PRfcVlr.'CIAL LI3?.A3Y, TICT03IA, 3. C. cnr.iEs DRUGG LAY 31,-49; r 0 v r r ; Daily Deliven NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER CABS Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest." PHONE 81 VOL. XXXVIII, No. 27. PRINCE RUPERT, 3.C., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY, 2, 1949 PRICE FIVE CENTS I: eraier Stalk Sen iivfatki IV Truman For meeting Would Have C.N.R. HELPS WILL THEY AGREE? 'jj PANS br tax Session Behind Pleads Health BUllEnNS T Iron Curtain; SAVE JUICE SeVcnty-I'ivo Percent Curtailment in Vancouver VANCOUVER "Realizing the seriousness of the present power shortage on the Lower Mainland The House-approved nt tax on halibut skkrable difference For Inability To Come Over GREEN URGES . PACIFIC PACT OTTAWA Howard Oreeu (P-C, Vancouver South) told Parliament that he considered there was risk of the Pacific Coast becoming more of a danger zone than the Atlantic and. because of this possibility, the United Nations should sanction a North Pacific as well as North Atlantic pact. Mr. Green did not suggest when, or under what circumstances, danger on The tax is contained lS.scd in the Alaska ,rgc of the Juneau we hove issued instructions to PARIS (CP) Prime Minister Joseph Stalin today invited President Truman to meet him in Russia, Poland or Czechoslovakia. The invitation was extended in a telegram, sent to the Paris office of the International News Service. The telegram was reproduced STALIN of RUSSIA !rce vessels lo rrmcc DAYLIGHT SAVING? VANCOUVER If the electric power shortage continues day-., light saving may be resorted to In Vancouver. With cold weather continuing, the power situation is no belter and drastic restrictions went into effect last night. There was more snow with a southwest gale last night. ST. LAURENT ON ELECTION OTTAWA Prime Minister St. Laurent hinted today that the genrral election may not take place for several months. He told a press conference that his colleagues were happy in the west in a special edition of the evening newspaper, b ranee , '. ) ' j V' Si 1 l li'li i i i the North Coast might develop. miad concurred, aid cost less to out-Rupert 'here food. soir. all departments of the Canadian National system in this- area to cut, the use of electrical energy to the Ion possible minimum." .aid J P. Johnson, vice-president of the National system's western region, before his departure on Tuesday night for his Winnipeg headquarters following an inspection tour hert. "Th;re'll be a lot of climbing in our Vancouver sta BIG ADDITION TO L.l ftuuld cost less. EDMONTON HOTEL MacKinnon, busl-,11 that, if the bill it would work h EDMONTON M. A. Metcalf, every meiciiuni. m vice-president of the Canadian National Railways, announces ka. RAIL BLOCKADE INTENSIFIES COAL SHORTAGE Scores of Prince Rupert householders are keeping anxious eyes on their dwindling coal piles and, at the same time. the Dominion government has pproved a recommendation by RS HERE Stalin offered to meet Truman either in Moscow, Kaliningrad, Odessa and Yalta "wherever the President chooses" or, alternatively, in Poland or Czechoslovakia if there are objections to a meeting in the Soviet Union. Stalin said that, although he had wanted to go to Washington for a long time, he had been advised medically against a long sea or air Journey. A White House spokesman at Washington said today that Truman had not changed his position against leaving United States to see Stalin. So far, it was reported that Stalin had sent no direct invitation to JLP MILL tion until the .situation is im-oroved" said Mr. Johnson, "as eitvator service has been cut f oiii ri"ht Vans io two-end-r,:iha!f how.-; r':i:v. Exhaust fans, ccach chareine generators, meters and, of course, all tvpes of liRhfuif ivMtfeand outside will be usrd very sparingly. Fac- r the C.N.R. board of directors to build a four millipn dollar extension to the Macdonald Hotel here. TRAINS TO MOVE ,n ine uLtnui hoping fervently for resumption Colnucse Corpora - . nca lor w en-- of railway service Into the city which will bring carloads of new $25,000,000 null and were looking forward to an interesting session. N.W.T. PLANi t RASH YELLOWKNIFE Pilot Grant Ford and Henry Dennis and Thomas Lee, mining wen, arc dead as a result of the crash of a plane an the south shore of Great Slave Lake. The plane had been missing since January 22. The wreck was located yesterday. POWER FROM B.C. OLYMPRI Storage of water in the Arrow Lakes may solve i il'.tics at our Port Mann shops In - 1 AGAIN THURSDAY .tod. Port Edward.! Smithers Has $30,000 Fire Garage Building Is Destroyed Theatre Has A Close Call iijps Mam aou n. Noon tomorrow has now been arrived in the city I on tnc lJriiire. ku- set as the time for the departure of the naxt train for the cluding water pumps, compress-' ors, electric welders and drill! exhaust fans, lighting etc., are all affected. "In some cases," continued Mr. Johnson, "lh; reduction in power will be os hih as seventy- iancouver, arcom- badly needed fuel. ' City coal dealers have been cleaned of their stocks as a result of freezing temperature levels and have been unable to renew them this week because of the rail blockade which resulted from last Sunday's rork blast, at Holc-ln-the-Wall. About 20 carloads of coal are East following the blockade of Washington for a meeting with the President to discuss United States-Russian differences. l.idr tamiues j-vmi the line during the last few days ollowing a large blast which was mi Johnson have :um Mexico where put off three miles west of Sal- five percent which we are happy t,-, fit, iv r ttv Ifinralily mnrp th3!l the power shortage of the Pa A $:J0,000 fire visited the been engaged in Weekly Wage Rate vus station on Sunday. Railway l ivith the construc- reported to be standing on sid offices forecastthls morning that the thirty percent requested by main street of Smithers at the authorities 14 o'clock this morning, ae- Hits High Record temporary track will have cific Northwest, it was suggested in the state legislature yesterday. END OF DIFFERENTIAL VANCOUVER May Charles ings at Terrace unable to roll westward until the line U cleared. "And before I buve." said Mr. cording to advice at lH'O- tsen laid by tomorrow after 1 i.iiiUir plant for the fcorporatiui). Then: ime 80 men workhiK inland, most of them i camp construction i OTTAWA The average weekly wage of hourly paid workers in Canadian manufacturing noon so that trains could pass. johnson with a, twinkle in his ( yincial police headquar- Railway authorities hope to This would permit the train due It eye, "here s mis ram- , Wp. The neetaeular reached a record high of $11.16 have the line cleared In time to from the East to get through) parched district several days of Waze lcslroyed an oid garage I i permit train movement by noon without delay at that point. the r,ood old liquid sunshine." X I in November. , A new high for hourly earnings of 45.5 was also had been used by Wil-l which Thursday. PRESIDENT TRUMAN OF UNITED STATES Thompson last night forecast the end of the mountain differential' in railway freight rates "before thjs month .is, "out." He termed the differential as "old atl archaic' 1 ham Vinson as a second hand ?Srtre and by. nUief. persons Jor the storage of cars! Building and all the contents were de shown. The previous weekly top was $40.68. In November W47 it was $36.34 in 1948 $30.91 and in 1945 $30.31.' WET SNOW COSTS DRIVER O FDEATH INCOME TAX CUT SOUGHT VALDEZ $25,000 MANY WORKERS FEELING PINCH Jobs Curtailed as Result if Cut in Vancouver Power LOOKS FOR MORE stroyed. Valiant efforts of fire fighters saved the nearby moving picture theatre. VALDEZ A five-foot fall of wet snow has cost this city about $23,000. It's weight resulted in FLOODS IN 1949 Quebec Member Would Remove i . f I f VANCOUVER H. T. Mitchell. retiring president of the Van the collapse of the roofs of a business block, a warehouse, an airplane hangar and a store Plane travel was disrupted. couver Board of Trade, in hia DENIES STATEMENT OTTAWA W alter Harris, Parliamentary assistant to Prime Minister St. Laurent, denied yesterday that' he had said in a speech at Branti'ord that there might be war with Russia wjlhin three months. The House rejected 133 to 55 a resolution by Leader of the Opposition George Drew that there be an emergency debate on defence matters. CAR SURRENDERS TORONTO (CP) A 49-year-old barber, unable to sleep and too nervous to work, yesterday ended a police search by giving himself up. The police had sought the driver of a car which Saturday night killed W'illiam Miller, 21, and injured a 19-year old girl friend. He decided to give himself up when he heard that his girl friend's leg might be amputate. HOW POLITICAL TIMES CHANGE OTTAWA Wncii Rt. Hon. report, warned that there is a possibility, in view of general snow conditions ,oi anotner 724,000 Persons From Rolls OTTAWA 0) Fifty percent reduction in personal income taxes was urged yesterday in Parliament by Roland Beaudry, Liberal, Montreal. He said the government could afford to cut taxes in half. Beaudry's plan would remove 724,000 persons from the tax rolls bv chaneine exemptions. He flood this year. Because of this he urged -that a substantial VANCOUVER CP-r A Vancouver newspaper last night estimated that $270,000 weekly wa?:.s will bo lost by Lower Mainland industrial workers as a result of thy 30 percent cut In h-dustrial power consumption wh'eh started at, midnight. About 21.000 of the area's 53,-workers are expected to feel the punch Pew lay-offs are predicted but working hours will b2 reduced as much as twelve hours per week. (William Lyon MacKenzie King, part of the fund, available .for relief purposes, be held in caso an emergency arises If it does not, then the money can apply further to the 1948 flood vie- . tims. ALASKA PASSES NEW FISH TAX JUNEAU, U The Alaska House yesterday passed the bill to tax raw fish. It carries provision for a four per cent tax on canning salmon ,the taxing value to be 50 per cent of the average wholesale price of Seattle brokers. The halibut tax will be one 'APTURED Sam urged the income exemption (twenty percent of the taxpayer's earned income) be added to the basic exemption. The exemption would apply on incomes l in Canada as a BIG JOB It takes 330 men' with 30 trucks three weeks to deliver all the phone books in New York. The largest customer a hotel 2,500 copies Hungary Becomes 'People's Republic' BUDAPEST (P The Republic of Hungary, on its third anniversary, yesterday became a "people's republic." The Nation now sitting as private member, first entered the House of Commons forty years ago, the political complexion of the House was vastly different from what it is today. Liberals and Conservatives monopolized electoral support. The House comprised only three members listed as "Independent;?." In terms of percentages, figures show that in 1909 the Liberal representation of 133 accounted for GO percent, of the total membership, while the Conservative strength of 85 wa-s it, the ratio of 36 percent. if in th eSoviet spy 'll 1015, was ar-iNcw York last Wed- Flil. ai-ents. The ' relary of the Can- MADAME CHIANG IN SECLUSION NEW YOiiii -Madame Chiang Kai-Shek is in seclusioB here at the home of her sister, Madame II. II. Kung. She could up to $7500 for single persons and $10,000 for married. The maximum exempUon for single persons would be $1500 and for married, $2,000. northeast of Halifax. The unfortunate pilot was Lieut. Thomas Coultry of Dartmouth fimuiiist imuiiist jjarty jjarty Is is ac- per cent with the same for salmon and butter clams for non-canning purposes. al Front of, name of the coalition of comniunist-domlnatrd parties in the government, was r c n a m e d the People's Front of Independence. iting Y'tiwi as rrcrui I Soviet spies a IK nd of ilnfitrnir.l "itiMiiiiiUon i.... to .. the j not be reached for comment or j interview on the retirement of her husband as president of THE WEATHER I 'vcrnnicnt. I (CP Photo) TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co. Ltd.) China. Madame ChiaiV' hua Synopsis :W - . '.,4 - . 0 'Mr , ,J,w7.-.. f. Light snow fell over the south i - SUDBURY WOLVES BEATEN AGAIN ern British Columbia coast as an i active storm centre moved clown Vancouver Bayonne flown I rum China to Washing; ton to seek aid for China, without success. Her sister's husband had been a high-ranking in the Kuomintang government and is now in the service of the Bank of China. the coast durlne the night. STOCKHOLM (CPi-Sudbury IS DRAGGED TO DEATH BY CHUTE SHIP HARBOR, Nova Scotia, CP' A Navy lighter pilot was dragged to death yesterday when a parachute caught on the tail of a plane as ho tried to jump clear of a doomed plane. Bralorne 9 940 10 l'm ta Soulhrastr-rlv winds of near gale Wolves, Canada's repre tives in the international hockey B. R. Con Jt B. R. X Cariboo Quartz 1.45 145 championships which begin today, lost an cxliibition match to Sweden 4 to 2 yesterday. It was the scroll dlhne Sweden had Congress .054 05 force accompanied the storm over southern coastal waters but these are decreasing In the wake of the storm this morning. Oradually clearing skies are expected along the coast this af Hedley Mascot The cubic capacity of a hippopotamus' stomach is equal to about six bushels. ; The plane had caught tire in Uhe air and crashed 35 miles beaten them. Pend C. N. R. VICE - PRESIDENT Tells of electric conservation measures in Vancouver. ternoon and tonight. In the interior of the province the weather remains generally cloudy with scattered snow flurries. Colder Premier Border Privateer i " ' it Reno Sheep Creek Sllbak Prem Taku River Vananda i i Aumaque 37 .064 Seattle 58 ' Bevcourt .31 .03',2 Bobjo 13V2 .1212 Buffalo Canadian 14y2 Consol. Smelters 110.50 Conwest 1-27 .00 Donalda 55 '.08 Eldona - .68 5.95 East Sullivan 2.96 3.60 Giant Yellowknife .... 5.90 .04 God's Lake - .47 .19 Hardrock .19 3.05 Harricana 09i" .06','2 Heva H 1.50 Hosco .26 'z .48 "2 Jacknife '. 05 . .35 Joliet Quebec 42 .37 Lake Rowan ..X OG'i .16 Lapaska 08' .06 Vi Little Long Lac .93 Lynx 13 4.90 Madsen Red Lake 2.85 .23 McKenzle Red, Lake 41 .75 McLeod Co-kshutt J.14 .41 Moneta 49 6.00 Negus 2.45 1.25 Noranda 58.00 12.50 Louvicourt .402 .14 ,2 Pickle Crow 2.22 1.36 Regcourt - .07 2.70 San Antonio 4.30 .32 Senator Rouyn 46 .10 Sherrit Gordon 2.22 .18Vi Steep Rock j 1.60 Sturgeon River ..a.... .18 .13 Silver Miller , 33 Spud Valle Oils- weather Is expected over most of the province o"n Thursday. Forecast . Queen Charlottes and North Coast Clear and cold along the mainland. Elsewhere cloudy, occasionally overcast. Scattered snow flurries today, tonight and Thursday morning, clearing Thursday afternoon. Winds northeast ?0 m.p.h.h Colder-Lows tonight and highs Thursday -At Port Hardy 30 and 38, Massctt 28 and 38, Trincc Rupert 25 and 35. li M P 's "CROOKS" x IN s !Y,)i. C.C.P. mem-' ft V " , ; X , flrl' lire in the limwn f'lnns for u Anglo Cam A. P. Con. Atlantic ... Calmont ... C. & E Central Le Home. Oil Mercury .. ' i tnTIf -tniM-nf i -: r-'--iiii - in - f u r jfiiMiwiiiiiMi a political rally in "ly last July. James Liberal member for 'r Nurlh, asked that ,p unsealed since he 'rk(i to have said In h Commons members blnch of crooks." ,as declined to with-' r"iiark. (CP Photo i Pacific Pete Princess Royal Canadian .. South Brazeau Toronto Athoua LOCAL TIDES Thursday, February 3, 1949 High 4:31 193 rect '., 16:33 17.8 feet Low ; 10:43 7.3 feet " ..,!'. 22:43 4 feet VISITINO DISTRICT Bernard Allen, general manager of Canadian National for British Columbia. HEADING FOR FAR EAST The Canadian destroyer Crescent is being sent to the Far East for use in event of emergency. Disturbed conditions in the east led to the action, Defence Minister Claxton said. The Crescent, shown in this Royal Canadian photo, sailed from Esquimau today She Is well known in Prince Rupert. (CP Photo)