1 UCHAnY PROVINCIAL LI33A3I, l irrrc icroaiA, b. c. (MIMES DRUGS Daily Delivery NORTHERN AND CKNTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NKWSPAPKB Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest." PHOHE 81 VOL. XXXVIII, No. 208. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1949 ' PRICE FIVE CENTS ,cABS n n it K 1 Tito S ays Kussian inias. rmeo. ampai gn r 1 Death Attempt To Milk Country Blow Is lealt To Nationalist 3hina KISPIOX WOMAN DIES AT CANNERY Strategic Province Of Yunnan Is Lost GREATEST AIR LINER READY BRISTOL, England , The world's largest air liner, 130-ton, 230 foot wlngwpread Bristol Bra- FLIER KILLED CLEVELAND William P. (Billi Economically is Alleged ; NEW YORK (CP) The New York Times today; quotes Marshal Tito of . Yugoslavia as saying that cominf orm economic pressure against his country had failed. C. L. Sulzberger, chief European correspond-" ent of the paper, says the YugoSlav leader told him ia an interview that the economic blockade by Russia ; and her satellites no longer rep- n a 1 resented a threat. Death occurred at Sunny.side Cannery on Sunday of Mrs. Elizabeth Tait, 48-year old nat Odom, holder of round-the-world ive woman from Kispiox. The . '. , remains are bein3 sent to Kis-! HONG KONG (CP) The ' Yunnan M ar lord Lu light plane distance records, wo killed yesterday on the second bazon I, Hew her trials here piox wheie interment will take jan, reported today to be in independent control of yesterday. Hrabazon I la an place. lap of the Thompson Trophy ti'UAINTED - experimental ship only. She ICibs'm, n-(i--" event at the National Air Races. Odom was flying the "Begulne,' has eight engines and ten land China's southwest corner, has dealt a death blow to nationalist plans for turning West China into a new anti-communist bastion, political sources said today. tns wheels. Brabazon II will be es and resour-in city yester- rnnce luiperi a dark green modified air force LOCAL TIDES Wednesday, September 7, 1949 fighter owned by Jacqueline commissioned In the London-New York transAtlantic service, She will have capacity for 100 Is Fully Aware1 Cochrane, noted racing pilot herself and the wife of Floyd B. Odlund, New York financier. In Belgrade the Secretary of the Yugoslav polltburo yester- day accused Russia of "exploiting (he weak" by squeezing big profits from industries jointly owned by Its satellites. The "exploitation" charge raa counter to world-wide orthodox dogma that exploitation of one Communist The Chinese reports said that General Lu, Cover- nor of Yunnan Province, bord- IT IE WEA I'HER 1 fr,"' n "-Chtaa and Burma had successfully thrown off all Synopsis government rule during the There h no sign of an lmmed- w.ecklend withollt boodshed after passengers and will have elab-orate equipment and High 1:08 20.5 feet 13:41 20 0 feet, Low 7:27 3.4 feet 19:44 5.1 feet er On Support of Interior Communities Acknowledged Odom' plane crahed into a house, killing a woman and Injuring a "child. Cook C'leland of Cleveland r ci the race. Visit I ji n - air-,x givitfg th nationalist army forty- TERRACE Awareness of , country bv another 1b immwsible. i fine warm weather over British eight hours to quit the provin- Columbia. A weak disturbance c,a, f apital of Kllnming Prince Rupert of the importance! Molovan DJilas, Polltburo sec-of the towns and villages of the retary, made the accusation in Oiiiwm federal ami resnirres, Mies J. Simpson of Masset was' central lntrior nd the spirit an article written for Borba, CBC Presents Its Case, Filling In Of Gaps In Network Is Advocated a passenge on the Coquitiam or suPPrt thereof by the people Communist party organ. over me niaoiitn rami a uuic thi-; morning appeared to be weakening rapidly and was not expected to affect more than the northwest corner of the jof the coastal city was acknow- The article claimed that Yugo- Sunday for Vancouver. .i Prince Rupert itps yesterday h to be whisked jledged by Retiring President. Slavla had been milked throiiKh Stan Gould of the Central Brit-! an agency of joint shipping and ish Columbia Municipal Assocla-)air line companies set up by RU3- WpMAN BURNED IN BOAT FIRE Atj explosion on Sunday forenoon aboard a glllnetter moored at (iw Bay resulted hi three perswis being taken io hospital fc-r Princess I.ou-Il.ieh lie arrived Jr to Seal Cove TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy 8. D. Jotinstcn Co Ltd tlon at the semi-annual conven- gia. he bo.mlul the tion of the Association here last ' ""' week. That Prince Rupert had! Need of More Extensive Coverage For Northern B.C. Is Emphasized OTTAWA (CP) Some shortcomings of the CBC province during the next 48 hours. "In :harp contrast to the warm sunny afternoons Prince George reported a low temperature of 31 degrees this morn-inz. llroever1, temperatures, over the rest of the province did not generally fall below the forty degree mark. fur Vancouver, who lias been Vancouver Bralorne B-50 sent its lady mayor and three ajiffittf klAVIT aldermen to attend the conven- frllWlrill Mil 11 vl.er- one, Mrs. Emma Brown, lirfrfiuw t inn " visitinR ! and of privately-owned stations were outlined today lion was nnt.ert. 1 unmier .03 .03 was' detained and treated for bump to the legs. The explosion occurred Just as the engine was The meeting was opened by DAfW C ffMIVin t northern: in a brief submitted to the Royal Commission on arts .uo 1.16 .04 I Bayonne B. R. C on , B. R. X. : Cariboo Quartz Congress .,, Hedley Mascot Pacific Eastern Stan Gould president and Emll UVU I IJ I UUIW Haugland, chairman of the VU-I Remain3 of Jluwm, fnyot lage Commiloners In Terrace, w. vlatl, a. T...-.u itp development payment has a was on his way Forecasts j startpin and the cause is be- ' llcvet! io have been fumes from North Coast Reg'.,;;-!- Clear ,,u. Thm alarm wan and science by the CBC Board of Governors. Of CBC shortcomings, the Board, among other things, said: liiawson nnd else- .05 ) today. Cloudy over the Queen nimrm ,, tne (re brigade was Charlottes toniRht and Wednes-lon ,l(ie job .v;lt)hm tw0 mmutes. ft'iikon Territorv j formally welcomed the visiting 1 I delegates. This was followed by Body of James Prevost, 40-1 an expression of good wishes to year old MetlakaUa Indian who (the success of the convention j t. 1 Pend Oreille 480 Pioneer . ,.. 3 35 of Canada. ..It would, appear W "' 'V"' WMha C02 extinguisher on tits. 1. The broadcasting of the National system Is not what It could be and should be In the Interests of listeners and of the .he Northwest i'tp aboard the if i ''" """ ie , shwild'T a fireman raced across be more in the public Interest resi Premier Border ... 21'.., Privateer .. by tlie president of the Terrace . - , , . . 17 !Bnrt ! boapd M trm n)S lllnet b0at ta n.rtri,t Boar of Traile the same money and energy were Venn Passage almost opposite Reno 04 '2 Dudley G. Little. applied to developing better live Sheep Creek - 118 The business of the meetinz MetlakaUa villasre. was found nini anct wcanesoay concmu-, t)K, bnats moored between the ing warm. Light winds. Lows wharf and the burnjng boat and1 tcni-'ht and highs Wednesday; prf m,)Uy extinguished the at Port Hardy, 50 and 72, Mas-' flames Someone chopped a sett. 50 and 68; Prince Rupert, ll3le in ihe llul) an(i tne boat 50 and 72. I ank bitt, was later taken to tha requested to reiver to attend :f late FU. Hon. Canadian Pac- broadcasting by private stations and a greater use of Canidian talent and opinion." got under way and the 50 resol- about Saturday noon floating utions were read over before the at MetlakaUa Bar. It was sight rrc were advised, nation. 2. The CBC hould produce more Canadian programs and Improve the quality of many of Its productions. 3. The CBC should extend the coverage of Its networks to fill some of the gaps that are left. The desirability of more I grid at the Co-operative wharf. I ed by Robert Price, Port Simpson native as le was heading towards Prince Rupert In his noon recess. The meeting opened In the Terrace Theatre but later adjourned to the home of Dudley Mrs. William F Stone and chil .. LThe boat Ho. CB-3989 is V. Basso Bert and Miss ed by Chester Bolton, brother of m piane waited :i!il the minister m the steamei i tiring the noon dren returned on the Coquitlam Silbak' Premier 36 Taku River .24 Salmon Gold 13 Oils Anglo Canadian 3.60 A. P. Con .17 Atlantic : 68 Calmont 31 C. & E 5.80 Central Leduc 77 Home Oil :. 10,50 Mercury ... i , .10 Okalta 1.60 Little as the attendance was, boat. The provincial ponm Sunday from Masset following a Lf ah Basso Bert sailed on the Mrs. Brown but it is not known two-week vacation trip to Lim- Camosun last- night for a trip to whether he was aboard at the not large, none of the larger, boat P.M.L. 15 was heading out extensive coverage of northern berlost (Vancouver.' 1 time or not. B.C. Is specifically menUoned ral, Mr. Gibson Interrupted trip Hying north to 4. There should be a second ! towns from the east sending at the time but was Intercepted I representation. j and picked up the body, bring- In the afternoon the visitors ing it into the city. ' were taken on a tour of the dis- j The remains were in a fairly i t.rict and. as some of them later advanced state tit decomposition French network just as there are two English language networks offering alternate service. I said, although they had visited and Identity was -established by ana son. Colin continued north L'mlse. Terrace of ten in the past years, papers in the clothing 5. The CBC now uses a large amount of Canadian talent, but Prevost became missing from the had not known of all the met while here It should use more, use It better, J- ;s, president ol S've It more opportunities and beauty spots that had been shown them now. The delegates visited the Red (Continued on Page 6) I'rlct Liberal As- Youngs, presid- the boat, Glenora, after he had taken a friend, Robert Nelson, to Metlakatla, choosing to remain on his boat fsr the night instead of going aore. Next morning the boat was found with cabin door open and Prevost missing. Fifteen feet of anchor chain was also gone. be in a position to pay taler.t better. 6. In the development and use of talent, the CBC should be able to pay more attention than It does to developing pro- ,.... I., II.... t 'e Rupert Dtst- Assni'liltiiin; p etary nf the 'sambrr of Com- rs. Pacific Pete 200 Princess - 23 Toronto Athona 13 Vi Aumaque .16 Beattie .66V2 Bevcourt 28 Bobjo : 16 Buffalo Canadian 11 V2 Consol Smelters - 96.50 Conwest 1.22 Donalda 56 Eldona .65 East Sullivan ..: 2.65 Giant Yellowknife .... 6.80 God's Lake 51 Hardrock 27 Harricana 06 Vi Heva : 11 ',2 Hosco 15 Jacknife .07 Joliet Quebec 51 Lake Rowan OS Lapaska .07 Little Long Lac 75 r. ! - - - - , - . v- Ni Is a membei i from Montreal and Toronto, f fr Hamilton 7. The CBC should be able f 1 rly Secretary "i to be much more active In ln- itC mllllstrr f f.irtvilnc (V.O mihllx uiVtaf cprvipPK BOY IS SAVED FROM HANGING PRINCE ALBERT Allan Lynx .". - -13 Madsen Red Lake 3 00 , McKem le Red Lake 50 McLeod Cockshutt , - 1.58 Moneta '. -42 Negus 2.35 Ndranda 57.00 Louvicourt 15 Pickle Crow 2.25 Regcourt .05 San Antonio 4.35 Senator Rouyn .42 Sherrlt Gordon 3.25 Steep Rock 190 Sturgeon River 21 Vj Silver Miller - .39 i resources In and the Corporation should also do research work into listeners tastes and needs. Newton, 16-year old boy, no had been condemned to hang for the murder of his employees wife, who had been shot to ;L SCORES 8. The Corporation would like to, and should, further develop Its broadcasting by frequency modulation transmissions. The Board blamed the short I'irim death, had his sentence commuted to life Imprisonment b7 the Department of Justice. F-5. comings on a lack of funds and na ton 5-12 'urged the Commission to recom I'-'fveiani h-6 Detroit 4-2 ''"Mill 'Jtrooitivn 7-n mend that the $2.50 licence fee on radio receiving sets he doubled. PRIVATE STATIONS BIRTH ON POLICE BOAT Stork Winner In Race From Alice Arm To Here f New York 7.3 I' ot Louis 9-1 thlcato 3-7 "Many community stations could and should use more local talent in their broadcasting. A few stations have made excellent efforts In their use of talent While speeding the 118 miles from Alice Arm to JW I'; Cinciiinali 4 3 Prince Rupert today, a son was born this morning i Boston 0T '7. aboard the provincial ponce Doai r.m.L.. io to ivir. anu . -Xit ATfo Tod Tlinmncnn fif A iieo Arm York 2 "f'ttsburgh 7 N" York 5 ' drawn from their own communities, but many appear to make little real effort to use live talent as is shown by their overwhelming use of records and transcribed programs chiefly coming from United States. i "Possibilities for the use of At the request of Dr. Buschlen of Alice Arm, the ftilad. delhpia 2 W m ... I -" P " tfc3 . ' P.M.L. 15 set out at dawn this morning on her emergency trip from Alice Arm but a few hours hours later the chilci ..... I Louis 0 Anderson, is erne in port eany was delivered aboard the vessel i live talent, of course, vary greatly between different communi this aiternoon ana win De mn , ... . w ...... . 3 -. v --t. by Dr. Buchlen who Is accompanying Mr. and Mrs. Thomp son. ?-'RDay i'iotiai 'sburh 7 Brooklyn 3 I!0' Bunion 4 'Llncinutti 9 by the ambulance which will take Mrs. Thompson and her baby to the Prince Rupert Gen- A radio message from P.M.L. 15 to divisional headquarter? 1 eral Hospital. (15 ties; yet the efforts of stations do not- seem always to cor- respond to possibilities. Some well-off stations In large communities where there must be a good supply of talent seem to use relatively little. "Private station Interests have spent much money and energy Mr. Thompson is an employee WOMAN DIPLOMAT Agnes Ireland, 36, formerly of Windsor, Ont., will become the first woman to hold the post of Acting High Commissioner in New Zealand when she takes over next November from Dr. W Clayton Hopper, Who is returning to Ottawa. (0) Photo) said that "mother and son are doing well." The P.M.L., manned by Skipper of the Torbrit mine. The P.L.M. 15 was on a routine rican f ''Phia 3 .sri... . BIG BLOW Spray shot hi;h in the air on the breakwaters outside ToruiiU harbor as a 55-mlle-an-hour wind' capsized smail ciult, disrupted commuulcittious and ceuted other damage in Southern Ontario and Quebec. The storm caused to deaths. tc. P. Photo) Reg. Good, Engineer Thomas patrol trip to Alice Arm when Moorehouse and Constable Ed. i she received the emergency call. on campaigns to change the laws