a Wtlna Iluptri DatTj Httof ' Tuesday, September 6, 1949. 9 , Our Stock of Famous McLEOD RIVEU COAL Mrs. G. R. S. Blackaby left on 1 Is Complete LUMP EGG KIT STOKER ft KENT CONE 0011 tiM JWP. S W '4 jert & McCaffery 1 S t ',.', LIMITED rilONE 16 - Gordon tt Anderson sell Plate Glass Wall Mirrors. (208) Mr. and Mrs. 8. Dumas returned to the city on the Princess Louise yeaterday from a trip to Vancouver. Prince Rupert Florists wish to announce that their store will be closed from August 24th to Sept. 13th Inclusive. Corp. E. H. Wales, provincial police, and Mrs. Wales returned to the city on the Camosun Sunday night from a trip to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Cheeseman who spent the summer vacation season in Victoria, returned to the city on the Camosun Sunday evening. Miss A. Waterman, who will teach school at Port Blmpson, was a passenger aboard the Camosun Sunday night bound north from Vancouver. Arthur Olsen, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. O. Olsen of this city, has registered at Victoria College for the new term which opens on September 15. Mrs. Robert Reld and two HhilM.H 1 .... " C'l mmmHmm0mmm irtising is payable in advance. Please refrain from assitieds 2c per word per insertion, minimum ,.h Nntires 50c. Cards ot Thanks, Death Notices, CLOSED BY i AXES The Queen's Hotel in Carleton Place, Ont., will remain closed, says proprietor Dan Miller, until the town agrees not to impose an extra $130 business tax on It. Dan says he hasn't paid business tax since 1916 when the town went "dry" and he can't see why he should start now. (C. P. Photo) fc' Marriage and Engagement Announcement; $2. SPECIAL, uioruw. uv . niu NOTICE BLhixfcss urroiiiiMiihs Ronald Gordon run BALB-toiiee bnop on jro Ave. Apply Box No. Sb8, Daily News onice. Uli) WANTEls WANTED Middle acd professional man desires coinlort-ablc room and board within walking distance of Past Office, yulet homelike atmosphere preferred. Phone Blue 412 between 10:30 a.m. and a p.m. or write Box 894. (tf) WANTED Janitor - Engineer Apply in person to O. P. Tinker Co. Ltd., Besner Block. (til . "-'""""-a io Uhe city on " nign lngtorii A Muryn, Miss M. Moul- the Princess Louise hool. left on Friday evening's yesterday , tcr, D. Cameron, J. T. Hough. Miss afternoon from traln tor Fraser Lake where a vacation trip ho H. Greening, T. Connelly, Mas-to Vancouver I has accepted a position in the yesterday afternoon's plane for Vancouver where she will attend the marriage of a brother. Regular meeting Chapter 211 Women of the Moose, Wednesday, i Sept. 7. . (209) Sons of Norway meeting on Wednesday, September 7 at 8 Pm. 2Q9 Mr. and Mrs. E. Pettenuzzo sailed Sunday night on the Coquitlam for Vancouver to resume her studies at the University of British Columbia. J. T. Becket of Columbia Cellulose Co. left on yesterday aftenoon's plane for a brief trip to Vancouver He will return to the city on Thursday. T. M. J. Fortune who has been on a trip to Shaughnessy Hospital at Vancouver, returned to the city on the Chllcotin yesterday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Currie and Sob left by car for Tclkwa Saturday to attend the annual barbecue being held at the Interior town. A. Fletcher, formerly on the , .mlnfr Tl 1 1 is i t nign ocnooi. veather . flM I ADllD llAV v Westerly Breeze Kept Official Thermometer Down Everybody Outdoors A cool westerly breeze wafted over the official thcrmometet at Digby Island Sunday whUt the city of Prince Rupert hac stifling stillness. Therefore while all Prince Rupprt people were agreed that it must havt been the warmest day of the year, the Dominion meteorolo- gUt had to accept the reading of his instrument which Showed a maximum of 76 two degrecj lower than the official high for the year which was recorded at 7 a week ago Monday, Au?usl 29. The Labor Day week-end provided ideal outdoor weather and many journeyed Interiorward to the loggers' sports "at Terrace and the rodeo at Telkwa. For those: who preferred the water ' the Salt Lake bathing resort attracted many. The only sport,- activity in frince Rupert were baseball . games Sunday anf Monday . which drew out goof) crowds to the Roosevelt Park grounds. The official high thermometer reading Monday was 73 Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Rorie left on today's plane ior a month's vacation trip to Vancouver and! 1 Victoria.. WANTED TO RENT-Furnis-hed w. 3.rM)tlu.d sulle or ),ou,4e. . ... , T. .... . Apply Box 573. Daily News (212) SWA WILL TRADE lor liht car 12-ucre homesite, 3 minutes iron bhMi Ktjtru Vuina t:f.nn Apply 229 1st Ave East. (208)' SITl'ATIONS WANTED WANTED Position by man. Phone 057. (210) SITUATION WANTED Female. ' rnowrfrapny, uar room , o irr-, . frr emit wpu II your subscription Is in arrears and you do not receive your paper, please do not blame the publisher, the news boy or the post office. Juft do a little straight talking to yourself. Co-operation of subscribers in this regard would be appreciated. It would save a lot of trouble and everybody would be happier. Subscriptions are payable in advance. BEREAVED BY DEATH OF CHILD Death of Ronald Gordon Speere, eleven-month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Eric Speers, took place in the Prince Rupert Gen eral Hospital on Sunday. The child had suffered from a heart condition and death was not un expected. In addition to the par ents, the bereaved include a sis ter, Colleen Marie. The funeral will take place tmorrcw from ltne cnapel of BC- Undertakers Rev Earl Solland, pastor of St. raui h i.umeran Linurcn oi ficiating. No Harsh Laxatives for two years ! tin a,trrlbf time with constipation before eating KELLOGG S ALL-BRAN daily. Now, doing fine, feeling fine! Wish evervone ' trouhlttH na T una would try ALL-BRAN." W. J. Riley, Molson, Manitoba. An un-toicited letter from one -of many grateful ALL-BRAN users. Are you constipated due to lack of bulk in the diet? You may get grand relief by eating an ounce of tasty ALL-BRAN, drinking plenty of water daily. If not helped after using one box, send empty carton to Kellogg'a, London, Ont. Doubls your money back! in Till McBride Street WE WINS NAVY SCHOLARSHIP In addition to being admitted to Royal Rotas naval officers' training school at . Victoria, Ted Forman, son of Aid. and Mrs. J. N. Forman of this city, has been awarded a $600 scholarship by the Navy League of Canada to assist him with his studies, according to word which was re-cived in the city at the end of the week from Ottawa. He will be leaving shortly for Victoria1 to enter the college. j Ted is a Prince Rupert-born boy and received all his education here, having led the Senior Matriculation class at Booth Memorial High School this year He has been a member of the local Sea Cadet Corps since he was twelve years old and now, at eighteen, is a petty officer! Former Daily News carrier, he has recently been employed by Bob Parker Ltd. He made a naval cruise as far as Monterey, California, during the past summer. Give-from the heart! tfdivauuii HIIIIJ 1 S. G. FURK PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT UNION MEETING There will be a special meeting of the Construction and General Laborers' Union, Local 1427, at 8 pm. tonight in the Carpenters' Union Hall on Fraser Street, Prince Rupert. AH members are urged to attend. A special invitation is extended to all former members of Vancouver, Local 602 Fraternally yours, F. ABBOTT, Sec'ty. Venetian Blinds . . Steel, Aluminum or Wood Slats a wide assortment oi lovely colors with matching ur contrasting tapes Drop in and see our samples, or phone, and our estimator will call and measure your windows and advise you the installed price. 21 DELIVER Phone 311 PHONE 79 ..BaiiiiifiTil Cava itwill Topcoats Water Repellent A Fine Dress Topcoat, 100 Two -Ply Woolj Worsted, in plain colors. Expertly styled with j set-in sleeve, square j shoulder effect and i sash pockets, the ' Cavatwill Topcoat is J designed to combine 'j smartness with long wearing quality. ,' This new hard-finish i material will hold its ; press and give lasting good appearance to the wearer. ' Priced at $45.00 ' you Saw ' It m The Newsl ANNOUNCEMENTS Advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c per word Lutheran tea Sept. 10. United Church Supper, September 22. Tickets now avail able. . . Loyal Order of Moose Men's and Women's Annual Bazaar and Dance September 29th and 30th. Moose Temple on the 29th, Civic Centre on the 30th. Dance and drawing for prizes at Civic Centre. Catholic , Bazaar . October 5 and 6. Sonja Ladies Bazaar, Oct. 28. Rebekah Bazaar, Oct.' 26. St Peter's W. A. Fall Bazaar, Nov. 3. Legion Auxiliary Bazaar, November 9. Presbyterian Fall Bazaar, Nov. V. I.O.D.E. Chapter's Fall Bz-aar, Nov. 24. St. Andrew's Cathedral Fall Bazaar, Nov. 26. Saturday. Orange Ladies Sale, Dec. 7. Glidden Paints FOR ALL PURPOSES BLUE 846 SAVTMICH PLt'MBIA'G -AND HEATING H , Moving, Parking:, Crating Shipping and General Cartage and SUrage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Limited Cor. 2nd and Parle Avenues Established 1910 . Phones 60 and 68 CHIROPRACTOR John F. L. Hughes, D C, Ph.C. 21-22 Besner Block Phone BLUE 442 for Appointment HOIKS 10:30 u rn to U.JO pm. imd a to 5 p m. KYKMNUS Monday and Friday. 7:30 p.m. for; those unable to come during the ; day. RECEPTIONIST tn attend-. ance afternoons. ! .h ..id son ol t'nr Sueers, ui L RillHTl uen- Funeral Wed-jiMber 7. al 2 p.m. Cimil ChaptJ rakurs. Rev. tall i Haul's Lutlitran aims. S.i.E $!irtt "bufli't in Itf) piece bedroom J-l,rt'"rn,li jll or can I , 7114 ii fi J, no enamel kit-fi a wick oil burnt wr. Circen 216 fc.t. 213i f Buick Sedanette a i.v.nci. 40.000 tvncliti.m. Appiy ale, Smilhers. I213 .plete home fur-1 .:me, larae eiec- jucuuui cleaner, nrcpaee. equip-, , Kir.sch nmu. ' lare electric. heck protector, I is etc. Hell-1 :urd Ave. t it) , lU'Clary kitchen .1 iitater. Phone I (210) -jL'sed lumber tall 62 Blh Ave. (tf) Si Used Furn-:e and office I Sew coal and I ranges, electric i electric press i,I D i s t o n hand ft'.iiK jacks, heavy i paiier, siinhtiy 'i ddvs Bicycles. enters, guitars, battleship lino-S'rything at the f B. C. Furniture MOWN NAMES eder Shovels. iiil.es: Adam' ; Uttlcford Bros. (ad Maintenance t'wen Clamshpll iR'icit Grapples; mcrete Mixers; i Trucks; Nelson Irs lor St.ni' km ip ti 'val; Rice Fort-ul Pumps; Nape Scrapers and fttional All Steel pis'. National milts; National and Convevors. lrom Na-pry thnn Co. Ltd., V. (tf) 1 Trolling boat ""d at Fisher-'4 Phone Blue 621. I (2081 Jf'itn sink, white fit cabinet. Red 4 211' Tjyo-btiriier elec-"n oven. New J3 alter 6. (211) 5 - J'Buick Sedan, I, $1300.00; j. 18,000 miles, I, 1M5 Master "eater. $625.00 o.uu. Apply aUtlon. (208) ! Carvef-built with rurirler wllor $150.00. I (209) fHr "ish Win ....... Chn r ...ii. i.. CHIltf 111 "1Q inn 104 ;a Phone 4(209) j...":"" per Dlin- Z TOD sirilm, J' thousand"; Jill) .,." nd 1" ' v x t " AIR PASSENGERS (C.P.A.) From Vancouver J. Clu, Mrs. j D. Morrison and Master Morrison, R. Spring, A. H. Worth- From Sandspit E Wahl, Miss A Mothers, Mrs. E. McWilllams. To Vancouver Master Edward Kenney, A. E. Fleetham, G. L. Rorie, Mrs. G. L. Rorie, Mrs. K. Bapty, J. Julseth, W. Osborne, R Chill, Mrs. J. Julseth, Mr. and Mrs. L. Ward, B. Ward, Miss E. Johnstone. To Sandspit Mrs. G. L. Mortimer. To Port Hardy G. A. Green. (Q.C.A.) To Masset C. T. Prevost, Miss S. Kelly, T. Eeeching, G. Rowen. To Port Clements Mrs. O. L. Dunlop. To Queen Charlotte City Mrs M. Benson, P. Antonuick. HOTFl ARRIVA1 S Prince Rupert Mrs. O. L. Dunlop, Cant ry Bay; E. B. Warren, Vancouver; J. D. MacGregor, Vancouver, A C. Findlay Vancouver; R. Watson, Vancouver; J. Decker, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. C. Mac-Kenzie, Vancouver; E. Chow, Inverness; Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Crawford, Prince Rupert; F. L. Cawling, Port Essington; Miss L. Cruickshank, Cloverdale; ;A. H. Worthington, Victona; G. Murray, Prince George; . J, J. Mul-vancyV Vancouver; H. Rindai, couver; J. D B. Scott, Victoria;. Vancouver; Dr. C. L. Hunt, Van-j Mr. L. Tangedot, Vancouver; G. Mllburn, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. H. Jeffrey, Prince Rupert; Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Braddell, Vancouver; A. E. Fleetham, Van- couver; H. Gilbert, Victoria; Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Carter, Van- couver. a Mobilestore On Wheels WORK! TIME!! I BESNER BLOCK STEWART, B.C. Alf. Worthington of Victoria; E!t1S siari or the Daily New adver- Using and circulation denart-1 ment. Mr. and Mrs Edward Johnson I and little daughter and Walter Johnson arrived In the city by car on Sunday from Seattle for 8 vislt her with Mrs. Johnson sr. Mrs. W. S. Kergin and family, after a summer vacation visit to Port CUinley, Toronto and gt tj.., Ontario t..,mt home on Saturday night's train. On their way back they paid a j brief visit to Jasper Park Miss K. How. for Klncollth, Miss M. Nlcholls, for Aiyansh, and Miss S. Froese, for Greenville, were aboard the Camosun Sunday evening going north. They will teach, in the native schools at those Naas River villages. i Rev. Earl Soilanci, pastor of Bt. Paul's Lutheran Church, and Mrs Solland and daughter. Mar-del, returned to the city by motor from a month's holiday trip to Belllngham. They were . accompanied by little Sonja Jansen. The Misses Barbara Teng, Alice Nickerson, Norma MacKay and Mary Addison, who went to Spokane with the Job's Daughters drill team and then visited In Vancouver returned home from the south on the Camosun Sunday evening. BALAGNO Florists Phone Green 787 Bos 1193 1 i 'l TENDERS SEALED TENDERS marked "Tender for Car" will be received by the undersign d up to noon Friday, September 9th. for the purchase of 1941 Ford, five Dassenuer Coime. as is, where is. Car may be seen at the City Garage between i the hours 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.. Mnn- j days through Fridays. The1 highest or any tender will not' necessarily be accepted. H. D. THAIN, City Clerk. (209) SEALED TENDERS marked "Tender for Fire Hall Roof'i will be received by the under- signed up 'to noon, September 8th, for repairs to Fire Hall roof. Specifications may be obtained from the office of the City Enelneer. The lowest or any tendpr will not necessarily be acrppted. H. D. THAIN, City Clerk. 1 (209) FARM AND ORCHARD 5.74 Acres HOl'SE FULLY MODERN WATER FROM MUNICIPAL MAIN FOR QUICK SALE $3,000.00 Cash E. T. KENNEY LIMITED TERRACE, B.C. , (223) ator. 3 years experience. Used if meeting public. Apply , Box 574. Dally News. (208) HELP WANTED WANTED Experienced waitress Apply Central Lunch or Phone Blue 595. (210) BOYS AND GIRLS Opportunity for earning, after school hours by delivering Daily News routes. Honest, reliable boys and girls apply at Daily News office. (Ut WANTED Meat Cutter. Apply Kalen Co-op. (til HELP WANTED Man for lubrication work, prererably single. Bob Parker Ltd. (tf) HELP WANTED Experienced cook wanted, also waitress for HegRle's Cafe, Simmers, hc. (209) KUM ANi HOARD ROOM AND BOARD for two gentlemen sharing, and one single. Call Blue (i39. (tf) FOR RENT FOR RENT Room tnd breakfast close in. Phone Red 417. (210) . . ... - FOR RENT Furnished 3 room suite for rent. Tenant must TiiiThase' furniture. Phone Blue 595 or enquire at Central Lunch (209) FOR RENT Housekeeping room. Apply 221 5Lh Eai;t (208i FOR RENT Housekeeping room 221 5th East. (212) HEAL ESTATiS G. P. TINKER & CO. LTD. offer the following: 5 nxmi house 7 th Ave West Cash or terms. Immediate oc- cuixincy. 5 room house on two lots with garden, greenhouse, harbor view. Dunlex on 5t.h Ave. West, con taining two 5-room self con- tained suites. Can arrange occupancy lor owner, won investment opportunity. Choice lot In Section 2, also several lots on 6th Ave., close to McBride. Hf) FOR SALE 7 room house, liimimlt Ave. Fully modern. Hot air. furnace. Concrete foundation. Terms FOR SALE Fully furnished 7 room house close In. FOR SALE 5 room house on two lots. $3,000.00 cash. Prince Rupert Realty Co. (1091 FOR SALE ONE 1938 FORD BUS WITH OR WITHOUT ENGINE WHICH IS IN GOOD CONDITION Suitable for A Home Price is reasonable suitable terms can be arranged ijl V JLs Pjarmarjj see -this KlY-rrMim Wartime: r inousand.' near Conrad School coiner lot nlcelv decorated. We also have two four-room' HOURS Weekdays 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays 12 Noon to 2 p.m. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. SIXTH STREET and THIRD AVENUE ... with the TH0R Automagic Gladiron 0n,y $129.50 Northern. B.C. Power Co. Ltd. lips I L I free c&t-17 VPealties, I'' rurnto, Ont (213) iratiL!rc- types at $2,500.00 each. Terms available. See Armstrong Agencies, 307 3rd Ave. West, or phone 342 (212) FOR SALE On Fraser Street, two storey bulldlna, furnished, with rental Income and four roomed apartment for immediate occupancy Full price $2,200. R E. Mortimer, 324 2ndAve. (212) FOR SALE Bay view Hotel as rooming house, 36 rooms Steam heated. Phone Red 320. PO. Box 121 Prince Rupert. B. C. (212i I rnone PHONE 210 PRINCE IITJPERT T- (208 I VH ""sulk mmJk