Basketball - ' These game eonelui league p!a yuntil the New Year artd tM Safa. Ciccone and Calderoni. Referee Slatta left the game at fh ha'f for another encasement. ImMiit lh-.r ... . I pprr ei eeor i r - MMM Co-ops Prove A Kodok Come "Wonted" North Star Hartwig 20. Smith, cext basketbaU for local fan U 8. Tocng 3. Wesch 6. Pameil 4, the Ketchikan-Prince Rupert Ketchcson 2. Sedgwick 2. Ham- A11.Stars Hriti booked for De-iltcn 1. Total 46. cemiK-r 29 and 30. . , I Radio Dial 1240 Ki'scycie CFPR 4:55 CBC 5:90 Li?T Conceri 5:30 Musical Program 6:90 R-.rppr grenade $:15 Martial Ar : f rnwiU UNI Their Mettle fSuSjeet to CharreJ rashion Oiii . neoo io, m-termeia 10. Hiii 7. Lien 4, 2. Wain, Brew 8. Total 47. I'W'- On Striae Team Downs Brown woods Leaa Suspension tor Holidav? . Co-ops eae a first class dem- -4:0Bem!e Brad'-n Te!? a . Story ! 4:15 Stock Qootatron wd Irrt rO Magic Adverturet 1 4:45 Something is Harmony In ;h two junior games Kinsmen beat Sta Cadets by a 38 to ons'ra nun of why they are the Tl score and Si'ouU scored an 6:30 Musical Varieties :45 "Badrfle RflHiin Rhythm? 7:0O CBC News , ; 7:15 CBC News Round jp ? ; 7:30 Wally Peters Show ' 7:43 Voung Ideas j 8:00 Prince Rupert Shrine , j ( Club Band ; j 8:38 Guy Lombardo Show f 9:00- Prin-e Ruprt Shrine ' ' Club Band 9:30 Recital i . 10:00 CBC New i 10:10 CBC New 10:15 On Mike Tonight ,10:30 Henry Russell's Orrh. 11:06-W.-ather and fiin Off j TUKHiMt A M i i 7-" . Masical Clocr. t-flO CBO Kew ' 8: 10 Kt.-e's Bill Cooa I 8:15 M:.-ning Son 1 1:30 tdunr tar Ma"Uii leading team in the Senior Basketball League when they trim' med Brown woods 68 to 5S on Saturday night at ttie Civic Centre. They were short on spares and Playing Coach Angus ducph-e did not strip. This meant that Arney. Holkestad, Flaten, Scherk and Davis went the whole route without a substitute and. by smart ball-handling, ended the game about as fresh as thev overtime up.iet over the league-It aning Rupert Hotel by 19 ut 13. It was Rupert Hotel's first defeat of the season. Sather was thi high st:orer for Rupert Hotel with two-thirds of his team's points, swishing the hoop for 12. In the Kinsmen-Sea Cadets game Reynold McKiiy made for 14 for the Km and WeUford Drake kept up his hiRh average ith 10 points . The junior games are - . f- f -j y . ' V - " t F ' V - "Y -J- - ' - ' 1 1 p Hyp You get welcome refief fast when you use XICUS V VapoRub In '?ndulate4 as it &uiU SSC3E3AEBH lorn INSULATING BOA Make your conitrudion dotlr do double duty . . . xm I: X ! For Your Shopping Convenience started. Ted Arney gave a peer- a pleasure to watch and attract less display of shooting. He made more spectators each evening, at least ninety percent of his Kinsmen While 4. MacAfw, shots, wishing 58 points through H. Biackaby 5, Penc-ff 1, Letour-the hoop, a record m this year' neau 7, A Bluckaby 1, R Mac-play. Holkestad .Scherk and Fla- In tosh 4. McKay 14, W .Biaek-tea ail made ten or more with 15, aby 2. Total 38 . 13 and 10 respeclvely. Sea Cadets Toderas 1, Chris- Brownwoods sincerely tried tensen, Matthews, Wing, Leigh-hard, but tfaey just couldn't win ton 1, D. Let?hton. Davidson 4, against Co-op's brilliant play. Drake 10, Black 4. Ford 2. Total They ended the game a mighty 22. tired bunch, and had no excuses Scouts R. Webber 1, Becker 4, for thtir loss. Bdl Sunberg was Scherk 2, Ciccone 4. Eiriksen 2, , their high maa and scored 16. Hodckinson 6. Total 19. Sunberg was exhausted during : Rupert Hotel-Morrison 2, Sta- ithe last few minutes and could icey, Marki. E. Stacey 4. Salher .hardly keep on his feet. Reg 12. MacFarlane, Donaldson. B. ,Lavigne scored 13 and played a ; MacFarlane, Forman. Total 18. , line driving game. It was clean : . Isculatiwi tovi. It build ud iomiUtM l Um mi tisu i cod. A Donucooa-iniufotod borne M man eofetUlWi ?R12 hiatal, cooler in mm ud ihm oa rul coasunpti. about the many uM oi Douaoona . . . a exterior ut.f OriM EVERY NIGHT TILL XMAS LOU MEETS HIS NEW BOSS Meeting his new boss, Ellis Ryan 'i. fti for the first time, Lou Boudreau, manager of the Cleveland Indians, discussed the 1950 personnel of the Indians in Cleveland. Ryan, insurance executive, recently became president of the Tr ibe when Bill Veeck sold the team to Ryan's syndicate of seven. ft i . s i i M a pUatet bate . . . aa attic and roof iaauktoi . CALL 5l" PIIILPOTT EUIT & Co. Ltd. Credit Terms Arranged GEORGE COOK, Wiler Advertise In tne Daily News! aua last, only 25 fouls being called by referees Comadina and 1 Ciccone. Tl ray. to novrrtlsel Advertise in tl e lraiiy News! Harry Menue, who has been on a trip to Vancouver and Victoria returned to. the city from the south on the Cwjuitlam last tax is off all jewellery Rraember the 25 521 3rd Ave. During the intermission period Phone 264 BALAGNO Phone Green 78T Florist Box 1193 ( basket hall fi n Tim C" .-, l .i LUMBER ond BUILDERS' SUPPLIES . .. tiii oinruuoii w as j JIllhklIL)UL9UktX9taiskS.3.S.k3.k3,Aii3.Sl3l Prince Rupert Mori 1 1 I, 77- ' i Flowers for All Occasions m 300 3rd Ave, Box 510 Tel 1 presented with a going away gift by Art Murray on behalf of the Referees" Association. ' r Jimmy has ! long been a keen referee baiter ' i and, in a humorous vein. Art ! Murray described how he could best make use of his gift, which turned out to be "an official bas- ( ketball rule book and whistle. , I Brwn woods Shier 8, Lavigne! (13. Sunberg 16. Curvich 4 ! Professional ami Busint B & W TRAI Thompson 7. Bill, Pierce 8 Total 56. ' Cord Wood, Cedarf Kindling wood 30c inrni ST F. A MFlt PRINCE GEORGE SAILS KJR I VANCOUVER ; wnd Intermedial Port j Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. j For KETCHIKAN IVFHNKSIIAY MIDNIGHT j For Reservation Or. Co-op Arney 28, Holkestad 15, Flaten 10, Scherk 13, Davis 2. 1XTEHMEDIATE "ph6ke red ist ma s is a time of words WE HAVE IN STOCK CUMMINS diesel and SIMPLEX gas engines.' Boat bwn-ers and parties Interested are invited to view these machines at our shop. BYTOWN MACHINE WORKS A mong other things Christmas is a time of words. MATTSONj UPHOLSTER!! i ne intermediate game between North Star and Fashion f was the best game of the eve-ning. North Star gave the league- j leading Fashion a real scare, and Fashion barely eked out a 47 ' J 9 y I It 5 i Phone Blue 818 P There are words that wish us well, that praise, S30 Second A? uiui jjay luiii jMinu-nis anu oner inanKs lor our many Prlne Rupert, uessings. to 48 win. North Star's inability : Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPKRT, BC. to score on foul tries cost them the game as they missed 14 of 24 free throws . Fashion Dotted And there are the words of the young innocent words, full of the wonder of the day; and still other words, spoken over the vast spaces of a continent to waitin" loved ones. .FOR YOU ROCK & CONCRETt CALL BLUE M. J. SAUNI New, Modern Equij All Work GuaraiA SIDNEY GONICK OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual AnalysU OFFICE HOURS 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 23 & 24 Besner Block Telepnone 113 Evening. by Appointment And there are words that are oft left unspoken, words revealed only by a firm handclasp .i t' i i i . . us i a uiiiiiuiiig icar; anu worus too, tnat remind ?of seasons gone by and of those to come. half of their free throws and I their better percentage was good i for a win. .North Star had a! golden opportunity in the last I .seconds when they gained control j under the Fashion basket but! couldn't convert on the shot. Alan Hartwig went great guns 1 all through the game, and scored : 20 points, exaetly double of his nearest rivals Hebb and Inier-mela who each made 10. Jim Intermela played another good Same " for Fashion. The North ' Star defence kept Bob GUI well j under control and held him to' six points. Sixteen fouls were called on North Star and a like ! amount on Fashion by referees A. P. GARDNER CHARTERED ACC01 V 1118 Melville si VANCOUVER I SAVOY IS0TML W. L. WOODS, Prop. PHONE 37 P.O. BOX 1397 FRASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT And always as long as time itself there will be the familiar words rich and splendid beyond compare, MARGARET M words alive torever with warmth and sincerit CATHERINE LAURIE PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER 401 Third Ave. West (Prince Rupert Realty Co.) Phones: Green 667 Days Green 412Evgs. OPTOMETRIfi and for which there is no substitute, words that are the finest of all words at this tii time fc-fe ecvrccrcc twn ' Room 10 8TONE BUID PHONS BLUE W those words which say Merry Christmas! y NOW AVAILABLE A A PLEASE A SMOKER P.O. BOX 1184 1 DR. GARNET E. H. MONTGOMERY DENTIST Suite 7, Smith Block Phone 625 P.O. Box 1218 W4 - , - t"Ji V GEORGE R0RIE Public Accountants a w y y y y y y v w A X ft a : ii 1 A fr. a : Si li ! ! I I PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning, Voicing and Repairs MIKE C0LUSSI Phone BLACK 758 972 10th East tors. Income Tax Rf compiled O. L. RORIE. I S. B. LAIRD, B, Cf Besner Block - LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE v V We have your Gift Che House of Seapam GOLD SEAL LABEL y y y y PIPES, CIGARS LIGHTERS, POUCHES S DR. P. J. CHlf DENTIST I , SUITE 5, SMITH ftj Phone 785 Pj HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Its branches 204 4th Street Phone 855 y CIGARETTES and other gifts i This Advertisement i not published or displayed by .he Liquor Control Board or by ,he Government of B ritish Columbia. BEST HAMBURGERS IN TOWN 'If your wife can't cook Keep her for a pet" ?4 , B- Candy a Plenty HOLLYWOOD cafe And eat at ... . WELLS CARTAGE LIMITED H. 8. Whalen, Manager Complete Moving Service Crating Packing Cartage " ' BLUE 780 RED 613 &3 PHONE 363 MOST UP-TO-DATE CAFE IN THE CITY I.. Aitl y y y y V y 5 y y y y y y v y 1 y y y I y y handyma! HOME SER1 GENERAL CONTRA? Building and RePlrf kinds f ROOPS CHIM . OIL BURNEf PHONES I Black 334 P'7f P.O. Box OPEN FROM 3:30 P.M to 8:30 A.M. 1ft Specialize In Chinese Dlaiei it r For r Estimates jj .and Supplies m GROTTO CIGAR STORE SNACK BAR CHOP SUEY-CHOW MEIN fli-MN b a.m. to 1 a.m. DAILY i Milchell & Currie Ltd. QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels nd Worn Soles MAC SHOE HOSPITAL" Box 774 Second At. Just off Third Avenue for Outside Order PHONE 1SS r i i3 . Builders and Contractors 318 fith St. Ph. Orders Blue 921 ..&..,..S..l......J..,X., Advertise in tne nil