PROVINCIAL L12?.'.?.'' , onr.iEs drugs 0$ Daily Delivery NORTHXBM AND CENTRAL' BRITISH COLUMBIA'S KXWSPAPCt ' jT CABS Published et Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port-'Trince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" PHONE 81 VOL- XXXVIII. No.164. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, FRIDAY. JULY 15, 1949 , ' ' PRICS ITVI CElfTS v. rifcaiirj Seeks At offliic UinrorfinatioDi Repudiates ELDERLY MAN SOUGHT WOULD QUIT CZECHOSLOVAKIA Meeting In United States On Releasing of Secrets CS. Union Transportation Workers ofCanada Not Behind It, Hail Tells Attlee ST. BONIFACE, Man. Police throughout the province are reeking a middle-aged man in connection with a criminal attack on an right-year-old girl here yesterday. This Is the third case of criminal attack if polled in the Win nipeg area within the last live days. In each case young girls were OTTAWA (CP) A high government official said today that Canada has received no indication that the United States is preparing to cut off her exchange of atomic information with Great Britain and Canada. The official was commenting on implications of a current Washington conference between President MONTREAL1 Frank Hall, i vice president of the Railway :-. and Steamship Clerks (American Federation of Labor), spokes Truman and top military, atomic man lor sixteen International " railway brotherhoods in Canada, f f. I lured indoors or to a park where they were attacked or beaten. announced today that a telel gram had been sent to Prime Minister C. R. Attlee ol Oreat OSTAAD, Switaeriand 0) 'Jaroslav Drobny and Vlsdimir Csernlk, Czechosldvakia's top tennis stars, today rejected a government order to return to Prague. They announced they were going into exile and hoped to reach the United States. HALIBUT SALES American Fatth, 33,000 Storage, 20c, 18.5c and 16c. Mariner, 13,000, Storage, 20c, 18.5c and 16c. Kodlak, 43,000, Storage, 20c, 18 5c, 16c. Borghlld, 27,000, Pacific, 20c, 18.5c, 16c. Blue Skies, 29,000, Pacifici 20c, 18.5c, 16c. Grant, 39,000, Storage, 20c, 18.5c, 16c. . ADVERTISING i IS PAYING OFF JASPER PARK LODOE Extensive advertising of tourist at Britain, signed by himself and C the heads of these brotherhoods, DAVID SCOTT DIES IN SOUTH and diplomatic officials. - Oreat Britain Is believed to be requesting Iron the TJnltd States Information regarding final procession ol making atomic bombs on which her scientists are believed to be struck. The whole Issue Is raUed as to how far the United States Is going to go In giving out atomic secrets A shield ol White House secrecy was thrown tight over the super-mysterious conlerence which that "the transportation unions ef I In Canadn are not suDDortlne the Canadian Seamen's Union" V .' ''if A ln their strike, tractions by several states of the , United States j Is producing a great flow ol out-ol-season visit-tors, according to a group Of travel editors who were guests of this Lodge today. Notable aong these states is David Scott, who was agent at Prince Rupert lor Canadian Faciflc Steamships lor almost three years before his transfer UF1 lie Deuevea, Hail said, mat i B.ltl-t. J - . VICTIM Safe in her mother's arms and recoverine animu uuck worners, in uieir, - support of the' Canadian Eea-lz men's strike were acting under t , last year to Seattle, died in the initial attack Is 2B-nionth-old Marie Giselle Lachance, southern citv nn Tupstrlav Mr I that of Florida where this year Scott succumbed to a heart at- mVVhm i brought President Truman to-; gether with top military, atomic, I diplomatic and congressional Thp C. R II was hv mm. i t 'nun ura 10 a rauer, nude and bruised and nearly n a shed behind her third-storey, apartment In wer town. Police called the assault the city's most, of Its kind. (C. P. Photo) i . . .. .. . . : t thousands of tourists have been attracted by the advertising and munisis, nan declared, and the r Jeanette F., 42,000, Atlin, 20c, 18.5c, 18c. Freya, 32,000, Storage, 20c, 18.5c 16c. the low ofl-season actommoda- leaders. There was no announcement ol what went on. beaiarers international Union tinn ratffn availoKlA I was better fitted to represent I the seamen. nowever, laenuty or tne par- Canadian' tack. He was 64 years old. Purser on Canadian Pacific coastwise boats for some 30 years, Mr. Scott came here from Juneau, where he had been company agent. His transfer to Seattle came a little more than a year prior to his anticipated retirement from company ser i nere are more people trav- tlcipants pointed strongly to- ER DEMAND, FEWER NURSES elling this year than ever be- ward some development In the J Western Spirit, 60,000, Storage, 20c, 18.5c, 16c. Kodlak, 60,000, Atlin, 20.1c, 18 5c, 16c. 2 CRISIS AT HOSPITAL HERE ireeedcnterf number of cases nlns an actilo CANADA SELLS MORE CATTLE vice at the age of 65. lore," said Charts Wagoner, 1 atomic weapons Held on the In-travel editor of the Detroit , ternatlonal level. Times, "but they are spending 1 The New York Herald-Tribune a shorter time and spending less said in a Washington dispatch money." - that the meetings were concern- S.Walter (Abe) Lincoln, travel I ed with "advisability of con-editor of the Chicago Herald-1 tlnulng exchange of classified N..W, 20,000, Atlin, 20c, 18.5c, 16c. of nuws have combined to nlace I'l incp Dl,,,nB h's residence here, in FIRST PAKISTAN , ENVOY .Mohammed All, who collects OTTAWA 0 Canadian larm- Tor, II, 21,508, Storage 20c, 18.5c, k'licral HoSDl'tal in tho niot .nento i;was a n"-" ol the Rotary ers sold more cattle last year 'old Tadl03 &s a hobby, Is Pak- 16c. , . Istah's first High tJommlsion- Chief Skugatd, 38,000, Storage, j than in any other year in Can y, accordinff to Secretary I). C. Stevenson , ' fibes the present situation and Hip future American, agreed, "the man with ' atomic energy dated with Great a car Is shopping this year," he i Britain and Canada." 20c. 18.5c, 16c. Robert B., 28,000, Co-op. Dovre B., 45,000, Co-op. grim. said. er' to Canada. With his wife and two sons, he has taken up residence at Ottawa. (( p; Photo) ' -1 - -' - The editors .believed Canada, 'YACHTS Oil ; nurses, the hospital H-' tical capacity of 8'J tls. Wwlnesdhy nteht, ana . especially uie individual PORT EDWARD COLD SHOULDER BY GOVERNMENT VICTORIA if The BritUh Columbia government yesterday cold-shouldered plans for a bll- provinces, should do more news 100 beds filled which ada's history and they sold them 1 for the highest average prices on record. A total ol 2,056,995 head of of rMMe and 840,921 calves -were sold 'the federal Department of Agik Hlture said today In its 1948 market revlpw. Only once, before In 1945 had cattle marketings bettered 2,000,000. paper and magazine advertising in the United States. ." "If their" ,t the institution Is : ROAD TENDERS TROOPS HANDLE LONDON CARGOES i 112 percent of lt THE WEvATHER ' Synopsis , Cool moist air Is moving off the Pacific today. Tenders are being called Im advertising budgets are limited,' Eight of the racing yachts then they should tie In their ads j which arrived in Prince Ru-with big national corporations pert late Wednesday Irom Na- capacity based on ff. i lion-dollar railway link with AJ- mediately by the Department of aska like your railroads." they be- i naimo after comDletlne the sec- Showers will occur over the. tial (Hpclty Is 118 beds Public Works for the reconstiuo A plan to suread a network of LONDON Troops today iieVed. coastal section of the province rate on that basis.' ti,,,, and surfacing of the high- lmes through Northern British iv to have at least w.nv hot.wn ph imp Rnnrrt. anrt Columbia. Alaska and Yukon j today and in' the " interior . to started loading export cargoes for the first time on the Thames WEEKLY FLIGHTS TO STEWART ond stage of the International cruiser race from Olympia to Juneau are now continuing northward to the Alaska capital Klver docks where a wildcat strike has paralyzed shipping Mr. Stevenson said, port Edward, It whs stated yes- , Territory was outlined Wednes-hope of getting that trrrtay afternoon to the Daily Ciay "'glt at a meeting of the fact, we have five News by Hon. E. T. Kennry. mill- Alaska, British Columbia and iimist and we havn't' ister ol lands and M LA. for Peace River Association. It for nineteen days and made . on the third and last lap of the ; aquatic classic. They are due Conducting through their western Canada tour by Alf. Blyth. vice-president of the Pacific Northwest Travel Association, Edmonton, and Herb Webster, district representative of the Alberta Department of Economic Welfare, Calgary, the 14,419 stevedores Idler. Some of idea of how we are ' Skecna. following his arrival , would take in the government night and tomorrow. Daytime temperature today and tomorrow will be considerably . lower than those of the past few dayi Regional forecasts valid until midnight Sautrday.. - ;v. : - Forecast ' -v North Coast Region Cloudy with scattered showers today. Clear tomorrow. A little warmer tomorrow. Wind light. Lows Uce them." to finish tomorrow afternoon at Juneau. First of the boats to get away from,here was the Juneau boat group consisted In addition to 8,000 troops assigned to government-seized docks went to work oh JO.OOO tons of waiting automobiles, ' stel pianos and other freight. . , Others continued unloading Weekly non - scheduled air service to Stewart and Alice Arm was inaugurated this morning by Queen Charlotte Airlines. The run will be made every Friday to the northern mining towns widening the non-scheduled service to remote district points. The company Is already serving communities on the Queen Charlotte Islands with daily flights. These will be from Victoria enroute to Ter- owned Pacific Oreat Eastern race. The minister was accom- j Railway, the whole project to be panicd by Mrs. Kenney and they financed by a private United left today for Terrace, Will Rob- States syndicate. Aid would also Inson having come in 'to meet I be sought from the United States those mentioned above, of Mrs. I Donjac, which Is competing only In the Prince Rupert - Juneau hr spurt in sickness tint; the hospital bt-i'y at the present known by Mr. Stev-irIi he attributes it i led on Page 2) lliem .Mw. Kenney will take up government, a spokesman said. tonight and highs tomorrow food shipments from seventeen rremler Johnson said: "There at Port Hardy, 50 and 65, Mas more of 134 ships tied up by the stoppage. set, 50 and 60, Prince Rupert, 47 and 68. Josie Stout Thurston, Des Moines Register; Miss Naomi Dqebel, Cedar Rapids Gazette; Leonard R. Barnes, associate editor, Motor News, Detroit; and Miss Alice Musholt, assistant travel editor. Chicago Tribune. The group left Jasper today lor Edmonton. is nothing new of any account in the proposals. They are still ol a vague and nebulous character and all Involve the alienation ol the people's resources." residence for a time at her summer home at Lakelse Lake. Mr. Kenney stated that he expected woik would get under way soon on the old military hospital at Terrace which Is to be converted Into a provincial incurable home. There had been stage. It cleared at 1:30 p.m. lollowed twenty mlnhtes later by the Bremerton boats Conquest and Donalle. Later In the afternoon the Nanaimo boat Alleen, winner of the race thus far, departed and evening departures were the Devshlr, Carmelita, Klatawa and Nlka In that order. The Spunkle II left at, the same time as the Donjac but is not participating further in the race and will drop off at Ket- da To Cuts TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy 8. D. Johnston Co. Ltd.) OF GERMAN ORIGIN Bowling dates at least from the 14th century and was introduced by the Germans. TONSORIAL TOOL The use of combs' is very ancient and specimens have been found In early Egyptian, Greek and Roman tombs. LOCAL TIDES of nntish Vancouver Bayonne '.. 06 Bralorne 9.85 j sonic delay in connection with, arrangements for electrical work but plans would be finalized by next Tuesday, it w as anticipated, Saturday, July 16, 1949 ri tions May Bevcourt .23 Bobjo 16 Buffalo-Canadian 11 ' Consol Smelters 93.25 Conwest 1.00 High 5:00 17.1 leet chlkan "mediate 17:46 18.0 leet The Marvlr Is turning baclc Low 11:19 5.9 lest Irom Prince Rupert. SANDSPIT WHARF CONTRACT IS LET Advice has been received by E. T. Applewhalte, M P.-elect that a contract for replacement of the Sanrispit wharf, has been let to Fred Atkins, Elmer Palmer and A. W. Way. The contractors hope to get started on B. R. Con B. R. X Cariboo Quartz .03 07'i 115 .03 ti - . - 52 ' ' - Congress Donlada Eldona and the reconversion work would then get started under the direction of Mr. Hood who has been on the ground for some time now.' ! TIic minister expressed . en- Hedley Mascot 25 East Sullivan 2.15 (P Other members 'K area "unquestion-How Oreat Britain's " !""Tirs from i''Hinlrl"s, Finance "lii i Abbott of Can-lay. ''i t got what yon n for money," Mr. Giant Yellwoknlfe God's Lake .... Hardrock Harrlcana .' Heva .....'.m as to the prospects for this Job very shortly and to be the establishment of the variable to complete it before the 0 ' aluminum Industry in the area call between Kitlniaat and Tweeds-! I t muir Park by the Aluminum Co. "Y" Hosco .... Jaeknlfe' ''wn minister unh fall weather sets in. It is understood that this project Involves about $75,000. WRESTLERS TO Jollet Quebec .32 Lake Rowan Lapaska . Little Long Lac Lynx GRAPPLE TONIGHT Madsen Red Lake 2.85 whether the British 'ft from the dolla Mch he slrHsed f will have lmmcdia' ''ct upon Canada , Payment. All exist -s will be honored L.v the long run, ol" Emitted, the Dori-fl It. There's i.o "ut that." Pacific Eastern 06 ' Pend Oreille 4.90 Pioneer 3.20 Premter Border 03 Privateer 14Vi Reeves McDonald 2.20 ' Reno 05 Sheep Creek M9 Silbak Premier .28 Vananda 15 Salmon Gold 12'j Oils-Anglo Canadian 3.50 A. P. Con 18 "-70 Atlantic Calmont 31 C. & E 4.70 Central Leduc 82 Home Oil : 9 90 . Okalta 1-50 Pacific Pete 2-58 Prlnqess 21 Royal Canadian 06 'i South Brazeau -13 Toronto Athona 13 . Aumaque 16 Beattle 53 McKenzie Red Lake .... McLeod Cockshutt .... Moneta ' of Canada although there were still many important engineering problems to be worked out In fact, Mr. Kenney was ve)y enthrsinstic about the prospects for early and extensive Industrial development In all northern and central British Columbia, something that would benefit the entire coast. ' Mr. Kenney expects to be joined shortly by Hon. Frank Putnam, minister of agriculture, and together they will make a trip through the central interior Also coming north with the minister of agriculture will be William McGilllvray, superintendent of land clearing. . Tarzan Potvln and Jack McLaughlin, Vancouver wrestlers, will climax a wrestling card which will see six local and district youths mix tonight three two - minute boxing rounds. Highlight of the preliminaries will be a bout between Bobby Scharff, 147-pounds, of Prince Rupert and Richard Morgan, same weight of Kitwanga. Potvln and McLaughlin are arriving by plane today. NI Tonight Negus y. 2.14 Noranda .-. 55.00 Louvlcourt .13 Regcourt .04 San Antonio 4.30 Senator' Rouyn 3534 Sherrit Gordon 1.75 Steep Rock : 1.53 Sturgeon River .21 Silver Miller .37 Silver Miller 37 AtrttVImi iiiWirt..,. . An, inn 11 -' in 'i ii -'- fX, mm fl fcsiiJ f "'AN LEGION Vs. It CANT BE! These rollicking paraders In gaudy costumes are some ol Toronto's most respected cltlzeus, paying their respects to the west at the Calgary Stampede. Eye-openers In crimson, yellow and green, the easterners stole the show In the opening-day parade. Naturally the "angelic" beauty heading the parade .iymbo llzes "Toronto the good." . (C. P. Photo) VY BATTERY 7 P.M. 33 LEGION BOXING Jack MscLaughlan . . vs. J Tarzan Potvin RINGSIDE SEATS at Grotto, Macey's, Bus Depot, Bud's Place, Civic Centre. $1.50 $1 50c. TONIGHT 9:30 CIVIC CENTRE 1 tMimg