Ptinc Rupert Dail? J3rtos JLtD. Tuesday, March 9, 1948 Local News Items... "DICK" PARKIN LAID AT REST Many Attend Final Riles at Cathedral for Esteemed Pioneer Citizen CO-ORDINATING COUNCIL ELECTS NEW OFFICERS Basketball tonight. Sr. game 9:15 Co-op vs. Savoy. (It) L. Campagnola returned to the city on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon from a trip Many old frienac gathered at St. Andrew's Anglican Cathed to Vancouver. Mrs. A. W. Allaire returned Sunday on the Coquitlam from a holiday trip to Vancouver. C.C.F. "Ottawa Highlights", by H. O. Archibald, MP., Tuesday, 0:30 p.m., CFPR. (58) Col. C. V. Evitt, who has been In the city for the past week on business, will sail by the Prince Rupert Thursday night on his return to his home at Depart ral this afternoon to pay their final tributes of respect and The Prince Rupert Gyro Club For QUALITY, STYLE and SERVICE . . . FASHION will be holding its regular esteem to the memory of the monthly business luncheon to Annual meeting or the Women's Co-ordinating Council elected Mrs. A. L. Haines president, replacing Mrs. G. W. Rud-derham, who served last year. The meeting, held at the Civic Centre, heard reports of the late Arnold Thomas Parkin, another of Prince Rupert's pro morrow. An executive session was held last night. minent pioneer citizens, who passed away late last week. ure bay, Vancouver Island. Come and see Fairies, Pixies Rt. Rev. James B. Gibson DJO., years work, and laid plans for and Rythm Band at Civic Cen Bishop of Caledonia, officiated. its 1948 projects. tre, Friday March 12. (It) !"jrw7 Moose meeting tonight assisted by the rector. Rev. Basil Robert Parker left this af S. Prockter. The Bishop paid at 8 in Moose Temple. (It) ternoon by air on a business trip to .Sandspit and Queen Charlotte City. New officers are: President, Mrs. A. L. Haines. Vice President, Mrs. T. Boulter Secretary, Mrs. J. P. Miller Treasurer, Mrs. G. W. Rudder-ham. Executive, 'Mrs. J. Armstrong. Mrs. T. Sollien Mrs. J. S. Black, Mrs. M. Waksdale. A visiting committee, which will visit elderly people in the Dr. Jens Munthe has returned fitting tribute to the deceased as churchman, citizen and family man. His sermon was touching and appropriate. With Peter Lien presiding at the organ, hymns were "Unto the Hills" and "Abide With Me." Following the church service, interment was made in the An organizational meeting of the Cymbodorian Society scheduled to be held last night in the Civic Centre, was postponed due to lack of attendance. Another meeting will be held March 29. to duty at his office after a brief sojourn in the Prince Rupert CRAFT. . . Suits for Spring that are smarter in appearance and better in quality. New shades of brown, grey, and blue, the most attractive in General Hospital for surgical treatment. K sliw " ll"" family ''' llirillfil, to wc Jcll-O . I A- J Delayed by late connections Fairvlew area and assist with their needs, Jack Armstrong returned to Masonic section of Cemeiery. I where required, was set up. This at Jasper Park, tonight's train, due from the east at 10:45 p.m., is reported five hours and thirty Pallbearers, all old friends committee consists of Mrs. L the city on the Coquitlam Sunday evening from a brief trip to Vancouver for a check-up at Doiron, Mrs. W. J. Lineham, Mrs. Earl Jarrett and Miss. Ellen minutes late which would bring Shaughnessy Military Hospital. and associates, were J. D. Allen, C. C. Mills, Thomas Mc-Meekin, S. C. Thomson, W. H. Wilson-Murray and J. G. it in at 4:15 a.m. Sn colorful, no flaturful, Jcll-O in a jirauil lirlp for fjimlv ami fine'! mralf. Kay l inaLc. kind to tlie tiuilrt - mil' of t lie quirkot, llirifliot iliwrle you could iiiiiiuini'- I njo mure inlrrrsting uVmrrt aain. l!i -lork. vour i iiiio.inl- willi Jrll-( . for M-nin plain or delight fully .i r nl .i- riirrttvl oil tilt' package. Financial statement for 1947 showed a small surplus whicn Canadian Legion Annual General Meeting with Election of Officers, Legion Hall 8 p.m. Wed. nesday March 10. (59) Remember the date Friday, March 19, for the Rebekah Annual f'asnion Show. Shoes by Brownwoods. (62) lisp Hotel. . JEN WONDERFUL "lotktd-in" ur. t. Mcuiivery, wno arrived Passengers arriving In the WlatJ Jomi only i'ii JWfO ? -UrflocW-ii'JtfOftiwI FLAVORS IEMON A . I will be used in this year's work.; Initial plans were laid by the 15 members present for the 1948 '"over 70" banquet just prior to Christmas. ELBOW-GREASE NEEDED Rinsing the mouth with a "cleaning" solution does not clean the teeth properly, dentists say. Nothing can replace the mechanical action of a ai, icrrace a lew aays ago irom city on the Princess Adelaide New York to take up the prac- 1 Monday afternoon included G. tice of medicine there, came in Willan, J. Barber, Mr. and Mrs. to the city on Saturday nights ( W. Thoney, C. Adobier, Capt. A. train and left yesterday after- Sinclair, L. Campagnola, E. H. ORANGE IIME years, make our Spring arrivals outstanding. You may be sure of expert styling, correct fit and top quality when you buy a Fashion-Craft suit. PINEAPPLE Jll-0 it inrff-Mrli owitW by A Pr4iMt Omul fmi Prince Rupert J. Nelson, Butedale; I. S. Barber, Vancouver; O. Thomas, Vancouver; W. DrewT, Vancou nuuii uv air lur a onei triD lo nnimmnnri Mr onH nTVe d a j . . , ... . . uuii .hi o. v. IV Vancouver. Forrest, O. E. Thomas and L. Metzeberg. toothbrush to clean teeth. ship bailings fUTft- i si, Princess Louise H Deaiies Quality Cleaners, pick-up and delivery. Phone 283. (tf) ver; W. Bertalino, Vancouver; C. C. Upson, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. R. Forrest, Vancouver; J. McKay, Massett; A. B. Anderson, Vancouver; E. H. Drum-mnnd. Vancouver: H. Flptrher C. A. Beniti, til visional superintendent, Canadian National Railways, returned to the city on Saturda night's train from a trip to the interior as far as Prince George on official duties. ( 1:30 p.m Prince Rupert BLACKHEADS Vancouver; M. S. Clark, Vancou- FlASIIESfej NOTED PIANO MASTER TO APPEAR IN PRINCE RUPERT ON MARCH 22 Internationally known concert pianist and Georgian Prince of Russia who makes his home in New Jersey, Geortre Chavchavadze is so keen on seeing northern British Columbia and particularly the fishinj: industry in the course of a trip west to present recitals in Vancouver and Victoria that he is waiving what o eairkly r aliBple method that ia- ci , ur. r. luun, lauwurci, oWat tbem. Gat two ouneei of paroxtne Capt. A. Sinclair, Vancouver; T. Better English By D. C. WILLIAMS powder from yoqr drovgiit, apply with lot. wet eloUl matlf ovar tha blackheade ua re xU weasel wfcera Ue7 a re ga-fc Kaye Vancouver. mivri 1, C.i'jia 4 p.m. Princess Louise Are you doing thru the functional 'rakJtlle-age' period peculiar to women (.'MJ-52 ym.)? Ioec this make you Buffer from hot flaahea, feel ao nervout, hifth-atrung, tired? Then Do try Lydia E. Pinkharn's Vegetable Com-pouixi u relieve Bucharymptoma! Finkham ' 23 PER CENT KOii FOOD During the year from July, 1946 to August, 1947, 23 per cent Compound alao baa what Doctors call a 1. What is wrong with this sentence? "Charles didnt show up at the meeting." 2. WTiat is the correct pronunciation of "laconic?" would normally be prohibitive Announcements All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25 cents a word ol the day win be given an un LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S of Britain's loan from the United States was spent for food. expected treat. It had not been -is Prince Rupert tV.ii-iia p.m. C.rdciKi, midnight. -v. Prince Rupert previously expected that there March 17 Catholic School Hall 3. WTiich one of these words is misspelled? Adolesence, adul would be such an opportunity to booking charges and will appear by special arrangement at the Civic Centre auditorium on March 22. Thus, by a break of good fortune, enjoyers of high class music performed by one of the most eminent piano masters Tea, Home Cooking, Apron and Novelty Sale, 2:30 p.m. Card Party. 8 p.m. Booth P.-T.A., March 17. Junior Chamber St. Patrick's in ti.e Daily News! LING THE TAILOR We are taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while you wait PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street get an outstandisg artist here this season owing to heavy costs entailed which would also have been the situation in the case ol Mr. Chavchavadze had he not had the keen personal desire to make a trip north during a few spare days. George Chavchavadze, the internationally famous pianist, -recently returned from a tour of Day Dance, March 17, Civic Centre. teration, adventitious. 4. What does the word "illusory" mean? 5. What is a word beginning with ho that means "science of measuring time?" Answers 1. Say, "Charles didn't appear at (or, attend! the meeting." 2. Pronounce la-kon-ik, a as in ask unstressed, o as in on. accent second syllable. 3 Red Cross The vim 1 LS n i rvqq t A V? Adolescence. 4. Deceiving by false show. "The appearance was illusory, but only for a few-moments." 5. Horology. JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue 9 I most delightful pianists of them all." During the war Chavchavadze played benefits for the Red Cross in England, going from city to city in the blackout areas Presbyterian Tea, March 18. Presbyterian Church Hall. Rebekah Easter Parade, Civic Centre, March 19. Queen Mary Chapter, I.O.D.E., Daffodil Tea, March 29. Sea Cadets and Jobs' Daughters Combined Show and Musical Revue, March 31 and April 1, Navy Drill Hall. . Canadian Legion W. A. Spring Sale, March 31. Anglican Easter Sale, April 1. J.C.C. Smoker, Moose Temple, April 2. -jpiiiice Rupert Symphony Orchestra Concert, April 9. Presbyterian Spring Sale, April 15. Women of the Moose tea at the home of Mrs. C. Mclntyre, 546 8th Ave. East on April 22. Orange Tea, April 21. United Church Spring Sale, April 29. St. Peter's spring sale, May C. Your Smartest Bet For the Perennial Parade is this handsomely tailored three-piece ensemble in lightweight wool. Matching topper can be worn over everything. IF YOU want . . . a Suit a Skirt a Coat a Blouse a Dress a Hat a Purse, etc. Just make a small down payment and pay-as-you-wear on Sweet lG's personalized BUDGET PLAN. j tea yU:-&u mm irSrl during the blitz. In the United States he gave a series of concerts for the U.S.O. playing at military camps, and in Canada he made a tour for the benefit of the Queen's National Fund. i-s U'ttcr than He has made several cross SPECIAL PHOTOS for Easter tav avniK no ..a car is pt&mp.n i .:-. ma HI lliivilU' dim iin. country fours of America, has played in Mexico and Canada. 'In- road. We are itllii staffed tn -Vifr-W a5sKr PIANO MASTER COMING George Chavchavadze to be heard In recital here March 21. f GOOtTEAflNG! CALL AT I"1511' I'.v point, and 1 uri'ssary repairs reliably. Prive in now! Dim't wait- NO INTEREST NO CARRYING CHARGES Chandler & Cowgill Fourth St. Box 645 PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Prince Rupert Florists 300 3rd Ave. Box 516 Tel. 777 Flowers For All Occasions SAVOY England, France, ltaiy, Holland and Belgium. He is one of the few remaining virtuosos who is known and hailed by musical audiencess on both sides of the Atlantic. His international reputation is doubly impressive when one considers that the artist Is only 43. A child prodigy at five, Chavchavadze gave his first public nrrformance at the age of ten ESQUIRE FEATURES THEM i t i HOTEL ffiR & BRIDDEN Carl Zarelli, Prop. ILDERS AND CONTRACTORS PRINCESS LINE with an appearance at court foi j the benefit of the Russian Warj GOING OUT OF C A The PRINCE RtPERT FISHERMEN'S CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION, Waterfront, is discontinuing handling breakfast and dinner sets. The remaining stock will be on sale at special prices tbis week. 10 Only 32 Breakfast Sets 5 Only 41 Dinner Sets 5 Only 53 Dinner Sets 1 Only 97 Dinner Sets A few other items in Chinaware will also be on sale Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-op Phone 37 P.O. Box 514 j FRASER STREET I Prince Rupert Mrg - ra . 11. a! l loor Sanding a Specialty . f561 P.O. Box 721 AVOID AGGRAVATION Charities. When he was imern his mother fled from the revolutionists and had the child sent to England where he could continue to develop his prodigous musical talents. He made his professional debut at Wlgmore Hall in London in June of 1927. Received with treat enthusiasm by 'the critics booked for he was immediately tours of Europe and England. After nine years of concertizing. u vnunt: artist took a break n J.G?:c TM.C f lit V- a a a to VANCOUVER and way ports Every Monday 10 p.m. o A L A S K A Ketchikan, Wiangell, Juneau, and Ska g way March 11 and 21 lo ALERT BAY and Vancouver March 15 and 25 CARDS l-XJR from his tours and devoted 19361 1ST St. Patrick's Day THE FAMOl'S Art Vogue SHIRT With the Duo-Casual Collar. Sold Exclusively by Ac sue CLOTHING STORE EASTER Hollywood Cate PRINCE RUPERT'S NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT OPEN FROM 4:06 P.M. TO 3:30 A.M. Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE 133 or any We Have occasion a Complete to concentrated study wiin me famous pianist Egon Petri. When he resumed the concert stage he was greeted as a mature artist, and as one of the leading musical talents of the day. He has played with th? leading orchestras of England, Europe and America- and has been described as "one of the illCl LET US ATTEND TO YOUR PLUMBING PROBLEMS Prince Rupert Plumbing & Heating Second Ave. at Seventh St PHONE 108 Artistic Selection bJJNNTING COMPANY THIRD AVENUE