prfnrc Hupcrt Daflp r3ctos ttu. Tuesday, June 15, 1948 SANDSPIT LEGION MAKES DONATION What City Council Did j PRINCE RUPERT '-',', ' ! years ago J; ra; et. J'ZSSIZ June 15. 1923 .planning to build a hall tr' Machinery wa being landed clubl'0m premises. ' , iSWSSMK iti W (Authorised as SecJnd gMX iSS S? ntral BrlttaU ColumWi .S1- tt"W' Prince Ru?m Of CANADIAN press AVi'rSi. fE5Y' Ma"!lng Director. Sandsnit branch of t.hp rnnn dian Leeion has nirlpH thp Rn Rpfwrprt Referred tn th. b , ., jemergrmey flood rehefdrtve vrtth to the Board of t 25 and referred to thp h.,t ,l rtn.i r .... ltJsalnton transport I rh. . ' VhS imuw. works for lor Investigation investigation a a petl petl- works for recommpnriatir,,, .aM !o. k., ,u ....iiii thp Ftaii r. ... Uy uir iucui uuuu : ' M1 ujvn uo me c tion signed by 33 residents of ... "n stork com i ton. h ! i1" city onCX ii-" .!? irh,n.,,-l,,,-t- Since Cln,... : Stall ta11 Iron Iroll PvritPK Pyrites nrnu,rl,r ...UI..1 . campaign headquarters. property, whie the donation was made before! re('ently been bunded by th me I .... On recommend;) u First Overlook Street seeking a lane connection between that uranby Mminir aim r..,.i;.... nuouue committee, decided to wora OI lne "-lnce Rupert cam-transfer titles to school proper-j Pa,Kn ""ached the Queen Char-ties in the city to the Prince lott Island settlement, the d'j- street and Second Overlook, fur Co. Ojieratioiis were exj.ctei to bein immediately. Business and Prof ther east. Come 0?, GW Peoje AE HOPE that all the good people of Prince Ru-T iff1 are 8" to the utmost of their reason-able ability to the British Columbia Flood Emerirenev Fun. n1 v,of fu,- . . ..' uuiuui jjisinci. A survey "Buun was niuue tiirouch the of Borden Street school site is ' provincial headquarters of the to be arranged. rui,Q,n.,n ? i E. D. Barrow, federal minister R Agriculture. . Declared Aninet or tn H n MARGARET McLEOD " i 1 1 v 21 I hi ill VIT civic holiday on request of the l.,nl 1 . "I the Board of Trade that his department reali.wl ih.,t if .i. . ouniur naniDer oi commerce Port DaV COITimlttpp n-h'nh nlor.c Accepted a tenripr mI,ii LADIES VLSFT ted by the electrienl f I rill et ti i to hold the annual Pnrt ra ..... iV 4L c L,ltr iiseiences ot all L .1T.,"utSL?tte: r 1J be wiout further H delay The Prem Vr Wltuh0Ut f.Urth UttK CAT M. J QAtTV.a RUPERT CLUB -'.i.ui interior of the provin.-r was to Raln new settlers, it must have adequate markets for it-beef and grain crops. "ration on that day. Port Newton for the rewiring ol th ? rreler of 0f the Province P has Said that J08 committee Chairman S. O. '" third iioor or the City Hall OPTOMETRIST In New Offices KOOM 10 STf)NE BUILDINQ New Phone blue mi Prince Rupert Club, recently " S'uLtfr ,iiuu tiuin was lnlormw council in let- a"u mc main rioor v, j j -'uj.ii w as estimated estimated w when hen i a and base tlie drive Was stnrtoH and onrl that v, A , ,- iter i" that mat. the me eomm eommittpp u s hnn hnnin. n. ment mnn oi of the ine Flrp rp Wan Hall t. All Wrk ,.HID1. . III r:maS a dlo ""aranu, cleaned, was the scene f '.. , ,.eor?e Heh, associate to have one or more naval ves--01 tne tender was $1,139 00 A sels visit Prince Rupert on that Norlh"n B.C. Power Oo. ten-day, der for the same mi, u Wehanrti. J. t jolly little party late Me rJ"purt" Saturday m e n . f m afternoon when wives and SCnLiL head f re" frienos of the members ier- " entertained at th enefct,,! h,.i , if .mmeral be- astern $1,263.50. : - : is required to meet specific exigencies of this-the greatest disaster that ias ever befallen the people of British Columbia. The time of the drive is being extended Prince Rupert set a high objective and it is still short bv On inauirv and w..... . lm Black, decided to artivaip h. I President and Mrs. W. L. Arm- toZ;? tl,y Irom tn( stronir rerplvprt .hp n... ..J . souih. Sixth Strm ,.ullrIS ana, June 15 1913 Vice-President W. D. Lambie anil Thousands f 'r,,'.,., . council's grain elevator commit-i tee which was appointed by! Mayor Arnold earlv thic i Personalities'-Of Early Dhys DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST SUITE 5. SMITH BLOCK Phone 705 P.o. Box 141)1 cliar.a farmers, w C1 ai,J farmlands were lulled by recent The commute consist? of Aid- ' ;j. 1. Aicjiwcn, chairman of ih-I entertainment committee, were active in the serving of delicious refreshments. Martin Stuart and C. A ti,- .. rrinen uasey. McKsv ar,w T"'K. Voicing MIKE COLUS MORT CRAiG Brooksbank. Alderman Black declared that it was ihe committee went Into artlnn If th r"one BLACK ?5 672 10th -- ... v., li, 1 mi-rimers many another m tK.'of th en tprtn Cruise for Flood Fund Washed Out " more man naif of being achieved. There has been .some comment, mostly probably by those who are ooking for an excuse not to do their share in helping sr.-ely stricken British Columbians, that the cbjective was too high. After all it is only $25,000, i .for'en-off and prosperous Prince Rupert .area, we & not think that is by any means too high .if everjrpnf would give as they could and should afam weJemljhasize the terrible affliction uhicb ias created a great and immediate cause transcending all others the appeal to provide as- Tf awfnf f UrdAf SUffererS and eti 01 lne he aw Jill Tlnnrlc H'liir.Vi kn i.i - - - v. WlCj UlJlJnilH,l'.t' sourdough clan, Mort Craig aisu assisted in pliinninir ti. is to be any move to have grain shipped through the Prince Ru- PPT TTV.n Zlt rm..DaWSOn t0 i t Vent I .Prin- P-t Gyro Club hoo,. HEAUTY SHOP jjti v cicvaior mis iail. J"HN F. L. HUGHES Chiropractor 21-22 BRSNER BI.OCK PO Box 894 phone Blue 442 The City Hall is tn hnt a a, soon as new 01 making a substantial contrib,, kJT8u 1 allCmTd t0 locale HANGING GARDENS j lion to U flood relief f und BUf" St. Joseph, mfl0nged Mo orlna,1y ' L ThT HanR,n tJden.s of ! fe' a seaback at the week-end "rmanent Wavb B,"auty culture l, all 1U branrt new flag. Couneil "u luf.. was m the """yum, ,.r one 01 the seven won- wnen u'n Steamships Ltd. no- raill'Oarl hllelnpc rlpi-c , 204 4th Street p)f tion to purchase one. last nisht after Mayor Arnoie pointed out .....oo urimc jutrr in-; 1 " u "r ancient world suo tlfled y,e club that it could not I the stampede north. He liv. th-we for years. ' """" y m-uuraaanra-"'" r steamer Coquitl-m zar are said to have been on the available for a special mv.i, ,. HANDYMAN wibi it naa naa none since the Roosevelt Parle cairn dedication almost two years ago. The large flae used at the riprtmoti... Mr. Craig eany developed his " w! U'P f 3 pyranild 75 CrUise durl,1R the two-day" stop-ilent fny ou... .... . Jt"ei nign. over of th t.i 1 . "OMR SERVICE GEORGE L. RORIE f'ubllc Accountant, Auditor, etc Income Tax Returns Complied. Besner Block - Phone 387 , , unc .ins week- - .... man ttiuairy. ite was a siipht, gray man. a littio n. fiF.KFBi? . -1 . end. Now the rlnh u lli r"i. m rars. r rankiin D. Advr lim v ,u iriiuravLfur ' UHiix NpW?i 1 to search for nth u,o.. ,i average height with an nmtohu " n(l." anu : j means to raise money n,r the Building and Repair, MJ visit. uiiurmai way with him. His studio was on Third Av ""m t " Jicutereo tne hofnes ,7 . , destroyed the livelihoods and broken the hopes P and hearts of fellow British Columbians. C? h-PPy' PHnee Rupert we ar ecure and ,r f m comfortable in our homes. We have not even hid to go out and man the dykes as hundreds of men to , a self-set quota of $25,000. We can do it if we a 1 give what we should without mean selfish evasion or equivocation. If we have not gone ' the limit we should do so at once, either by indin aSdl"31 SUbSCH,5ti0n 0r hy . . . Gave final reading to a reducimr iJifsentation fiowiutuuu to 10 the no"a "wu Hind, luna. lis its general general exch.o exclno STEPHEN ERICKSON Roofs, Chimneys and Oli B. premier was a hand.oine "er is expres-' somewhat strained on ar sion of good. t a!ip finH ,1.411 T fvtlirtt rtf ,1 !,... ... a enue. He liked to meet ih ence fbr busses operating solely between the citv and outstrip -"'V. lie, sold curios, could make himself and what he had highly in- PIANO TECHNICIAN TUNINQ AND REPAIRS . . - w iuiKf swimming pun' snowed, on spicially treated project to which the club has caribou skin, the lines of OTP, committed itself this summer -steH cutting through th m.. " PHONES. points to $20. icresung partieuarly to thn dlaclc M 411 West 7th Ave. Green m m iuni , .1 Approved thp ; wj me norui. Near the tains to the toast at ( ' Prince ""ue Ru-1 KU' t-r-r, , studio entrance was a mountPH , , the followine trnH " 1 1 n o ALT WATER alligator. ' urUI,ea ana' in "TL... Windows wprp fn ..e The salUnP th ytALinr repair! reported V th licencing c'om- . . " F"oHiijy manklng the artis' ...... , . . imeiy to draw attention, he said he would keen rt, J ,n Utan ls cau-s-d ac uulik. narrv Chen mintor Serrlnf the FUberien Indtwlr- Well, (P.R.) Ltd. rtaje. I.abeft Weljbinj - 1 r 1,1 Bob Parker Ltd For Downtrodden Bi and Horn Sola MAC SHOE HOI Vvlce 8 BOld ion th; wttnrof ird,nUmv!aikm f m,n"ral sta-'hT6 the Card n U ! ' WaShPd "Uo !t ' statlnR 11 had room at Ottawa so -h f rlv"rs- The handle en the property of Jesse James, tell alTadm rerL , (trlf l;vaporate8 but the salt hp k,j : wh uu aamirers i s h h storv "i"iv oiia tion; W. D. Weiss, second second second hand hand ucuier. He had a unioue , mii6nii,n . u,y- . . . Adopted a recommendation by the board of works tViot tu. -raig was a gifted teller of tales, . IN PORT DIRECTORY k INTH EDITION of "Canadian Ports and Ship-M p,ng Directory," a publication designed to provide complete information for shipmasters and - S er?""?-10 knW the faciliti ava lable at It K also ' ? tabulates f a,nadian Prts. has made its appearance ILVilf services, rates, etc.. at too. r a w S ' (CCI-O T H R O U O The city council gave an order city purchase a water tank from S. R. Donalrisnn fnt lnA fri-. C H t M J r ir 10 iwort wren it became known Sir Wlltrid Laurier planned a tiuu. me Jtank is to be used for sprayln nn V, . 0 . tii-jf streets. . . . Accepted a hnflH nt ..... 1. n "Oldat 40,50,60?" 'iiuiuuicnaauon that a request r - wan, rou re Crazv it-siaents or Piggott Avenue lor a sidewalk to Sixth Avenue East be approved. Cost of the work will be flnnr,ivimoti ir. ous ports The directory is compiled by Frederick I' 1 "'TWal "ted marie authority and writer, and is published by National Business PuhT-I tions of Gardenvale, Quebec. 0a" ' ' fr, n , ,po,if faclllties are satisfactorily outlined considerable detail. There is one notable owever, and that is a flat statement hat S e r are no motor truck roads out of the port'' wheri is probably meant that there are no Lri regu fran chised trufkino- tm.,.;, c? i.. s"n.y nan- The petition was presented May III ll , -; the eminence of w Wa1!0? ,.1 - "- zw HOLIDAY ASTYLE A smartly tailored TRAVEL SUIT ls the ideal golng-away ensemble and then whether you are city', seaside or mountain-bound you will want the latest ln slacks, shorts, blouse i bathing suits, summer dresses and accessories. See them all at Sweet Sixteen. For all -purpose top wear select a short WHITE COAT. Worn as a sport Jacket or slipped over your evenins gown it will be a light bit of - J wfth?? .HV "fch con c the poit ,t with the mam highways of the continent and ti uc-k-to any place in Canada or the United State that is accessible to the main highways F.lulS Edward glly'm t0 ote that-the port of Port with its great dock is also given due men IT MIGHT HAPPEN HERE Torn Tnftt:kt r:pt n may think he tawTt handle chrnUtn, lmt evm-tiling lie m-lld from coituiue j-Hfrr to refripratorst. is in lul if is jurt. a i lR-rnii al (inxliet Hi' QNE HUNDRED AND FIFTY persons hav, per- 1hed ln Danish passenger vessel striking a - mine and sinking in the Kattegat, the strait at ' tm rkTn't Bialtic Sea hween Swel n n1 CTheniiftlrv in a ital fartir in faLriin ami fixxU. li-atlwr and toyti. Il'a at the OMinHii' rountnr nil in the hanlware drpartmrnt , on finl it more anl more vlif never jou dhop m nylmi hoMPry, faliricn anJ lirisllfH, in new pine lie articles and ueauty wherever you go. When shopping use Sweet Sixteen's Personalized BUDGET PLAN No Interest - No Carrying Charges 'Cellophane" HTipiiis to pruteet 1 -f . ' gtxM and make them more attractiva, Tlie chemical industry nrver stands stil It rontinue to rreate new iiM-ful rMlin ti n? lo improve many old ones. It contribute" to ihe udl-lieing of all of us . . . with the C-I-L oval the aytiiliol ttf an organization devoted to : ,7 p""" aervinjf Ciifiadlans through chi-miftry. DRUGS wSg) Ormcs Drugs would fed ffwi1 sol"e PPle at least Fot lnft"e"-' IIODANT taiarturga up JO !fk PRESCRIPTION CHF.MIQTQ of the importance ' t M ff STORE HOURS WEEK-DAYS, 8 A.M. TO 8 PM SUNDAYS AND HOLiDAY8i2 NOON TO 2 P.M, 7 P.M. TO 8 P.M. S . - twtrlrM I""" inJusl"- uJl 0B,,I l Emergency bicycle delivery from 7 b.m. till b p.m. Dally car delivery service from 9 .m. UU 8 p.m. - ,.. ana Sunday j CANADIAN IMDUgTrnlTTiZlirn ) A CLASKIFTED AD THE DAILY NS m BRlNORESULTO ' PHONE 81