mat mm mm m mmnm jounce Unpen Oailp rectus JLto. Tuesday, March 9, 1948 The Daily News Boys Kn Independent daily newspap v devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert nd all communities eom)-'.ig northern and central British Columbia. (Authorized as Stcond Mail. Post Office Department. Ottawa) Publih9d every afternoon except Sunday by Princ 1 P ft Dally News Ltd.. 3rd Avenue. Prince Rupert, British Columbia. G. A. 1 UKTER. Managing Editor. H. G. PERRY. Managing Director. MEMBER Of CANADIAN PRESS ATJDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILT NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION ANNETTE MANSELL DRESS SALON Ul'STAlRS IN STONE BUILDING 1, - It I. 'ft "V"1 SUBSCRIPTION RATES City Carrier, per wmK. 16c: Per Month. 5c; Per Tear, 7.00; By Mall, Per Month, 40c; Per Year, MOO. tfT: : v. Jt j WILLIAM JEFFREY HAS ONE OF TOUCHEST BEATS BUT DOES IT DEPENDABLY Historic Hazelton is Bill Jeffrey's home town but he has spent six of his thirteen years in Prince Rupert so there isn't much of the interior dust left on his feet now. For a hobby Bill likes to work with wood but when it comes to choosing a life occupation he names S" rUMIIIHI SPRING STYLE PRESENT) ANXIOUS DAYS OI- INDIES' WEAR FRO the mechanical trade. Fishing HE3 DEPENDABLE' I HE I -LADING EASTER' MANUI- ACnjRERs I xrv MARSHALL ATTENDS UNESCO SEMINAR -U. S. Secretary of State George C. Marshall, left, made xu unscheduled mx-ar-anc( before the U. S. national commission meeting in Washington, D. C, to pivc his endorsement to the work they are doii as part of the United Nations educational, scientific and cultural organization. Dr. Milton S. Eisenhower, right, is rhnirmin of the group holding a seminar to meet charges made by countries "behind iron curtain." EVENINGS OF Tuesday. Man; Wednesday, CAPITOL THEATRE for sport is one of his favorite pastimes but he doesnt have any urge to enter the commercial field. Perhaps he has had too much of the water. Bill ont tell overboard from the lamily boat while it wu at Carlisle; Cannery. Fortunately for him there was a xope dangling over the side and with H be was able, to climb back on the dok. Another sport that Bill engages in is boring And, as n member of the Civic lnu, he has access to facilities lor phvs-: ical training. Beading is a lavarite iorm of self-entertaiujnent to Bill and wiiile most rf the books he reads IMPACT, arising from Russia's apparent THE resolution to increase her sphere of power and impose her communistic system on the world, is nearing. The line is about to be drawn. Joseph Stalin is extending himself as far and as quickly as possible. Czechoslovakia, the cradle of democracy, has succumbed to coercion and Finland may be the next to fall. Events are shaping that way. Meanwhile events are considered so urgent that Britain, France, Belgium,, the Netherlands and Luxembourg are speeding their economic and military alliance. It may not result in a fighting war but it might be an economic conflict and a serious one. These are anxious days and the possibilities are discomfiting. Even nations whieh normally cherish and preserve their neutrality to the last ditch are deeply concerned. The next short time should tell. I Jow Aniituhle! whatUty Council Did . . . Tabled a letter from the at the first of the year. Cost as B.C. Fire Chiefs Association an- less than $6,000. Newspapemoy' Margaret IN NEW or; K(KM 10 fj KTnvr I are on the light side, be bal-1 ances things nj by Ktudying one of the world's greatest ollfc-Uons of literature aid bestseller the Bible. October, has one of the toughsl rtiruWK in the -ity. It is an up nouncing a fire "co;iet;e" to be held at Kelowna this .spring and inviting heads of the local lire department to take part in the Instructional course. t ' . . . Approved a recommendation of the utilities committee that a street light, presently lo-:cuUd at the corner of Hays Cove Avenue and Eighth Av and downhill beut that takes in Edward all of Eleventh Avenue aiu' A student of King W II.IMNG 1 ( N T. W f P 110 Sf, . School, Bill is in Grade &. Sl-rbrooke with a good luiif ON CAPITALISM . . . Approved the granting of the following trade licences as icixirted by the licencing committer: A. J. Bussanlch and P. Knutson. hardware; S. J. and A. J. DominaU), shn and ready-to-wear; Michael uus-si. piano tuning and rejiairing. ... On recommendation of the Buard of Works, decided to authorize complete demolition ol the remaining portion of the Koosevelt Park gymnasium. The boiler room f tlie building i standing. Bill, who has been .delivering :ln to nwwrwK (-ww'-i um-i. for the Daily News since Hurt 4 in to ouud it ul. BLUE LOOK FOR THfc NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL IS ADMIRER OF ' reading tlie account, Mr. Cain ' ii'roLe a letter to the Cuilv News enue East! be moved one pole eastward on Eit'hth Av- 593 live eupies of tlie ' requetitiag '(iil;uiiinu his g rand son':. i.SSIM' story . Gave final reading to a by HIS GRANDSON John Ketcheson, apparently, has a loyal admirer in his grandfather, J. B. Cain, barrister and solicitor, of Young. Saskatchewan. Mrs. T. W. Ketch?-son sent her father a clipping law for tlie transfer of title of MODERN DIAMOND CUTTING the Conrad Street Sch.x.l from The new multi-facet process the city to the School Board. 1 of cutting diamonds is the first The school was turned over to improvement in diamond cut- the city under terms of a re wrmes XDRUCS from the Prince Rupert Daily . . . Adopted a finance committee report auAhoruing the sale of six-and-a-half feet of lot 52. block S4, section 1 to Armstrong Agencies lor fiKifl un be-hall of a client. News which contained a picture ting since hte lifth century PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS vised agreement which went into rflect with Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation and story of John, one of a .series when tne round or brilliant cut dealing with delivery boys. After was devised. YOU OWN a hammer, you're a capitalist this IF eye-catching statement heads up an advertisement of a Cleveland machine tool manufacturing firm which believes in active defence of private enterprise Democracy. The ad points out that you paid money for the hammer that you own, because you can drive more nails with it in a day, and drive them better than you can with a rock or the he-.l of your shoe. You saved money to buy the hammer in order to increase and improve production. That is capital Then, suppose "you hire a. man to do repairs around your house. If he has no hammer and roust drive nails with a rock, he won't get much repairing done in a day and so you can't afford to pay him much. His production and the quality of his work are improved when he is supplied with proper tools so you can afford to pay him more. That's how capital and industry work together. But the work must produce enough earnings to pay the higher wages to the workers and a small wage to the owners of the. machines which is known as profit. Otherwise, why should the people who have saved money invest in the machines? With no returns they would refuse to invest, the tools would be allowed to deteriorate, production would fall off and wages would have to be lowered. And says the ad: "That's why workers should be just as much interested in making a profit for their company as in making high wages for themselves. No profit-no wages." Daily car deliver' service from 9 a.m. till 6 p ra. Einfrgrncy bicycle delivn from 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. and Sunday PHONE 81 j R.C.A. VICTOR ATTACHMENT " " Y PRICE P I future: 'ZlX fr j Up to 43 a 1 A PROFESSION SEE THEM ON DISHAY $ JA McRAE BROS. LlMll nee For lVtnpt ioiiijii STvke ' iv i Call Mm TRANSFER & k STOUT-HEARTED LADY from England has A had the courage to suggest in public that housework should be regarded as a profession. There was a time when professionals were all men, and college graduates at that, with their activities largely limited to the law, the ministry and medicine. For no particular reason at all, professional people came to be regarded as more respectable than non-professionals who worked just as hard. . Respectability has long been more cherished than either legality, a quiet soul, or healthy body, which may explain why professional status has spread far and wide to such diverse callings as box-in e and nevsuaper work. There are even professional car thieves. It took the world oi sport to think up the most exasperating complication to all this by throwing in an amateur as the only alternative to a professional. Calling a person an amateur is downright insulting in any non-sporting field. And even sportsmen seem (mite unable to agree on which is which. - . Housewives may look unon themselves as unpaid chars. Being professional won't lighten the load. It might add dignity, but housewives already have that rare dignity which comes from beinp needed and useful something many jxople, including professionals, haven't got. MESSENGER SERVICE J! tinnblned With Prince Uitpert Dottle CIUn-lor 303 Sid Ave. Went t PROVIDING CANADIANS . . .AM) THE WORLD... WITH PHIME QUALITY FISH En more llian in other fichlaof inliii-t rial 'inlavur, I he htiftinems of ralehinp, jnM-4-Hsin aiul marketing linli in feiihjeet to ronMant ehange in 1e linique anl markeliii" trends. - Our ohjeelie I to make use of the, latest equipment in harvesting the eateh, ajid to proeess it in MieJi a manner that it vill retain peak quality and command distrilmtion in all markets. To aehieve this goal, we cxereise constant vipilame and make lare expenditureH to originate or adapt any oM-ratinj method whieh improve the quality of our product and the eifhienry of our opera t ions. The combination of skilled Ttritish Columbia fishermen, modern proeesw'np planlM and sound market in ji knouhIe eontrihuteH to British tuinUia prmperity ! transforming our valuable fisheries resources into substantial payrolls. ? RUPERT MARINE W ... ...... v, Mi SON) I (J, 1111 sr " BOATS FOR SALL unA BROKEKS IN BOATS. MARINE AM) j RUPERT MARINE ) FOR QUICK 8AU fr0tW I (Just East of Hiwett . mmfit0 in Boi 541 Ladies!! You Must Sec These piNE TOWELS, FACE CLOTHS, TEA TOWELS AND CLOTHS, TABLE CLOTHS, JtUNNERS, PLASTIC TABLE COVERS, PILLOW SLIPS, APRONS. .FOR THE BEST IN AUTOMOTIVE for7 See Vour ,ff Buik Chevrolet 01dsiiil'ile BRITISH COMJMKIA PACKERS LIMITED Vancouver, IL C. rontiac i RPEC MACHINE WOKrv n , Terrace Machine Shop &J3 ekracc- P.O. Box 1U8 518 Third West BED Ml