E. T Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Stone and family left by motor today for a holiday trip over the weekend into the interior as far as " Lake Kathlyn. C.)ltne; Kenney, the Board was inform- j with any sharp instrument. Q. How- can I relieve a bad xeu'. ileum, one of the works literally blooms with mountain Il.ivv.'is under warm sunshine wi'h thfi fri"id blueness of the Mendeiilhull glacier in the bai rlgl'OUiul. The exhibition was viewed by a small hut coiilinuou ; flow ol people Thursday atteniouu and evening. f Baby R"yls- Funis neaa coia? A. Place a piece of camphor In an old saucer, set It on tlv Sec. 6 One Decorative, (any variety). 7 Three Peony, mixed or one variety. 8 One allow Dahlia, mixed or one variety. 9 Three Charm, mixed or one variety. Miss A. Hutson is sailing this afternoon on the Catala lor Vancouver. xfdl. MAKING OLYMPIC FLAGS IN LONDON FACTORY The task of making the flags for the Olympic Games was carried out at a London factory and the girls here are seen busily engaged on the job. The Olympics are being staged in the Empire Stadium, Wembley. i ed that the Forest Branch wa: transferring their Lakelse Lake telephone line to the Dominion Government Telegraphs in ordei that a domestic telephone service coold be Installed at the lake. Claiming that the revenue from the Terrace post office i not high enough to warrant a t Cactus, niixea vatii'ty. .e Hybrid, mix- ...ine variety. (irsl Prire S2; Second Prix $1.S0 ROTARIANS TO AID CARNIVAL any variety, prize uonaieci Dy iiuckemeuis, -limbs or bulbs, to the value of 82.50 j CFPR Radio Dial 1240 Kilocycle dus, 4 SWEET r..S new building, the deputy postmaster - general again turnea (Subject to change) lies, any color. ;.5 Merchandise, donated by Brown Hrm. ' 8:00 Prairie Schooner 8:30 Dreamtime 9:00 Winnipeg Drama 9:30 -Serenade lor Strings 10:00 CBC Nes 10:10 B. C. Newt 10:15 Speaking As a Ltetene: 10:30 Olympic Game Reports 10:45 Dal Richards Orch. 11:00 Weather and Sign Off. SATURDAT A.M. Merchandise, donated by David Spencer l.ltl. ( lass 5-GLAIMOLAS Door attendants for Prince Rupert's Civic Centre Carnival which opens on August 21 will be provided by the Rotary Club, which has looked after that job during previous carnivals.. At the weekly luncheon meeting of the club yesterday, President D. C. Stevenson appointed Trevor down the Boards request lor a new federal building. However this matter Is being taken up by personal contact with the postmaster-general in Ottawa. George McAdams, chairman ol Stalk, any color. FOft THE BEST IN AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE ... See Your GENERAL MOTORS DEALER Chevrolet Bnick Cbev. Truck PontiM Oldaraobtlo G.M.C. Trucks MACHINE WORK A SPECIALTY Terrace Machine Shop & Garage TERRACE, B.C. Priie $3 (ash; Second Prue J3 Cash. 6-B1KNMAI.S AM) PERENNIALS Punsies. Violas. Hill chairman of a committee to the highways committee, statei the Public Works department, was doing good work In the district. A request that certain handle the work. FRIDAY PJyL 4:00 Ka McCuray smga 4:15 Stock Quotation 4:30 Michael Head (Tor.) 4:45 Sleepy Time Story Teller 5:00 String Stylings 5:30 Keyboard and Console 5:45 Commlnity Calendar 6:00 Beat the Champs 6:30 -Musical Varieties 6:40 Rec. Int. 6:45 Plantation House Party 7:00 CBC News 7:15 The living Voice (Tor.) 7:30-Lubka Kolessa (Tor.) Sec. 5 One Lily, any variety. 6 Three Phlox, "mixed or any variety. 7 Any other Biennial or Perennial. Second Prlie $1.50 Cash df (Spire) colur. Mr and Mrs. B. R. Dodds, who t William. Priif 2ah; 7:30 Musical oiocl 8:00 C'BC News 8:15 Pick of the Hits 8:30 Morning Devotions 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News Commentary 9:15 Records at Random 9:30 Musical Program 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Band ffand 10:15 World Jnurch News ectlons of the Lakelse highway be cleared of brush which was r hazard to safe driving was passed on to Arthur Kennedy, roal superintendent. It is expected that the agri ( las 1-HOUSE PLANTS h.ive been In the city for a couple of days in connection with the Stuart-Hedley wedding, h it today, on their return to Terrace. iniUHl. we. a r tiaria. 0 Cactus or Succulent. 7 Any other Foliage IN TERRACE... A Modern Department Store Nationally-known lines in Ladies' Wear, Yard Goods, Men's Clothing, Shoes . . . plus a new Self-Serve Food Section with a Free Delivery Service. ma. ulant. cultural committee will work with the Farmer's Institute in the horticultural display at the i 10:30 Concert Favorites 15. 8 Any other Flowering plant. i Priie SI Cash; Second Priw $2 ( ash Prince Rupert Civic Centre Fair and Carnival this month. ENTRY FORM N.H.C. Agrk-ultural Association's CIVIC CENTRE FAIR and CARNIVAL Mrs. Jean Mayo was accepted as a new member. THE SKEENA MERCANTILE (las -MISCELLANEOUS Display of Sec. 3 Most unusual dis play (flowers, ber-',urt ol Flowers rles, fruit), jbie. 4 Corsage Bouquet. it for ttck flection $2; Second Price $1.50 Duncan Kerr was the appoint Name ed delegate to a meeting to be Address IN THE Seabee Amphibian Plane held on October 6 to form a new hospital board, a second delegate to be appointed later (lass $-i IIII.DKEN S SECTION 10:45 Concert Favorites 11:00 On the Teen Beat 11:30 Weather Forecast 11:31 Message Period 11:33 Recorded 11:45 CBC News 11 :55 Weather Forecast. P.M. 12:00 Mid-day Mtrodies 12:15 Recorded Interlude 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 Greg McCritchie's Grch 1:00 Memo from Lake Succe-1:30 Musical Program 2:00 Ballett Club (Tor ) 3:00 PiaiiO Classics 3:15 CBC Nesvs Y Hound in K.L snow Non-Schedu'e Charter Service 'Nature of Exhibit Collection of Sec. 3 Best Collection of Flowers. Wild Grasses. Collection of Flowers. for fach section $1:50; Second Prize $1 Class : Section Commercial Hunting Fishing -- Sightseeing !iaw 10 VEGETABLES '"btr, or manner of display optional n Peas. Sec. 0 Chard. Ms. 7 Cabbage. VIEW ROOSEVELT PARK DRAWINGS Plans drawn by Bjorn Selvig, city artist, for the beautification of Roosevelt Park, were viewed by members of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club on Thursday. SKEENA AIR TRANSPORT LTD. - PHONES Terrace: W. H. Martin, 23; E. T. Ftenney Ltd., 85 Prince Rupert: Prince Rupert Hotel, 466 I..IMI Ki:isTKV A T Re: Cc-rtif lt-ate of Title No. 27642-1 to (i9i. Townnte or Mnsset. Map Beautification of the park will ; 8 Lettuce. Joes. 9 Beans, any variety. ns. S2.50 in seeds, donated by Crossland Bros; Second Prire $2 Cash -BEST COLLECTION OF VEGETABLES be the club's main project for the coming year. Advertise in tht Daily News! 948. excepting T,ot A ' of Block Nineteen (191. Townsite ot Mas-set. Mp 94(J, as shown on Reference Plan 1600, and Lot "B" of Block Nineteen (19), Townslte of Mnsstt. Mp 946, as shown on Kef-ernce Plan 1601. WHEREAS satisfactory proof of 'I'fiie S.1; Second Prize $3; Third Prize $2 N 12-IIOTIKH'SE OR COI.DKHAME COTTAGE CI1EESE loss of the above Certificate of Title ( Issued in the name of Nootka Pnck-ing Company (1937) limited has been filed In this office, notice is hereby civen that I shall, at the ex- ; Vew Creamed Fresh Madt a'ocs 16 or more). First Prize $2; Second Prize $1.50 Hies. first Prire S3; Second Prire $2 WE (iAIU)EN CONTEST (Judging on Points) 't and over. 250 feet and over. 3-luu feet and over. homwookim; ' VALENTIN DAIRY Tour Dally ALL-WEATHER SERVICE Nature of Exhibit Class Your Best Eating Place piration of one month from the date of the ffrst publication hereof. Issue a Provisional Certificate of Title in lieu of said lost Certificate, unless in the meantime valid objection be made to me in writing. DATED at the Land Registry Office. Prince Ftuper.t B.C., this 29th day of July, 1948. AD. ANDREW THOMPSON. Deputy Registrar of Titles. (211) flan of gar- points. and Up-keep of D Form, Color, Substance and Abundance of Bloom, Foliage and Stem 20 points. E Cultivation of soil and freedom from Chandler & Cowgill Photographer Developing, Printing Enlarging Box 645 216 4th St. and walks 20 FULL COURSE MEALS 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Banquet Hall for Luncheons, Dinners and Parties J Chinese Dishes BROADWAY i and Color -20 points. HOME BUILDING LIKE COLD WATER IS SOMETHING YOU DON'T JUMP INTO. FOR ESTIMATES ON MATERIALS CONSULT Mitchell & Currie Limited PHONE 363 Builders and Contractors weeds 20 points. I.AM) RKdISTRY. AC T ! Ke: Certifinile uf Title No. S:r;4-I to Lot 1!, Itlock :u. Section 1, I'ity of : I'rlnee Kupcrt. Map j WHEREAS satisfactory proof of loss of the above Certificate of Title "''"I Prize $10; Second Prie $5 AMATKl'K IMlOTOr.RArilY Prince Rupert Florists 300 3rd Ave. Box 516 Tel. 777 Flowers For All Occasions Nature of Exhibit FXHiniTORS PLEASE NOTE: ifment of blooms, hnrmnnlmi hlendin. etc.. will Class f-rowding of blooms In a container constitutes a CAFE 608- 3rd Ave. W. Phone 300 y are stale flowers, mal-formed blooms, spotting r'ng- Containers must be clean, with labels washed '"ps will be refused. issued In the name of Joe rook, has been filed In this office, notice is hereby given that I shall.. at the expiration of one month from the date of the first publication hereof.1 issue a Provisional Certificate of Title in lieu of said lost Certificate unless in the meantime valid objection be made to me in writing. DATED at the Land Registry Office, Prince Rupert, B C. this 9th day of August, 1948. AD. ANDREW THOMPSON Deputy Registrar of Titles. (215) emerea with or without buds. fnfn resPnslbUity for the exhibits. "M 8 T0 PM. TUESDAY. Al'GCST 24 f () 12 K'onu ii'.r.i. ...... . . MAIL OR BRING TO SECRETARY, CIVIC CENTRE J Upholstering AND FURNITURE REPAIR i - i King Exhibits At'GlIST 23 AND 24 2. Cak 3- Pie. 4. Cookies. 5. Preserves. Pri, t each nla Kt ci. a . tit IIHln v, urnna line 1 m Kl Monday, august 23, 2-5 p.m. AlGl'ST l)y POPULAR DEMAND ItKTUKN ENGAGEMENT OF THE DUKES (DNIESTER Photography Contest: Lm TO 28 We can supply all your needs in ... . ; BUILDING SUPPLIES including !, WALLBOARDS, FINISH LUMBER, PLYWOODS, SASH AND DOOR, NAILS,; PLUMBING SUPPLIES PAINTS PHILPOTT EVITT & CO. LTD. "Servlnc the North Since 1920" . Phone 651 632 f COAL LUMBER PAINTS first Prbe ba .n 4 Dunlopillo Foam Rubber Cushioning Plastahide Boltaflex Plastic Arlisto Table Covers and Curtains ti ll rv ' ul-w"U . itB S 1 ze $3- $2- Show sPpPial Prize $5. i'RiiL!, "ud of 6 r more P'ctures on a panel advertising 1 5 Special Prize $5. At Port Essington - Saturday Aug. 14 la or unmounted. The pictures must be EVERYBODY WFI.COM E oy the exhibitor (190) LOVI N'S NATIVE IVlLlVr-n " '"STRICTS, INCLUDING LIGHT LUNCHES AND ICE CREAM AVAILABLE (Next to CFPR) PHONE BLUE 818 rlp;,,. THi t"'1' BE Dt- WELCOME WELCOME lilIS LIST FOR REFERENCE J