5-.. 11-.'- Prtj?'f BPfti pw - Tuesday, -Septetitber 6, 1949. Pastry Flour, 7 lbs. 57 Flour, 49's, No. 1 hard wheat 3.65 Flour, 24 s 195 Te and Coffee Coffee, lb .W DeLuxe quality, lb. 1 14 JuTCfS Tomatoes, 20-oz. ea -'5 28-of 34 gallon' , .59 Apoie, 20-oii. tln. 2 for 29 48-0, 34 Canned FrniU Pineapple, crushed 34 Pieces. 20-oz 37 Seiners Pay $1700 Fines The forces tha strive to pro-tecl the rich salmon havvest In this area were hard af work Jtter pill S TAKE MARKETS fresh fruit Cherries, lb .... 3. Cherries, crate ZZ..Z 643 Orapes, lb 2 Apricots. 2 lb.- JZ'.ZZ-39 Bananas, lb. .. " 25 ADDles, Cooking, i'b " 14 bemon lar CaL, doi"".'." 55 Graepefruit, Calir., 3 lot . .25 OranKes (Navel) 28-57 Uates. 2 lb. 49 Cantelonpe, 27's 7.7.' 'm Peach Plums, 2 lb. m Pears. Bartlett. lb. .Z..ZZZZ .23 ,,. Vegetable n 1 4 I.IQIOR CONTROL BOARD NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. . f.nverniwnt l.l(iir Htorn VanilrrhiK.f and Terrn SEALED TENDERS endorsed "Tender, Ooverornent Liquor Storei Vanderhool." and "Tender. Oovernment Liquor Store Terrace" wUl be received by the undesigned for the erection and completion of premises for use as a Government Liquor Store at Vanderhool, on Lot 24. Block 1. j fronting on- Stewart Street. Village of Vanderhool. B. C. and for the erec- 1 tlon and completion of premises for use as a Oovernmejit Liquor. Store f at Terrace, on Lots 17 and 18. Bloc . B. L. 301. C O. R. , PlanUva fronting oh Laxelle Avenue, Village or Terrace. - NOTB . LI Each Oovernment Liquor' Store must be considered separately, and-a" i composite tender for the construction of both will not be considered . I Tenders for either one or" both-, may be forwarded by one contractor but each bid win be jwlgedi as a separate unit of construction. , , , t Copies of the plans and" spunlflcations can be obtained from the under- j signed on application and on payment of the sum of 10 0O which amount will be refunded on return of the plans and specifications' Each tender must be accompanied by an accepted bank cheque on a'' chartered BnrHr of Canda. made payable to the Liquor Control Board fof a sum equivalent of 10 of the amount of the Tender, which amount shall ! be forfeited K. the part tendering declines to" enter lntd the Contract when ) called upon to do so. Tenders will not be considered unless signed by the actual signature of the tenderer. No tender will be accepted or considered that contains ah Escalator or " any other qualifying clause. J Contract to Include Fair Wage Clause. Tenders must be In the hands of the Secretary, Liquor Contirol Board 525 Port Street. Victoria, British Columbia, on or before 3:30 p.m. Friday j-the twenty-third September, 1D49. Lowest or any tender not necessarily J accepted. ' J 8 L. BfctOME. Secretary . !, Liquor Control Board. ' j 625 Port Street. J (209) VICTORIA, B. C. Apricots. 20-OZ 33! Cherries, fancy. 20-oz. .30 Lo?anberrles, 20-OZ 37 Peaches, choice ... .30 Lard Pure, lb w .24 Shortening .32 Soap Soap, face, bar .10 Laundry, cake 2 for .25 Soap Powders. lare .3U Glace Kn'.t Cherries. iA lb. pkt .35! Coconut, lb. ..... .50 Almond Paste, lb .... .3a 1 Fruit Cake Mix. lb: .39. Dates, fancy. 1 lb. pkt. .34 1 Seedless Raisins. 2 lbs. .35 Seeded Raisins. 1 lb .21 Shelled Walnuts, 2 lb. .47 Shelled Alnvonds; 6 or... .39 .Shelled Brazils. V, lb. .. .45 Jams t ur 1 Strawberry, 24-oZ. .48 Raspberry, 24-oz- .39 Blackberry . 4-lb .77 Cherry, 24-ins. . .54 Peach. 4 lb ... .83 Apricot, 4-lb. a. . Knuna Canned soups Meats 13 to .20 j Chicken, lb. ..... .75 Hum, boned and rolled, rib".. .90 Ham, re. lb .721 Balogna. lb. : .4tt Weiners. lb. .50 Garlic Sausaee, lb .50 Bacon, pke:.. m lb .47 Bacon, side, piece .90 Cottage Roll, lb. ........... .7jj Liver Sausaee. lb. .50 Spare Ribs, lb .55 Fresh Pork Ham. lb- .. .70 Pork Chops, lb .75' Pork 8ausaae. lb ,55( Steak. T-Bone lb. .85 Steak, round, lb .75 Pork Tenderloin, lb. ,05 Saturday and obtained convie-tfons hirt cost ine crews of four seiners s total oi $1,700 and costs. Capt. Hlnry Brown of tfit-katlar, skipper of the Salmon-semer Merle C, and Cat. Joe Irines of the seiner AieutfaiV island from1 Kitkatia were- pfeked up by the fisheries patrol ft Browning Entrance. ChaYged in the Stipendiary Magistrate's Cours with fiahinir duri?r the weekly closed period and found guilty, the captains were fined MM) eaeh and costs. Capt. Charles Pllfold of the seiner Fuen fi'om Port Simpson was fined $500 jnd costs for fishing in Cnappel Inlet during! the weekly closed time. Fish aboard the seiner were confiscated. f For fishing above the fishF boundary In Barnard Cove, Capt. Joshua' McKay of the seiner Midori from Kitkatia was fined $200 and Costs. It is a year this month since Ernest (Spike) Portman, formerly In charge of tiie railway news stand m Prince Rupert, entered hospital in Saskatoon. This was some time after his retirement here. According to word received here, he is still in hospital talin in the the Saskatchewan Saskatchewan citv. city. nrtthinj? plesw-,tljeinK caught , coal the first : ,iay thin fall.. I avoid this by A our 1'in filled J.I1 651 M " - I ill 'mi iNDLER'S JtAIT STUDIO iinr -nifi' Taken at liome n 389 218 4th Bl RUPERT, B.C. & SONS itractori ftUATIONS elp you pran jr homo under , i.A. lU 883 Bo 586 I PMLPOTT EUITT & Co. Ltd. Lumber ' Building Supplies sfy WKATHALL'8 PHOTO FINISHING Deloninf, Printing Enlargrnr QUICK SERVICE Professional Supplies Amateur and It Pays to Au.ertisei Advertise in the Dully News! V) 17 Jk f V nf a L INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED R. FT. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave (Near C'FPR) THREE IN ROW Berniece Looney of Warren, Ohiy, splashed her way to- a third straight vletory iir tt vrottten's professional1 ftve'-rnile swim at the Camidia-n National Exhibitkwv in two hours, 33 minutes ane? 37.7 seconds five minutes slower than the course r"rcord: ..e sei two years ago. Mis4 tooney led- all the way, just as sne am in ner two previous victories. (CP. Photo) Miss Ann Brown left on the Coqunlam Sunday night for Vancouver to-resume her studies at Crofton House after spending the summer vacation here with her parents, Mr and Mrs. T. W. Brown. I Rhubarb, 2 lb. ' i3 Beets, bunch 15 Parsley, bunch '..."""I -15 Turnips, lb 07 Spinach 2 lb 27 Radishes, bunch 08 I Green Onions. 3 bunches' ' '20 Muanrooms, lb. B5 Head Lettuce " " 'jo Looking Onions. 3 lbs 29 uorn on cob, 4 lor ' 47 Cabbage, lb . 07 Tomatoes, No. lb 27 New Potatoes. 10 lb .. E Oreen Peppers, lb. 42 VWVUII1MV1.1, CttUII IX) Vegetable Marrow, each 15 Squash, lb. 15 Dill Pickles, gal 179 Cut Oreen Beans, fey 20 " No. 5 Peas, fancy 19 Mixed Vefietbales 2' Diced Beets, per tin ' ' '14 Wax Beans, choice ... 19 Mixed peas and Carrots' ... " 19 Puriipkin, 2 for 25 Baited eBans, 20-e. tin".""" 22 Baked eBans, 15-oz. Un. ea 21 Tomatoes. 2'J-oz 23 Fresh Mil Quart ... . . . 22 Hint Cream, V, pint,' ZZZJZ I28 i , mm Mdium , A 70 miner First t Graae. to 64 Margarine, lb .. 37 . Milk Evaporated Miik. 16-oa. tins. 2 for 33 CM 7.7o . Cheese c Canadian Cheese, lb. $0 I THE (fMNreNfr COMES FIRST! . . . II I la-r r I ) It houses the motof -the steering apparatusthe headlights , It's the fteart of your car. We'll put it in tip-top shape extend our service to the rear bumper.. Drive In Today! PHONE GREEN 217 UJ l) i " J 1etU vw fh. -...... I. M -yjr I (( m " aaamwaaissssv I ' ! jyailT li I III Superior Auto and Dcdy Service 4 ' : r iuur " i . , , ; 1. M&ttt) l li pLUIMIlfc "SmQ a f yw v I nifep. itVU If H i nsr- "-l TAKe a l,ttle nap s , , i . , OPESSEf? DffAVvei?--- ' C2t L ( SO ILL BE IN TIPTOP SHAPE TO ) f ? Y LEAM ATTIC" -TACK if. Y , ' ' V. TACKLE MV WORK VlTH TME TV ' Oiv - DOWN CAf?PET ADJUST 7 V - 'b l Vyfl PffOPEf? AMOUMT OF VlGCX? J J 5 iTriSPr me fan size ! -1 HOLV SMOK3---rvE BEEN "i-t-N f 8 . f ; f HOW ABOUT A UTTLE ) 1 sleeping over? am molk?-.ive) ( i'vegot) Tvvo-HANDeip gin J tfT ! r GOT TO GET ON THE JOB r r I S WOW v. BUMmv in MV 7 tS - . j : r 1 I Wrw--T L A kKZL For Cereals 1 Studebaker and Austin Pro fessional KEN'S RADIO CLINIC , For Satisfactory Service CALL 53 718 Second Avenue West B. & W. TRANSFER DRY FIR KINDLING WOOD 50c Per Sack Delivered PHONE GREEN 188 FOR YOUR ROCK & CONCRETE WORK CALL BLUE 938 M. J. SAUNDERS New, Modern Equipment All Work Guaranteed A. P. GARDNER & Co.l CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 1118 Melville Street VANCOUVER - BC. MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST Room 10 8TONE BDIDINQ PHONB BLUE 693 P.O. BOX 1184 GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block Phone. 387 DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST SUITE 5. SMITH: BLOCK Phone 785 P.O. Box 1401 QUALITY REPAIRS-For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Ave; --J ... ; L4jMaa 1 in any can - " ' . J - i ,a"('-$fi 0tWTi. TW YOU REALIZE HOW LONG J ' A MAN I CAN'T OO tfZ ' 1 f AW M WE'VE BEEN PL AVING?s.-- ( A GOOD JOB ON AN EMPTY ) Js J. ( V. ' - T I COME OnVvI I'VE GOT TO GET ZSy ' V. STOMACH TWE : HUMAN ffVT S " : : Sales and Service (222 and Business I BYTOWN MACHINE 1 rr J l v, iv o Agehts for STMPiEX GAS arid . CUMMINS DIESEL ENOINES Sales Service and Parts Boat owners and users of Industrial Engines are invited to our showroom to view our various engines and' talk over equipment problems. DR, GARNET E. H. MONTGOMERY. DENTIST Suite 7, Smith Block, . . Phone 525 P.O. Box 1216 SPENCE & MATUIK PAINTERS ti DECORATORS Brush or Spray : Free Estimates Phone 215 233 11th Street! v PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning, Voiilng and Repairs MIKE COLOSSI ' Phone BLACK 758 , 972 10th East J HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all Its branches 204 4th Street Phone 055 WELLS CARTAGE LIMITED H. S. Whalen, Manager Complete Moving Service Crating Packing Cartago ' BLUE 780 RED 519 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds ROOFS CHIMNBY8 OIL BUHNERS PHONES Black '334 P.O. Box 1870 P.O. Box 1670 - v MATTSON'S S UPHOLSTERINC - Phone Blue 818 P.O. Bo 629 330 Second Avenue Pr'.nc Rupert, B.C. Copt. 1949, Kint Ptwrci Sylialciie. Inc.. WotlJ tlghB tames, C-ICA. . l ' r?yivF m r ' ... i u , i i m f I c fff-ik" I M i guess i never V-- J I j0t&?S 'sTHATuczl-' Jrf& ' li r ; ATI' CILt- UNDERSTAND - r- JM7; hi!P S-A 'irradiated 1 'UiTMJ EVAPORATED REPORTING and PUBLIC STENOGRAPHY PHONED Days, 342 Evenings, Green 188 ft. ifea-T- i i : 1 ' '