i AIR PASSENGERS Frince Rupert Daily News Friday. June 23. 1930 Transport Official In Prince Rupert j Presentations To fuirlnr DrmiiniAr j To Vancouver (today) Mrs. E M. Davis, J. A. Pagett, H. M. Payne, G. S. Swain, A. L. Stiles ;W. Ross, F. Neave, T. M. McCas-! kpll. R. Pollard. L. G. Hall, O. C. SHIPSanJ- WATERFRONT UUlUr UlUVflllC) I Tuesday afternoon the Girl m ' ; . , . MAGIC SHOW IS BAFFLING LECTFRN'S ORIGINA t The lcrtcrn came into use in i the Anglican Church in the 15th ; century. i ; Young. Robert McLuckie, A. Ol- George Guthrie, ships' registry , cf fice. Department of Transport, j arrived in the city Wednesday for ( an overnipht visit at the local customs office, the first visit of such an official in Prince Rupert., While here, Mr. Guthrie is carry- , ins out a brief Inspection and I Guides and Brownies of the Ca- thedral Groups entertained their parents and friends. The pro- gram opened with a Brownie' sen. the, EVnm Vancouver (Thnrsrlavl I; Passengers embarking on Mitchell Cain and Agnes Impress Large Audience "Fairy ' Ring" and a welcome man ' save instruction in keeping ships' 1 1 Mitchell Cain, a young Princess Louise, Capt. W. C. j Hubenet, when she sailed at 1 p.m. today for Alaska, were Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Hammond. Skag-1 way and return; Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Underwood and son Donald, i i song to Commissioner Honora ; Silversides. The Commissioner , then enrolled four Brownlkins records. He left last night on RUPERT MENS AND BOYS STORE Mr: Cousins, J. Forestall, Mr. Gennls, R. M. McGllvery, Mrs. M. Joss, Miss Crawell, R. Cast S. J. McClay, Mr. Kudychuk, F. Morrison, S. A. Noble, S. Dorrah. From Sandspit (Thursday)- with a lot of tricks up his sleeves, i t I assisted by his wife, Gladys, the i the Prince Rupert for Van-li'Lady ot Mage." presented anjeouver. July 3 the local office Heart a scene at lhe , Whitehorse, and J. Andres, Ket- the Queen of HearU-waf impressive performance in the.i" oe visiiea rjy n. layior and presented golden bars, golden bands and service stars to other Brownies. Brownies enrolled were Hea secretary, custorns division, j chlkan. The Princess Louise lMrs- M' Lasette' M" Lodge' I Civic Centre last nihL Kerr. ea oy me Brownies . The Guides brought tli . noon to a close by formii.f ' j The magician held the packed j audience constancy interested. Julie Prockter were Invested as patrol leaders and a Guide Diary was presented to Julie Prockter as a proficiency award. Following the presentation of badges and awards, the groups each presented a short skit. "A Surprise Visit," depicting an unexpected call by a district captain, was performed by the The show as sponsored fey the uuiar-suut; ttllU Slllgliig Tj Ottawa. j docked at 11:30 a.m. from Van- - '. - jcouver with a full list of passen- Kinsmen Club and performances gerS- will be held tonight and Satur-, C.P.R. steamer Princess Kath-day- 1 ; leen, Capt. G. O. Hughes, ar- During the two hour perform-( nved m port at 9:30 a.m. Tfiurs- ther McDonald, Carol Byorsen, Shirra Halllday and IJhlrley Duncan. ., .- Those receiving golden bars were Camlle Llndseth, Kathleen Gladifh, Elizabeth Nelson, Mar- ' HOTEL ARRIVALS . Prince ' Rupert .. . F. W. Bogardus. S. McClay, O ' CHILD BRIDE At the age of 27, ErtniJ Poe married hu 14-voar-i.i ance, amia squeals irom cnuaren day from Alaska, sailing " for "' Guides and the The Vanishing fiin, Virginia Clomm. G. Craig, D. Dickey, N. Beaumont rae Anneia, Janice layior ana I ne iH I .. . . ... ..... Vnnni OrvKnr and healthy roars from aauits, ; Vancouver at 12 noon. ( i Mr and Mrs m m os u " " Mitchell Cain proved again and tourists ' aboard were treated to again that quickness of the hand a masquerad.. bRu on board deceives the eye. His illusions tn , e d f E. H. Dennis, Vancouver; F. M Dockrill, Telkwa; Miss L. Monck-ton: Kitkatla; H. Emerson, M. j included producing bottles, flow I Glacier Bay Tuesday night. Lone passenger disembarking here was McGowan. Alice Arm; J. C. Nore-J. Andre . of Ketchikan who."us- Ketchikan; Mrs. F. McGill-boards tonights train for a trip 'vary .Terrace; O. McCann, Ot RRANDRAM'HENDERSO Those receiving golden band were Andrea Veitch, Verna Possum. Muriel Prockter, Nita Wlese and I.ouis Anderson. inose receiving service .'tars, one year, were Joanne Prockter, Sheila Evans Mamie Anfleid, Janice Taylor, Deanne Petersen, Gail Welse and Joanne Way. Two year stars, recipients were Nita Welse, Muriel Prockter. Verna Fossum, Andrea Veitch and Iioulse Anderson. After the Brownies left the stage, the Guides formed a ers, clocks, rabbits, silk bandanas and various objects out of cylinders, hats and space. At least four children were brought to the stage and "aided" the talented ' magician in his performance. One of the four was" chosen ,to have his head tawa"; Mr. and Mrs. M. Cain. iTacoma, Washington; F. Neave, I Nanalmo. ?B -..rails A chopped off in the guillotine. Mr. EXPORT NECESSITY, Tea accounts for more than 60 per cent of Ceylon's exports OK to eastern Canada. J. Wood was the single embarking passenger. in a large bag, placed in a padlocked trunk and over the trunk was placed a sheet of canvas. Placed behind a screen, Mr. Cain counted three and was himself In the bag and Agnes on the stage. Inspector F. B. Woods-Johnson Salt Lake Ferry SCHEDULE Leave Cow Bay Floats Daily 12 noon 2:15 p.m. 4:30 p.m. ' 7:00 p.m. 7:35 p.m. Sunday Continuous Service Starting 1 1 a.m. Last Boat Leaves Salt Lakes 10:00 p.m. Phone: Green 391 Black 926 horseshoe and received their! 'uctvmA RE KSTTK F VII TOR fKI.SnN UrtASH. IVTKSTATK TAKE NOTICE that as Admlnis- tratAr riitlv KnnolntrH hv the COUrt badges. Guides enrolled were Katherine Flnlayson, Sandra If Ho Wonts I The Complete Works,' Bring Him To His J Favorite Store RUPERT MENS 5 AND BOYS STORE ! Cain is a master of suspense, adept at building up an atmosphere and "then suddenly popping the trick. More than halfway through his program He puzzled his audience by a hypnotizing trick. The conclusion came when Gladys lay suspended in mid air. He suggested that nothing supported her by passim? a hoop over and under her body. , But the final feat was the most and W. H. Thorn inspected the 0f ,hp est.t or victor Carlson, who trunk by taking it apart. A.s far , died t whitehorse, Yukon Te"itory ... . I on the 10th dnv of April. 1850. I as they were concerned the bag rmre Bu envmors and others hav-and canvas were real.'passessln? ing cinims ncainst the naid ettc,to Walbauer and Suzanne Kergln. Those receiving second clas badges were Julie Prockter and Nancy Lund, and those receiving one year , service stars were send the name to mp. proporly vert-fled, at the address mentioned twlow no secret panels. Employing Nancy Lund, Molly Simmons and I on or before the 31st dav of Aucust. '.their own knots, they deposited 1950. after which date i shall pro- Julle prockter. Nancy Lund and i ceed to distribute the estate to those ' entitled by law. having rciwd only baffling. Gladys was imprisoned Gladys in the bag, padlocked the case and secured the canvas. The Inspector and Mr. Thorn proved able assistants and humorists during the act sometimes outdoing the witty Mitchell Cain. fir pfS in auch claims of which I shall have then been notified. I AND FURTHFn TAKE NOTICE that all persons Indebted to said estate are required to pay their In tdehtednesa to m forthwith. I DATED at Atlln. British Columbia, j this 12th day of June. 1950. ALBERT EDWARD KODDI3. I Official Administrator. Atlln, British Columbia I (1!P( It tickled the audience when, after Gladys was placed in the trunk, the Inspector commenced stepping in after her. Everyone, had a laugh and Mr. Cain proved him-self a fine magician and a comic WATER tells the truth about.,. Villi SKY Ji MJ f IN BK ::stue :" f;;;fi.; x:mv OUIKKIHK KOW S iKOR;l Ml,sll, IPK1T U TAKE NOTICE that as Administrator, duly appointed by tne court. of the estate of Ororge Nelson, other- 1 f ... j T r 1 R. W. COLLINS Authorized Dealer for ELECTROLUX edge r'. ',..' 4 Will be residing: permanently wise known as George Nilss'in. who oled at Oliver Cove. BC. on the 2flth day of Marcn. 1950, I require, all creditors and others having claims against the said estate to send the same to me. properly verified, at the address mentioned below on or beiorr f the 31st day of July. 1950. after : hlch date I shall proceed to dl&-j tribute the esUite to those entitled ; by law. having regard only to such ( Claims of which I shall then havt been notified. I And further take notice that all t persons Indebted to said estate art , required to pay their liidebtcdncf tp : lie forthwith j ' DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C., thlt 14th day of June. 1950. GORDON FRASER FORBES. Official Administrator. ' Prince Rupert. B.C. tsSrff Ko.'S'-' III' V. '-r oso- in Prince Rupert Contact the above for all Service required and for Parts and Supplies Seagram's : u83" Put Seagrom's "83" to the water test. For water (plain or sparkling) is your most reliable guide to the whole truth about any whisky. Water adds nothing, detracts nothing, but reveals a whisky's true, natural flavour and bouquet. Say SEAGRAM,S and be SUM. a of the finest PHONE 451 Phone today for a Free Dem Coast to coast, one of Canada! finest London Dry Gini at a popular price. an i -imiu.k KA1K x-i;ai5 - Sealed tenders will be received by lit the mad of th,e house Loast of his work. With B-ll Paint it' oniething lo Lout ahouL SUMMER I , of the 1950 Model! ponstration the Mliiiater of Forests at Victoria. B.C., not later than 11 am. on,th-lbth day of August. 1950. for the purchase of Licence X-47:i05. to cut . : It 1 1 z l ! B.280.0OO f b m. of Hemlock. Balsam. X iiAi-phw.ia-iii fcpruce. and Cedar on the west shore of Ktldala, Arm. south of Indian Reserve No. 4. Range 4 Coast Land Dii-trlct. Five years will be allowed for removal of timber. Further particulars of the Chirf Forester, Victoria. B.C.. or District lor ester. Prince Rupert, B.C. (140) I - . BOWLING Thiv od' ortiserrent is not published or displayed by the liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. "T A f) J . .,; z i hovrs tVr' Eliminate Defrosting I Now is the Time to Practice I J 4 I hu adve'tisement is not publijhed or' displayed by the Liquot Control Board of by the Government ot British Columbia. Hi Make x with a ?!!?. V H IT HAS BECOME L fe.,r;S Philips 1 PUW""9 H"eys I ff' 'Sv5. j Automatic Defros- mmmmmmmmmm . . . . . . . III. - '. W 1 for I. ,!- r,l. :. : r I. I PRINCE RUPERT I i ii . .1. i r- ,,.m i wt paint in- this tzsy, Short-Boil way THIS "SURF.-RESUITS" RECIPE Will SAVI TWO-THIRDS OF YOUR TIME t..r.l i i 1 1 -i i Li "N .' Defrosting cycle , and DECORATE v HST. and your worries are i exterior or Interior Vl over. For free dem- b onstration see ! f.PI?.AY 'BRUSH I -w ra THAT THE FINEST DINNERS ARE SERVED AT THE CIVIC CENTRE DINING ROOM 1HE LATEST PAINT I II Crush thoroughly 3 quarts of Cully ripa berries. (Use ripe fruit, not the underripe fruit called for in old fashioned recipes.) Measure 4 cups of the crushed fruit and 7 cups of sugar into large saucepan. Mix well. Bring to lull rolling boil over high heat. Stir constantly before lll JL BURNING METHODS I 'fbUl&JWS.cja I SPENCE and MATUIk j . j Phone Blue 215 233 11th f5t and while boiling. fft Oil MIXTURE ONE MINUTE OMIT KEEP FRESH FLAVOR AND COLOR TOU'lt CET 50 MORE JAM FROM SAME AMOUNT OF FRUIT 'Chicken tn the Rough" Here'i where you save time and work) To Take Out Because you don't have to "boil down your fruit to make it set, very little, juice wastes away in steam. You'll have about 10 (lasses to ladle and paraffin instead of for reservations BOIL HARD ONE MINUTE BY JHE CLOCK I (This short boil retains the luscious taste and lovely colot of the fresh fruit.) Remove from heat. Stir in half-bottle of CEXTO Fruit Pectin. Then stir end skim by turns for S minutes to cool slightly and prevent floating fruit. the 6 to be enpected from old fashioned long boil recipes. With CERTO you average 50 MORE am from the ' 0 " 1 i tmounc of Iruit. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED A NO GUESS WORK. FOR SURE RESULTS FOLLOW SIMPLE DIRECTIONS EXACTLY 9 R. E. Mortimer 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPRi ... M :j Keen o With CERTO you 'get a booklet of 78 kitchen-tested recipes ... a separate one for each fruit since different fruits need different handling. Follow the simple directions esacfy and you'U have bright, sparkling, better -tasting jams and jellies whatever fruit you use. Even beginners can be sure of results with CERTO. SHOOT CERTO ii fruit pectin the natural jellying substance in Iruit extracted and concentrated for easier, quicker, better jam and jelly making. t BRAND FRUIT PECTIN Graduation Photos Call at CHANDLER'S STUDIO 216 4th-St...., ..JEh. areeru339 Open evenings by appointment lililli t Htrfwirt, Pilit Slins'iif lultt Inlers j A roduet Sf Gnral foods E-iO "CETO" h a ffocU-mark owntd by O.rwrol foedi, UmK.d JEJJL