l UBRARt PROVINCIAL L122W!, t Q ' TiCTO.tIA, 2. C. (MIES DRUGS Daily Delivery NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S HIWSPAPXR Published at Canada'! Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest." PHONE 81 VOL. XXXVTII, No. 207. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1343. PRICE FIVE CENTS cabs es goaiavia; wem TUNA STILL NOT BITING VANCOUVER ff Millions of tuna fish off the British Columbia coast are on a biting strike but British Columba fishermen, ho have already Teeled in over 1,250,000 pounds - of the tasty albacore, hope that the dearth of bites will soon be over. They confidently hope, before the 1949 tuna season ends late this I if IT by r oif Jinvasion CROSSING CRASH IS BEING PROBED NEW LISKEARD. Ont. 0 Police are continuing their investigation Into the level crossing fatality near here early yesterday when an Ontario Northern railway train plowed Into the car containing eight persons. Dead are Hubert Maille, aged 18, Quebec City, driver; Robert Trembly, 17, Val do'r, Quebec, and Gilbert Maille, 13, New Lis-keard. CLEVELAND AIR RACES COMING CLEVELAND fl Carrier-based jet pilots in the Atlantic and flieii in California watched ' ' A -.-. 1 "m"'i i 1 v - 5 'm'rr' j - -1,, H, net Russia Ar m y month, to exceed last years rec- J ord catch of 2,000,000 pounds, j Unusually larfe masses of tuna have been located by the 500-vessel tuna fleet off the Queen Charlotte Islands but for ' the past week the fish have been Ignoring the lures. the starter's flag today for a ! signal to dash for Cleveland "BRASS" TO ALASKA EDJIONTON General Omar Bradley, chief of joint staff of United States forces, and heads of three services will be here Tuesday on their way to Alaska 1 inspect defences there. It Is m similar journey to that which was recently made to Europe. MACKENZIE FUNERAL VAf COUVLR Funeral of the late Senator Ian Mackenzie who died at Banff early yesterday, will take place here Tuesday afternoon from Central Presbyterian Church with Rev. Dr. J. B. Skene officiating. British Columbia and Dominion cabinet ministers and other proni-rnt persons in public affairs will attend. I.W.A. STRIKE VOTE VICTORIA The (overnment strike vote in the dispute between I W.A. and logging companies will start next week and the result, it is expected, will be known by September 10. Expectation is that strike action will be favored. upport arshal Eisenhower Speaks U.S. Sympathy For Britain I and the twentieth National Air Races. Speed planes at Cleve-, land are scheduled to take oft '. too on the first day of the three- day event. Altogether about six-jty planes, with speeis ranging jup to 700 miles per hour, will ' participate in the races. ppcars NINE DEAD IN ALASKA CRASH ANCHORAGE, Alaska All seven members of the crew of an Alaska air dppot C-47 plane were killed In a cra:;h in an inlet near Fire Island yesterday. La?t night a United States Army era h boat was at the scene, 14 EXAMINE "ORIGINAL" OLD TESTAMENT SCROLLS Interest has been aroused among Bible scholars throughout the world by the announcement of the discovery of documents claimed to be the original Old Testament scrolls. Fragments of the scrolls found in a cave in Palestine are at present being examined. Dr. Plenderleith, shown here, deputy keeper of the research laboratory at the museum, examined pieces of the scroll, but did not comment on their authority. AI)K(CP)- WASHINGTON, D.C. (CP) Canadian officials who helped last week to lay the groundwork for top level Anglo-Canadian-American financial talks returned to Ottawa today to confer with Finance Minister Douglas Abbott and External Affairs Minister L. B. Pearson, They will return here Tuesday TRANSFERRED iifficially de-, that offical jrces had said il Tito's pov-msidrring the I invasion by the miles souhwest of here, trying fO SEATTLE South Ireland Enjoys Good' to find bodies. when the formal economic conference starts. Yesterday Oen. D w I g h t D. Eisenhower told a gathering In Topeka. Kansas, that the United Members of Hie crew of a C-82 carrier plane, on a training For Mm past jcar generall agent here for Canadian Pacific; Titnes, Local Man Finds flight, reported seeing the C-47 Steamshlos. D. H. E. Maclean i. r Tito today states should look, sympatheti appear suddenly out of a cloud & mm dissident go into a flat spin and plunge NOAH'S ARK NOT FOUND being transferred to Seattle as . . wharf freight agent and win Revisiting their native country after an absence of leave for the Puget Sound city j twenty-nine years was a most satisfying experience SuSTSTwSiand one that will give them the happiest of memories' into the inlet. CROSS ATLANTIC wrw vnoif An American be accompanied by Mrs. Mac- ior tne rest oi tnevr lives, l nis is tne answer Mr. ana i'liimists In his jhsMii. The Frte i chieftain, Karl-I Lined an right : lllfcal political mmptly started teiitl-Soviet Com-fe holz had been I 1 . i IN JEEP-PLAN cally toward Oreat Britain In her financial crisis. "From th? standpoint of common interest we are very close to the British people," Elsenhower said but he added : "The United States is not a bottomless pit from which we can constantly pour our assets . . . but we do have a community of Interest with the United King- expedition which ascended Mt.1 lean and two sons. At Seattle I Mrg j J payne have for those who ask them about HALIFAX Vi Mr. and Mrs. lir nrara m Asia minor m Hic.Mr. Maclean su;cCrv.a . , . . ijj Tl, lft T .t- Ben Carlin last nicht ended their hope of finding the remains of I David Scott who was His lm- ' ' xvupci l I second attempt to cross the At- ' Noah's Ark has returned down ' mediate predecessor here. Mr. on April 25 and sailed fromi Mantle Ocean In an amnhlbimis' the mountain without success..1 Scott died in Sjeattle a couple New York on the Mauretania change from their own rationed jeep They brought their wer-j Another point on the mountain of months ago. !u" ",aJ "J ,"""reu ' and rather uninteresting food In Halifax! be ascended. the I to Prince Rupert to Prince Rupert on August 29 looking craft back to may During Coming the abundanct md ,BrUsd oftCT. by rrenrn serial week for i parly now claims d members in four aftpr insinff two niixiiiarv oas yearsltbere have been recurrent succeed Mr. Maclean is narry nmv u.y lings of Ireland. And they are e miles miles off- off report.', ot what was believed to H. Davies, general agent, ai uu- tanks some thirty-five (Continued on Page 6 eau where he succeeded Mr. Thry landed at Cobh, south-! shore. AH r wants, tmyn Catltnvfbav jwen the rk being sighted. 2LlJ les, veteran pursefi prior to the Dublin. The road from Cobh to "FLYING BOX CAR" CRASH KILLS TWO is a sturdier tank. Tnen ne II be on his way again. The idpa is to make a round-the-world trip by land and sea with the former Army vehicle. Juneau appointment, was ber- Dublin is' in perfect condition eaved only a few days ago by anc) always crowded with buses Irregulars Are Nearing Canton Are as ( lose as 35 Miles to C ity Main Body Far Back CANTON m Divtslons of Nationalist troops were rushed the death of his wife. and trucks. The government in URGES AID TO BRITAIN General vight Elsenhower, former , United States Army chieftain. southern Ireland controls the r . , freight cars that move by roaa' THE WLATHER F t SI or railways Industry in south- (Avonnsicl TWO THOUSAND DIE IN DROUGHT 'BOUT WEALTH I Men prominent fir life will meet from elp.nl y 'Unti les for ten-$ ? September 8 ii"ip(jrtant Cotn-i)"ms on an Ireland 13 booming. A wide band of settled water FAIRFIELD, Cal. f'A pilot and his co-pilot were killed last night when they tried to land a crippled C-82 Air Force "flying box car" on a marsh after six others had parachuted to safety The plane crashed in flames One badly burned body was found about fifty feet from parf of the wreckage. MORE MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT out today to meet 2.000 to 3.000 Red irregulars who are fight CAPETOWN ff The Eastern1 lies along the west coast of the 1 Dublin is busier than It has continent from southern Alaska 'ever been before. Clothing is to California. Some cloudiness plentiful and cheap. There is is still being reported from nor- no rationing of food, and milk, them and central sections of the butter and meat are cheap. The SYDNEY, Australia 9 When ing toward Tsungfa. only thirty-five miles northeast of Canton. The iregulars .armed by regu- cape of South Africa has burned its Dowder dry by the worst Australia's Parliament meets province but gradually clearing general stores are well supplied lar Chinese Communist armies mis years gmcrai eiecuun drought in its nistory. in some further north, are striking far it will have nearly twice as many I sections no rain has fallen since stores offer and confectionery skies are expected during the day. All indications are that bevond the front lines. This members. The Labor govern- ule wcc r.Kn.nlns ilt,m,r,i- 4art4 111 ! 7 VW , M Miff T IMMIWMAAjjLl 1 disruptive actkm had Deen feared by the nationalist command as part of the fighting tac ment last year decided that ttieij w 'the native territories of Ciskei House of Representatives of 75 , as' Transkel nm M hlgh members and Senate of 36 were 2000. I sunny warm weather will last throughout the holiday weekend. The warning for fresh northwesterly winds over waters ad I'itute of Inter-! I sponsoring a A Commonwealth ncc at BlRwln Lake of Bays, 1 that about s will attend. some forty ( ic United Kinp- every variety and quantity of candy. In northern. Ireland rationing of food is the same as In England and candy la rarely seen. Gasoline is readily obtainable in the south while the meagre allotment of three gallons a month In the north has curtailed automobile travel. tics of the Reds. -r,, ,.i ff,,r, which at. no too small luf ine cr.intry 01. ine nauve cuimiiu.s-'sioiicr s 01-, GOOD FIRE DEFT AT DAWSON CREEK VICTORIA The Dawson Creek volunteer fire department has won special mention in a publication of the Fira Marshal of British Columbia "The department is in excellent hands with Floyd Wilson al the helm," the bulletin says Wilson Is, Incidentally, an ardent radio ham. place is no nearer than 40 nines o.uuu.miu suaic uum uhu ntc aj umi wmiro i 20,000 jacent to Vancouver Island, which was Issued yesterday will continue In force for today and from Canton, remains relatively 000 population. It was deemed cattle and more tnan I once that there should be a repre- sneep ana goals aoo me unchanged. ith Africa. In- fertile pastures of Ciskei alone. 1 sentatives and sixty senators So much is this the case that horsedrawn vehicles are. to be ' ylon. Australia, I! seen everywhere. ?' SCORES (DAY s ; i .$- ' A-,:. Warfares Injustice Stirrinn Address at Banff Convention by I'nHti States Justice tomorrow. (Forecasts) Port Hardy Area Clear and warm today and tomorrow. Light northwest, winds Increasing to northwest (15 mph) in the afternoon. Lows tonight and highs tomorrow at Port Hardy 52 and 70. Prince Rupert Area Cloudy with occasional light rain today. Sunny and a little warmer to HEADING OFF TROUBLE Governor Thomas E. Dewey of New York, today ordered 'all available state police' Into Peeksklll tomorrow to prevent disorders at a Paul Robeson concert scheduled for tomor-irow night. Dewey acted while sponsors of the concert mapped court action to try to keep demonstrating veterans away from the scene of the performance. At a scheduled Robeson concert hi Peeksklll last week hundreds of antl- . CommunlKt3 battled with Communist sympathizers in a fist-swinging melee. Robeson, intercepted by friends, did not appear. Many of the estates formerly the property of the great landowners, and therefore heavily taxed, have been acquired by the government and turned Into hotels well staffed and with excellent food and accommodation. On August Bank Holiday Dublin was packed. Nearly every week FIERCE FIRE IN CHUNGKING HONG KONG It'h fierce fire destroyed hundreds of huts and rendered thousands homeless In Chungking's slum area last night. 'Iran J.ilaelphli 3 Iceland 3 I'Vashingkm 0 "iial I'D. Boston 4 end finds hundreds of tourista BANFF (!" Tlie Nuernberg trial "has forever laid to rest in the minds of statesmen the vicious assumptions that all war morrow. Light northerly winds. Low3 tonight and highs tomor- arriving from northern Ireland 7 , lTi:- Official Central News Agency rw at Massett and Prince Ru or across the Irish Sea from Eneland. They come for the t''AY reported that Generalissimo Chiang Kai Shek, who is visiting pert, 55 and 67. "ma! '''' York 0 I''lphln fl must be regarded as legal ana lusj," said Robert H. Jackson, Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court here yesterday. '. A 90-minute address to the Canadian Bar Association re wliHuleJi the city, requested cancellation of a Victory parade In celebration of the fourth anniversary of the defeat of Japan because of the disastrous effects of the blaze titan i 1. R.,;!,,.. n sch-dnle ji $2 fig? ;l ' '''land 4 Iaklaiicl 4 viewing the history and ramifications of the war crimes trials won for Jackson a standing ovation from 1000 Canadian Bar Association members. Prime Minister V. S. St. Laurent arrived at Banff Springs Hotel, scene of the convention, late Thursday night. He was ac-coniDanied bv Minister of Justice YOUR Help is needed . . . to mend broken lives! ; YOUR dollars will aid The Salvation Army in restoring to useFulness the victims of , self or circumstance. Again it looks confidently to YOU. ""Hywaod : '""natlnnai " Sunday, September 4..194D ikima 5 Vancouver 6 n'itchee 3 Stuart. Oarson and Solicitor High 12:04 18.0 feet 23:44 19.5 feet Low 5:38 4.4 feel 17:54 8 4 feet Viaoi-ia 2. General Hugues Lapolnte NO PAPER MONDAY . Monday, being Labor Day and Dance ot Kay Respond generously to the Appeal of AT TUV The Salvation Army a publid holiday, the Dally News will not be published. The next regular issue will appear on Tuesday afternoon. r i M i il i OW Mall '4 ! USIC BY 'THE DUKFJV Your generous support is heartily urged by cn,Q PR0M g.30 mL ??? V B o D Y WELCOME HONORED BY PROFESSION Rt. Hon. L. S. St. Laurent made honorary life member of Canadian Bar ssoclatlqn at annual convention in Banff. It is a rare distinction held by a few members of the profession in Canada. Mr. St. Laurent made It clear he was attending the convention as a barrister and not as Prime Minister. ... BASEBALL SUNDAY Roosevelt Park Grounds SUNDAY, 2 P.M. MERCHANTS vs. SAVOY uliy Satin Nwuh Ulllll II II I II n I lliiilMi lli1Tf ' fTTr-ir- T &.itWMl (It) J