Da... Prfort Rapm Da Hp BtXat Tuesiay, September 6, 1949. Ray Reflects . . . . . . and Reminisces muBEH or CASACiAJ ?tr? Aran beac or ci ft M-,W:7 , . J. AJvlce from Turkey say. the dos exist In Prince Rupert, it CANADIAN DAIXT SEWSf ArEit luiiinin tod il roromunltlet comprising northern and mtnl BmiiS Mumbli (Authorised u Second Clan Mall. Port Offl Department. Ottawa) PublUhea vry afternoon except Sunday by ...,ki. Prtno Rupert Dally News Ltd.. 3rd Avenue. Prince Rupert. Brtttah Columbia. O a. HUNTER. Munaiflnt Editor. H. O. PERRY. Managing Director. SUBSCRIPTION RATM rnrfsSsr Uttr Carrier. Per WK. 20: Per Month, 7Bc; Per Tear, 1 18 00. aftt -aOT- By Mall. Per Month. 60c; Per Year. 5.00 five Americans, including a is not always their fault. Every missionary, a reporter and an (log, once, must have had an army man, have returned from owner. But what kind of owner-making the ascent of Mount ship has it been? It Is only too Ararat. They had hoped to find true? that diseased, famished some trace fo Noah's Ark. There dogs da roam around, each a fit waa none. Nor was there any subject for the pound-keeper, sign of the dove. Not even a W there is one? Either have a feather i dog or don't. An Intelligent, I well-fed anJ cared for pooch is The day after the holiday. It , a pal worth having. was easier this morning, to un-drMaiid how you felt when you w-nr,a . . ( r -t, "V'T" gathered your books arid could almost smell the white chalk. If it were not for conferences v ,1 i-' - ; i it ' i " i I y - I - Sc. : ( i I North Magnetic Po e the e annual of the ITS STILL- THERE: Back from Canada's survey after the pole just about where It should aircraft reporting nole hunters pose before their Canso nCAASStes Shown, left to rltfit. in this R.C.A.F. photo are: Philip N. Daykin, JaneoS T, snl nSutician; Ralph D. Hutchinson. Toronto, chief of the scientific party; v"11 ! f fh. ,thrIO and ueoaraDher Ben Shln- concerning the remote or immediate possibility of unfriendly lelatlons, if not downright ar, the movement of international units aimed at what might be necessary in the event of war, the revised opinions of Stalin, the scope of secrecy respect In; atomic bombs, Canadian-Amer Housing Lack Serious IS AGAIN becoming one of Prince HOUSING Rupert's most preying problems. Industrial development is bringing new people to the city every day and they are having a grim time trying to find accommodation. Many people hesitate about coming here because they cannot find a place- to' live. Employers, as a result, are finding it difficult to get help. In fact, it is often harder to find the accommodation than to find the help. Living quarters are at a premium and daily we hear of people living under undesirable conditions. It is almost becoming as bad as it was during the war. Lack of housing, indeed, is commencing to slow up Prince Rupert's natural development pursuant to the new industrial activity. If the situation is allowed to continue, it will have an increasingly adverse effect! The housing problem' is one that could well receive the attention of such organizations as city council and Chamber of Commerce if they did nothing else than endeavour to interest the proper vn .1 E Goldsmltn. iianiax. navigawji ui ..v . . (C. P. Photo) man of Toronto, who hitched a ride to study Arctic flora and fauna. had left the Resolute at ever. ican relationships having regard to armament duplication, what I Ketchikan as they had to sjct back to school, Jeff to Prince would this Jittery old world do for news-, anyway? ton and Tony to the Boston Conservatory of Music. They fli'tf east from Ketchikan. Season's Most Interesting Waterfront Visitor; Sailing Ship From Honolulu Caller t.V.uo ii'Viat rtovt 9 TVtA t'.ltP thouand six hundred Two of Noan.; Ark .or signs of it. on miles and a consumption of - -'-' ,1 Mount Ararat having been ex- 11 Kill' fc 1 t V i 3 -- MEN'S DRESS SOI SUM NOW . , MEN'S WORK St; 73c NOW MEN'S DRESS u only fifteen gallons of gas would , . ploded Uy one Qn your maKe any sea-suing uum jjm r up his ears. But that is just piano. It appears ancient documents have been discovered in After making a transpacific crossing to Honolulu as a contestant in fhe sailing race from Los Angeles to the Hawaiian Islands and returning across the what the Resolute did. Under ARCHBISHOP ARRIVES Most Rev. Cyril F. Garb-tt, Archbishop of York Is shown on his arrival in Quebec during a visit tj a number of Canadian cities. C.P. Pliotji SHIRTS U a cave In Palestine and a bright power she makes four knots but iacj llp anx say, they are prob- SOW E MEN'S DRESS i sails hlv scrans of the Old Testa- nrifiV (Wan hv WAV of Alaska and the West COast without her engine she DKESS PANTiy-k of North America, the ketch Resolute of Los Angeles uSLti cliuose (ram epent the long week-end in Prince Kupert at the yacht wanb Thera Is something to be said NOW MEN'S H'ORa F l SUFFERED AGONIZING for the suggestion that if tramp Skipper-owner. club moorings authorities in doing something about the serious situation here. CONGRATULATIONS, TED! .' CONGRATULATIONS to Ted Forman, another Prince Rupert boy who has brought distinction to his home town f or scholastic 'attainment the winning of a $600 Navv Leaeaie scholarshio made, fwid fit.il Ed. Fabian gave a warm, friendly seat and this was at one time welcome to a Daily News reporter the seat of a .Sherman tank. PAtNf Tuna fishermen wiH be interested to learn that 1,080 mikes to the west they ran into huge schools- of tuna and caught all that they could Dorothy Neal and Kobert Sweln-hart. Joining the boat at Ke:- and had an interesting story to Tne vovatte began on July 4 MEN'S GABAEWM tell of the sailing and the ship chlkan ere Mrs. Claman anc all-wool, ifj. K NOW eat. The fish weighed frem I The forty-foot ketch, with its son. Robert, who flew from Loi when tlw transpacific sailing race to Honolulu started. Thc distance as the crow flies is 2.210 Nvrtt Cap!, tacttUt t t pun rttuf tctahca, Ntwfitfii, Lmbf m4 Itww. eighteen to twenty-five pounds. A eleg and wU1 continue the MkM. At U 4tvm MEN'S JACKETS-; graceful lines and typical fore-and-aft rig, is as neat and tidy plaids, full-lrn(th pw krts. linrd. tr. as a new pin. Inside every avail mn able corner is economically put NOW miles but, as the Resolute Sailed,' ln' Journey iram mm., wu-. u-isureiy sail through the inside it covered 2.550 miles and did made in nineteen days which passage south to Vancouver.: the course in sixteen days. They as much better than they had From then on they will make finished twentieth in the race anticipated as they had allowed few caas. Two years- ago the with twenty-four boat compet- twenty to twenty-five days fo- snip sailed 6,000 miles in two ina. The winning yacht was the li- Sailing down the Inside pas- montlis and this year it will cover MEN'S JACKITV! to use and tastefully furnished. The galley with a butane gas . . which he will use in connection with his studies at Royal Roads naval officers' training school at Victoria to which he has won entry. Naturally, Ted's parents, Aid. and Mrs. James Forman, are very proud of their son. So are his friends and the community as a whole. It is particularly gratifying that Ted should wool, full len;th stove hasn't an inch of waste silk litml, brt III ; Rfj. $13.58 I BI.ANKETS-yaft i siirs. K. space. The auxiliary engine, a jM0rning star, owned by Com- sae has been a perfect experi- p10bably as many miles. Thej twenty-four horsepower Gray, modore Howard Wright of .the ence. are well equipped with a rndio used mostly for refrigeration Transpacific Yacht Club, whose Resolute's arrival in Ketchikan and enjoyed listening to pro-service, is tucked away under a time was ten days. This" eab- aroused great Interest, a a resi- gfams of both the Bering Sea compaion-way. A refrigerator u lished a new record as the old dent of thirty years states that and Hawaiian Island at the within arm's leng:a of the stove.'011 which had stood for thirty this is the first sailing ship he same time. They were verv Sl IT CASES, TT. have received all his education here, starting at Annunciation School and having topped the senior srlrctiun at fal BOYS' DRESS SHIRTS fmra One dues nnt. nsn.illv evnert tr. years was eleven days. . nas ever Known to nave sun-i cumpnmrmary uuuui me ncrain- matriculants from the local High School this year. Particular distinction is also brought to the local BOYS' PANTS to find any connection between a It was interesting to learn tnere irom nonoiuiu. v.upiani that Mr. Fabian's two sons. Jeff Fabian says that sailing the re Sherman tank and a sailing ves Dress. Cottons it! modation and courtesy they received at the Prince Ruperi Yacht Club's quarters and most enthusiastic about the scer.jry and the perfect sunsets. set but,- just aft the steering and Tony, were members of the, trip irom nonoiuiu to from wheel is a most comfortable crew of the Resolute. They, how- asKa was mum eusit-i man tim STEAMSHIP PRINCE RUPERT SAILS FOR VANCOUVER AND INTERMEDIATE POUTS EACH THURSDAY at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT For Reservations Write or Call C ITY Olt DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT'. B C. National BOYS' STOCK! eelion. From ' : j ing the outward one. inis is his second Los Angeles to Honolulu sailing as he made the sa"-e CIIH DREVS 50 voyage two years ago. As pro:if From CIIII.DREVS Mrs. George Shenton and soil, Norman, sailed on the Coqultlnm Sunday night for Vancouver. Advertise m tne ua.ly News! J :: of his accomplishments he hf.s SEUi LADIES' STOCff SOI KEKS fr-m two beautifully carved bowls of the native hard wood, koa, with silver plaques bearing his name Others taK'.ng the cru;se, and BLACKHEADS ' ": 120 1939' Vo V'f' . , ; - J ioo S sharing the deckhand and cook- r "' th. ti olvM tbtta. Gt two Mne of nntna ing duties, are Miss Celia Dar- kom from yor drttt. .poiy wub a lington. Miss i.o:e-C.aman, Miss agw'fiSrZZ Sea Cadets Corps with which he has been identified' since he was old enough to join. Ted is another of the home town boys who has made good a list which is becoming quite imposing as time goes on. IMPORTANCE OF OIL "THE DECISION to start drilling on the Queen I Charlotte Islands in the hope of finding oil is expected to be followed by large scale work. Attempts have been made but never before has an organization possessing the means and experience of the Royalite Co. been interested to the extent of actually going ahead w hich it is planned to do within a month. Geologists have been in the field for some time and reports have already been turned in. In the event of a discovery of importance, the -".1 importing of oil and gasoline from California to - British Columbia would be curtailed. It is of interest to note that, since 1948, the government of ' Alberta has received nearly $20,000,000 from its auction of Crown oil rights. This, plus royalties, I,., provides big money to the provincial treasury. BP HO r ... t.A ,w ' - 1 V 'i ' : MONTHLY s . , . ?- ",' ; .. . . ----- A 160' ' AUGUST Ist W ' ' I 1628 j? ' r - uo . DOMINION BUPLAU OF STATISTICS ' , . COST Or LIVING INDEX t3i-39mlOO - ' ' A?v V) C X . . Vl I -r : I t i-u ' " ' : Z ' l . YOUR Help is needed . . . to mend broken lives! YOUR dollars will aid The Salvation Army in restoring to usefulness the victims of self or circumstance. Again it looks confidently to YOU. w. uwoor nioNE ji '' FRASERf PRINC ' Respond generously to the Appeal of 1,947 1946 .1949: j 1 Jf ! -'l'-"- ill d ill j i il I day afternoon. They drove to Terrace with Bruce Wilson to visit their son and returned yesterday with Jack Bulger. It is expected that the young HOLIDAY ENDS IN HOSPITAL The holiday plans of George The Salvation Army men will be able to leave the STILL HIGHER Increased food prices putfied Canada's Cost-of-Lrving Index to an all-time high for the second time in two months during July, as it rose to 162.8 from 162.1 the previous month. Prices dropped slightly in clothine. home fnrnlnh- hospital later this week. Anderson and Dick HedstrotH JOHN I , 8ULG i John & Third ATtr; O K 0 Cellulose Ltd. Columbia Cov Mrs. James H. Thmopson, who ings, but food increases, highlighted by a sharp price rise In eggs of Prince Rupert ended in near-disairter shortly after 10 o'clock Saturday night when Anderson's car left the road near Terrace and came to rest against" a tree. and pork products, more than offset them. The Dominion Bureau of Statistics also reported a slight increase tn fuel and transportation casts. (C. P. Photo) nas Deen visiung in uozemjin, Montana, for the past few months, will be returning hpme shortly. bout young men are in- tne Fog prevented Union steamer itea cross nospitai at Terrace catala. Caot. Ernest SheDOard. !? ,G9X.?.?!iE' WHAT'S YOU H PROBLEM? I WK'I.I. Al J VII I v- and their conditions are re-jfrom making her call at Watson ! ported to be good. X-rays show-, Isand before coming Into Prince ed that neither of the Victims j Rupert at 9:30 Friday evening. arr suffering from fractures but Tne vegseI went lnU, Wat80n Ig. they are being treated for shock and southbound after leaving DRUGS Set for School Come see ouf Schoot Supplies- . . . everything you'll need this year. Exercix Book ScrlhbleM Pens and Pencil Ink Crayons Rulers Eraser Poster PalnM and Water Color and facial cut. But when he pins it down everything should be plain sailing if he has here at midnight. j If. G. Perry is expected in ths city tomorrow on the Prince Ru-! pert from the south to remain' for a few weeks. Mr. Perry has CHEMj PRESCRIPTION 9 A J . nlV3 1 STORE HOURS WERr. ' SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAY3-12 N ! been for the past couple of we'eks " The accident occurred where the highway makes the last turn before entering Terrace. The car In which the men were travelling is Badly damaged. George Anderson, who works for the Kaierl Co-op, Was on his way to visit his parents In Terrace: Mr. and Mr. Bart Hedstrom, parents of 18-year-old Dick, received word of the 'accident Sun- 7 P.M. TO 9 F.w. in Victoria and Vancouver in connection with his duties as. president of the British Columbia Liberal Asociation. MADE DINNER RESERVATIONS at the Civic Centre Dining Room For Reservations and Chicken in The Rough Phone Red 705 "-IK- Dally car delivery service from 9f a.m. till fl pnv SIS 3rd Ave. W. Phone Red 400 (Contlnueo? on page 4)