aa "jjAwn m mm A rt Prinre Rupert Daflp Beta? SL'ta. Friday, July 9, 1943 IT PA YS TO ROLL YOUR OWN WITH 7 3 -T-- ... f , birl IM r. LAWN BOWLING Play Being Resumed With .Cutting of Greens and Better Weather With greens in good shape again following a thorough cutting and the weather outlook better, men of the Canadian National Recreation Association Lawn Bowling League are getting back into action again and regular and postponed games will now be run off as quickly as possible. The fixture between Angus Macdonald and Jack Paul rinks, which was scheduled for July 15, was played in advance last night with Macdonald winning 20 to 14. TlMtffleda: 3c per word per Insertion, minimum charge. 60a. Birth Notices: 60c; Card of Thanks, Death Notices, Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements: t2. SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE Tlsmlfled Advertising Is payable lu advance. Please refrain from telephoning. Cigarette (Tobacco CARD OF THANKS FOR SAtE "N WHS Mr. S. Xenaki and family wish FOR SALE 5 h.p. Vivian en- gine. Apply Iran's Service Station. (160) MILD, 'SWEET, 'BRIGHT VIRGINIA FOR SALE Summer Camp at Prudhomme Lake, two cabins and power boat with boat hous'-. Phone Red 418. (161) to express their deep gratitude to their many friends and relatives for the many kindnesses and sympathy and floral gifts in their recent bereavement in the passing ef their bcl ved Wire and mother, Katherine Xenaki. Special - thanks to Dr. W. S. Kergin ' and the nurses in the Prince Rupert General Hospital. SCHEDULE LAWN m FOR SALE Piano and other household articles. 515 Taylor Street. Phone Blue 277. (162) The standings to date: MacPhee 3 0 Arroll .3 1 Macdonald 3 0 Ross 2 2 McMeekin 1 1 McGreish 1 2 Frew 0 3 Paul 0 National League American League JulV 13-F!n5! . .581 Cleveland 44 26 621. Arrnll v u w FOR SA.-.E FOR SALE 6-room wartime house, brick chimney; on bis line. Phone Red 87(3. (151 60;;;vs. MacDonald ' 575 ...... ,. A NEW TROPHY FOR BABE RUTH Babe Ruth is shown receiving from Joe DiMaggio of the New York Yankees another trophy attesting t o his contributions to baseball. He was in St. Louis, Mo., as a guest of the American Legion for a "baseball clinic'" which was attended by more than 12.00 youngsters who roared their approval of the old-time home-run king. In th game that followed the ceremonies, the Yanks outslugged the St. Louis Browns 10-5. Taday hi Sparta MACHINERY FOR SALE Boston 43 31 Pittsburg 39 32 St. Louis 38 34 Nw York 35 35 Philadelphia 36 39 Brooklyn 33 36 Cincinnati ." 35 39 Chicago 23 46 FOR SALE Walnut dining room suite, 9 pieces; large wardrobe with full length mirror, lawn mower. Mrs. Massey, 401 4th Ave. west 1 160) .549 Philadelphia 46 30 .528! New York 42 31 .500 I Boiton 37 33 .480 Detroit 36 37 4781 Washington 33 40 .473 St. Louis 28 44 .333 (Chicago 23 46 .529 .493 .452 .371 .333 Adverf.so In tie Ially trews! MacDonald. July 20-Mai:Pn In; Paul vs. Mi. G: TO SAW better lumber more economically use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills , manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. (tf) rOK SALE 1942 Dodge Specia Deluxe Sedan. Newly painted. Excellent condition. Apply 13 Taxi. (tf) You saw it In t succeeds like success, even If you call it by a name like srmrru-teurism " Down Lethbridge way, Fen-wick sees Winnipeg's accession to the W.C.S.H L. expanding Uie MEN'S FASTBALL SCHEDULE July 10 High School vs. G. & FOR RENT FOR SALE Bargain on two new British India Rugs, one rust, one green. Call at Skeena Mercantile, Terrace. ( 164 1 local hockey supporter's ticket A. FOR RENT 3-room furnished suite. Apply 106 Hays Cove Circle. (160) asehnll July 1299 Taxi s. G. St A. July 14 C.N.R.A. vs. Co-op. July 17 High School vs. Oen. budget to $50 a season and says "is it too much to ask?" "Leth-hn hv fa'r the smallest hockey fan oopulation of c.ny Motors. Z Z the leag'ue. Can a city ? X "Co-op vs 99 TaxL IUG SIX BATTING AVERAGES FOR RENT 2 room suite partly furnished. Private entrance. 735 8th West. ( 164 229 SALE OF WARTIME HOUSES We have 3, four-room wartime houses listed at fa.r " prices. For particulars call Robert E. Montador Limited. (tf ) Savoy Shutout Home Run by Davis Gives Hotelmen Victory SAVOY 1, MOOSE 0 A home run by Savoy First Baseman Joe Davis in the fourth inning gave the hotelmen the single run which notched a shut-out victory for them against Moose :n resumption of city league baseball last night juiy uen. wioiors vs. u. a Football Schedule Gi'hnlv Cun Second Round July 9 High School vs. 120th Buttery. juiv 14 Legion vs. High School. juiv 21 120th Battery vs. jegion. Autiust 4 First round of Stu-.rt Shield. Monlrv Cun August o Hiuh School vs Legion. August 11 HiKh School vs 120th Battenr. August 13 Legion vs. 120th Batterv. August 18 Legion vs. High School. Auust 20 120th Batterv vs High School. of 18.000 adequately support a A. (City Baseball) 1 nrsi-ciasa r.u. j , 24H1gh School vs. C N. anuroximatelv 32 league and . 6 12 .500 With Minor. Lindsay, Savoy .6 24 Rosedale, Moose 6 22 4 11 .500 ,,,., tramp, ot home as well ' ', .. . .. OR RENT Housekeeping room for rent. 801 Borden Street, (tf) FOR RENT Flat, reand Block. Apply Max Heilbroner, Jeweller, 'tf) ip"'"" " i juiy m c.n.k.a. vs. uen. as pay good money to see an Motorg ' equally first-class junior learn Juiy 2899 Taxi vs. High Minora hat a rc ottim low pries blod-tharpett double -ecL ckm. On b',av Abel, Merchants 9 34 3 13 382 Arney, Savoy 8 33 7 12 364 Hartwig, Merch's 9 37 7 13 .351 FOR SALE 14-room rooming house, partly furnished, for $1300; immediate occupancy. Located on Fraser Street. Red 615. (1691 playing 16 to 18 games at nome.- after the international series. chool. July 31 O. St A. vs. Co-op. August 2 High School vs. Co- li, nuci erage 2,500 to 3.000 fans will Runs batted in: Windle 10. FOR RENT One sleeping room. 801 Borden Street. (tfi For Davis it was the second home run this week. He scored a similar feat at Ketchikan in spend an average of $50 apiece p on hockey in Lehtbridge this. Auaust 4 G. Si A. vs. C.N.R.A FOR SALE 3-pieee bedroom suite. $120.00 cash. 1344 8th E ' "Call after 6. (16t)i Aukusi 2a lzum Bauerv vs. the first game of the interna FOR RENT One sleeping room . i 4bU0(! coming winter. Is it too much August 7-Gen. Motors vs. 99 Le'""' mhpr Finai round ol 2-CENTURY CLASS NEW YORK Carl Hubbell, 221 5th East. (160)'tional series on Sunday. It also was his third of the season. He Taxi. 1 Stuart Shield. to ask?" 1 x :mxa (UK KENT z-room suite, ooo 9th Ave. West. (160 FOR SAL E 5-room furnished bungalow, fully modern. Will take car as part payment. Fuil price $1800.00. Phone Red 66 ). . (163i scored his first homer on June New York Giants, won his JOOtti 10 off the same pitcher Hector game in 1938, the only active McKinnon of Moose. National leaguer to get inU the However, despite these "per- -century class, formance marvels, Davis has not FOR RENT One, i-room suite, furnished, with private bath. One 2-room suite, furnished. Apply cottage at rear of Washington Block, 2nd Ave., or phone Black 490. (163) yet reached that pinnacle of OR SALE 6 room wartime house, brick chimney; on bus line. Phone Red 876. (tfi IS port Shots glory, the Big Six. His batting average up to last night was a modest .290. 3 v. H 4 Rf 3 P , J 4 :5 I r t t T ; ; I "J 'jk 'j.i 1 J I 3 V 1 4 WANTED For Savoy, last night's game , was the seventh victory of the rf ability to seize news columns ii7 a Tfrri - Home for Persian SI'lUNX Ffypf'i primfit mtmiiment. For hiiiiJ of yr, nn enigma to mmlrrn antl a:in man. W hrn and l.v irhom'il rrrttmil, no authority run nay fur a rrrlainty. It it about l td fret long and fi3 frvl hiih. Thm fare. It fret wide, ha been badly tnli-lateil. Hut. noltrithmlatidinii, it i one of mil imiiressivr of all treantirr of tht awient u-orld. ima ; Port E; SPOI D;l 1, ,r rZi6MSOn and for Moose il wm the whatever the season is an indi- cation, hockey is the year-round w --v. "--i ninth defeat. So far, the lodge West, or phone Red 968. (160) j brothers nave only a sing,e vie. sport. Prairie droughts, Willing WANTED 3 room self-contain- tory to their credit, a prodigious don c Go)f Davis c tennis ed suite or small house. Noieuoii. uiub ucura uirm a -i , and baseball circuits notwithstanding, the ice game ignores children. Urgent. Box 367 win over Mercnanis on June n. FOR SALE At. Usk, 10 roomed house, 5 bedrooms, house furnished, glass verandah, own light plant and water system, " 1.18 acres with orchard. This property has been used for high class stopping place for number of years. Price $3150. (161) FOR SALE Quarter section, six acres cultivated and fenced. One mile from school, two from , Post Ofllce. Good car road. No reasonable offer refused. Box "B" Kitwanga, B.C. (161) Daily News. (160) Savoy Pitcher Alex Bill held. all the regular rules in its persistence for "out - of - season" coverage. In the last week several Alberta sports writers have devoted columns to the "fast if ' USl' I W A N T E D A large 4 Wartime house, in the area between Mr-Bride and Hays Cove Circle on 5th, 6th or 7th Ave. Wiii pay cash. Phone Black 961. (tfi (Conrl est game" notably Stan Muher SATURM his oppenents down to lour nits, all singles, and his team mates operated with enough of the old verve to V( that none of the Moose runners scored. Moose Pitcher Hec McKinnon allowed eight hits. He was getting plenty of support from both infield and outfield, as was witnessed by the number of field put-outs but, as usual, the Moose luck just was not in. The fourth seemed to be Mc-Kinnon's weakest inning. He al JULHC (Edmonton Bulletin) and Lori mer Fenwick (Lethbridge Her aid i. 10 a.m. SoItUrf BOYS WANTED Boys desiring News routes should leave their names at the office as vacancies may be occurring any daj. FOR SALE Boat, 20 feet long . by 5'2 ft. beam. 5 h.p. East-hope engine. Price $250.00. Phone Blue 441. (163) Moher hoists the "Shamateur ' flag while Fenwick laments reports of Winnipeg's possible advent into the five-team Western Canada Senior Huckey League, whose Edmonton Flyers this year copped the Allan Cup. Stan SALES HELP WANTED CANADA'S Exclusive Advertising lowed three hits, a triple by Lindsay, a homer by Davis and a single by Postuk. FOR SALE 2-acre property, " close in to Terrace; new house on concrete foundation; six rooms with sunporch. Price - $4000.00. E. T. Kenney Ltd., Terrace. (1G1) Specialty House has open Franchise in your vicinity. Ex deals with the Canadian "An a- The esteem In yvhih Harwood's i hell by knowing i-oile llie world over is due to no manic in the distilling: The eirellenee of Hanvood's is due to a combination of factors: Selection of flawless ingredient; erjttlul-clear waters, adequate ageing and the whole lihlillin procet guided and guarded by a maMer dihtiller recognized as one of the ulilcttt and nioul. conscientious In the craft. Invercnn- v?. V Port Siinpsonvj. Children's! 1 p.m. liasi'hall Kitwanga vs. Find vs- 8 p.m. Dance-Poi't Edward All Ticket Sell MOOSE AB R H PO A E teur clusive high class advertising! Hockey Association's defi Shier 2b 2 0 0 2 3 0 specialty line now available. Calendar and Novelty Salesmen who want the finest Ex 'FOR SALE 1939 Ford Panel.) New motor last year. 1840 ' Guthrie 3b 3 0 Kerr If 3 0 Windle ss 3 0 McKinnon p ... 3 0 Vanetta lb 2 0 clusive numbers will be Inter ; Cth E. Phone Green 407. - - (160) nition of "amateur" good for an argument anytime anywhere. It runs "one who either has not engaged or is not engaged in professional hOvlrcy." Against Olympic standardj this puts Canada on the .spoi. "In nm.,, .,.. t U -li.,..-. ested. A great opportunity to ' 0 5 0 0 8 1 0 0 2 build a life-time business. Ex- j rtprienpp nrpfrrH huf colll-irr. Jones rf 2 0 FOR SALE Davenport, with box for bedding; chiffonier; por 1 0 Stubs by Thurv ability and integrity essential. Calderonl " cf" 0 0 0 1 write iommonweaun Aavei- n!piad, "is one whose connection Hit.fhpns c .2 24 One of The Treaturet of All Time. 1 1 with sport is ,and always is celain top table and chairs, bird cage; 2-burner electric plate; numerous other articles. 1" J Leaving city. Apply No. 2 He-,. , . gerson Black. (160i 4 18 6 ,;r tising Company Limited, Port Credit, Ontario. (161: j SAVOY AB R H PO A E ' Deen. solely for pleasure and f or 0 the physical and moral benefits j Simundson ss 1 LOST AND FOUND 0 0 4 4 0 2 0 0 r Arney 3b 3 JOHN FOR SALE New and Used Fur-iture and Hardware. New Gur- ' Q2 r. 0 he derives therefrom without 0 material gain of any kind, direct 0 j or Indirect." Observes Star : "As 0 1 soon as it becomes necessary for O.Canada to compete on an In- ,OST Between Kwinitsa and small tunnel, small black spaniel. Answers to "Paddy." Phone Green 142. (tfi BULG ney Ranges for wood and coal mi New shipment of British India Rugs, Chinaware, Unpainted 0i ternational basis the convenient OPTOMA Pavlikis if 3 0 12 0 Lindsay cf 3 0 1 10 Davis lb 3 115 0 Sharpe 2b 3 0 0 3 1 Postuk c 3 0 2 4 2 Gurvich rf 3 0 0 1 0 Bill p 3 0 111 25 1 8 21 8 Moose 000 000 0- Savoy 000 100 x- Chests and Bookcases, Radio C1VE VJHISEIV F O U N D Bathing cap. Owner may have same by calling at the Daily News and paying for this advertisement. (tfi C.AH.H.A. conception ot amateurism won't stand the test." But crusading doesn't seem Tables, Hardware. Used Electric Rangette, Fancy Tables, Radios, Kitchen Sets, Bed DH-t John Balg room Suites, Beds, etc. Everything Is reasonably priced. See PERSONAL Third A promising. 3 "For one thing the governing ! body has enjoyed a run of highly' successful seasons, financially and otherwise. "And nothing I , us first. B.C. Furniture Co, This advertisement is not published or displsyed Uy the Liquor Control Board or by th Government of British Columbia -Black 324. (tf) FOR BEST HOTEL SERVICE Ir, the Interior, stop at Telkwa Hotel, 244 miles from Prince Rupert, just half way to Prince George. (tf) 'Grounded out for Jones In 7th. RBI Davis. 3B Lindsay. HR Davis. SB Postuk. LOB Moose 5, Savoy 8. BB McKinnon 2, Bill 2. SO Bill 4. ER Savoy 1. Umpires Dominato and Montesano. Time 1:06. No, He Just Dropped It. By Chic Young HLONDIE PERSONAL WE'LL SHOP FOR MI'llhllMHI YOU. If you know what you want, but live too far away tc OONT TELL Me VOU irr MjHii ttt BLONDiE--; f WANT TO) rfK-f AGAIN, MAN IS lj caught) VlSSkV smarter than t.-SN- ZlX &Uryy beast w find it yourself, write to the THhkW IT IN MV NEW garbasc CAN.' CITY BASEBALL LEAGVE STANDINGS Select Shopping Service, Dominion Building, Vancouver, (tf ) (14 games) Savoy 7 2 .778 1 HOMES FOR SALE Borden Street 7-room house, glassed sunporch, basement ' and furnace, 2 lots, harbor view, fireplace. Seventh West 6-room, very private, concrete basement. Herman Street Big 4 Wartime, only $1500; good condition; brick chimney. Ambrose Street Well - built ' furnished 6-room house on 3 lots. Thompson Street 7 -room house, fireplace; partly furnished. Full price $3000. . Very reasonable terms. ARMSTRONG AGENCIES Phone 342 or Green 297 (eves.) CAR Leaving for Decker Lake Merchants 6 3 .700 Moose 1 9 .100 Friday. Will take three passengers. Share expenses. Box 366 Daily News. I': LOOK FOR J1 ft.' 3 -7 METAL. WORK VAULT PROSPECT BERKELEY, Cal. Guinn PLUMBING Installations ana GOLD SEW repairs. SHEET METAL onmn, uiympic piipeci, nas WORK. Tar and Gravel. Roof-' Pole vaulted to a height of 14 ing. Letourneau Si Sons, 629 eet 7s inches so far-in major Sixth West. Phone S3. (tf) competition.