SCHEDULE BASEBALL Soccer prince Uupcil DafT? Tuesday, September 6, 1949. -Merchants vs. Savoy Commercials vs. Mer- Sept. 4 Sept. 6- chants. (Postponed Games) Spoils Editorial Hi i Sept. 8 Merchants vs. Com -G(lt, mercials. Sept. 11 Savoy vs. Commercials Sept. 13 Commercials vs Savoy. j eauery General Motors. " Sept 16 Canadian WINDING UP SEASON Commercials Win Baseball Championship In Labor Day Week-end Round Of Games Taking advantage of the fine week-end weather t - " -K ..: ;j I . n- - ; : - - r.ii V V a K i - - ' xt f j -1 ,, i . v-r, ' V-1 the Baseball League staged two games on Sunday and! one on Monday to bring the baseball league to a conclusion. On Sunday Merchants won 7 to 6 over Savoy and lost 4 to 1 to Commercials. This brought the three teams all on even terms with an even number of games won and lost. Commercials beat Savoy 9 to 2 Monday to take the Commercials under control, the championship. Play-off will his teammates could not boR. take place this week. borrow or buy enough hits off Merchants went to-the lead of Toews to manufacture winnlnr the league briefly In a Ue with runs. Clccone relieved Rosic- in ! Savoys on Sunday when they de- the sevetiUi and allowed not a feated Uiat team in the Sunday ruruier to reach first base, nflprnoon came hy a score of 7. Toews struck out eleveu in the Future Of Sports "THE FUTURE OF SPORTS in any community is' I . largely determined by the interest taken and the leadership given in the schools. In many large schools where there are teachers who .are in charge of athletics the groundwork of achievement is well laid. In other centres much of the instruction and guidance depends upon the voluntary work .of the instructors. Some time ago in Toronto this matter came to a head .as many of the teachers, who voluntarily gave up much of their spare time and time outside of the recognized school hours, felt that they should be remunerated for it. Why should they do all this extra work while other teachers getting the same rate of pay confined their instruction to the recognized school subjects taught in the school hours? The training o f teachers in physical education is being broadened so that many are now recognized as qualified instructors in football, baseball, basketball, swimming, field and track events, and other athletic activities. And these instructors and coaches command and receive large salaries. It is being recognized more and more that there is a career for those students who achieve proficiency in one or more of these sports. If then there is a demand by the general public for trained instructors, if there are positions open to these experts, why should the school curriculum not recognize these facts and if pupils are physically fit and desirous of becoming qualified instructors why should such desires and ability not be considered and the training given? In Prince Rupert more attention might well be given to the development of sports the year round. The first obstacle is probably lack of playing grounds. Not one school has adequate space. As a VJ?Vl I to 6. However, Odowes' crewjproces of limiting Merchants to looked like anything but champs a pair of safeties. as they trailed the Savoys for The outcome of the afternoon 1 )q good-natured wtei seven Innings. It was an eighth gome produced a result, unique inning outburst of power that' in Uie leugue with all the teams saw the entire Merchant line-up tied with a percentage of .500. THAT'S ALL BROTHER H. C. Pferr of Brooklyn, N.Y., calls It a day after completing nine miles of the Canadian National Ex-iibitlon'a ,-15-.mjle swim. Only three of 'the 47 starters went all the way in the chilly going on Toronto's waterfront, with Cliff Lumsden of New Toronto taking the $6,300 first prize. Pferr was one oi the last to drop out. C. P. Photo) at the plate to score five runs in an attempt to wind up the Seagram's Kinqs Piatt CANADIAN WHISKY on four hits, a base on balls and baseball league, the Merchants Savoy's three errors thrown In' took on both the other teams to wreck Jack Sharpe's fine in the league on Sunday and pitching performance The Savoy ' divided honors. Shirley May outfit had played errorless ball The price is (xQ0-tfdtuK4' J Mad Veteran Kills Twelve up to that fateful lnuing and' had built up a comfortable 6-2 lead. On the field the Merc.hai.U did not play brilliant ball and Gives It Up This odvrYrMmt k not pubttthl or ditplay by to UarCMrlJ Oovrnmnt of m Columbia. they had John Rosedale in trouble most of the way. It looked like another of those Shirley May, American Girl, Fails In Attempt to Swim English Channel CAMDEN, New Jersey 9' A 22-year old war veteran went berserk in Camden today and shot and killed twelve persons. APPLICATIONS hard luck losses shaping up. Rcsedale struck out fourteen while allowing nine hits, Sharpe pitched a good game with ten DOVER (P -Shirley May France FWe others were wounded, two today abandoned her attempt to critically swim the English Channel. She , KiUed ln a 45-minute blast of strike-outs to his credit. APPLICATIONS ito be received by Septet Invited for the following positions: In the .evening game, Which was a little more than six miles buUets two small boys, five from the English Channel shore women ond five men. (al RKC'BEATION DIRECTOR (niaki Af, when she was persuaded to give Poiice authorities say they be- Commercials won 4-1, Toews found Merchants with their bat unloaded and set league teani down with two hits. Merchants have experience and ability to teach and (. 11 UP- lieve It to be the greatest mass IVSU1L, VJULUVJUl .fJUll.O EIU11CJ . X 1US to CU1 U1C UIW1C t . regrettable as. with our variable climate, the chil The n- year'- old girl from slaughter on city streets in his- ball, handball, squash, volleyball, badmat recreation classes for all age groups. I Somerset, Massachussets, aban-'tory of the United States. went to the ninth inning ami doned the attempt at 4:0o p.m. (7:05 Pacific Daylight Time). (hi PHYSICAL DIRECTOR (female. A Afer the mad escapade in the darkness break shul.oal' streets, the man identified by:.v, AKi .,, i!....- have aouroved Pro-Rec training, with spet j She had been in the icy waters police as Harold Unruh, barri- Women's Keep Fit instruction, groupwl it nasties, sports organization and badmtmon single.- Two of Commercial's runs were scored by Harluk, aj new recruit to the team, after he had singled and doubled in I the fourth and sixth innings.' Other runs were scored by APPLICANTS are requested to state exper. for 10'i hours and is estimated caded himself in a second floor ( to have covered more than thirty room and exchanged shots with miles of swimming. ' j more than fifty policemen until The Channel is only 19 miles they brought him out with tear from Cap Griz Nez, France, where ' gas. He was captured unwound-the girl started to Dover, Eng-1 i ed and taken under heavy guard- Giye-from the heart! Salvation Army fications and age. and to enclose copiei Adoress applications to Donald Forward. Gtmr, Civic Centre Association, Bt)x 340, Prince r..? land, but tides force Channel to police headquarters. RED SHIELD APPEAL Guthrie ln the third and Sinclair in the fourth inning. The win put the Commercial on top of the heap unles Merchants protest is upheld and the game Among those shot were a druggist and his wife, a shce repair man, a barber and a young W. F. STONE "Clothes of Distinction" swimmers to cover much more than that. I It Pays to Ac.veK.ise! dren should be able to take the greatest possible advantage of the good weather. It is to be hoped that the new schools will provide ample space for the children to get the chance to play games in reasonable spacious surroundings. Even the Conrad Street School, the most modern school building in the city, lacks playing space. The only game that is really being developed in the schools is basketball. One reason is that there is a good basketball floor but even it is not in the school but in the Civic Centre. And basketball is an indoor game. A long-term plan might wejl include the provision of sufficient playground accommodation for all school children. The result, physically, morally, mentally, would be all to the good. And the youth of today under such conditions would ensure a better citizenship in the future as they would have their natural abilities developed to a maximum. Outdoor sports need encouragement. bride Regal Print w111 require "-playhig. Rosedale Detective Marshall Thompson went to the mound again fo looked like said the busy street a battlefield." the Merchants and, while he hai sJ 222 PHONE 24 Steamship Movement! BROADWAY CAFE.. TRAIN SCHEDULE For the East-Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8:00 p.m. from tbe East-Tuesday, Thursday, Saturda: I0:3U p.m. For Vancouvsi liKST FOOD FINEST CW Tuesday ss. Camo.un, 1:S0 p.m. FRIENDLY SERVICI Advertise ln the Dally News! Chinese Dishti 1 m Mrs. Gillis Conture is expected back from Jasper this week hav FOR TAKE-HOM Hod McLtod, pioneer of this city and now taking up residence near Langley in the Fraser Valley, was wea acquainted with the late Senator Ian MacKen-zie, whose funeral was held tills MOM! W ing accompanied her grandson of Vancouver, that far. He had flours 7 a m. to iH v PELIVERED FREE Phone 654 bee spending the school holl Thursday--ss. Prince Rupert 11:15 p.m. Friday ss. Catala, 5 p m From Vancouver Sunday sc. Camosun, 11 pa Wednesday ss Prince Rupe- 10 a.m. For Alice Arm and Stewart Sunday ss. Camosun, 11 From Alice Arm and Stewart Tuesday ss. Camosun, a.m. From Ocean Falls Wednesday ss. Prince Rupert 10 a.m. For Ocean FttliS Thursday ss. Prince Rupert. 11:15 p.m. days here and is returning home aiinioon in Vancouver. He was r sim mm Even for double the 1 price you can't buy ' anything better than NOW AVAILABLE in tact, a boyhood friend in th ViUage of Assynt, Sutherland shire in Scotland. Try a Classified Ad lor Results Advertise :n tne uully News 9900oooooooooeooooooooo PRINCE i BOWL! if i5c pf doicn paid lor cmptitl Ubclcd by ny B.C. Bttwery NEW ROYAL For Alaska Wednesday ss. Prince Rupert midnight. I HOTEL 8 TKU dvtrtiwment it not publikd 04 diipltytd by lh Liquor Contool Bord Of by th Govmmnl of BiHith Coiumbia. From Alaska I OPEN W Thursday sa. Prince Rupert.' I r x 1 1 a Home Away From Home S;jor,c1 SaturdaJ' ACT" GOVERNMENT L1QUOH 50 Rooms Hot and Cold water LOOK FOR TOK NEW RED AND WHITE (Section 251 Notice For Appllrntlon For Club I.W-enw niinVl 14 .-wort. F$ GOLD SEAL LABEL PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. FREE , Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 NOTICE is hereby given that on the lath day of September next the undersigned, LOYAL ORDER OF MOOHE. PRINCE RUPERT LODGE NUMBER 1051, Intends to apply to the Liquor Control Board for a Club , License ln respect of the promises situate at 8econd Avenue West. City "I & -i i Paper Towels Pa of Prince Rupert. Province of British Columbia, upon lands 'described as Lots 8 and 4, Block 21 A. Section 1. Map 923. Prince Rupert Land Registration District, In the Province of British Columbia, to entitle each urni' niinui m. iiiii.ii Deodorants - Di Jim member of the said Club to keep on the premises a reasonable quantity of liquor for personal consumption on the premises, and entitling the J . ! ... yes the finest of all o . fine cuts for greater 0 J H smoking satisfaaion I 4 J V M 0rWr m 1 1 1 in ill i M Vf(l . c oroin? ' Genuine I)USTlAir, Salt Lake Ferry Sunday & Thursday SCHEDULES Sunday Continuous service commencing 11 a.m. Thursdays Leave Cow Bay Floats 2:30, 4, 5, 7 and 8 p.m. Last boat leaving Salt Laks at 10 p.m. SPECIAL TRIPS FOR PARTIES BY APPOINTMENT Phone GREEN 891 or DLACK 92 VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 pjn., Camosun Friday, 5 p.m., Catala Sunday, 10 p.m., Coquitlam ALICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT S'MPSON Sunday, 11 p.m. FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.8. Coquitlam, 9 and 23 FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Coquitlam, Sept. 2, 16, 30 FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent m.lTCIRS-l'" A MUl'S lttucJ Club to purchase liquor from a vendor and to sell by the glass the liquor so purchased to its members and guests for consumption on the Club premises in accordance with the provisions of the "Government Liquor Act" and the regulation! promulgated thereunder. DATED at the City of Prince Ru A Faulty Furnace Can Make Your Fuel Bills Soar . . . LET US OVERHAUL YOt'R FURNACE NOW SO YOU'LL BE READY WHEN THE SOUTHEASTERS ROAR! Thorn Sheet Metal LIMITED Agenta for "Iron Fireman" 253 First Ave. Black 887 Tn . ri Janitor SUP! pert, ln the Province of British Col umbia, this Sth day of August, A D. nniMAr- niiDCDT iWW 1U4B. IIIIIuKL II U I Li II I J LOYAL ORDER OP MOOSE - " 719 seco"" Pl.nn RIO PRINCE RUPERT LODGE NUMBER 1051 U. T. Muucey. Seotetary. Third Avenue Phone 568