ISrftue nttpert Dafip Hftu? Wednesday, February 2, 1949 8 Span JTokSiBgff fan LADIES "A" LEAGUE STARTS FINAL THIRD DeJong's, Annettes' and Variety Store each took three games in the first session of the final third of the Ladles "A" Five-Pin Bowling League and thus V : ?. -1 v-tvic C JOHNNY COMADINA SHOWS A. BILL WHO RULES BASKETBALL COURTS Senior League Game Awarded By Forfeit to Co-op After High Coach Shows Defiance tlaailfMa: 3o per word per tnaertlun. minimum charge. Boo. Birth HoUuea; 60c; Cud of Thank Death Notices, Funeral Notice. Marriage end Engagement Announcements: $2. SPECIAL BlSPlAY. DOUBLE PKICE lajetned Advertising Is payable In advance. Please retrain from telephoning. SKIING ON MT. "' HAYS "PERFECT" Members of Club Working Enthuiasticatly on Erection of Tow Every week-end of late enthusiastic local skiiers have been packing; parts of the ski tow up Mount Hays and in about two weeks it is expected this facility will be ready for operation for their enjoyment. A great deal of effort .labor and "skiing time" is being expended in the erection of the tow. Meantime many new SKiiers have, been learning the sport and their interest and enthusiasm has been highly encouraging to all concerned. start the new frame at the top of the standing sheet. Savoy FOR KENT CARD OF THANKS i a-m- I P-m. I if!1 "' 2:00 Art,,u - I might have had the first status had they not forfeited their Mrs. Dunn and family wish to ; for RENT Single Housekeep- thank all those mho have been j so kind an ddioushUui dur first game against Orange by ins; Room. 9G0 1st West. Apply 221 5th E. (29 1 Basketball on Tuesday night brought up a situation that is the main topic of basketball fans today. Referee Comadina ordered the Senior frame forfeited to Co-op when Coach Bill of Bo-Me-Hi refused to leave the players' bench as requested. The forfeit ing their recent bereavement. appearing late. However, they did run up two games. They Semi-furnished suite. 1235 Park (30) FOR RENT two room Ave. FOR SALE played off their first game af- stemmed irom a toial decision witn wnicn nni unagreed. After an explanation of maker for the team. Eric Myore. FOR RENT New fullv modern three roomed aoartment. FOR SALE 1941 Chrysler Wiml-. hot 4 door Sedan and fluid drive. With Automatic Transmission. Privately o vv n e d. Price $1800.00 for quick sale. Phone Red 154. (311 equipped with electric stove nml refrigerator. Down town up from Merchants oi me m-termwtintes. ulaveel the whole ton. 3;30-Jr. Oiris , Class. I ,6:30 Boy3 0r j Hour " T-,, T;r- Niiiht. Sth,,ul M, 4:00. Hish S0 Ho. 2 B'-skeili4 V 5:()0-l():oo The membership of the club ! location References required. Aoplv Room 3. Stone Building, phone Red alJ3 during offcie hours. ttfl MAY STAKE CROWN-Joe Louis, world's heavyweight champion, says at Orlando, Florida, that he may lay his world's champion, hip title on tlie line one mote. H sc -iv will be the last time a-.d I mean It this time," he says. His manager says tnat Louis may fight the last, his twenty-sixth title bout, in June If the box oiflce appeal is right. His opponent will be either Lee Savold or E.:ard Charles with perhaps "an tl4- FOR SALE Two cook ranges, one oil. other coal and wood. Green 828. (33) WANTED the penalty the coach continued his talking and was penalized with a technical foul and a warning to stop. Ke tkl not and then was ordered to leave the bench. He refused and the forfeit resulted. At the time there was about four minutes remaining in the game with the score in favor of Co-op CO to 43. The game at guard, showed up well and came through with six points. The place of Macphee at centre was taken by Domy-nato who came through with several hook shots that took the opposition by surprise. The absence of Macphee did not lessen the effectiveness of the team on WANTED TO RENT House or Anartment with three bed ter the session but, even though ; they had a higher score for it than did Orange, it did not ! count in the standings, i Annette's bowled the high team score with 2,780. High individual scoring hon-jors went to A. McMeekin of i Annettes who bowled 273 for single game and to A. Pierce of ' DeJongs whose three-game total I was 701, averaging 234. j DeJohg's' 3, Scuby's 0. I Annettes 3, Mansons 0. j Variety 3, Westview 0. I Gordon and Anderson 2, Talt and odowes 1. ' Savoy 2, Orange 1. is steadily increasing and, with the completion of the ski tow, there should be even more members. Skiing conditions during the past two weeks are described as having been "perfect," both from tlie standpoint of weather and snow. I si FOR SALE '37 Pontiac, Rood running condition. Owner must sacrifice, leaving town. . Blue 113 evenings. (3ii FOR SALE Violin and case at reasonable price. Black 718. (321 p.m. tJi-idne c. neien.r ui um-.,c. with all official score is 2-0 i-w -Bixitl rooms, furnace if possible. Phone 842. (27i WANTED- Car batteries, car radiators, brass and copper; paving good pi ices See B.C. FURNITURE CO.. Black 324. WANTED - Oil or electric kitchen stove, friaidaire. kitchen table, chairs. Box 485. Daily Srs. (29J WANTED TO RENT 4 Or 5 room unfurnished house or apartment. Phone Green 823. (32) iminatlon fight to - see gets a shot at the title." Bo-Me-Hi was very wean on rebounds and shooting. They pot the shots but could not 7:30 8:30 ! .scoring being put into the records. Co-ops were never behind as n p b. FO RSALE New radio cabinet combination, reasonable. 39- ... 40- Dodge Panel, very good. Black686, write Box 1553.1 32 1 -FOR SALE Canner and pres- - sure cooker with 3 pots. Cum- - plate. $;8.00. 817 9th Ave. W. evenings. (31 1 with them. Flaten ana they steam rollereri with sharp j s('ore HOCKEY SCORES Pacific Coast I.eaeue Vancouver 5, New 3. Fresno 3, Oakland 1. Spring were the mainsprings of the team. The loss of Don ' I) 11 JONG'S 154 159 123 798 83 m 134 590 D. DJbb a. Hnrtwig G. Thaia ... P. Wallace Totals .... Piche Scherk was keenly indicated a: Pierce 149 17 171 shooting and smooth teamwork. Lindsay led the way as he racked up 25 points during the night. He was ably helped in scoring by Beynon who turned in a smooth game and was the play 161 2.i9 14S 92 208 8U5 none of the players Coach Bill l"n 102 H 1411 ') I I"'1 1 I 199 jf 800 1 T FOR SALE Model A Coupe in good condition. Phone Black 190. - (32i TAFT Si ODOWES - 151 V. Wrathall a. a ay s 849 J J. Nowak 07 F. McKinnon 199 Classified advertising brings results. 199 240 103 113 2M 87j 185 U2 192 208 178 833 Totals . ... ' SCUBY'S J. Thornton UUeV 1J1LO II1C fctiwu niiii- through with any great amount of scoring. Co-oo took 85 shots and 172 187 153 191 103 8m D. Nelson 192 G. Maundrell 184 K. Held Ho Totals 817 181 lOti 189 W. hieeves 192: 139 I 159 145 1 no ,i on tiwi ,..,,,,,. i a ,,f id (j Van Meer FOR SALE Half interest in small business as a going con-ceisn, Apply Box 234, City. (27 KR SALE Radio. Automatic Record Changer and : records. Guitar, English Pram, like new. 613 3rd Ave. West. Phone Green 780. Ufi HI I P WANTED WANTED Stenographer, Wallace's Dept. Store. Interviewing Fri. Feb. 4 and Sat. 5. After 3 p.m. (29) WANTED A reliable man to sell Rawleigh Products in Prince Rupert and surrounding district. No experience needed to start. Write today. Ruwleigh's Dept. WG-B-lliii-189. Winnipeg. Man. tHi 1VOKK WANTED IJ. i .. (iDUDON & ANDERSON - IHAT IS . ... 173 Hit 10 f I 187 742 h , S. Ramsay l-VVQ throws. BO-We-lll lOOh. U( jj lj.u-K shots and made 15. They made. Totals i. burner B. Smith U7 155 21)1 137 20H 8a7 ijq L. Anderson 173 ii C Barrie io; MANSON'S T. i.-.i B. eowiiill B. Ruduerham l ciich D. kudderliam half of their 26 penalty shots. I X TMC . ll TV. In the Intermediate game Fashion came thiough with another win although liny were -FOR SALE Beatty Washing Machine, in good condition, stainless steel tub. Price $90 tm. Phone Green 730. (27! 182 109 1117 125 13 75 WITHOUT A 1M 108 Ml 872 ORANGE E. Mulder F. V.m Horn C. Willson .... j. AlHV 91 114 87 103 170 185 130 123 14U 754 185 144 210 104 2H3 9G6 .GARDEN? Riven a hard battle for near.y ANNETTES three quarters of the game by M. Montgomery WORK WANTED Young man requires full or part time position. Scne bookkeeping experience and knowledge of stores and payroll work. Box 482, Daily News. 127 142 U7 118 79 85 471 FOR SALE Furniture. Hard-war and Office Fixtures. Used Typewriters. Underwoods in best condition. Office Chairs, 3-piece Chesterfield, 152 148 M. Windle 128 G. Wilkins Totals o-i 181 100 273 200 147 907 A. McMeekin 17(5 t. Smith 193 iJ. DicKens l id Totals 847 PEkSO.HAl HOTBED OUTSIDE WINDOW HANDY AND INEXPENSIVE Even the smallest garden can A few hours spent this winter Stone's, who went down to a 37-27 defeat. The game was close during the first half with the teams playing on even terms. The half ended 15-14 for Fashion. The second half prwgressed to 21-21 before Stone's slowed down and eaJned on their defence. SAVOY MncPhee 1 55 E. Knutsen 151 1 P. Menies lai L. Erickson 205 tCiktlmn li!9 Totals 795 Stoves for wood and coal. Ki-, ectric Ranges. Slightlv Used Radios, Electric and Battery! Sets, New Cups and Saucers,' Congoleum Squares, Hot Plates, Pressing irons and 1 Toasters. Also other house-1 hold useful articles. See BC. 171 129 1J2 202 142 706 PERSONA LDRUO SUNDRIES (rubber goods i twelve samples for 50c postpaid in plain seal 19'Ji .,.) ' 130 ,v 17U .0 101 m B h i ; . v. V H r' " 1 ""- 817 j mi 0 1 3" ed wrapper, catalogue in eluded. General Novelty Co., Dr0fit from a hot-bed in which on a good plan for your home 196 194 171 192 129 882 Dept. 'PR', 71 Major St.. Tor vegetable garden may cut the FURNITURE CO. Black 324. (tf) VARIETY I. Kristiansson i. LVKt'uaarJ K. Kam.iav R. Christianson F. G'cmbeiia Totals WLSTVIEW M. Fivnn A. Parker LAIHtfS' V I.K.-U-jI K STANDINGS I (Lastthird of schedule I no l 185 149 190 . 94 198 810 114 122 161 149 164 162 165 801 251 111 plants can be started week3 earlier than seeds can be sown in fast md s:"t onto. Ont. (50) DRESSMAKING DONE Phone time required to tend it next ; Fashion moved summer right in half, while giv- j up several quick baskets t ing as large an output, and Of; (Cnm.mi.erl on Pa-re 5) .'Annettes 3 231 Variety 3 00 Savovs 2 TOR SALE Vacuum Cleaner, good condition. Also 2 lots on . Ambrose Ave. facing Dry Dock. Phone Red 710. (30 1 outdoors. The plants you grow cost a fraction of those purchased in the market. Most economical In space, cost Black 990. 140 9th East. (3D MACHINERY" Foii SALE TO SAW better lumber more economically use the modern Detoer quality. How is that possible? By reducing waste of land, and of FOR SALE . New Hollvwood " Gordon St Anderson 2 mer, if you make enough sowing short-harvest crops which home Jarije Odo'es j of them; and plan them so that j gardens are likely to grow. Westview Z 0 one short harvest follows an-1 In the table Column 1 shows . Scubvs 0 nhf finH ac ainn ilitv ha. ! 1 bp rl'lvc if rpnnirac a UflubtnK1 MailSOnS 0 nrtfl nil-1 1 1 rl n I Ivna MatifAnal and upkeep, is a hot-bed buili Portable hawmiiis manufac- around a window opening from your harvest, which the lack of a careful plan so often alluws. V Company Limited. Vancouver. I a heated basement, preferably bed, slightly used spring filled mattress. Full size, price $40. H2 Piggot Place, no phone (29l FOR SALE 28 ft. gasboat. 5 h. p. Easthope. Apply 625 Ave. West. (29) When too much space is used, i ii i- i i ii i i i ii i t " H i i - i ii r B C. ttfl MKTAL WORK gins to deteriorate in the first , to reach table size, from seed sowing, you can begin- pit-kin ; sown In the garden. Since there1 top quality beans, or beet-;, or 'are quick and slow growing var-1 sweet corn, from the next, and it ties of most vegetable?, look In a south window. In front of the window make a shallow excavation, about a foot deep. The size must be figured carefully, so that a frame set in this excavation pan be covered by window or hot-bed sash. As in the case and you grow more of many vegetables than required, the surplus is likely to be wasted. The time it has taken to produce this surplus, the seed and fertiliser used upon it, are also wasted. PLUMBING Installations and Repairs. SHEET METAK WORK. Tar and Gravel Roof-iiij;. Letourpeau & Sons. 629 Sixth Wwt. Phone 543. (tfi so on until frost interrupts the your see"d catalogue to find the 1 I I 1 I r-r-J to U't as m I i sequence. t time required by the varieties you ! I w ill sow. To plan the correct number of sowings, and determine how far; Column 2 gives the time a crop apart to make them, give a fewl'cmains in good condition for of other hot-beds a glass sub-' stitute may be used on the sash. Careful planning will enable you to reduce your garden area BASKETBALL TIME-TABLE bu me-apace winun, 11 Kepi, ousy i minutes siuuy oi me table shown throughout the season, will grow herewith. It lists twelve of the if desired. Build a frame to fit in the excavation. The sides must slant sharply from a point above the window, almost to the ground. Fit the sash on this FOR SALE Sealed tenders will ... be received ov the undersign-i i ed at the Court House. Prince Rwuert. no to noon of Tuesday. February 22. for the pur-" chase of a building known as Fraser Hotel, situated on Lot 40, Block 6. Subd. n L. 4044. Plan 1251. Cassiar District. All bids should be accompanied by a certified cheque or inonev order for the fuil amount of the tender. The higTiest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Terms: Strictly Cash. Upset price $200. Sale of the building is subject to its removal from the site within six months from the dale of sale. The said site is to be left in clean, sale and sjoi-tary conditions. G. F. FORBES. Government Asent, Court House, Prince Rupert, R O (30) PLANTING DATA for VEGETABLE PLOT frame, using hinges at the top Tebruary 5 Worth Star and Rupert Hotel, Peoples and Miller Bay, Co-op and Brownwoods, Morgans and High, School. February 8 Kinsmen and High School, High School and Doms, Stones nad Merchants, Savoy and Bo-Me-Hi. February 12 Rupert Hotel so the sash may easily be raised UPTOWN SERVICE SIfi for ventilation. Earth may be banked around the frame to keep the table. Column 3 gives the .space in a garden row to produce one serving for a family of four. If beans are to be served twice a week, for example, since one sowing of beans provides a harvest for four weeks, eight feet in the row will produce all the beans the family can use from one sowing. A new crop thould be ready every four weeks through the garden season, to keep the table supplied all summer. Of most crops enough sowings fhould be made to insure a sixteen weeks' harvest, which will carry you into October. 2nd and MrRritle OR - ( out the cold; and the sides should be as tight as possible to and HH,h School, Morgans and keep out the wind. . Fashion, Brownwoods and Bo- The frame may have to be Me-Hi, Miller Bay and Doms. February 15 Kinsmen ar caulked, where it joins the CAL NEW ROYAL HOTEL VEGETABLE I DAYS TO I HARVEST FROmI GROW FOR 4 CROP 1 TABLE SIZE 1 SOWING LASTS PORTION SERVING Vp'j - 45-S3 4- WEEKS I FOOT BEETS 55-80 6 WEEKS I I FOOT 60-80 8 WEEKS I 2 FEET CUCUMBERS 45-75 A WEEKS 2 FEET ENDIVE T 70-90 6 WEEKS FOOT KOHLRABI 60 3 WEEKS 2 FEET TURNIPS pQ 0-7S 2 WEEKS I J-i FEET (lfSPtmCH 40-SO 2 WEEKS 3 FEET COfflr ' 65-105 10 DAYS 4 FEET ikkSBTS 21 4 WEEKS I FOOT PEAS 60-75 2 WEEKS 3 FEET Qf' 25 I WEEK i" FOOT ffS li 2WEEKS IMTEK 6Q 6 WEEKS I FOOT CUT THIS OUT AMD PASTE OH CARDBOARD FOR REFERENCE HOMES FOR SALK 7 with 4 rooms (priced -from $190O-$2700). 2 with 5 roms (Priced from $2800-$4500i. 3 with 6 rooms (Priced from $33OO-$iO.000i. All these homes are modern and occupancy can be had immediately in most cases. Before you build or buy check our pin point map of the city showing property for sale. ARMSTRONG AGKNCIES Phone 342 Eves. Green 297 North Star, High School air j Peoples, High School a n Stones, Savoy and Co-op. February 19 North Star and I High School, Peoples and Doms, Co-op and Bo-Me-Hi, Merch-. ants and Morgans. February 22 Kinsmen and Rupert Hotel, High School and i Miller Bay, Fashion and High V.IUM S PROW A Home Away From Home 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water . PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. Phone Ml P.O. Boi lttfl . i, y SFRVK SAAN Plumbing 4 foundation to prevent drafts, otherwise it is built like the garden type, using a standard or odd size sash as you choose. Heat is supplied to this bed by opening the basement window, and allowing the heated basement air to enter the bed. The window is left open at night and may be closed during the day. when the sun is shilling on the bed. Hotbeds of this type have been tried and tested, and although they do not maintain temperatures as high as other kinds the heat will be more even, and the ventilation much better. The main things to watch are temperature and drafts. Ventila- 1 1 Srhool, Savoy and Brownwoods. -v . THIS AND THAT iPji : ' 'fit Jr ) It's the Rex Cafe ... for Tasty Meals Chop fiuey Chow Mein all the vegetables you can use. The reduced space will probably be better kept, and can be twice as well fed with the same amount tion is necessary on warm days, ' 01 plant food, which will insure and for very short periods on 1 ear'y. heavier yields, of superior Rex Bowling Alley Open to general public Saturday and Sunday afternoons and evenings. Monday Tuesday and Thursday evenings after 9 o'clock. quality. cooler days. Chinese Dishes a Specially Second Avenue opposite Prince Rupert H 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 a.m. - Phone 173 for Out The vegetablei which require special thought are the ones It Is no more difficult to grow plants indoors from seed than it which give a short harvest. They is to bake a cake. But just as are also the earliest ones u-hieh Important to follow instructions, may begin to yield in May, or If you undertake to do it, read June; but which for the very the directions well. Ormes Dr reason that they are early, are at their best table quality only a few short weeks. Unless you DRUGS PRESCRIPTION CHEMISE ' plan your sowings carefully, you are likely to have altogether toe-many during this first brief har-i vest, and then pass the rest of j the summer with none at all. STORE HOURS WEEK-DAYS, 9 A.M. TS HOLIDAYS -12 NOON SUNDAYS A.n WANTED - Empty Beer Bottles CITY TRANSFER WILL COLLECT THEM AT YOttl DOOR CARTONED OR LOOSE WE PAY CASH PHONE 950 7 P.M. TO 9 P M CityMerchants City merchants are askea In future to have copy for all display advertisements mtu the Daily News office by "4 p.m. of the day previous to their publication. T!ils co-operation will greatly assist the mechanical department In keeping to the regular hour for publication. Emergency till ..ID n .dlUT Snap beans, beets, carrots, lettuce and endive, kohlrabi, tur-ntps, spinach, onions from sets, and radishes are the principal ones. Some can only be grown in the early summer and fall, because they will not grow well In hot weather. But many can be enjoyed throughout the sum- .. Aot" 7l B.C. o'- Dlly car dellry ervlce from 9 a.m. till 6 p.m. and Sdl I "I should worry. It's not mine. It still belongs to the finance company." I hit tdvtrtucmenl it not publiihtd or ditpUy td by nS Liquor Control Board or ' ty iht ol Biiliih Columbi. PHONE 81