'77 Prince Rupert Doily News Tuesday, June 27, 19X Discover How Good CFPR Reasonable Ideas for Housekeepers Radio Dial 124U Kilocycles (Subject to Change) Iced Tea Can Be! k tea doubU strength and white still SALAD POPULAR THESE WARM DAYS,, SOME NEW IDEAS HERE fold Into gelatine mixture. Pour Into moulds which have been i t nOUT Lfi' giuss nnu uwwu Add sugar and lemon to taste rinsed with cold water and chill ' 4, ntllXU AD1 51 W&tU firm. Serve on lettuif; with cold nvea;, salmon, devilled Fresh vegetables and fruits we now available throughout the yea tout wWle the gardens apd orchards are producing it pays to serve generous quantities .of them.- I This is truly a generation of j salad eaters. The name salad is said to be (the result ol mispronunciation. jTbe original "sailed" became j"salett" and finally "salad" Originally, it was the green eggs, cabbage or mixed vegetable Home economists have these tfraser and Payne- WASHABLE CHENILLE SCATTER RUGS A New Shipment just orrived from Belgium. Assorted sizes, Ovals ond Oblong, 18" x 36" to 48" x 72". Plain Sculptured ond Patterned Designs. The Purchasing Power of Our Canadian Dollar Hos Brought Prices Down fo Pr-War Level. ICED TEA i leaves and raw vegetables which ; suggestion? lor summer salads. were eaten with salt to make the firct calorie rfV..4r... - 1.,.I J . ' salad. Yield : 8 Individual moulds four cups) . Supper Salad 1 cups diced cooked meat 4 tomatoes, coarsely chopped J V cups chopped eucumber 14 cup chopped green onioo 2 tablespoons chopped parsley 14 cup chopped green onions Mix the meat and vegetables with sufficient salad dressing to j ...j tin ihub . uuay a auitxu may 1 be made from raw or cooked "Much obliged" or "Thanks". ... j may be hot or cold and when IhanVino a ,.- looas, n ilodern Etiquette -jyuld luncheon or dinner Retold their napkins when . ii,uhpH pat ill ? .... , m yj i .Tint ui a courtesy? A. Neither of these forms is Nippy Moulded Salad 1 tablespoon gelatine ' 14 cup cold water sup vinegar cup water 3Acup sugar 2 teaspoons dry mustard Vi teaspoon salt 3 eggs 1 cup whipping cream Soak gelatine in 14 cup cold light and refr.h;ng or substantial. The dressings have gone far from the simple salt. Green leaves are still an Integral part of most salad and of these, let " " UVf TUESDAf f .M, 4:00 Meet Gisele 4:15 Stock Quotation and Int. 4:30 Peter Radisson 4:45 Western Five 5:00 Henry Morfcvi Show 5:30 Yesterday's Songs 5:45 Lyrical Lady 5:55 CBC News 8:00 Supper Serenade 6:15 Sammy Kaye and Orch. 6:30 Musical Varieties 6:45 The Inside Story 7:00 CBC News v 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Leicester Square to Broadway 8:00 Science Reporter 8:15 Nation's Business 8:30 Jr. Chamber of Commerce 8:45 Musical Prog. 9 ;00 -Record Album 9:30 Variety Time 10:00 CBC News, 10:10 CBC News 10:15 Miscellany 10:30 Plow on the Desert 11:00 Weather Report ' 11:04 Fish Arrivals, Sign Off WEDNESlyi) It --A.M. 7:00 Musical Clock 1 8:00 CBC News 8:10 Here's Bill Good " 8:15 Morning ong 8:30 Music for Moderns 8:45 Little Concert tuce Is so universally used that In j f should not fold their corsect. The best phrase always j when finishing a meal, Is. "Thank you." ihey are payins a visit of j Q if you take a bite of food j davs, when they follow that la too hot, what should you uniple -nelr host and do? , ! A Quickly take a swallow cf ifticlt Is the correct form,' water. some locations it is called "salad 1 rnf.ajavj; Avenue West, Mrs. Macintosh was 1 le-ieietteU pi eaitici.il. 1 1 plant. j water for 5 minutes. Bring vlne- A salad for luncheon or sup- j gar and remaining V cup of per is perfect in summer time. water to boiling point. Mix A pretty but quiet wedding J took place a few days ago when moisten. Serve at once on crisp lettuce. Yield: six servings. Hot String-Bean Salad Bowl IV2 lb. string beans, cut in 1 inch jle?e 4 cups cooked) 1 cup diceti bologna or canned luncheon meat lb.) 2 tablespoons chopped pickle I tablespoons chopped onion J teaspoon cider vinegar t teaspoon pepper 1 teaspoon salt .1 teaspoon sugar 1 teaspoon dry mustard 4 hot, hard - ookd eggs, sliced Cook beans in boiling, salted The addition of hard-cooked f gas, cheese, meat, chicken or fish to the crisp, green vegetables makes a meal that is both refreshing and satisfying. Tennis Is becoming one of the most popular sports in the: city. There are too many players it the Prince Rupert club courts, but the pressure will be relieved when the two railway empjoyee Miss .Margaret Wood of Aberdeen, Scotland, became the bride of Thomas Clwydd Williams, formerly of Denbighshire, Wales, jgrrf, finer-fecfured BUNS suar, mustard and salt and add to slightly beatejx .eggs. jGxadu-ally add hot vinegar to gg mixture and .cook slowly, stirring constantly, unUl mixtur thicK ens. Remove from heat, add soaked gelatine and sUr woWtl dissolved. (Chill unW mixture begins to thickeo. Whip eam until quite .thick hut not Uff; j and now of Prince Rupert. So easy to make with new fast DRY Yeast! " I I .- k I courts near the station are At the annual meeting of the d Ladles Musical Club at the home Experts !of Mrs. R. L. Macintosh, Fourth water until tender. Drain. Cam- 1 .12:55 Recorded Interlude school play are,aa, based on plans :p)ne other ingredients, except supplied by l. A. Dulude, com- eggs, In salad bowl. Add hot 9:00 BBC News & omty. JOHN H. BULGER mlssioner of playgrounds for 1 beans. Mix well. Garnish with' 9-15 Mornine Devotions ancea narj-cooKea eggs, new; 8:30 Sunrise Serenade lour servings. Ottawa. The booklet recommends the city block playgroundHtnade p OPTOMETRIST 1:00 The Concert Hour 2:15 Behind the Scenes 2:30 Records at Random 2:45 A Good Wife: Comty 3:00 The Music Box 3.15 Bernle Braden Tells , A Story . 3:30 Int. Comty. ! 8 :40 Divertimento By KAY REX, Canadian Press Staff Writer PLAYGROUNDS Playgrounds where the very young ones are out from under mother's' feet and at the same time safe from passing traffic-are becoming accepted as essential In the planning of new neighborhoods. In the meantime there are is of "back-yard" land contributed by all block residents. ; , . Such a block gives o,uic,k ( "kitchen - window" supervision and assures mother of Junior's whereabouts. ' John Bulger Ltdr? Third Avenue z 9:45--Famous Voices 9:59 Time Signal 10 :00 Ellen Harris 10:15 Carson Robison . 10:30 Melody Time : 10:45 Invitation to the Waltz 11:00 A Man and His Music 11:15 Roundup Time 11:30 Weather Report 11:31 Message Period 11:33 Recorded Interlude ' In Fraternity JASPER PARK LODGE Mrs Tots play in "back - yard"! many ways of turning thet vacant safetyi free from the dangers of i clement Kennedy of Boston and Swampscott. Mass., last night be- U:45 Scandinavian Melodies mi. m uic muei uiauicv uiuu or traffic, crossings .ditches children's paradise. .diversions. came a member of Pi Beta Phi fraternity in a model initiation ceremony which opened a week long convention of the "Pi Phi" Pi. 12:00 Mid-Day Melodies . 12:15 CBC News 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 B ,C. Farm Broadcast I Mothers divide daytime .duties of supervision and Instruction and share In the resulting dividends of more leisure hours. . Officials of the Health Department's physical fitness division say the properly-equipped and well-supervised playgrounds contribute greatly to the fun, safety, . u lt, i fart actinu yeast CTP'ft,. nil irpj suyt full-nrciwh Mu ' 'H 4out refrigeration till the jllfj Dby IUn wnt )iiu ust ill Nn mure Jjj'l ttt ,t 'EASY nil in) ea no more slow lllil T''tr' ffiff ui' dti a month's supply of iJl,CX-',,' ffllf FEATHER BUNS I ; ,beillg attended by more than 525 Fathers co-operate In choosing health and character of the I icoiiege wuhh.u uum u imru iand Installing equipment. , States and Canada. ... 1 1 l j children. in anoiner oouiueti uusevi un Behavior and skills learned on t The initiation ceremonv. which ji it. ' matarlnl material supplied cnniiliprl hv by the the citizen citizen's s I the playground determine the , held ,n fee Conventon HaU leisure-time pattern of children committee on children of Ottawa, I fif the Lodge, was conducted by for years to come. j The division has published a booklet filled with ideas for pre-, tne pnysicai mness aivtsion gives Grand Presldent Amy Bumham detaUed nstruction the mak- on Qnken oI chaDlln IU she wa, ing of outdoor play equipment. JM(ltate, by he other' members of Play equipment does not need ; the Grand Council. Mrs. Robert to be expensive If it is made of . s. Wild, vice president, of Wash-durable material. Usually, it can'jng.ton, D.C.; Mrs. Floyd H. Car- twice 2 c once-sifted bread flour at-d J4 tsp. ground mace. Sli. into yeast mixture; lat until smontli. Work in 1 c. onre-sifted bread flour o make a very soft dough. Grease top ot dough. Cover and set in warm plaie. free from draught. lt rise until douMed in hulk. Punch down donvh and cut out rounded spoonfuls of dough w ith a tahlcsxon and drop into greased muffin pans, tilling each pan about half-full, (irease tops. Cover and let rise until doubled in bulk. Hake in a hot oven, 4.'5, about 2D minutes. Yield 20 medium-sized buns. rtinc :3 c. water, 3 tin. gran-d ucar, 1 tsp. salt and ',i c. win ; heat, stirring constant-ui!;ir and salt ar dissolved vijriemnK nifhed ; cool to Inke-1 Mwmwliile, measure into a '. '1 c. lukewarm water (ranulateil ti((ar; stir until . 11 (I '-. ilvcd. Sprinkle with 1 I Flnschniann' Koyal Fat t !rv ca,t. Ij-V stand 10 m, 1 HI-.N stir well. il cooled sugar-shortening ntix-ard stir in 1 well-lieaten eRg !lp lemon juice. Silt together CHECK TIIKE . TTFT7? I ITEMS AND , . i V I KEIXOCGS 5 CORN FLAKES, 8 oz: 2 pkgs. OQft SIN RVPE r: APPLE JUICE, 20 oz 4 tins 49 CQSe $2.89 CHEERIO t TOMATO JUICE,, 20 oz 4 tins 49 11111 .xc,fic r M I Ll coronation - per case $6.99 CHEERIO '" CUE AM C0RNy 15 oz 4 tins 49g case 2.79 v ROBIN HOOD FLOUR, 24 lb. in Tea Towel Sack .... J,79 PREM ... 2tinsg9cj 1 HaasiiBgaWaaaaaMa jam mm am earn mm earn earn Mm mm am mm am at 1 APRICOTS We suggest that customers planning to j I preserve apricots do so Immediately. According to I reports from the Okanagan, we will have jio B.C. ! , apricots this year. its fy y r n S " " -"" "i K EST JIAYS COVE j FOR WUYS AVE. S ECONOMY, QUALITY AND SERVICE ' Phone 755 Free Delivery ' ALL PRICES EFFECTIVE TO JULY 4, 1950 i j.j j j j be made at home, thus saving on son, secretary, of Pittsburgh, Pa.; labor costs. ' (Mrs, Frank H. Prouty, treasurer, All equipment made of wood,' of Denver. Coi.; Mrs. L. W. S'.ph-should be carefully sand-papered erd, director of pledge training and painted. A play-yard can be of London, Oni.; Mrs. George M. very attractive If the big objects I Hagee, director of extension, of are painted the same color a ' St; Louis, Mo.; and Mrs. T. N. Al-dark color . weathers best and ! ford, editor, of Coronado, Cal. the smaller objects, different! ..Following the initiation, a re-colors.. ' .ception honoring Mrs. Kennedy The booklet, entitled ."Equip-(was held In the lodge ballroom, ment for Outdoor. Play," contains i , several diagrams, complete with good exercse and a sense of Instructions for father to follow achievement, but it must be In building playthings for small sturdy. Children should be son or daughter. . ' : I supervised for the first few times Salt Lake Ferry SCHEDULE Leave Cow Bay Floats Daily 12 noon - ' 2:15 p.m. . 4:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. . 7:35 p.m. Sunday Continuous Service Starting 1 1 a.m. Last Boat Leaves Salt Lakes 10:00 p.m. Phorse: Green 391 Black 926 654 THE LATEST LADIES' ONE AND TWO PIECE SWIM SUITS $6.95 LADIES' SUN DRESSES AND STRAPLESS SLIPS ii n ium ptid Mixtu. PIhh Imm t mi, 4 driw alh. ijirecuons are . given ior con- .iney use uim type ui eiiuipmcuv, v, , . , j i , , , olx uutiuu ui a uiiiiiwiiis iivioc, "M" vs-j e .... m uque unv Btt m wf tm uavti Climbing : apparatus provides confidence. . CJ4i a HILDREN'S SUN AND SWIM SUITS From 1.49 DOM'S DEP T STORE A REAL VACATION AT . . . i Limberlost Lodge :i on the Queen Charlotte Islands por Adults ..: $6.00 per day", ' Children (under 12) $3.00 per day: Hunting Fishing including meals , Booting Dancing For atJSSlnd reservatiiW Tennis union steamships Swimming 611 3rd Ave. , Phone 5685 Trie Rrsf Time iou tfij this gasif. 5 -fbint. Short- Boil Waij The modern, short-boil way making jam with CERTO is BOULTER & WELTER m (Formerly B & W Transfer) Concrete, Gravel and Cement Phon Black 774 (Office) T. Norton Youngs, 3rd Avenue quick, easy and sure it's hard believe . . . until you try it! It's the natural way, too, because CERTO is fruit pectin (the natural CANNERY WORKERS - ATTENTION WOMEN'S GUM BOOTS ' . Regular $3.45 Special $2.95 ,! FAMILY SHOE STORE LTD. Phone 357 Charlie Roberts Box 63P ; ONE MINUTE BOIL - With CERTO you don't have to "boil down" your fruit to make it fret. You boil hard ONE MINUTE only. That cuts down by two third : ; the time needed for making jam the old, long-boil wayt 2 Ibf. FULLY RIPE rSUIT You use RIPE fruit at the peak of flavor and color (Long-boil recipes call ior under-ripm fruit.) The one-minute boil does not dull this lovely natural color or spoil the rip fruit taste. So your Jam keeps the taste and color of fresh fruit. 3 lbs. off SUGAR A pound of jam made with CERTO conrains m mora tugar than a pound made tha old long-boil way. , 4 oxs. off CERTO You add a half bottle (4 on.) of CCRTO to ensure the correct rari'o ol pectin to fruit and tugar for a perfect met. That ends guesswork. CERTO helps all fruits to jell perfectly. I r substance in fruit that causes it to "jell") in concentrated form. These 5 points, typical of CERTO recipes, explain how CERTO simplifies jam making. SUNBEAM AUTOMATIC MIX MASTERS New Exclusive Automatic Mix-finder and Juice Extractor The Food Mixer preferred by Women 4 Ibi. of JAM -a .1 f D 5 H y al .mj mjuv McCIory ', r 1 rnrn ELECTRIC C i' ;.Vi RANGES I I For the finest, cleanest easiest coosing m ; PRICED FROM $218.00 Trade-Ins accepted i rT" sold on ' ;J EASY BUDGET TERMa ; 1 -U- GyJUnt! ) Mc Bride St. Phone 111' I There's no "boiling down" with CERTO, you average a 50 greater yield from tha aame amount of fruit. You get about S lb, of jam where long boil recipe would only yield about 3 lbs I . one for rh .rr rP $49.75 IOIIOW th H VOU n . I II n 1 A .j t5TLy- Get AT -I I klLLAy NORTHERN B. C. POWER CO. frust Picrin Urt fur Hi took of 7t Tld Ria t SO A Ptlu1 ok Qsneral rasik ICWltO" is uosb mp vmii Owmri tpodt, lid- STEWART, B. C. PRINCE RUPERT PHONE 210 ITT