AIB PASSENGERS mm,... Word On Rupert To Vancouver-L. m. Rice h prt'nrc Rupert Dailp Jlctos Tuesday, September 14, 1948 ! Overhaul Waited oul"r' "rsen. a. Rands. Mi SHIPS AND WATERFRONT siwjn. a. xi uross, H. McDop. aid. E. H. Parr, O. Moscri n Ml Prince Rupert Chamber of Holyk, W. Erickson, J. Maurice". I and rn,." of tinned food from Canada. Her first parce- was delivered i in July and the second in Aug-j ust both of which she was very happy to receive and expressed her thanks to the senders. I to oanasp.t Mr. and Mrs MacDonald, Mrs. Alexander n uuvai. trial : W4 One of the largest single con- signments of canned salmon : ever delivered here from Alaska j was the 46.000 cases which the Alaska Transportation Co.'s ! From Vancouver-O. Martin C. Lowe, A. R. Oovett. From Sandspit Mrs. W. 'r Redway, O. Campbell. F. Gal-Mrs. Gagnon, Mrs. Callow. year between Southeastern Alaska and Prince Rupert, the undertaking being later suspended owing to a variety of obstacles, is back on the run into Prince Rupert, pressed Into service with many other vessels to rush Alaskan canned salmon here instead of strike- Muldt v., Commerce is awaiting reply from Bprnard Allen, manager of Can-, adian National Railways for British Columbia district, to representations recently made with a view to having the railway company's local yard used in the carrying out of a major overhaul job on the steamtr Prince Rupert. The matter had been also taken up with R. C. Vaughan, president of the rai' way, who said in a letter to th? Chamber last night that it was being given consideration, suggesting, locally, that the subject be pursued with' Mr. Allen. CITY PARCEL APPRECIATED Council Hears from British Women Who Received Food Mrs. R. Hall of Dorset. England, who describes herself as a "British working woman P," has received two of the food parcels sent fro mthe people of Prince Rupert to the people of the United Kingdom at the time, ol Princess Elizabeth's wedding. A letter from Mrs. Hall was read at the meeting of the city council last night. Mrs. Hall told in her letter of receiving a pleasant surprise upon arrival i4C pay Jw the,, munt to J3,' Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Brooks-1 bank of Port Alberni arrived! by car yesterday and Will spend ! several days visiting at the : home of Mr. Brooksbank's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brooksbank. Mr. Brooksbank.. is skipper of the Provincial Police patrol boat stationed at Port Alberni. You saw n in tue Daily Kew5 Clove Hitch delivered between Sunday and Monday afternoons. The value of this single cargo is estimated at upwards of a million and a quarter dollars. The Clove Hitch, after discharging, headed back to the Ketchikan district to bring in another load to Prince Rupert. tied Seattle for transshipment East. The Southeastern, now operating on a special charter, arrived here at 5:30 Saturday nieht and, after discharging Northland Transportation Co's Mrs. Paul Postulo and Mrs. j E. Canal sailed on the -Princess Adelaide last night for Van-j couver. two carloads of frozen fish and 6,000 cases of canned salmon, sailed Sunday on her return north. Advertise in the Daily News! C P. R. steamer Princess Adelaide, Capt. Fred McGraw, arrived in port at 8:30 last evening, sailing at midnight on, her return south after discharging local cargo. Z i '-A ROYAL ROMANCE? Romance between Princess Margaret Rose, youngest daughter of Kine Ge6rge and Queen Liberty ship Chief Washakie is j now loading at Sunny Point and will take a large consignment of canned salmon from that area to Prince Rupert. j The Denali, operated by Al- aska Steamship Company, has already been here with 30,000 cases. The Sword Knot, owned and operated by Alaska Transportation Company, is also scheduled to make the Prince Rupert run. In addition to these larger vessels, the packers Dancy and Sidney, which have been hauling frozen fish and canned salmon to Prince Rupert throughout the summer, will continue A number of boats are still after tuna and at latest reports Elizabeth, and the youthful ( m x -mt . auf nr n j 8 P.M. FRIDAY- NIGHT SEPTEMBER 17 CIVIC CENTRE they were concentrated 15 to 18 miles off Tasoo Inlet which Is about half way between Skide-gate Inlet and Cape St. James on the west coast of Moresby Island. On Thursday the high boat had 130 fish. Friday top boat was 170 and Saturday the largest catch was 180 with low boat catching 40. By Sunday morning average for the fleet was 40 tuna per boat. their packing operations. Jobs Daushters' FASHION SHOW Styles By Peoples Store Shoes By Brownwoods Marquess of ' Blandutra nas been hinted by. "reliable sources." Princess Margaret Rose, who Is 18 years old, and the marquess are pictured in the royal box at Ascot during a recent race meeting. A proposal of marriage was said to be one of the pretty princess's birthday gifts with official acceptance and announcement being withheld until the King and Queen return from their projected visit to Australia and New Zealand this winter. The motorship Southeastern, which Philip G. Briggs introduced into a special service last r i I f'' lKs. t ' vft'jT WILLIAM I Mj. BARBARA G ?'" Margaret O'lir,, t "l0lh tod i y AM) An: Johi. Ki h-lhan r.ts purchased the residence of W. H. Priest oi Fifth Avenue E. near Seal Cove. Mrs. Priest and son sailed this afternoon on the Camosun for Vancouver to join Mr. Priest who was formerly with the Daily News typographical stafftand isl now witn a Vancouver custom printing concern. They will; make their future home in Bur naby. I lp y X. Jt ' - wy win-p " .-:.:kv -! BETTER If 'ffr 1- MOTOR OIL I . .. . n jr - .-t.-J f ;-. -t '.,:,. : ;; - 1 Vic-Preident, in charge of manufacturing, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Sessions will take up residence in the house on Pacific Place vacated by Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Armstrong who have moved to Edmonton. Mrs.. Armstrong and dauKhtr, Mary, left last week for the Alberta capital to take up A n n o u nciiigmml fi Ronson I RUPERT RADIO & ElEO Box 1321 Phone 641 ! ; I Weak , Tired, Nervous, Pepless Men, Women Get New Vim, Vigor, Vitality I r DON'T WAIT WINTER! Say gxibye to these weak. alwys tired feelings; depression and nei-Tousness due to weak, thin blorxl Oet up feellnit fresh, be peppy a, I day. have plenty of vitality left over by evening Take Ostrex. Contains Iron, vitamin Bl, calcium, phosphdru-. for blood bulldini;, body atrenethen-ins stimulation. InvlRoratea aystem. improves appetite, digestive powers Costa little New "get acquainted" ORDER YOUR NEW FAWCETI We have the mn and the time to ( Installation now. Past experirnre has --' 'msHtSv ' - ' . , ,'1 The Britnh American Oil Company Limited :1- .;..::.: ':Z f t lcJ -i " that the first cold snap of winter brmp:- size oniy aoc. Try Ostrex Tonic Tablets for new normal nen vim vigor, thta very day. At all druKKlstt order. Be set for winter hare a Fawrrlt Kuniafr COTTAGE CHEESE , Vew Creamed Fresh Made ' VALENTIN DAIKY Your Dallj ALL-WEATHER BERVIC1 you instant and ronslant nwt THOM SHEET METAL 253 EAST HRST AVEM'E ' W K , . . .. a. ... - ' Hyli. cV . j IRON FIREMAN BRITISH WOOL COSKY- PURE BOTANY 3-I'LA WHITE LILAC 4-PLY STOKIRS HIT 30 SMITn & ELKINS Phone 174 Box 274 AVAILABLE ONLY Al M S Bermper, vice-president in charge of manufacturing, is a man who hos spent the better port of his life supervising the manufacture of pet-roUjom products. Years spent .n Rumanio, in most of the Umted States ond m Canada, provide him a background which is unexcelled in the oil industry in this country. Mr Beringer soys: "Science knows of no process that can produce a lubricating motor oil of finer quality than Peerless. No matter how much money you spend. ' it s impossible to buy a finer motor oil " ii?!! mum rtfcKLESS MOTOR OIL IS BETTER QUALM mf0Cl rtOHO0 518 3rd Ae. W. Wood's 070 NEW LUXURY STEAMER PRINCE GEORGE SAILS FOR VANCOUVER AND INTERMEDIATE PORTS EACH THURSDAY at 11:13 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT For Reservations Write. . or Call CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. PEERLESS QUALITY rates above oil others . because it is refined from better, crudes with the lotest scientific know, ledge known to the oil industry I . ond because PEERLESS, ond only PEERLESS. IS ALLOYED PEERLESS PERFORMANCE improves engine performance No motter how high the temperature PEERLESS won t -thin out'- . . . will provide maximum compression seal at oil times . result, ing in greater power ond greatly improved oil milage. me new ir loiiu'"-'. . r Bactericide and DeodonJ FEERLESS ECONOMY itarts wttfc better lubrication . . follows tHrougb by keeping motor costs down and giving your motor longer and longer Me PEERLESS is tfte oil-season, oil temperature, expense reducer because it reduces tne cause of many motor failures. longer vntivr a wider range of tern-molecule thus eliminating breakdowns Pressure-packed as easy fountain Pc"orSi 1 aft" v Ideal for Home, Office. $ A seionllfl nprPSSltV for H"""' To improve PEERLESS MOTOR OH ond give it the stamina to stand up peratures, on ' alloy - is added which form, a protective Him oround each " It s alloyed . write today for factual iiw-- ay! 'J U B I I I I S I ft Ifi I R 1 C X K III OZITOX pressure nnrin 1 1 m 1 1 n PRINCE RUPERT SUPi 712 Second Avenue