Prince Supnrt E)afl l!3eto Ita. Friday, July 9, 1948 TERRACE BOOM rmet Toftcs from 1 errace RESOLUTIONS .Terrace t Have Big List For Juneau Convention Delicious Coo Drink 1 1 -L ton exactly as usual . . . Whila On Tuesday William CooDer nf Sawmills and Logging Camp Busy Town Getting New Water System Lections clones filled with cracked I immediately to Jasper" whei their son. Bill, very recent i underwent an operation f FLY TO JASPER TERRACE The Seabee plane of the Skeena Airlines Ltd.. with ill h" .J enaar and lemon to taste . . . -3 - yy 10 There is no let-up in the saw- They will conne nilnt Bill flmwr at Ih rnntrnU I appendicitis. Mrs. T. Alford is leaving shortly for her home In Vancouver after spending the past two weeks with her sister, Mrs. Frank Oavan, and her mother, Mrs. T. Moore.' Mrs. Alford is the former Ethel Moore who lived here several years ago. the Skeena Airlines Ltd.. on charter trip for timber cruising 120 miles up to Kispiox from Hazelton, noticed fire close to a trail 20 miles east of Brown Bear Lake and about five miles from another unknown lake a. mllllng industry in the Terrace district, reports Charles Adam, theatre operator and village left here at 1-45 p.m. Thursday with the passenger - train i chartered by Mr. and Mrs. E. S. ; Prince George and be at the Laird who earlier in the day ha1 son's bedside on Friday, mon received a message to proceed lng. commissioner of the interior town, who was In the city for u couple of days on business, re he cruised nearer he saw what! he took to be smoke slenah 1 The Catholic Women's League turning to the interior yesterday by car. All the mills are TERRACE George MeAdams will prepare Terrace resolutions for presentation at the Associated Board of Trade convention to be held in Juneau In September. These will cover radio broadcasts, airmail service, sale of oleomargarine, abolition of daylight saving time, endorsation of Prince George's request for the extension of the P.QE., Dominion Experimental 8tation fo:-Terrace, black topping of th.- highway from Prince Georg.-to Prinee Rupert and the establishing of a customs union between Canada and the United States. met at the home of Mrs. Tom Julseth on Wednesday nigh;. Fishermen! ;g(gII5 ; Returning to Terrace he reported what he had seen to Constable T. D. Brue who, In turn j reported to Prince Rupert. From Mrs. H. Doll, the new president going full blast as are the logging camps which supply them. In addition, the big Remo saw occupied the chair. Arrange ments were made to hold a tea to discuss the Vexed problem of sanitation In the village. mill is being reopened by C. L. there the word was passed on to Sgt. Brunton at Smtthers who contacted Constable West at M. Giggey and E. C. Sande. and sale on July 24. In the evening there will be a card party Will Robinson announced to 5 i j Hazel ion to find out, If possible As for municipal matters, Mr. Boafd j the Board that Mr. Lake, en Research at which the drawing for the JL'ST ARRIVED A Popular Radio Made for Your Boat. Small and Powerful 5 low battery drain tubes giving V-tube performance. COVERS LONG AND SHORT WAVE PHONE CALL WRITE RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC Adam reports that the village 'fat his inablllay 10 ginrer. water comptrollers,' De-!fS(who would be travelling S nt nt 8 at the meeting w parlment of Lands, was here r,-j 'police t1h.ttt Part f Ule C0Untry- Tlu' ... are InvesUeaUmr hut u- -... t - "v"eang out cedar chest will take place. This event was to have been held has secured authorization of c $50,000 money bylaw to finance earlier but flood conditions made a new waterworks system fo: cently on a survey of the flood K',c damase from Prince George to!" I"" has betn tuicoverwl up Remo with recommendations ! it impossible to gather in the tickets from outside points. At the town. Arrangements are being made to float the sale of Phone 644 A, (t bUl 8'u "c " 1 some future lime. j ,. from various hoard with Interest. kre ll Spencer for the Indus-J'Lnmlttee reported thl Box 1321 BIRTH-RATE UP New Zealand Continues To Show Increase WELLINGTON, N.Z., New the close of the meeting, freshments were served. the three - and - i - half percent from an engineering standpoint1 on how to prevent a recurrent I Accompanied by Mrs. Martin of the danger. His report wentiand Mrs' Haa!a1, Mrs. H. Koch In last week 1 1('fl bV cur on Tuesday for Hous- bonds. This financing will take 4 Hnni,. t,v care ot the purchase outright Mr. and Mrs. A. I Zealand's birth-rate, which af- ter many years of decline has for $6000 of the former Army Btfore the close of the rc. ! lon wht'ie tn-y attend the ' a new mill in SepV sold their proptrey to Mr. Me'.-vin and left Terrace by car on ing Mr. McAdau.b welcomed, Ju; Women's Institute convention as! '! a small crew is J- been rising steadily since 1930, water system on the Bench, including two tanks with 140.000 is still increasing and last year to Thursday morning enroute Wlnnlnocr gallon storage capacity, pumps w(irK clearing the roac- the name of the Board, all visit- U'L ace jegates. ,1 ) ors and newcomers. Among thi s'.' . ' agriculture, n-l were Mr. and Mrs. P. Murie, Mn.' Alf At tree has returned home King 'Itiiat due to lack of rain, 1 F. McGilvery, H. Young, Willian alU1' a long sojourn in the south 1 here have deterlor-, Bremner, Mr. and Mrs. Ash ton ; . w and pipelines and for the con-Mrs. 8. G. Ayres i left on Mou- . , , , , , . , , .... , ,h.,ra struction of a more complete day s train for Winnipeg where , . . u and "P- distribution sys-sne she will will visit visit relatives relatives. throughout the viUage for reached the highest level since 1912. The European rate now stands at 26.43 per 1,000. However, although the Maoris, once considered a dying race, are now Increasing more rapidly than New Stock of WATERMAN'S Pens and Pencil. has just arrived. , A fine graduation or going-away gift. w j DIBB PRINTING COMPANY'! T e llie iUst meeting. A and Mrs. BUI Ungcr. I Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Russell of which a contract will be let. Mrs. Stanley Brooks arrived .vpted from Mr. Zac- The business session was foi- Dundalk, Ontario, arrived this next two from the south on Wednesdays the experimental , lowea ay serving oi sirawDern'3 rm 10 spena me of THIRD AVENl'l enl' ; BESNER BLOCK and cream In abundance wj'ti' months with their son-in-law train to visit her brother-in-law the European population, it will be a long time before they approach equality. The European population now stands at 1.696,-174 and the Maoris at 10,042 t smlthers. Norrlngton, radio, told of tcous treatment received cookies and coffee served by H. and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. W. Philip, Mrs. Norrington and their Fell, at 17-Mile. and sister, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. M. i ram Schedule Giggey. With her was her small For the East-daughter, Ilona, also EdwarJ Monday, Wednesday, Friday- . cbc representative and Actual births in New Zealand j committee of helpers. The lu.i-clous strawberries were at their Mr. and Mrs. Roy MLchlel of Kenney, young son of the Hon. 8 p.m. umfd the necessity of a best and were supplied, as In Vancouver are visiting at the and Mrs. E. T. Kenney, who Will From the East last year, at 44,828 Europeans: and 4, 938 Maoris .established a record for the third year in j succession. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday-10:45 prr. station here. legation was appointed to lie village commissioners C. W. spend the summer vacations at Lakelse. previous years, by Hamlin and home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomson. i Mirhiel. IN TERRACE . . i A Modern Department Store Nationally-known lines U Ladies' Wear, Yard Goods,, Men's Clothing, Shoes . . . -t plus a new Self-Serve Food Section with a Free Delivery Service. ' - -'ill 7,t IP ' I I .- ' I IwiLLVOU BIG, StXfV.Jy v.":ve eoTof I I II I I STRONG MEN i MRS. MERION, ( EE. ENYl tr' .tri, I , Better English ' By D. C. WILLIAMS 1. What Is wrong with this LI I , f f . I hELP M MOVE )N BUT- -1 ' U6VX " X sentence? "The churches have THE SKEENA MERCANTILE; ; - j united together in one common purpose." 2. What Is the correct pro Hw. ----- av: . ju' n n5 f& nunciation of 'consultative"? 3. Which one of these words Is misspelled? Extemporaneous, FLY IN THE Seabee Amphibian Plane Non-Schedule Charter Service Commercial Hunting . Fishinir Sightseeing ' exuberance, extasy. 4. What does the word "em- III I I 3W'?I,",J I AS Til" 1 VW "VT VT S V WxY JBvifV I bryonlc" mean? HI I - . ,, l . HA.. I I . ( 4 l I 1 BTil'f r I fc-V I ' rv L mi V A . , yLJia&l J& I " ' ' r tSsS 5. What is a word beginning with me that means ."of but I moderate excellence; ordinary"? SKEENA AIR TRANSPORT LTD. ; PHONES Terrace: W. H. Martin, 23; E. T. Kenney Ltd., 35 ' II . WVES KNOW W6 X4'. (, V'l I HEHaiHEKKt V II JuPM O DFAP" l Wi.T ' ANSWERS 1. Omit together. 2. Pro- ( L I I V AJ T Mh WlVh"- L J V 1 f W - tit Jlfsiv-i U S II . . 1 1 .1 - Ct -) V w 1 I Prince Rupert: Prince Rupert Hotel, 468 I nouftce kon-sul-tat-tiv, and accent second syllable, not the first and third. 3. Ecstasy. 4. irvny xc- - - i , s w-fK A .W ! Rudimentary; undeveloped. "Our ! plans are still in an ambryonii j stage." 5. Mediocre. FOR THE BEST FN AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE ... See Your ' GENERAL MOTORS DEALER Chevrolet Bulck Chev. Track Ponliae Olrtsmobile G.M.C. Truck MACHINE WORK A SPECIALTY Terrace Machine Shop &. Garage MERCHANTS Do you know that the Daily News is the most effective medium of advertising n Prince Rupert? No one misses your message if it's ad' vertised in the News. It's the really efficient way of puttinf it over. tl. I 1 , o-r r-pn i j , 1th? nstveof ) I i I I V 1 ! . l,,.r - ' 1 I II I --J V.-.(J f . . .. . I TERRACE, aC. Scvopoh.3 ZJ1 fW I d'rr oonYiK -keep out cfJ 1 f pen in MyrHlrtTr fe "r-'Tr' vs) I get anything ) V e7 -r mv sight y k - (HH Jw (VA a vL nr- IN THE SUPREMK COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE n I lie Milder f tlir "Ailiiilnislrutlnn Ait" Anil 1 I A ThpPonulf ThePopuls V ' m jit I .a: 11 . A. n the Mutter of the Estate of William Altkcn, nereusrd, Intestate. 1 t a M iTlf'B (hut h nrrlpr of S.S. t i j ! P. His Honor Judge W. O. Pulton made OCEAIi VIEW HOTEL U? PRINCI the 24th day or June ivw. i warn appointed Administrator of the estate of William Altken, deceased. r w W-z. U-l MHM RUPER' All parties Having claims asamxi the said estate are hereby required Ii , U i'.vA '. : -1 m - ' u 1 Sails For i to lurnisn same, pruperij mmcu. me on or before the 24th day of August, 1948, after which claims filed VANCOUVER may be paid without reierence mj any claims of which I then had no knowledge. All parties Indebted to the estate je required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. I ( FIX ME A LITTLE ) ? C1 7 TQOUPLE. SHOULD AUWANS JSpTS li'laE! AND INTERMEDIATE PORT DATED this 25th day 01 June n.u. II NsriP ro, INI .V ' IV iVFilV, y'AJ- Mil '" (Formerly Knox) A Quiet, Pleasant Place to Live COMPLETELY RENOVATED Rooms Redecorated Spring-Filled Mattresses New Management Proprietor, TOM PESTJT PHONE 71 948. ROBERT P. JOHNSTON, Official Administrator. Telegraph Creek, B C. (163) mMJ m mmm EACH THURSDA AT 11:15 PJtt. .- For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT Fr Information call or wr City or Depot Ticket OfXW til I 1 -ul fill ,."yl I--" I .' I 1 .X -j JiOt I NEW SHIPMENT OF Sl'P- PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. KKBI.Y TAILORED SUITS i I CthisisntL feu fffSlPi rO AV li ' (MY FOUNTAIN yffi l VHf !; I W'-'- T (leW "reruriM A well-groomed appear ance plus that feeling of confident assurance that springs from being comfortable and correct Is yours in any of our new suits. OTHER NEW ARRIVALS AT ACME INCLtDE A new range of gabardine and worsted SLACKS, casu We can supply all your needs in ... . BUILDING SUPPLIES including ' t WALLBOARDS, FINISH LUMBER, PLY-WOODS, SASH AND DOOR, NAILS, . PLUMBING SUPPLIES ; PAINTS PHILPOTT EVITT & CO. LTD. "Serving the North Since 1920" Thone 651 652 j COAL LUMBER PAINT 1 t ' j CX)ME, PEAR, J Itfa h fyM 1 l WANT TQ lillRV Di4- T ally correct SPORT JACK ETS and these ever-popular 11 1 III . M HI fJ n W rti I .t- V is III ?ur r i' x TIT 7 m Ml IS- II H J W t 1 ill CROYDON RAINCOATS. ACME CLOTHING STORE 11 i ML M f&i 1 i .,, U M . ' CIW ("Xl S'nKt.1 Wodd ,.i,t, i-'J ' t I I -a I sv i I i i I