VICTORIA, 3. C. 181 J una 31-48 HORTHERK AND CKNTRAL WUTUM COLUMBIA'S IdWBPAnB I ORMES DRUGS 1 1 PROVINCIAL LIBRARY Daily Delivery PHONE 81 Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest." VOL. XXXVII, No. 58 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, MARCH 9, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS )Q0&STAn bAAaiArAAalaAAAAAAA4AAAA3 i I MM J m LETINS . . .n, to Coast Pipe Gas I mm v eace Kivei lNS' COMMITTEE I government on veterans sime 1946, was Are Expelled And Suspended Punitive Action Taken Against Two N.Hli.L. Players For Gambling on Games LANSING. Mich. -Clarence S. Campbell, president of the National Hockey League, today expelled Billy Taylor, New York Ranger hockey player, and suspended Don Galllnger of the Boston Bruins on charges of being associated with gamblers. Campbell reported the punitive action to Governor Kim Sigler of Michigan. The N.H.L. President returned Ottawa Goes All Out to Give Great Welcome to Barbara Ann nla.v mni a iui- Ldfd a day-long de- taring lor-lCmen and allied f,roblems art personnel. t()V S UIAKGE Group of Vancouver Men Consider Huge Project Would cost $40,000,000, it is Expected Supply Coastal City and Communities of Interior VANCOUVER (CP) The Vancouver Daily Province said today that a group of prominent business men here have under consideration the construction of a 650-mile natural gas pipe line from the Peace River district to the coast. The line would cost an W Russia niain- night that the Lni-was engineering a 1 t.t 1 IV. L and increase uer OTTAWA, 9: Barbara Ann Scott, world Olympic and Euro-' pcan figure skating champion, .surged into her home town today on a tidal wave of wild enthusiasm. Thousands jammed a mile-long parade route. She received a "Queen's welcome." , School children had a holiday and the reception was the. most impressive ever accorded anyone by the capital. Politicians, working and business people took time out. Barbara Ann arrived at Union Station at noon. She hugged Prime Minister Mackenzie King and Mayor Stanley Lewis. "It's great to be back in Ottawa and home," exclaimed Barbara simply as Mrs. Lewis presented her with a huge bouquet of roses while the Mayor gave the keys of the city. Banners along the parade route said: "We love you, Barbara Ann," "Ottawa is Proud of You," "Welcome Home." to Michigan to announce his decision because Detroit police Wrength in Germany tssion againsv " last week, on Slgler's Instructions iioii. In a noir iu rrr ' ( J -v had given him information to point a link between gamblers tales, Britain ana estimated $40,000,000 and would supply Greater Van and professional hockey players, Lsia declared that tn powers were try- couver and interior British Co- Campbell expelled Taylor for 1,1 up a military po- conduct , "prejudicial to and the Kuhr. against the welfare, of hockey." V VS MAC AKTIU 11 He charged he had sufficient evidence to show that Taylor had "knowingly associated with jiOTON President Russians Fire Upon Transport Incident Over Gulf of Chihli Five Passes But No Hits has dciiiutely an- and communicated with James biat he will run for lumbia cities with gas for industrial and home use. It would cost $25,000, it is estimated ,to sink a well a distance of 2500 to 2600 feet at which depth it is expected the ga3 might be encountered. Among those interested in the project are Frank Ross, Senator J. W. deB. Farris, Victor Spencer, Norman Wnittall and George Martin. Tamer, criminal and known this year if nonnn- COUNCIL BOUNCES SCHOOL BUDGET BACK TO BOARD IN COST PROTEST Prnce Rupert's school budget, which has been bounced back and forth between the school board and the city council, will remain in a temporary state of gambler." L Democratic party's Innvrntion. At the came word from ' VACTIONING ONTARIO GOVERNOR AND WIFE Ray Law-son, lleut-governor of the province of Ontario, and his wife are shown leaving Miami, Fla for Nassau. He and Mrs. Lawson who are on vacation, left Miami to spend several days in the Baha-man capital. General MacAr-accept tt the nomin- SHANGHAI, R Two P3U fighter planes with Russian markings fired on a Chennaul; Airlines commercial transport plane carrying 32 passengers from Mukden Monday. f'resident "if tailed AMERICAN SHIP CALLING HERE Arkansan Due Wednesday or Thursday to Load Tow boats suspension following council s second decision last night to decline to accept it as too high. In declining to approve the $178,000 budget, the Ltriian people" bul actively seek it. mnlioned no parly aumed his mes- aldermen admitted that they Must Have Rupert'Ketchikan-Juneau Barge Service To Start This Spring An airlines official said the attacking planes made five passes at the slow transport, firing each time but missing. He 1 FIVE HURT IN irecled at the Ke- held no criticism of the school board for the size of the budget, but were joining in a province-wide pressure movement to force the provincial government to re Aid of U.S. TRAFFIC CRASH 1A0 IXH.OSIOS (AI A Chinese am- said the transport pilot reported they must have had no intention of hitting it. Otherwise they could not have missed. The transport -was crossing over the Gulf of Chihli, south of kunip exploded in For Indo-China The Hawaiian-American Line lreighter Arkansan is due to dock here either Wednesday or Thursday to load four steel tugs for shipment to Saigon. Indo-China. The shipment will be the third in the last year to leave this port for the same destination. The previous eight tugs, all built at Owen Sound, Ontario, have been shipped on American Vancouver Fire Department Truck Impounded For Having No "rink Slip" today, levelling a lieve the municipalities of ex-j orbitant school costs. i and rausing 250 including an esli- Russian-occupied Dairen and SEATTLE (CP) A new Alaska barge service to operate between Prince Rupert and Ketchikan and Juneau was announced here today. It is to be operated by the Southeast Alaska Transit Co. and is expected to be in operation within 40 days. The line plans to use barges equipped with rails so that railway cars can be run directly aboard at the end of the line at Prince Rupert, f The plan calls for shipment of commodities across Canada in sealed cars. 1 killed. Port Arthur, Manchuria, at the (,tT TOGETHER : time. The private air line was or rne Duaget originally was handed to council on February 23 and was turned back to the board for "downward revision." The board turned back the budget to council on March 3, unchanged. A difference oi opinion, how (M-ll.isana and ganized by Major - General Claire Chennault, retired Am VANCOUVER 9 Five persons were Injured in a four-way collision here Sunday night between a fire department ladder truck, two street cars and a truck as firemen were answering a false alarm. Most seriously Injured was 51-year-old Mrs. D. MacMlllan who suffered head and leg bruUes and shock. Police report that the fire de vessels. Capt. Alex Sinclair of the B. C. coast pilotage service arrived in the city Monday on the Princes Otherwise British Economy Will Collapse, Declares Cripps People Starring Now LONDON (jtP) Sir Stafford Cripps told Parliamnet today that British economy will collapse unless substantial United States aid comes this jear "Without the Marshal plan there is no prospect of a decent standard of living for years," Cripps said in a white paper. At the same time a London dietician said that many Britons were showing the first signs of starvation. He reported a number of patients with mild deficiency erican air commander in China during the war. Its planes have ever, exists as to the extent of been engaged in carrying refugees out of beleaguered Adelaide to pilot the vessel into harbor here. The Arkansan if arriving from San Francisco. The four tugs have been at the drydock for several months awaiting shipment. i Lrunii, two main ! in Palestine, got (day, a reliable in-nd, to form a toiii-againsl the Arabs. TAX PATH Xl.O I A T. II. rattullo, .inner, in a public Jt- the imposition of fcj instead of the pro-"4 tax for British ( lh the revenue rtlusively for hospital He also suggests ' flit wines with hotel Irani meals to add Finn Envoys For Moscow partment ladder truck has been Impounded at No, 2 Fire Hall as it had no "pink slip" showing it was covered by accident in- the increase in the city's share of school coats over last year. In declining to accept the budget the first time, the city claimed that this year's cost to the city-would be 39 per cent above last year. The board countered that it would be 25 per cent higher, not 39. City's share of the school estimates this' year is $100,233. INAUDIBLE BAT CRY The cries which a bat emits while in flight vibrate at 50, 000 cycles a second, far above the range of the human ear. 'surance as required in the recent I new provincial law. CONCILIATION IN PALESTINE United States Would Seek "Peaceful Measures" NEW YORK, (f The United States was prepared to press for new Palestine concilation effort today as the Big Powers tackle the Holy Land crisis. The exact nature of the United States' plan is not disclosed HIGHER 'PHONE, GARBAGE RATES 1 revenue. Leftist-Tinged Delegation to Go to Soviet Capital to Negotiate Pact HELSINKI, Finland picked a leftist-tinged delegation today for the Moscow talks on the Russian-Finnish treaty of friend-shiD and mutual assistance, a FIREMEN GIVEN WAGE INCREASE whereas, la-st year, the Board claims, it was $80,000. However, the city says, a 1946 surplus ol $7,783 was included in last year's budget which actually brought the; weather (l-orecast) Prince Rupert. Queen Charlottes and North Coast Clear today, cloudy Wednesday. Winds light. Little change in temperature. Lows tonight and highi Wednesday At Port Hardy 28 and 48, Massctt 30 and 45, Prince Rupert 30 and 45. bringmorF LORD ALEXANDER BEING HONORED Head VANCOUVER, 9) Honorary Wage increases, which will ! the city's .share down to a little lift the salary schedules of the j more than $72,000. city firemen to a level compar-, Rejection of the budget leaves ki , ith nthpr eitv eniDlovees, the way open for arbitration pro- but a member of the American delegation said, however, that his delegation would insist that consulations be confined to C.P.R. Doctor of Laws degree will be conferred upon the Governor were approved by city council ' ceedings which can be arranged last night following negotiations by mutual agreement oy Marcn member of the government said. Government quarters said the expected negotiations to b?gin about March 20. The seven-man Finnish delegation will be headed by Premier Mauno Pekkala. There is no indication as to whether special technical advisers on military Financial Situation Occupying Attention of City Fathers Hints of possible increases in telephone and garbage collection rates were made at last night's city council meeting as the aldermen prepared themselves to study the 1947 financial report which will be ready for the next meeting. Alderman T. B. Black, f .nance chairman, told his colleagues that "we may have to take steps to increase telephone rates," after he had given an indication of the city's financial position as of December 31, 1947, l Resigns as Chair-President Walker IU. II Din n SiUtS UU UKT UKICC m which began earlier this year IMMIGRANTS Capacity of Liner Aquitania To be Further Knlarged arbitration by March 10, th. "peaceful measures" of settlement. .V.V.V. w. WV.W.W.V TODAY'S STOCKS Courtesy S. D Ji huutou Co. I.t-rt. MVWWdWNWAMV-'.WV Jfr Successors The wage boosts are retroactive General, Viscount Alexander, at the spring convocation of the University of British Columbia on May 13, it was announced yesterday. The Governor General will deliver the convocation address to more than 1200 students, the largest in the history of the University. Municipal Act provides that cither one of the parties can petition the government for arbi U " -The Cana- Kmlu,uy yesterday rt'.Munaiiun of W. 8-yeur old chairman fit who lijk over the to January 1. The increases, according to City Clerk H. D. Thain, include a $17.50 monthly raise, the top figure authorized by council for any of the city's employees phis $5 which other employees, with Hn cxiTDtion of the fire de matters will be attached to the group. The majority of Finland's political parties have expressed op tration by March 15. What happens if neither side request arbitration is subject for . mm' more man a position to a military alliance speculation, although the alder-imen are pretty well resigned to Nfal's resiiinatin.i "I don't know the best way to 't by continued ill itclivc immediately. Mr. Neil ii. do it," he said. "We might in the inevitability of having to accept the school costs as set out by the Board. with Russia. Of the seven delegates three represent Parliamentary groups which have gone on record against the arms pact. HALIFAX The largest immigration ship In Canadian service, the veteran four-stacker Aquitania. i to be refitted on her return to England to carry more than 400 additional passengers, It was announced Jointly here by Hon. J. A. Glen, K.C., minister of mines and resources, Ottawa, and Arthur Randals, C. B E., director of the Cunard-Donaldson Line, owners of the liner, during an official inspection of the Immigration ship. "The Aquitania will in future hrinir 1.730 nassengcrs on each I Basis of the council's present action is a letter from the Union vc lung been In the f Company. George f ' Die legal depart- partment, received last year. In addition, salary of both the Fire Chief and the Assistant Fire Chief were Increased, the former to $215 plus living quarters, and the later to $210. Firemen's monthly wage scales, made effective by the council's action are: nf B. C. Municipalities which suggested that it "turn back the estimates where they have been SPEEDING LOGS INTO SAWMILLS Rushing in Timber Before Spring Thaw Comes and Koad Traffic Lightened Deliveries of logs to central Interior sawmills are being speeded up how before frost gets out of the ground and before It becomes necsesary to lighten up traffic on the highways with nior vice-president becomes chairman crease tne rat,e ana leave uie same discount or leave the iate and reduce the discount." The financial report, which will be given to the aldermen prior to the March 22 meeting, will show a "slight deficit," Alderman Black said. Budgets of some departments had been exceeded by small accounts. OueraUnu deficit would be ''atlicr of Winning . n , Vancouver Bralorne 9. 50 I B. R. Con 03 V-i B. R. X 07 Cariboo Quartz 1.85 Dentonia II'., Grull Wihksne 04 Hedley Mascot 80 Minto 02 Pend Orielle 2.30 Pioneer 3.40 Premier Border .04 Va Privateer 25 Reeves McDonald 120 Reno . . . 11 Salmon Gold 21 Sheep Creek 1-00 Taylor Bridge 45 '2 Taku River 55 Vananda 16 Congress 03 Pacific Eastern 05 Hedley Amalgamated .03 Spud Valley 12 Central Zeballos 01 'i Silbak Premier 44 Oils A. P. Con 15 Calmont 45 C. & E 4-05 Probationers, $170. Third Class Firemen, $180. Second Class, $190. trip from the United Kingdom U.S. OFFICIALS ARE ARRESTED Were Held for Twenty-Seven Hours by Armed Russians NUERNBERG. (P' Two high officials of the American War JNMENT iNCE First Class, $200. Mechanic, $210. An agreement, adopting Urn new wage scales and Incorpor Crimes prosecution start re the coming of the spring thaw. There is no diminution of lumber cutting at the interior mills, according to arrivals in the city. increased to too great an extent." This course of action was decided by a meeting of U.B.C.M. officers at Victoria 10 -days ago. Mayor Nora Arnold is one of the officers of the Unioh. Mayor Arnold said last night that she "honestly believed that the Board did its best to keep costs down," and her opinion was .shared by finance chairman Alderman T. B. Black. "I have no complaint with the Board." he declared. I think they did a good job. but the cast are still too high. In the light of that, I think we should .send the budget back and await arbitration." 'Hiibcr Wmil.l ating other minor changes, will be signed by the city shortly. to Canada in British immigration service," Mr. Glen said, "instead of only between 1.200 and 1.300 as in the past. She will make 11 more voyages to the Dominion this year and it is possible, if conditions demand it, that she will be operated iu 1949." Before returning to Ottawa Mr. Glen will inspect four of the liners carrying emigrants to Canada and immigration faciU- '"Panies , N(H tes about $2,000, he said. Work of printing 100 copies of the financial report was given to the Dibb Priting Co. An Increase In garbage collection rates may result if the council decides to institute back-door pick-ups hi place of the street curb collection system now in operation. "I think the aldermen are getting pressure from all. quarters to have garbage picked up turned to Nuernberg safely today after being in custody of armed Russian soldiers within the Soviet-occupied zone of Germany for 27 hours. They were returning with their wives from Uie Leipslg fair when arrested but no Immediate expian-atio was made as to why they were taken into custody. V'J ' n-.ur Delta, said brought to Provincial Sales Tax is Favored VICTORIA, P A. R. Mc-Dougall, coalition member for Council also adopted a wage commltee recommendation that the salaries of telephone operators be increased by 10 per cent, effective March 1 and tlutt Telephone Superintendent B. Love be given a blight Increase, bringing his salary into line with the current scale. F'liwiues bv lb., ,., T 'A. 1 . ... y la w ties at this port which were umj V 5 '1ljtl rdUti. lie'roeentlv imnroved for the nana- A T;a the uuven, Alderman Black moved that lincnt ling of large numbers ol pir Royal Route By Way of Panama ranee 'sons efficiently and comfort- from the back doors," Mayor Arnold said. "It seems to me Vancouver-Point Grey, on Monday in the Legislature advocated Imposition of a sales tax to meet Increased demands for education and social services. !fif ratcs could not !' the LONDON, if BucKinghaui i that the citizens might agree to companies. ably. They arc the Ascanla, also a Cunard ship, the General Stu-gls, a United States transport, and the Beaverbrae. AIR PASSENGERS Ta Vancouver I. S. Barber, the school budget be sent back and that a covering letter to the Board explain the city's situation. "We are not trying to embarrass the Board but we have to find the extra money and we ; jL TIDES Murel, 10, 1948 Omineca Member For Sweepstakes VICTORIA if' E. F. Rowland, C.C.F. member lor Omineca, suggested in the Throne Speech debate in the Legislature yesterday that sweepstakes be allowed to raise funds for hospitals. The vnnnir rhieks of the bob- Palace today disclosed that the higher collection rates to have King and Queen and Princess their garbage collected at the Margaret Rose will make their door." trip to Australia and New Zeal- Alderman Robert McKay, and next year by way of Pana- utilities chairman, said that ma Canal. The route chosen is "the fishermen will soon be go-taken to Indicate that they will i Ing out and it will be a hard-first visit New Zealand. I ship on their womenfolk if they t 133 have to carry the garbage to the street." The Mayor requested City Engineer C. B. Howe to bring In current figures on his garbage collection check-up at the next council meeting. don't know where to find It," 19 5 feel, white, ouall. rlne-necked pheas- T. Kaye, G. F. Tough. To Sandsplt Robert Parker, C. Lelnen, M. Chabulka. From Vancouver (Monday) T. C. Upson, J. Bertallno, J. M. Clark, W. Drew. Mayor Arnold pointed out. "It 20.3 feet, ant. ruffed erouse. prairie and I 13:25 f 7:28 1 19:42 means an increase of 6.13 mills 6.3 feet woodcock are able to run about 3 5 feet 1 shortly after hatching. on the tax rate.