Announcement prfnr niiwrrt Oafli F3etiJf Monday, December 19, 1949 Ian and Andrew. Beckett ar Oddfellows Rebckah Christmas Tree, December 20. Canadian Legion Ladies Auxiliary bridge, cribbajc and whist December 21. HOTEL ARRIVALS .- Prince Rupert J. 8. Brooks, New Westminster; L. Bessett, New Westminster; Q. s. Madsen,- Edmonton; J. Johnson, city; Dan McKenzie, lo apend the Christmas and New Year vacation with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J .T. Btckctt. rived In the city on the Couitlam last evening from their studies Peter Lcland returned to Uiei ORDER- Mdeod River Coal.... NOW! For This Week's Delivery II Grades in Stock Lump, Egg, Nut, Stoker plant- will be closed from noon Saturday Until Wednesday Morning University School In Victoria Regular Cards. Catholic Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Von Cooten and child returned to the city on the Coquitlam last evening from a holiday trip to Vancouver and S3attle. January 5. c.iy on the CoqulUam last evening from a trip to Vancouver. Oddfellow - Rebckah Christmas Tree at 2.30 Tuesday, Dec. 20th. Oddfellows' Hall. (It) Smlthers; H. O. Ferguson, Tel W.O.T.M. Card Tournament, kwa; H. Lamb, Port Edward; A ' January 12. All Welcome. orr, Courtenav: T. Woods. Prepared Lutefish and Nor Smithers; A. T. Carey, Terrace; FOR YOUR..J? wegian Salted Herring for sale,c! e Jones, Pacific; Mr. and Plirirf mar Da4 Sunnv-! VIII I jllllUJ IUI R. D. Scherk. -r ho has been on a trip to Vancouver, returned to beginning Monday December j Mrs. Cnarle; :harles Clifford. Clifford, " Sunny r.., nuiKii risnermansride: Mr F Rrrvtnroil winnl. Albert & McCaffery I LIMITED ' me cuy irom tne south on the I ' Z Coquitlam last evening. C-p Store' (297) neE: Miss M ' Oomnhpll KmltVi. Has Good Start CHRISTMAS He will appreciate w,mn .v. . D. Elio, fori"erlv in the furni- ers; Mlss E- Mekkonen, Port WSLSTi b-n- he're'wlfo6 rnZd thur. Ontario; -Mand Mrs. The Salvation Army Christmas IHONE 116 (OALU'MBEIt BUILDING SUPPLIES at R15 !..... ' ' .south after disnusius of his In. Vancouver, a. pot, to receive donations foi TT -M . w.w. ..muhuuu ana i.nrisi.- " cal Interests, now makes his ' "-""'"en, Vancouver. Christmas Cheer and winter re mas party. (297) the lasting good SHOPPING Bm the one and onlV home in Kamioops. I . lief for the needy, had a good Civil engmeer, craftsman, I start Saturday w'nen the pro-ceeds were $104.45. Season's Greetings Recent cash donations include 'ARROW WHITE SHIRTS' JS' available for full or part-time work. Experienced in water supply, Irrigation. Box 1161, Station B. (hi $25 from the Prince Rupert Rot ,u ,,u -"'f ary Club and $5 Irom E. H. Hicks . . . and our best wishes from all the Amateurs who are performine at the Naval Drill of the Fraser House. Sending flowers to the funeral of the late Mrs. Charlotte Dut-ton this week were Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Moore, Kola and Ben, Roy Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Elsworth and Loren, Mr and Mrs. Fred Doll, Mr. and Mrs. W. Pawchuk. Percy Andrews and William Buchan, Mr. and Mrs. Wuntoniak, Mr. and Mrs. John Stashnlak, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bard, Mr. and Mrs. W. Brakenburv. Mr. Gifts of gooa used clothing, Hall tomorrow night December lor needy persons are solicited Advertise a tne uuily News Advertising is payable In advance. Please refrain from by the Salvation Army. Please call Black 2G9. We do the rest. (298) n, i.,iiiwiin:uil &. v,u pel ui.ici nun, minimum " ' .1. fct. Cltn r'nmL. Til I... . . 50c biiui nuiitca uv., aiuj ui iiiiiiu, ueam notices. 20th, 1949. , . Sunday night's rehearsal is c forerunner of the type of show and honest to goodness entertainment that you will be privileged to attnd. You're in for the hipiTPKt. .'OTVrt hAcf nlirht rf roal fjjtici'S, ividriiasv biiu ciiaciuviii, niiiiouiici-nienu: i Constable D. Wcstover of Port and Mra T?i-t. rn i SPECIAL DISPLAY. DOUBLE PRICE ...... lli ttliM lamilV. ' TTrU.-ol rxwl ,.lKl. f. -r t,r rM.!'1?Wet"d BHggs Jf the city police sailed ,h i" d'an tLeBwn. Mr-i Thursday night on the Prince enjoyment that you ever saw ir. ed bhrunk. Priced at .. $4.C3 Gabardine Casual Shirts, with sport collar or regular collar. Priced at .. $6.95 $7.50 & $8.50 Broadcloth Pajamas in plain colors and bright stripes. $4.25 to $7.50 , . . "",u- w- ana George for Vancouver havine intms r Lyman's town. - ana iicaunir . 7 ... i .. ... L- I ir anil Mrs. Ed. Llnddcth, Mr. and Mrs. - PERSONAL MIKE MESSENGERSERVICE. Phone Black 88!) or Black 937. I 1290) HELP WANTED You'll see the sweetest kids in ... ,i,i,i. Plione 543 or V',rLrZl?S:m-?y Mr:,Ladds, sentenced to two years for ',th' do" a swell Job. You: Mr. and V sixth' Ave. West. H. Mrs. A. Ronald, Mr. an indecent act; J. Wenerlund, wlu aance 10 ne .lw0 Dcst or" four months for supplying; Roy chestras who will dispense the and Mrs. F. Ellison. Wualified janitor i WANTED and wife FUR KFNT - lor cmoloymeiH Mr ana Mrs. Ray Bean, Mr. and type of dancing that will please (both I In new Canadian iT - sii't'innu room ior t' til.... r.r.u Rapp, three months for third ol-fence drunkenness; Melvin An vnuncr and htri nlilcp Rinir nrtrt ' Mrs. E E. Yager, Mr. and Mns, Ed. Yager, jr. Mr. and Mrs. W CcddCS. Mr. anri Mrs R tln.wlrnu. Equare dance to your hearts con- i Commodore Cale . "Bctln.r Th-n Ever" .1 y . hi'd Mr oh u,. . .,,r : and and entering; entering; John John Kcsser ,1 SuiU- lor rein, wn- , dcrson .three months for breaking Kcsser-ich for supplying and Henry Paw-luk, two months for vagrancy. A ImMli :u oa inuu n.. ,tent: i You call- 'em-We play 'cm. Door Prizes Dance Prizes Lots of seats for everyone. Mr. and Mrs. Gcorce RodKer, Mr. ,1111 DCIIIOIHH OUIlt, and Mrs. H .M. Hale, Mr. and I Show starts 8 p.m. Dancing JBest Food and Service lu CU I 1 i , 10 p. m. till 2 a.m.': : Phone 17 for Send-Out Order Mrs. L. Rowc. Mr. and Mis. Van, T lu uc plcu at cean Falls' Pykstra. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Iv- arson, Mr and Mrs. C. Matson t Fireman of Watson, Island. j You hr.w it in Ttie v'"vs Lemon Buiklinu and to be resident on the Veteran preferred. Suite provided, together with Unlit. h(it. water, electric cook slovo and floor coverings. Write fullv statinc aaes. ex-oerionee and waucs exoecUI, to P.O. Box 628 Prince Rupert, B.C. (235 STENOGRAPHER wltnsr7orU hand and tvuiUK. Medical ex-oerience an asset but not necessary. AddIv Prince Ru-Dert Health Unit. 9-12 and 1-5. Ph. Blue 722. (2971 WANTED. Reliable woman or eirl to sit with children New Year's Eve: Plione Black 529 alter 6 u.m. (290 liT - SliTums rot)nis ; , Proceeds tp the Naval Seaman's , Thlrd Ave. David. Chow, Mgr. arssc. nionc ur -i.o. -'luo- ll. ! .-vj-.-".- .w.-.V WWAS Light weight flannelette Pajamas $3.25 Good q u a I i ty Yanpa cloth Pajamas $4.25 V tS 1 i ST-SlecDini! room orj jHil umiu. i'noiie iiiik' I,' i jm II i ALB -Studio lounce and miiruv. t'lieau. inuui; S37. (2'J6' V "Sinners' lor sale, siar WANTED A third class stationary rimineers position, exix r-li nced in shiiiKle and sawmills, also rcf litteratinc and stationary deiscl operation and maintenance, have fourth class marine certificate, must be sleadv work, ran supplv excellent references. L. Phillips, P.O. Hox 1741). CilV. 12'Jil Siiui). rulUill l. omau .i holds one until Chnst-1297) J, Real buv for Chrlst-H.nviM brand new Hrn-W:,r anil Ui vor. Grcat-rul iini f AddIv Coiii-fcSMel. l'lionc tiVli. . ... (29j mm tt&t&z'"' jAV; f$i- i? :;- LE - Set of curdles WANTED TO RENT Young Auulv ltlOa Emhth married couple, no children. t2!)8i wish to rent two or tliree riHini Aot or house furnished. T1KII C.ilibie colivi-rtecl Phone Green 914. (290) i 2lei;H,MXanU:teii WANTED TO RENT- Furnished is. Monev-oai'K ;'" ' iiy"" n" ..'y"""- PP.Vll intuit I Ulllll, . I1U 1 llllllll ,1. AddIv J. Johnson Box 1(XK). Citv. (290) i'r. 4a rounds yin-fii $3i) iiri;e as.sort-iii nl lex. sliotauns. ORMES DRUGS I'"' ,'s''-''!lsv't,'',-....w.i;'.hS wantt;d ix) rent Married DRUGS couple, no rhildren. wish to rent two or three-room house January 1. Box 035 Dailv New s. 1VI litLI'M luioiii won ijiiiK- Kales Co.. 320 . buret. Ottawa. Oil l. (tf) (299 i Al-U.sed doors, win-' lumbi'i', I'lioiio i43. Call Ui Arc. W. Uf ) ; PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS STORK HOURS WEEK DAYS. 8 A.M. TO 9 P.M SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS--12 NOON TO t P.M. 7 P.M. TO 9 P.M. KNO'VN NAMht-i wit Speeder Shovels imnrryTTTTrirmiTT Aoam' , tXTRKMELY Well Built Home on three lots, six years old. a-rooniN and ntlarhed caratse, conerele fomulations and basement. Hot water heatinc. Pembroke bath and .shower. Brick tile col isl ruction with stucco finish; ample stone-re lockers and cupboards In kit Oirtderjs; Little ford Bros.; lun Iturtil MiinteiiancHj win; ow.-n L'lani.shel ! Dally car delivery service ' from 0 a.m. till 6 pm Emergency bicycle delivery from 7 p.m. till 9 u.m. and Sunday and Hock Uraunies; , wiiitli Concrete Mixers; ."uiKiirt Trucks: Nelson chen and bedrooms. This must be seen toTje appreciated and bclnir sold far below- re ft Loaders lor Stockpiles iw Ki'iiicval: Rice Port-i wiilnlui:al Pumps; Nav placement cost. Armsironir Aueneies. Phone 342 or (evesi Green 297. 295) Uiaunne Scrapers ana s; National All Steel! me iioi-sts. National s ;V J FOR SALE -Well located Duplex TLhctmo -oellnm with two attractive 8i inlnriii. t rom bu.srnu'iit with automatic oil MORE ;US Registered motor vchieles in Krilisli Columbia inrrcascti from 1 19.IXMI. in 1939 to 215,000 in 1919. Mdiliiiierv Co. Ltd..', no I MOTOR OVERHAUL mvtr. H. U. UK Nc Used Fnrul- H;irdar At. Oltice Fix-1 W'tnr. Uiiusters. Cups oncers, sinner Kcwnui. 's. China Cabinets 'runs. Cribs, Dlsston, Saws. Ne-v IKRtng Heavy 3-1 ly Roofing i New Tci. Whsoiis,1 . Having Us Overhaul Your Engine is Like Turning the Mileage Indicator Back to Zero, for your car will hum along the road as if it had just left the assembly line. . DRIVE IN NOW! TO OUR GARAGE furnace scrvine both suites.. An excellent investment for flic mu n who wants to cut clown expenses. Five room house very centrally located. Cement footings part basement. Yours for $2000.00 down. Modern four room house on Alfred Street close to stores and schools would be ideal for small family. Larue four wartime close lo bus line and school, has excellent view, includes oil heater Full price only ?2.3a0. For information or inspection of these listings see RoDcrt li Montador Limited. (29j) "H Kil'-'S. Tvnew rlter.' Hoots. Battleship J"". Kllehlly used Ra- if, lit. I.ho li.unui nflooc runiiture Co.. Black 324! MOKE rilOI'ERTY . DAMtl.i: Itrilish Columbia Motor Vehicle Hraneh Statixlirs rrteal that for 1916 the estimated property daninaw iliie to motor vehicle accidents in this Province vbs $l.:i.-2.670 hut for 1918 lit (I risen lo f. 1, 11)7,109. LE-One steel babv crib njltrrss. Only two flu. Phone Red 240. (295) U-E-Twn 104(1 Ktnrln- Government ulalihlie sliouin a large increase in road traflic; a kliarp increase in the numlier of accidents; the well known increase in the cost of automobile repairs; these combined with other factors make a revision of aulomobile insurance rales necessary as briefly outlined below. Kate revi.ions will not apply to existing policies until their rencwul. 1'rivalc Passenger AiitcutioUilcs Rodily Injury. Property Damage ami Collision. ' l'runklv reeoni.infi the human element in driving, a new classification is beiiif; introduced piling preferred rates on pleasure cars where there is no drhcr in the household under 25 years of age. As statistics show lhat young drivers constitute a serious hazard, Miincvthat higher rules thun I hose for the preferred class will apply on pleasure cars driven by uny person in the household under 25 years of age, uud more substantial premiums will be imposed on ears used for business purposes because the loss figures indicate many more accidents in this class. , Any increase in rates is due to the greater number of claims and the increased cost of automobiles, parts, and labour. For instance, in 19;W a new cur could lie replaced for say ? 1 200. but today the same make would cost $2100. In eases of partial loss, fender, body and grill work particularly are now more elaborate aud much more costly lo repair or replace HUE AM) THEFT HKDl (1.1). Malislieal records justify a reduction in Ibe Fire and Theft rates for both Private Passenger and Commercial vehicles and these will be substantially reduced. y ' ("onunereial Yeliieles lhxlilv Injury and Property ' Damage. .. Ouing to the increased number of serious, expensive accidents resullio" in higher nmoiinls pnid in claims, nn increase in rates is nccessarv in most categories KXCF.I'T IN GREATER VAN CULVER viikiu; 'THERE Wil l, m: A IM1H CTION. Etcil xv i I li I he revisions that are conlemilaled the cost of Automobile Insurance in say Vancouver x ill be lower than Montreal, Seattle anl San Fnmciseo as llie diagram shows. How Can Itnles He l-owem!? Rales are based on aeeurale slat isl ical records of accidents. For louer rules there must h fewer aei idcnls. The control is in the hands of l lie motorists. Continuous care, courtesy and the observance of safe driving rules are the only vujs to reduce accidents, and so reduce rales. ' ... lor full imrt'uiiltirs of fie uric rules .ice your Insurance .igcnl. British Columbia Underwriters' Association A LOVtLY DISH 'liaiiitiie.ii.s. Apply Ar-filG. (t() LE ir,..i, Kmas SPECIALS ?w Classes. AddIv L. "mires. Hotel. (2!)(i) ''I Uroken mi cement. mllC !)81 Killnn Trims. (297) --Quebec ranee with I ll liiinri II ...... xi KUU1U, I lltMlt: 2i)7) C:OSTI.EK KKPAIKS 'total loss claim Tor a car worth 1 1 20(1 in I1' )'.) inir.nsfil lo$2il)0 in 1419. t.a.nnr Inl.i.r cost rose approvimiilcl; 100 from 1919 lo 1919. MM . Ii,.,l I ..-fl.,lrl 2!r I'hune nii.'r.r,n -41 llJST AMi Torchiere Floor Lamps :...:..'.... $14.10 3 Light Jrilight Lamps with silk shades $16.10 Table Lamps ..; $4.95 and $6.95 G.E. Mantle Radios, assorted colors - $19.95 G.E. Washers with pump AA.. $149.50 -Floor Model Glad Irons .....i...!?? $129.50 Noma Tree Lights from $l;40 Noma Bubble and Bird Lamps t..". 25c, Noma Extra Lamps 08c to 15c Electric Irons $4.20 to $23.50" Waffle irons J, $10.95 Electric Toasters $7.20 to $32.50 NORTHERN B.C.POWER CO. LID. Phone Green 300. (21IG) &'s w'lli case and Oil ice. Reward. (300) A NEW HOME Plan to Build NOW For Plans and Estimate" It's GREER & BRIDDEK The Men Who Know CONTRACTORS ANI Bi ll "i;RS RED 561 r.O. BOX 721 10 Tire Chain. i.25 x ''Ave. ltd ES STILL RE-ASON ABLE Insuranec rates in Va9-eouver are still lower than average of cities shown above. or Sixth K. ""'asp 1.,.,;,.. U .,1L,l ',Y..Lo.TN. or "u aucr a p. in. Plione 210 (If) Besncr Bluck PRINCE RIIPERT. B.C. STEWART B.C. Black -mHl School. Phone