1 prfnff Rupert Daifp rectos J.fcir.rtnr, Efccfn.lxrf 19. I'ji'J r ivr wl VUM'M. Hey "Kry Reflects . . . An HwtiiMt! n;. n!r' rtT.-.wrt in the up.MVn,r cf Pt.nr Rnprt ir;r n i c. .rE-m siniT f ori. r: 're n-rn'-Tn ftnc cT:tr.n British oimo: .VrUS ITEM United , gationg celebrates first 1 f '"V-'" 0!iiir?rsTrt of adoption f of t'mrersnf Declaration VJ n l a . of Human Rights on JO yVcvP'' December. Xmas Gift;!; Men S Bjji' Savins pri ... fiir Reminisce Kids! Prlnr Ktip't D:;t n -w Ld . -rd Avem. Pnnr1 Ruj-rt. BrK!h Columbia. O A HLMfH V ,r - l.;itor H O Pfr.KHY Managing ijirecuir MPMBER OP CANADIAN PRra A'UFT BIRF.AV OP C1RCVLATION8 C ANADIAN DAIIT KFWSPAPER ASSOCIATION i B-iTIPTION KATE1 Utty wmer. Pw wlt 2r; Per Munm. 75c: FT Ter. MOO By Mill, P Month. Soc; Pet Tear, ti 00 lore they are. Strange faces ev-f7.n?'f but it' all right Tr.i:; tl.e way cities grow. Of course. i.:r.e have been barn and rais- More inquiries. ci:-.ct;T.ir. j Prince Riipert. are biirt re-f!Yp1 by lh Public Relations Council from various pu::".;s all Mn' Cl 11-r- rfVI I y wool worsted. A r over the Cr.it-.c States and Can- cd here, growing to maturity , sda. They art already ir.lormei Introduction can and do cause respecting Asa and rain. It h chjekie. her. or.e casually in- riowever, high time the peoj!e of quires. V yum, pertect flt Men's TOP CO Medium rc'f0, smartly tai!0rc.rj North America were able to share :) a conrersation in which this "You ben long in town? "Oh. about forty years". "TELL YOUR MOM IT'S THE LAST CHANCE TO GET THE CHIMNEY CLEANED FOR SANTA'S ARRIVAL Phone Black SS I THOM SHEET METAL LTD. city might be mentioned a Uhout instinctively thinking of halibut Deep now may be beautifu' nd an umbrella. but verily it can als be expen- . .-ive. There comes this ou?ir.t uargam Men's DRESS SHI big selection fVri Men's TtES-i Q'fts. Latest sha In the eo-l old ds a man ho was dour: ta h..-' .as; dollar it least iwv when- h: next hree meali ii'f com.ng from. !-.ie of a mortorist "in St Cath-cr.nes. Ont. whose car slid off he rtreet and found itself stuck in the si2ewa.k. He worked for It is ab; u a year si.; 'isaged man tewn east !"n hour witrvat result and was ? a sour !ir.ally pu!!d free by a garage tried to truck at ! -ost of I. -because .-o. such :t w- Strttday." How about over- What do yon think it'll set us? Well, at least we'll know what vre oujRt to trU from Men's SWEATE illover end by dress, all wool , Perfect gift, 50c-ment from Men's oil wool heary SHIRT-J nan a Sar.fa Claus and that tirre or something for the col-;hristmas was a commercial 'ection? -Canadian Legion Street Markings Needed . RUPERT should not let another tourist PRINCE season arrive without having effected' some proper markings of her streets. As our "W.J.R." .remarked in his reflections in the Daily News last week, it is very easy for old timers to find their way ,. about because they are so familiar with every part tf the city, but the confusion of newcomers and visitors is made even more complex by the complete absence of anything in the way of street markings. It is also high time that something be done in ' ;the way of providing centrally located directional charts, by signs and cards, to show the location of points of interest and how to get to them as well as riving general directional information. The example of Prince George might be pointed to. In that progressive interior town, the Junior i .Chamber of Commerce got busy and put up the : In Prince Rupert it is a job that might be flone by an organization such as the Junior Chamber of Commerce, the Public Relations Council or even one of the public spirited service clubs. Of course, the city council itself might be ex-" pec-ted to take a lead in the matter but its financial resources seem to lie always taxed so completely that it might not see its way clear. - . The job is one, however, that should be done as a service to the new people and the visitors who eme here. It would add to the favorable impression that the citv leaves. will stage raffles in the hall proceeds of which will go into the Poppy and Christmas fund. Charles Anderson was in charge of the program. Srrn At . . . Moving, Parking, CratiiiK, Shipping and Grnrral Cartage and Storage Complete Reliable and Efficient Service, also agents: for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd., for Oxygen. Acetylene and all welding supplies. Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Limited Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Est 1910 Phones 60 and 68 Gef Togelher acket on ai enormous sc3le. The who! tinj-e! business was a dollars and cents invention. They "istened. and agreed he was .rong. All were unanimous on hat score Ye he was wron? but low preatly. even the kiddies hemselve?. couldn't imagine. Civic Centre ; good shades. I bargain Men's SOX CIVIC CENTRE BRIDl'GE Three tables were at play at Civic Centre Bridge tournament Friday night. Winners were Mrs. A. H. Silversides and F. W. Grimble. selection, now A "Bring Your Missus" night, consisting of Community singing, raffle and refreshments, was held in the Canadian Legion hall, Friday night. A general get together night where members and their wives enjoyed solos, recitations and a sing-song, the event was at Traffic on Second Avenue is kicking up. chiefly between Mc-'Jride and Scenth Streets. It's XMAS SUSPENSION Coinciding with the school god quality fnrr Boys SHIRTS 4 shades, from Boys' SWEATEit een a long tisre developing and holidays, there will be suspension vMI be m-re n.-ticeable when the in fhe Civic Centre Craft classes Canadian Lesion move to First between Tuesday. Deeemher v Judge W. O. Fulton returned tended k bv .hi about i 125. Chickens rhteken' assortment fron SPECIALIZING in Designing and Remodelling "Russ" Gafzke CONTRACTING Iver.ue and the new theatre and January 4. Thursday of tnis and turkeys were raffled in aid to the city on Saturday night's tands completed at Third Av- week saw the final class of oi the Christmas Hamper fund. lrain from a trip to Smithers -r.ue and First Street. the boys woodworking class (agf.v j All this week, it was an- where he conducted a session 01 . r ?"'2' wh!e the ymr merr-i nounced, the Canadian Legion County Court last week. Perhaps local old t. timers are bers will have one session r.-xt ; -- - -ot already ii. the minority but. Tuesday afternoon. The Leather t the rate nr citizen. are ar- craft cease on the Tu?sdav Boys' SI) Mi ,r dine c.oth, d breasted smartly ed, bargain for Boys' PANTS, evening when the advanced worsted, ell wool b iving. it wili not be .o lor.?, be Phone Black !79 Box 15.18 smartly tailored from Boys' ondGirVS INGS ond SOCK! from group win meet. Friday will be the last opportunity for the Junior Cirls to get their wctvins supplies at their class whUh meets after school in the craft room. Those wishing tfi roister for the new classes may do so the by contacting the Civic Centre ' 1 r - W ORE AT PLANT TAKES SHAPE have reported regularly on the progress of WE the construction of the Columbia Cellulose celanese mill at Watson Island but it.requires a visit o"the scene to get a real idea of the Vastness of the Sons of Norway Turkey Raffle A good attendance at EBY & SONS Contractors KFPAIKS - RFMOnri.MNG FOUNDATIONS 1 I ..niwt ami tbp rrMt nlarmine- and' engineering l"nl3t drlve and a packed floor m ffict. f ! at thc dance was featured at . -u- i t u -rskill ,-.,,', that is entering A into the .i building of the plant. the tne weekl weekly event event of of the Sons rpjant. Vht-rr?rt vva a matter of heay excavation anfl lt us help you plan that new home under lhe N.H.A Phone Green R1 Box 5M REAL EST I IN3URAN( SPECIAL FILM3 of Norway Friday night. Special films were obtain- Nine tables pi caids were at ed throusjh the. Prince , Rupert play with Mrs A. E. Norton and Film's council fur the Frida hlaht Mrs. C. Strand, first and second showing to the Junior members winners in the women's divisio.i of the Civic Centre. This was and Hans Pedersen and Jack held in the Common Lounge The Campbell, first and second titles of these films were "Dick men s winners. Chris Fossum ATiittington Cat," "Big Eld was winner of a turkey in a Woif." and " Jhinook's Children ' raffle Master of Ceremonies all of dal inLerest to lhe as Gunner Selvig. kiddies Thp aduU Refreshment committee con- held at the enrmnn nf th fire INCOME T rctuk:.s phi.i pi-eparatory work- on the ground, only a hazy idea '"-could be pained. Much different, however, is the - 5cene today now that some of the, great buildings are nearing completion while the huge steel frames ..tire being raised for others. The picture is gradually ' but surely forming of the enormity of the project. . Also it is possible to appreciate now the great Mlegree of organization that is involved in the execution of the huge undertaking which is costing $35,- R. E. MOIITI't 324 2nd Ave iN in CHIROPRACTOR lohn P. L. Hughes, D C, Ph C 21-22 Be finer Block Phone Kl.Cr. 442 ft Appointment HOI RH 10 30 a m. to 12 m pra na a to ft r n L showing. sisted of Carl Strand, Alf. Ous-tafson, Trygve Kaardal, Arnold CHANDLER Kaardal, Gordon Olsen, Ottc PORTRAIT ETI 000,000 and will give employment to hundreds of I Mostad. carl Mostad, Leroy 01- . .I v.:ui.. W,., n-van If 5 and Birger Bakken. Film Finishing I Monday emt Prion?, 7 :30 p rn f rar 1 pfnuaiiCTiL aiut niginy mmucu Qn DeCember 29 grand prizes Flash PhoCt Tikn I Phone Green 3S'J 2 ttc unable to com Uurit: liir day. RKCKPTIONIST In mu-.ici nc afternoons. I PRINCE RUPEIH RAIL TICKETS for whist will be presented at a dance of the organization in the Oddfellows' hall. Next regular 'whist tournament and completed. : " Yes, a visit to Port Edward, eight miles away by railway and twelve miles by road, is well worth- ! j - "While. Prince Rupert people have no idea about ! dance win be held January 13 ' - H -try' ry fir, -HI "what is going on there if they have not made a recent trip to the site of this project which is changing the whole economy' of this community and district. rim. .0 VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Sunday. 9 p m., Camosun Tuesctfcy, 1:30 p.m., Coquiflam i FOR HER Cosmetic Sets, Perfumes ao ognes, Dresser Sets, Compacts and Manicure Sets ic BRING FAMILIES TOGETHER ir MAKE TRIPS POSSIBLE FOR MANY It's easy to prepay a ticket for a trip to or from any point ... at Christina or any other time of the year. You can buy a single or return fare, first class or coach ot regular or excursion rates. You can then have the ticket sent to the person who is to use it . . . assuring a fast, comfortable trip . . . and safe, on-time arrival. There is no extra charge for this service. ICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT S'MPSON Sunuay, 11 p.m. FOR SOUTH Ql'EEN CHARLOTTB ISLANDS ss. Camosun Dec. 16 and 30 10 p.m. . w 1 III 1 M IUT II Jf ' ' 1 L J lets, Pen and Pencil Sets, Ronson Lighters WITH COLORFUL XMAS WRAPPING Don't Miss the Christmas Broadcasts CALL Blue 992 ntl1 KEN'S RADI CLINIC For Satisfactory Service ALUMINUM INDUSTRY one who knows the facts will disagree with , NO the opinion expressed in' a press despatch rFI'iday that the coming of an industry like the "Aluminum Company to British Columbia outweighs . in importance the value of salmon fisheries at least r as far as the Nechako River project is concerned. The Aluminum Co., one of the continent's major ra-ganizations and capable of commanding vast iums, is drawn here by what British Columbia fnssf-.-ises in the way of water power with the added "advantage ; of being so readily accessible. This is 3 asset, of peculiar advantage to British Columbia. The energy that water, under circumstances prcr vided by engineers, will generate, is sold, yet the -source of. that power remains a part of the natural Tresources, The same can be said of hardly anything -se unless it's the scenery. FOR NORTH Ql'EEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Camosun, Dec. 9 and 23 and 23 FP-AVK J. PKINVF.P Prince Runcrt Ageni Thin". Aven"e TtiOiie 56P I T T $961 ; ris , WHH ! W At L0V COST TORONTO ? HlalUtrr piiarman Sixth St. & Third Ave. "1 718 Zn3 Ave. W. Blue 992 ill W CSUUSS WN M....$173.9$ 5 h- dVf THE GIFT :jt. j. .Order your j.,- MAPLE LEAF CHRISTMAS HAM ,. ; , ; From your Dealer Now! Ml information from any Canadian Pacific aont, I II il MAPLE LEAF r t 1 v w r. ja i -r Amas Kecoru, i Stotionery ranging from 90c to $3.50 Leather Writing Cases in both Letter and Note sizes $4.50 Up Pocket Wallets by Tillie $5.75 up All Above Leather Goods Gold Stamped Free of Charge - 5' fc.v;" -, GIVE RECORDS j !J vS-V5 A BiRgest Selection of TOYS in TOWN or ALUUvJ , A GIFT THAT'S TO PLEAbb v V 9 I I V V y i IT MARCIIANI) OIL HEATERS VORTEX OIL BURNERS IRON FIREMAN STOKERS Plumbing & Ilcatinff Alterations SMITH & ELKINS LID. SPECIFY THE NATIONS PIXEST MAPLE LEAF Product of Canada Packers Ltd. BESXER BLOCK, 3RD AVE. PHONE 174 BOX 874 PHONE 234 ifcl,l,l,;i)..X,.iiXl,(1l;5.l-''s'