Prince Rupert Daflp ncto Friday, July 15, 1949 fcntlAL NOTICE! PARENTS AM) rT -"lit VNO orange blossoms vy mi ttwun rv in nuv uj ntiuiuvu Hie tVCllinfr ru will uc iiriu muiiunjr, ncunrauA aim oiiiurday al 2 3 for SUMMER BRIDE 4 HEW SET-UP ON FINANCES Ciyro Club YVouiil Have Conference With City Council And Tarks Board With the great popularity of the new swimming pool at Mc-Clymont Park, installed by the Prince Rupert Gyro Club and recently turn edover to the city. in luriu-csmnin RUPERT PEOPLES : STORE CELESTE HOLM-RlGHARDWll1 FOR THE all-out Church wadding this summer .that aalla (or absolute topi in the bride's bouquet, the luxurious err- ation (left) is fashioned of yellow-throated canhamiana orchid, otis and an artful touch of Englifth ivy ! ideally suited to the KMton and to the occasion, too. For the summer bride-maid, lilac and candytuft add a note of must f " 1 - 1 the supervisory staff at the city playgrounds Is being heavijy taxed, throwing an additional burden on the Civic Centre staff. The matter came up at the AV.V... RUPERT PEOPLES STORE Z Storewide Clearance Now On! Look over our Cold and Canned a FOR YOUR EATlNa PLEASURE ing tan local notice to mariners 5? 11 villi ml Ul lJHl Illicit I, Ul port. It will be attended to at the first opportunity, the notice stales. TERRACE MEAT MARK! business luncheon of the Prince Rupert Gyro Club this week and the upshot of the matter was a decision to seek, a conference Board on the possibility of some with city council and Parks new set-up in connection with the financing and administration of parks generally. The Gyro Club decided to ask the city council for permission to hold a playground tag day September 10 and for the annual Apple Day October 22.' Regular club luncheons will be suspended for the summer months, resuming in September. Roy Hemphill and William McLeod of Vancouver were guests at Wednesday's luncheon. President Maurice Brydges was in the chair. Elan-. i,f jrt E&S&UfcEM George E. Peters, Prop Arthtir Touchhigs, who hasj been in charge of tuna fishing QUALITY SERVICE MEATS- -1 1SII Bl'TTF.R FG;S- POIITI' i S3.. ..v tffc,. JMSr .'Wi-l -Tt jn TERRACE TOPICS SHIPS and WATERFRONT " Fourth consignment of foodstuffs from Seattle to be delivered here by rail for transfer to truck scow hoie and transported to Haines Cut-off of the Alaska Highway arrived at Prince Rupert during the night. It consisted of ten cars. Transfer to the scow will be effected this week-end. : Alaska Steamship Co.'s big refrigerator-ship Palisana is due ih port tonight from Alaska with several carloads of frozen fish for transport east over the Canadian National Railways. Glaliolm Island gas bcacoi ill the Senforth Channel area is reported extinguished, accord 1 JJ Prince Rupeit on Wrl turnlnij the same d new pick-up tni'-k his Terrncc eu.timn Mr .and Mrs, vv slaving at the home. Mrs. W. Osborn. Mi Willi the survey gun; timber cruising fur v ment of Lands and Kaluin Lake. gear for the Department of. Fisheries on the patrol boats Laurier and Howay, which are j engaged in exploratory work on j the fishery in collaboration with : the Fisheries Research Board of Canada, left yesterday by air for Vancouver. C. B. Peterson arrived in the city earlier in thej week from Vancouver to relieve Mr. Touchings on the Howay which left on Wednesday on the southbound swing of another exploration voyage from Victoria via the west coasts of Queen Charlotte and Vancouver Islands The Howay was reported today in the region of Langara Island. Doreen ihkI Margaret Ann Mtirie, left on Thursday's train for a holiday in the southern part of the province. deceptive simplicity, in No. 2 above. It take, a florists's "green thumb" to duplicate this artful bouquet and matching headpiece, in these or other simple bloatom of the wedding party's choice. Even the bride's bouuuet, in No. 3 (left), I more "tailored" and informal for the popular "suit" wedding. Here's an example in cym-bidium orchids ivy and wheat, with a matching arrangement for the hair. WEST COAST ARENA VANCOUVER CP' , A sports coliseum to accommodate 12,000 persons is being planned for Vancouver at a cost of $2,000,-000. The arena, to be used for agricultural events as well as sports., is still in the draughting stage. 1 ITV MM Miss M. A. Way W, Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Apple-wh.tite. Mr and Mrs. J. H. Black and J McLeod, all of Terrace, drove into Terrace on Wednesday afternoon to attend the Eoard of Trade's annual strawberry social, returning to the coast tin same night. for her home In Pru after spending the wetks ii.s the guest i - f rtlil'trtrr dm ait.nim. n,..rU . and, Mrs. Joe r'elbir. quet of white carnations gardenias. vui lu UK: VT-Illtlt, Hill. ill. Wfll I provided by Miss N. J. Johnson STEEL LANDING MATS Cathedral Marriage You Saw it in Itu William Osborne drove to T?1 '"I t pj.'i.ui "rr'it 'i-iihi-i i Miss Janet Rochester Bride I of John Richards Prince Rupert and Vancouver Bridesmaids were Miss Maryjat the 'piano. Richards, sister of the bride-. Out-of-town guests at the groom, and Miss Lorna Donald-1 reception were Mrs. M.irtin son, cousin of the bride, gowned Miller. Terrace; C. E. Blyth of Identically in watered Vancouver, who flew from the taffeta, with coronets and veils south yesterday for the occas-to match. Their bouquets were ion, Commander and Mrs. James of white gladiolus and torquoise Allen, of Shalalth, Hon. and carnations. - Mrs. E. T. Kenney, Victoria and M- W D- Sl,lilh Maid of honor was Miss Dor-'"r- RI1,d 8tfWart and Pr"loc Rl,I,ort othy McLeod. Her floor length costume was of pink taffeta Before boarding the Prince with white picture hat and bou- Rupert for a honeymoon at quet of white gladiolas and yel- 'Vancouver and Harrison Hot low carnations 'Springs, the bride changed to McJ tvelling costume ofaiulky. Groomsman was Archie Harry."""' bardine with white ac-Korhrster. Lcod and ushers were f t off by a picture hat brother of the b.idc' 'f rii f 0 tfUMM-GOOO Iti MILK.' joined interest at 8 o'clock1 Thursday evening in the wcdd-J ing of Miss Janet Bevit Roches- j ter, only daughter of Mrs. Agnes Rochesetr and the late Mayor Harry B. Rochester, to John Richards, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Richards of ' cou v r which took place at St, ii?iee mm with white, French braid and Andrew's Cathedral here before a large number of family! friends. Canon Basil S. Prock-j pnd Don McKay. Peter Lien played the organ during the signing of the register. MANY AT RIX'F.PTION corsage of white carnations. Her top coat was of powder blue. The couple, both of whom received Dart of their xih (inlintr In ter officiated. The bride chose as her wedding costume a gown of white slipper satin, medieval style, Lavish bouquets adorned th Prlnce RunPI. wlI! ,kp .. K. Sizes 3x12' . . . 1" thick Suitable for Fences, Skylight Protectors, Reinforcing, Koad Iiiiildinjr, Cattle Guards, Dyking. Priced to Sell. Write for Blue Prints and Full Particulars ATLAS IRON & METALS Ltd. 250 Prior St., Vancouver WAGNER, STEIN & GREENE CO. 1832 Store St., Victoria PRINCE Rl'FERT SITPI.Y HOl'SE 712 2nd Ave., Prince Rupert with Ion? satin train and red-j Insote front embroidered "with' setd pearls. Her full-length! veil rippled over her train as: she entered the church on the1 Him nf Vir nnHn Cfnttrf t i Hotel for the reception which ldelu.e , Vancouver where the followed the The 150 ceremony. gruom is employed by Neon guests, many of them early res- Pro(iucts of western Canada ldents of the city, were received by the mother of the bride, the r cnyUTiirDC rpti alv" parents of the groom and S. R. MC.K5 rULK Donaldson, uncle of the bride. ON AIR JAUNTS Mrs. Rochester wore a full- . . , ,. , . . , i SMITHERS oMTTOroo Saturday t- af r- lennth gown of powder bus' . . . . .. ,... i . t . . ,,noon, Sunday and part of Mon-crepc with lace bodice adorned' . . ... 3 Donaldson. She carried a bou A better value, to I Yen, every box of thi'He crunchy Rice Kri-pie given more weiglit for lom money. Compure wi(h liny other nntionHlly kmiwn redv-to-et rir waj linn Eiiii, uirtuy oiunilt.l.t curt-til. Try 'em today! w ltd residents spent "joy riding" in the air in Skcena Air Transport Sivibee plane. All were thrilled and reported that Jhe village looked "so beautiful'' from above with its straight roads and p;n k-like farm lands. A helicopter with a corsage of pink roses. Her headwear was a feathered cloche of navy blue. Mis. Richards' gown was of cream sheer with torquoise accessories and small, flowered torquoise hat. Her corsage was of torquoise carnations. ,W.V.VtVMViV.V.VWt' STEAMSHIP PRINCE RUT! RAILS FOR which flew over T on Sunday eve Af ttn ....... ..... .... uiua wuiu mi. ma nlngi drcw a n?(, rri)W OMt r nv iiuiiiwii ana ivirs. Ari.nur:iv, ,.i fi..i,i It passed over to VANCOUI GREER & BRIDDEN CONTRACTORS AND Bl'ILDEKS AM) INTI'.RMKDHTi 11: r'4 " :J I mm nun Wf EACH THUF land in New Hazeltoli. LOCAL Mr. and Mrs. S. Cheatham of Calgary are visiting in the cily for ten days with Mr. and Mrs. W. D. McAra. They will be here until next Tuesday. at 11:15 p For KETCHI WEDNESDAY JUI" For Reserevn cr Plumbing Troubles? CONSTRUCTION ALTERATIONS ? Brooksbnnk. Serviteurs were! Mrs. 8. J. Donaldson. Mrs. W. D. j Lambic, Mrs. Alex Mitchell, Miss Maryann Miller. Miss Glcnna Moore and Miss Marie Boulter. At the punch bowl were Col. (3. D. Johnston, W. D. Lambie and Alex Mitchell. j The wedding cake, which centred the floral-decked bride's table, was cut by the bride and groom after which Mrs. L. W. Kcrgin continued to cut the cake, which was served to the guests by the bridesmaids and maid of honor. Toast to the bride was proposed by S. R. Donaldson and was responded to by the bridegroom. Dr. W. S. Kergin proposed the toast to the bridesmaids; and maid of honor. CALL BLUE 846 KKI'AIRS FLOOR SANDINO A SPECIALTY JUST ARRIVED A carload of beautiful new Krochler Chesterfields, Bed Lounges and Kroehler Recliners. SAANICH Plumbing & Heating iu:d 55i P.O. BOX 021 J THE These are the new models and the new fabrics which will be featured by Kroehler this fall and winter. Skeena Construction & Cabinet f COMPLETELY REBUILT OR REMODELLED IiuiMefs and General Contractors FLOOR SANDINO AND f . JET WORK CONCRETE WORK AIT n DTJELL1N0 i I Your living room suite can be made to look like new. We begin at the framework, re-tie springs, and supply CliituiH! your falirln In ill our complete rimer of sunniles. Houses tuiiit tit! (Iff fliA VII 1 nnn J(.,rn na'T Be sure to see them now on display at Gordon & Anderson EASY TERMS MAY BE ARRANGED KtiKy uayiiiFiit terms new neavy webbing and lining. Ddianc in eay motilhly paymellW cvef trioi of 1' MATRON'S free '-rs . Blue 818 UPHOLSTERING P.O. Box 526 (182) FOR FURTH PnOoK BLACK 224 v NATION P O. B0$