THIS AND THAT 1 PREFEK RHr Prinfe Cttperf Dafip J5etoa 09. ' '" T Tuesday, June 15, 194S 'mmp inn rtJ ! Austral!, :riln1 taJl in Sports distant 'arltets. It TTotStuojf 99 TAXI TAKE TOP SPOT IN CITY FASTBALL FATHER'S J A.Jl'XE NO BIO LF.AGl'E GAMES NEW YORK No Major League baseball games were scheduled for yesterday. WORLD SERIES PICTURES HERE The long-awaited World Series of 1947 baseball film has arrived in the city and sport fans will have the opportunity to relive the excitement of those games tomorrow night at the Civic Cen 99 Taxi 15, General Motors 9 Nine-Nine Taxi assumed top place in the city fastball league last night by defeating General Motors 15 to 9 for their thirl unbroken win this season. Motors up to last night had tied with 99 WAT FOR r J Taxi with two games and no THERE IS HO TIHER CIGARETTE losses. The question is , tre. It will be a full evening's entertainment as the half hour World Series film Will be followed by the screening of an Old The taxlmen broke away in the second inning to score eight runs, six of them off hits to pass 1 other groups are aiding in mak TRIPLE SPORT EVENTS DOMINION DAY ht E Ol'K FINE SHIRTS TIES PAJAMAS BELTS WALLETS ing the day a success. The committee was organized to restore the celebration spirit which ior-merly signalized the annive'-sary of Canada's birth as a nation. which the committee itself had the fast-starting Motors squad I Country cup-tie soccer game which had scored five runs in I with half an hour of spills and the first and two in the second, j thrills, and then for tiie hard-From there on. the taxi boys i bittPn r"undba" enthusiasts an oneihouron soccer tactics, ball con-run broadened their lead with in the third, two in thel1'"1' kil'klne. goalkeeplng. and fifth nnH fnr in tiw, aivrh i all the other ttne points of this planned. The track meet is scheduled to . Now, that man is called the pitcher He throws the ball to the other fellow." Ketrhikan-Prince Iltipert Football Football Final Tl-wk Meet It looks as Humph Prince Rupert's Dominion Day celebration this year is going to be a memorable and active one which will return the glory of the city's take up the early part of the afternoon after which there will be the first game of the annval Ketchikan-Prince Ruuert all ana other inu useful articles. These films are. be- Mntnrs hrnnirrit In nn In thoi8rpat SPrt the Civic Centre fnnrrh nnr) nnnthnr In Iho ninth .lnB snown Dy ROSA LEES WIN FIVE-PIN FINALS Association as one of their sne- SCHEDULE MEN'S FASTBALL June 16 C.N.R.A. vs. Gordon and Anderson. June 19 Co-op vs. High June 21 C.N.R.A. vs. 1)9 Taxi. The taximen Clouted Teddy ll ,,mmpr nrnrrram fai Acme Arney ior sixteen nits in nr? The Rosa Lee team won the phiimnimmhii". rf tt .'irliiiu' fiip , I. Ramsay 186 225 1B2 I Totals UUO 900 922 ANNETTE'S Montgomery ........ 139 139 102 Ostashower 178 189 22U McMeekin 188 240 222 Sniith 112 117 188 Dickens 194 256 160 Totals : 194 941 U54 L Sonny Beynon, Taxi catcher, 'pin bowling league last nisht bv Clothing StotC and a third innings, seven of them in the second. Arney struck out one batter and walked one. Dominato, who went on the mound for the final htt two three-baggrrs, the henv- defeating Annette's in the final star baseball classic. The first game will be a seven inning competition. Following the baseball opener, the Prince Rupert Football Association will stage its first postwar play for the Dominion Day Cup. This probably will be in the evening. j The second Prince Rupert-1 Ketchikan baseball game, this earlier observances of the First of July. A Ketchikan baseball team is coming to lend international flavor. ' According to the Canadian Lp-plon Dominion Day sports committee, the celebration will include a football match and a -baseball double header In addition, tp the Northern British Col iest batting of the game. Joe play-offs at ilex Aueys Dy two Davis, Motors first baseman, games to one and 142 pins. Total June 23 General Motors vs. Co-op. June 26 High School vs. Gordon and Anderson. June 28 General Motors vs. High School. three and two-thirds innings douted a triple in the second score tor Rosa Lee's was 2,848 struck out three, allowed five inning, but was left on base. , for three games while Annettes j hits and one walk. 99 Taxi AB R H totalled 2,706 BASEBALL SCHEDULE 2 1 In the semi-finals, Rosa Lee's 0 defeated Watts and Nickerson one a nine-inning battle, will be WHAT ARE BULGER'S TRYING TO DO We try to be dependabi- umbia championship track meef i played in the evening. 1 by a total of 27 points with scores 9 of 2.6B0 to 2.653. ; nuoia, wno was credited as pjerce 3b 6 j wining pitcher, was on the Bebak If (6th)' 7 . 2 mound for 99 Taxi for five in- irjhristoff If .... .... Z. 4 ;nings, allowing 11 hits, striking pjlfold p 6 out one and walking two. He ZIZI Hartwig ss 6 was relieved by Bebak who in RosPdale cf 6 Team Standings (8 Gam?) W , L Pet Savoy 4 1 .800 Merchants 3 3 .500 Moose 1 4 .200 BLACKHEADS CM. two oonm of peroxin powder from Although the baseball and football games are being handled by their respective associations, the Dominion Day sports com We try to be earliest ti 5 1 McMeekin of Annettes was 2 high Individual scorer with 650 . for three games. Zona Hedley of your drugmst. Sprinkle on a hut. wet cloth ! WPt to the face gentlx. Every black- the latest. heeil will be diseolved. Tne one enle, tun our innings auowea lour hits, struck out one and walked one. nd tiffipU way to remove blackhead. mittor is. gratified to know that June 15 Savoy vi Moose June 17 Moose vs Merchant Junp 20 Merchants vs Savoy June 22 Merchants vs Moose June 24 Savoy vs Merchants une 27 Moose vs Savoy June 29 Merchant v Moose ' Rosa Lee's bowled the highest we try to Ki?p a goc single game of 243. variety. We try to sell reliab; goods at prices ad 1 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 2 0 0 15 R 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 0 0 9 tised all over Cr; such as Hluehird Diana Rogers and Community E Gurvich lb 5 Beynon c 5 Postuk 2b 4 A. Hartwig rf 2 Ratchfoid 3 49 General Motors AB Arney p 3 B. Simundson ss 5 B. Windle 3b 4 Morgan If 5 Davis lb 5 A. Simundson 2b 5 Lambie rf 5 Dominato cf 5 Pavlikls c 5 42 (ruen. Waltham and Biwi howlim; schedule June 15 Varletv vs Omnu' Manson' vs. Toiler: Watt X Nickerson vs. Westview, Lucky Strike vs. Cosmos. June 17 Blowers vs. Cnacter Seubv's vs Rosa Lee's, Moose vs Hi Sisters: Annette's vs. Sweet Sixteen. Miller Bav vs. Comets CALVERT 1622 0faMOf& 0a??tOCC& LE MOYNE 1656 Mr ' v ylfsllHl' : v s wmvy W-i 1 ROSA LEE 0 M. Postuk 13S 229 162 21 :L. Basso-Bert 127 150 181 hs. Ramsay 179 151 170 0 Hedley 14 115 193 3 I. Ramsay 231 220 243 2 Totals 8(i6 8G5 64 1 WATTS & NICKERSON 1 Mosley 169 121 203 1 Shenton 156 179 200 3 A. Wrathall 88 139 163 4 V. Wrathall , 215 223 190 0 A. Pierce 135 237 2 3 5 15 Totals . , 7i;3 8!l9 991 15 Rosa Lee's won semi-final by Watches, Wrstclox Pros; Ronton 's, Pens, etc. ... In fact most of our p are standard. You read It. In the News! 99 Taxi 081 024 000 Gen. Motors 520 100 001 0 lHr1 SHORT SPORT 27 pins. ROSA LEE M. Postuk 210 241 173 Basso-Bert 183 165 161 S. Ramsay 138 147 232 Z. Hedley 243 188 174 JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd, Third Avenu INCOME TAX The Sunday sport Issue took a Boinir-over in a committee room. KETIRNS rRrJARED-Sa at Sault Ste. Marie, last week, i R. E. MORTIMER ! 324 2nd Ave. (Near Cira mi fS-he fame and honour which the Ci. Vl eleven sons of Charles Le Movne, rrr-TTT - 11.: 1 11 Sieur de Loncueuil, bestowed PERFECTION PERFORMANCE on their distinguished father is unique in to Canada's greatness. The most famous were Charles, Baron de Longueuil; Jean Baptiste, Sieur de Bienville; and Pierre, Sieur d'Iberville. Between 1670 and 1680, Longueuil built a house, which still stands at Lachine, Quebec a memorial to a dis tinguished Canadian family. 4 I in an automobile depni ' .-'PI' Canadian history. Soldiers, explorers and colonizers, they each contributed generously upon inspection and mm Nobody knows just who won the argument, but the solution left all parties shaking their heads sadly. The dilemma, as recounted by Emll (Sault Star, Rajnovich, arose when two local Softball clubs decided to play a Sabbath game. They got permission from President Miller of the Sault Softball Association, a large crowd gathered, and Bay View Athletics duly trounced the Falcons 20-5. Then' came trouble. The SJ5.A. executive overruled Miller, and pointing out that Sunday sport was Illegal, -ordered the game replayed. Raj felt this was carrying things too far. Why, he asked, since the game was played and nobody complained, tenance at regular inimit Don't put off needed rfpiirH they may prove more art later on. I m I J All When repairing tht' old or building the new see us for all kinds of construction materials. Mitchell & Currie Limited PHONE 3G3 Builders and Contractor Great Families Create Great Nations should the Association throw out the game? Opponents of Sunday sport could answer that one. But the executive's next decision left WlV 1.) both sides seechless. They okay- en tne raicons-Ainietics game. The Popular S.S. LA on the following Sunday across the river in Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., where Sunday ball Is legal. EARLY in the 17th Century", Calvert, head of the famous Calvert Family, distinguished English statesman and Secretary of State to King James I, founded pioneer colonies in Newfoundland and Maryland. In the New World Calvert's descendants drafted a constitution which was the pattern for the democratic freedom we now enjoy. The f Calvert ideals of freedom and relig. ious tolerance were perpetuated down through the succeeding generations of the Calvert Family. The family is the corner-stone upon which great nations are built. Let each of us strive to promote within the great Canadian family the same concepts of freedom and tolerance pioneered by the Calvert Family, three hundred years ago. PRINCE RUPERT Sail for I - I T) - SCHEDULE FOR LAWH BOWLING With regular league play getting under way In the Canadian He ore pleased to announfi ti, u have now ohWin the services of a wry com National Recreational Associa tion Lawn Bowling League tonight, the echedule for the season Is announced as follows: 1 ImrdCuvert Ctlvtrt mmmsi I namrif petent body man, Mr. Charles IU'i)nnr . who will be only too Keep your car running Sweef- You'll be sure of a sweet-running motor if you bring your car to our experts. Whether you need minor adjustments or major repairs, you'll find our rates are reasonable. We abide by cost estimates and have your car ready when promised. i ! VANCOUVER AND INTERMEDIATE PORTS EACH THURSDAY AT 11:15 PJM. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT Fnr Information call or write City or Depot Ticket Otflc PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. CieeeiinWlim. ' P"""w r,i I , m mmm WMienv Ita. f estima" June 15 Ar,roll vs. MacPhee rinks; Paul vs. Ross; Frew vs. MacDonald. June 17 McMeekin vs. Mc-Greish; Arroll vs. Paul; MacPhee vs. Ross. June 22 Frew vs. McMeekin; sm&j& i to give you a free fender ' on that body of necll- aM si Mr. Heppner Macdonald vs. McOrelsh; Arroll vs. Ross. he in upholstery work. Th iltm thai poinlt to mint! . , . with HJf6 Prolcttt birvit. DISTILLERS (Canada) Limited AMHERSTBURG ONTARIO June 24 McPhee vs. Paul; Ross vs. Frew, Arroll vs. Mc-Greish. July 6 Paul vs. Frew; Ross vs. MacDonald. July 8 Arroll vs. MacDonald; MacPhee vs. Frew; Paul vs. COTTAGE CHEESE j New Creamed Fresh Made' VALENTIN DAIRY I Tour Dally ALL-WEATHER BEKVICl Superior Auto & BodyServict .Thls advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board, or by the Government of British Columbia'