Prfnre Hupm Daflp nctos LtD. Tuesday, March 9, 1S48 ! edge on ball-handling and gen-, f irrti r Ar era! play, but this m-as more than I I HlUlIL L III ; offset by the better marksman-,'VW ' -ship on the part of the students. ! LI I VCh DAMI f FIRST ROUND OF SCHEDULE OF LEGION TOURNEY ! BASKETBALL in Spurts High School gained the advan- i Til ALU DU If LJ - - Classified Advertising - Classifieds: 2c per word per Insertion, minlmino charie. 50c. Birth Notice SOc; Curds of Thanks. Deatta Notices, Funeral Motion. Miu-itime and EiiKaReme nt Announcements, tu. h School Defeats Native March 14 Couftarf vn. BC. Pack- Five Billiard Matches Played March 9 Co-od Vs. Savov. em. ideal Detergent vb. Miss or Hits, i,ast Night More Today Fashion vs. Port Edward 05 Brown wood vk. Triple XXX. Island-, ,Taxi vs. Hieh School. Sweet 10 . vs. c.yxj. rive games in tne nrst round vs. HiKh School. i-4hbmw vs Meal I- 1 March 13 Brownwoods VK f F M h hiiii-.rrU inn.. 1 lne 'ngnsn onuarcis tourna- tmwn,tx, mtc. eum vn. Tritw xxx. co-op, Bo-Me-Hi vs. Morgan's. Mis r Hrm v. cfo., ltruwnwuan merit were played at the Legian Taxi s. Stotre'. Poooles vs' """"'" ;HaU last night before a coodi111 Sdwol JSatwdav. .. . .... . Aa....,fc. v.... w STUB t L w r. UKLP WANTED FOR SALE tage in the first quarter, steadily increasing" It as the game progressed. Hair time score was 21-13 in favor of the students. Penalties for fouls wrre conspicuously in frequent, totalling only IB. High scorers for Hij;h School Willi flaten with 10 points, while C. Wilson and R. Smith each scored six for Kitimaat. mps In Exhibition Game . ..... ,j;,u, owa.e oi f local iru,,,l mmru.ri: memOers. Kbit bev- ' aa4Cji it OUVOV VS. lX-OD. . rcwwooiR. Meal o-- v. KUmes vs Hlllh c(.i1(M,l Sweet oiitstaiKUntf invadinjr competition, FOR J5ALE Studebaker .sedan, '30; wrk trailer and decking. 2x12" and 311". Apply 1401 Frederick St., Highway entrance. 58 gnnw w. bj. fwticrs. ivifrfr xxx vs , new names appear on the ,m vs. Hiirh f5i-h(K)l. Hir i try list, replacin? players w ho ' ' AfrH 4 Id'a1 DnoroKwite vb. lVlplf , . . , ,. . I Jiaslietball League" Ilo-Me-Mi I , 1 i in i titv.fl'11 I it viftori' il!vivt init ,1mi,.,, t,K wkk Pmt. in Lne iirsi vourna- Watch the Claasir.ed Ads! PRINCE RUPERT DISTRICT Now available for man with car to handle sale and distribution of best-known line of household products, serving and selling many hundreds of satisfied customers. Real opportunity to net into paying business of one's :,wn. For fuB information repiy Bus 320 )(ily News. G2 (li'leaic! Kiuinaai, native c!iamjii:ins ; Bo-Me-Hi hter 4, Sehark 6, r. . vs. onw, 41 mr jt mwt and who have stood down : FiaUMi 10, .L-ivine 7, Spring. 2. : in lav- of h-r, frequent hand-! 4. Davidson 3. Cwtai 2. !. J"L "J! v..Tr :J lers of -e. out FOR SALE 81 -it. rrol'ins boat "Eider." Apply Knox IIoU!, Room 18. (58' ,1(.ri! I'.iiti.-li oJumoia, hy a score i lo Zl : hihi'inii fame in the Civic Centre p-yni. , .Soulier. h-k vk k: (0.. ideal erwHiis w. 11ms tiiiM' aw Neil Cameron and ; MIDDLE-aged woman win look Kilmmat- C. fUnith, B. Nyoe ,mimmaoa. ifl H. Si1.10r1.so11 who o"iaved in j fter children evenifiRS. Pfaonr I lads niM' to F. Wilson. S. Woods 2. F. Will- -;Ti : ''lllie fi.fc tllrht.- Green 6RR. ITU 'vr'; ,-. ..tidiiiu another tt, .,, rcl ol 10 which -"Hwa. w -iwi w ri. iiiimfiwimuA, ; o airipie xxx k. Mum iui. cMitsM .funcs resulted as follows: v. .KlaiMl.. jj c (x25, beat j s MACHJNMCl f ()R SALE in, i: I. "I !' 111 J,agu ' Wilson 6, R. Stuith 6, T. Robinson . b( tier .show of shoting accuracy Ulan did the visitors, although it was iar below the lev:-! which they have shown in sumf league canits. j The is j me was a ragged one with ineilcctive shooting by both wd;'.1;. i ,I,V s-ason. have been till f-OR BALE Ba bee Tenria 4ii';ii chair. Plmne evenings. Red 98S. -(58i FOR SALE Electric sewing machine; Frigidairs, big size; Ironer; i pieoe bedroom suite. These are ail in best workin;; condition, less Uian half price. Come and look them over. B.C. FURNITURE CO. Black 324. FOR KENT Furnished 2-room suite with shower. 1234 Park Avenue. tjjj Wilson i x20 1 . i 50 to 130. TO SAW better lumber more L. F. Parkes (x50i beat R. C. ' economically use the modern R. Moxley -25i, 150-147. j and up-to-date type National B. G. Simundson x30i beat Portable Sawmills mamrfac-V. D. Duncan ixiioi, 150 to lia. ! tured by National Machinery C. L. Younp rnan i scratch i! Company Limited, Tancoutier, ci. lSl iiiLdi: s tame s: t ; id basket Dan. u FOR RENT 3 -room furnished suite, 1028 2nd Ave. Blue 270. i61i tf B.C.. WAxrio) b(;at C. L. Barker i.40i 150-78. J. Bulger i scratch i beat W. A Osborne 'x35t, 150-11 Play will je resumed today. BASKETBALL STAMHMiS Senior Ijeaette Co-oo 14 S .737 1 Savov Is 7 rfiSO I BrownwcKids J IS .143 l ialmneOiste Lciurue Bo-Me-ii .... 16 V 1.000 i F'anhion F 7 -9 .437 j Merchants .... fi 10 .37S ' Port Edward .. i 10 .833 ; Morcans . ... 3 13 .188 Lsvdarfi' Ieacite Peoples 9 2 .818 Jiieh Bchood . 6 4 .&&6 i Sweet 10 .... 1 9 .100 Junior l-eaeur Stones i4 2 .875 (15 Taxi .13 3 12 Hieh School . 3 13 ' .18R tivros 8 3 5 .167 VKR RENT-ouse, 209 8th Ave. East. 3 rooms and bath. $22.50. Prince Rupert Realty Co. Ufi B. C. PACKERS' LEAD BIGGER Increase Martin in Mixed Howling league As a result of play on Sunday B. C. Packers increased their lead in the Mixed "B" Bowling I.ejt-'iie toy virtue of Triple XXX losing three to Catholic Youth Organization, who registered tiieir second clean sweep In as many weeks while Miss or Hits moved Into a second pdaoe tie FOR SALE Na. .3U3 Ross sporting rift?s, in best condition Price $64.50. B.C. FURNITURE CO. Black 324. WANTED Logger with outfit to L-ut four million feet waterfront timber, Ka-ssett Inlet. Contract per thousand or percentage with crown grant owner. Address P. C. Clock, 15 Westview Road, Worcester. MaKssachutsetts. ' 02 FOR RENT 3 room flat, private bath. Unfurnished or partly furnished. Rod 441. 62 BIGGiR ONES HOOKED Small and medium bluefisn are caught in gill nets, and larger sizes are ciuif4it with a hook .and line. FOR SALE da-re Jewel kitchen range, arae ir-ilating heater. Apply 514 7th West. ( GO i FOR RENT Housekeeping room in private home. Close U town. 720 6th Ave. West. Blue 325. (tf) ourite Shaving by taking the odd game from B. C. Packers. In the other two fix- FOR SALE Piane. Phone Green 633. i62 FOR SALE Kew brown slin'4 shoes, siee 8 double A. Green 993 after S ja.m. 1 50 1 combination the World Over FOR RENT Apartment, furnished. rooms and bath. 209 5th Ave. "W. Prince Rupert Realty Co. (tf I lures. Islanders and Ideal te-i tersients each t(Kk t be measure i of Brownwoods and Cougars, I resjoetively two games to one. I Ladies' hifjh -sinnle was by El-'earior Barber of B.C. Packers, 'with 212. while AL'.nes Pierw of jC.YO. took tiiRh three with 638. FOR RENT 4-room suite. Apply j Men. for the best -looking shaves, the quickest find easiest monry can buy, use the Gillette Tech Razor and today's Gillette Blue Blades. They fit exactly, and protect you from the discomfort caused by misfit blodcs. Gillette double edt;e means double economy, too. E. Carlson, Steele Block. i59j FOR RENT-iabin lor single' FOR SALESimplex Engines l'2 to 31 HP. air cooled; 30 to 185 H.P. Marine Straight or Reduction Drive; also Stationary-Industrial. Northern B.C. Agents. BYTOWN MACHINE ' WORKS. (t) II Mil f rivwww M man only. Apply M. T. Lee Tailor. ntf j Ivan Dumas took men's high Kinyle and three with 370 and 737, respectively. Dumas now FOR RENT 4 room apartment with bath. Blue 068. 63i Mc,""" feel,-'"" he,'"" Gillette BLUE BLADES 7th Ave. West. (70 1 FOR RENT 4-room furniahed house, April 1 Green 953. 60i holds the season's hih single I lor men with 870. ! Heam hiprh single and three i went to C Y.O. with 1198 and 3227. I fUnndines to date: J,hV'J edges ever honed! Jfe?f4 I FOR JSALE 30 horsepower h.d. Frisco Standard absolutely ; complete, $500. Apply Mc-I Lean's Shipyard. 1-62 KOOM AND iSUARD Tliere's opportunity loday for youii men m ith amWitioH io reaoli tlie top in the R.C.A.r. You ran enlint in tbe rank. west - ROOM AND BOARD $43 eachiFOR SALE ill 4 room house 8 11 11 13 17 18 20 23 'BC. Packers 22 .Tnwle XXX jy . Miss or Hits a 9 V Y. 0 17 j Islanders 13 Brownwoods 12 jCouaars io Idea! Delereents . 7 i Detailed resulu of play: double; $48 single. Sleeping rooms for rent. Table meals Mss. Lawley, C22 Fraser Street (tf) METAL WORK lx-oome a skiHed traderiinan an4 are iyortiunli for ym to v'm your commission asan Aircrew or ToctniM'al officer. 1SU.NUKK5 Jack Leemine 191 128 200 iJov Leemine . 171 121 109 PLUMBING Installations and with cement basement, front and rear glassed in porches, in excellent condition. Also cabin bringing $14.00 a month. All on two good garden lots. Good location. Inside bridge, full price $3200.00. 2 1 6 room wartime with a small amount furniture, full price $1250.00. 3 7 room house, 338 5th Ave. East, full basement and fireplace, only $4,000,000. Robert E. Montador Ltd. (tf) 1 H. Duncan 121 139 25G j K. Dum an . . 210 183 179 , repairs. SHEET METAL Business and Professional set vour ow n limits. A. MOUS 194 114 H Pavne 131 177 160 j Handicap 09 09 69 Toials 1103 1011 1087 ; BKOWNWOODS WORK. Furnaces, tanks, eavestroughing and stack work. Letourneau & Sons, 629 Sixth West. Phone 543. (tf) Grace Brown PERSONAL :d;';k l. uorie : tJti .untafit. Auditor, etc. t f..x Rtiiirns Compiled. liBlfick - phene 3B7 115 141 157 179 185 204 134 254 1 45 2AA 243 143 129 131 2?1 121 128 114 JOHN MOSTAI) rAl.rF.NTKR AND CAIilNKT MAKER THONE TvED 752 fi. Brown R. Tel I ol d J. Reil E. Smith Low Score FOR SALE 22' open speedboat. nptrlv nvprhn IlloH Torronlanii I Totals Totals 902 1082 984 BUYERS OF U.S.A. products. Wf act as your personal purchasing agent, for any item you may wish to purchase. For home, office, factory, mine or mill. Address all inquiries to engine. For particulars Phone 643, between -9 a.m. and 6 p.m. 1 63 1 JOHN F. BRADY FOREIGN ; FOR SALE3 room frame house C Y.O. I Dumas M .niriio J Bruce M. Bruce A Pi ww Low neoi-e Hsndicao Totals TRIPLE XXX-H t'sick Gf'X )RGF Mc'vVHIN'NEY I'AINTINC AND I'APKR IIANCINC PO Box 112G 831 Bacon St Phone Green 3!4 BUYER'S AGENT, 9717 Deni- j sou Ave., Cleveland 2, Ohio, U.S.A. 180 front room 20x10, all furnished. Large garden, garden tools, plenty dry firewood Very reasonable. 161 Wantage Road. 1 63 1 i k V .irk- i V-M. Ill, UK 3!l f NCR F. T E "ilCf: - BASKMPNTP .f - ' inifl yoiirseli fully P '' 1 ! the work. -" 194 370 1 73 l-f.O 216 104 141 101 j'24 352 180 151 S 1 5? ?1 08 J3fi 11 11 ))4 (4 (4 3089 1292 3128 107 307 1S5 . W 15R 114 119 177 10 m 151 17') ?lg 113 270 it IK"? 110 111711 81 3043 IMPORTANT NOTICE as Mey-1 ers are discontinuing adver-' ... - ry, S?) V - : i tising offer, all coupons must FOR SALE Ada II. 45 ft., 12 it. be used not later than 6 pjn. ; teilnl, s5 AUas imperial full March 10th. Stone Block. j tijsei $6,000. Post Office 58 ; Box 548 or plume Black 17 or Creen 97a. 621 T-umhcll J Thornton IONKS Ni:VVS STAND h vurkovmh . , ,,, , A Mnthesiin We handle Eastern and Western s Tjuvison Papers. j Totals NANA1MO rRF.E PRKSS OOHGARS-NhW AVAILABLE ,M Sclm'-ft Sixth Street Red 808 I R Vue.kovich . ASTORIA S i ""''uian FOR SALE iN KIIICKSON' 1 TWHMcian i"'1'' AND PF.PA1RS J 1S4 149 11 HfiH .11fl 1R7 7S 154 155 "Hi ifi a5 FOR SALE- Piano. Phone !78. (tf) FOR SALE Kitchen stove with two wick burner in good condition. Snap. 1022 2nd Ave. West. Phone Green 270. 59' f 4!1 Wi st 7!h Ave 91 9 ,1M n 4 ! 20fl 375 174 1 1R 1 R 1141 1003 1004 FOR SALE 300 Savage model 99 and shells. Good as new. $85. Apply 349 Taxi. 1 63 TollllB THF.A1 . rTFTER GEN TS ' l'l'JMOR LKIHT DKL1VKKY & MKHSENCF.R Prompt Rervice FOR SALE Two choice hilltop lots with a commanding harbor view. Directly opposite Gyro Playground, Atiin Ave. Reasonably priced. Cash Phone Red 738. ufi II Schmidt ... 132 128 128 J Schroecler 219 240 204 M Matheson HO 112 137 1) Houston 207 214 95 Ann TO 1 fin ''"KATORS f 1'APmiIANGING :f!l"' i)2 or Black 245 Ban-ape - Freight Express E; Mussancm 114 178 159 m us Kill Thornton phone Blue 209 322 Sixth St : Totals m mu. FOR SALE One new Gray marine engine, model 6-121 with 3 to 1 reduction gear. New spare parts include 30" propellor, 1 cylinder head block, 1 exhaust manifold, gaskets, electric temperature guage, etc. Phone Blue 9G3. (63 FOR SALE Set of Grey-Bon- Night Tails Green 882 S MlSSORHITS- ' Mi Ol (1 . A 11 I I ILIIU . . , . ney s4" drive sockets. 537 or call 324 5th St. !EU:."fr Phone (61 f UTY sum DR. IV. I. CIIKNEY DENTIST I) Hnrtwiu 199 19i H : H Windle 139 138 ;K sV-harlf 246 215 370 . K Matson 158 204 H Pehal-rr ITS 138 177 j iM. Yonnirman lb7 1 uinent Waving f J'Hy Culture In FOR SALE Kodak reflex camera, practically new. Red 976. (59) 1. Business Lot on 2nd Avenue West. S890.00 Cash or Terms. SUITE '., SMITH BLOCK i YOU GET ALL THESE Continuous employment and pay. Technical trades training. Full opportunity for advancement, Progressive pay increases. Sports and Recreational facilities. 30 days vacation a year with full pay. v Medical, dental and clothing service provided. Retirement income assured. . ' 'k brand les. I P.O. Box 1401 I Phone 055 Phonp 7,i' - Iret 4 B C. PACKERS . ,l I. Dunbar 140. K,8 214 K Paul 149 114 140 v. Ciccone 218 218 111 2. 6 Rooms anc oath, 5th enue East, 5 blocks from cen FOR SALE Motorcycle, cheao. Harlie Davidson 29-74 twin, with side car and extras. All Al. What offers Write Paul Petryshyn. Terrace, B.C. (58) v Tiireot.te i'' 144 m' M'l'vmio 2(18 100 f' Barber 1 202 If! I4- 17 n N.-" " V' 17 HANDYMAN HOME SKRV1CK G KNF.l? AI CONTI? ACTOPS Handicap 1 ' J LTn- 'sl l''n-st. Avenue -L f lsl Avenue tre of town $4,200.00--Cash, immediate occupancy. 3. 5 Rooms and bath 6th Avenue East $1,000.00 Cash or Terms immediate occupancy Apply or Phone H. G. Helger-son Ltd., for appointments. (601 IRISH INNOVATION The tea bag was invented by R.A 2 l... T..i.i a inoricnn store keener FOR SALE Tenders will be received by the undersigned for the purchase of Lot 21, Block 1, SD, of DL 361, Plan 972. Terrace Townsite, Range 5. Moil this today: Building and Repairs of all kinds ) n RnaU bags Roofs, Chimneys and Oil Burners ', ,IS .samples, but they soon be- - KUINS LTD North West Air Command, R.O.F. Station, ". Jim" came ponu;ii u-i v ""j a'Ul "Mil nr; HeatltiP LOST A!V1 lOrNO t I flllt'ineers to make tea. Edmonton, Alberta Please mail me without obligation full particulars regbrding enlistment requirements and openings now available in the ;R.C.A.F. NAME musf print) . PHONES: Green 48 Bed 894 5 1 P.O. Bnx 274 m LOST Glasses in rase, along waterfront. Green 600. Reward. ( 58 r - . Coast District, together with Improvements situated thereon, up to noon of Monday. April 5. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Terms: strictly cash. F. G. Forbes. Official Administrator. Administrator of the Estate of Thomas Winslow Ross, deceased. Court House, Prinoe Rupert, B.C. (68) .PROV.. s sueries Inilncir. ADDRESS. t DRESSMAKING Children's Clothinc Maternity Wear a Specialty B: smartly dressed with hidden expansion features PHONE BLACK 087 84 (PR.) LtdJ OJ'AMTY KIT.MHS Tor Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Ave (1) Canadian tUiim ar aH British subt (2) pkysnally ID (3) kalwMn 17 and 30 yaart YOU ARE ELIGIBLE TO APPLY IF YOU ARE LOST Black puppy, 4 white feet and white Up on tail. Scar under one eye. In vicinity of 7th East. Phone Red 418. (63) t'lllnv. w,,rMJ BU'E 980 ?'T0M PRANCE 'Near CFpR -(MLiL D o. EVERYBODY ELSE DOES! -