i L-Hiiuc Uupcrt Ddilj r.fUls Monday, December 19, pjis m a a j; Packed House At Xmas Concert Asmim. F kv4 by Scott and Busliop, two of Hit told ssi'ki'is. Violent passions of love, hate and greed then clash hrcticly in the desert. A terrible desert sandstorm forms Hie feature of a Mr. Applewhaite also was anxious to mention Uie friendly ( and helpful attitude of the older members those who had been in Parliament before towards the new and inexperienced mcm- IT'S EASY: LOTS OF PEOPLE SAY: "I Want A Peoples Store Gift Certificate" TODAY and TUESDAY 7;00 - 9:05 Our Frice 40c, Govt. Tax 10c, Total SOc All other Prices include 25 Provincial Govt Tax blasting climax. , S KEEN A MEMBEIi ! (Continued Irum Fuse One) j bers such as himself. "It Is good to realise from actual experience ; that politics and policies are one (thing and they do not af-. Youngsters were everywhere at the Civic Centre Friday. They were on the stage, on the floor. In and out the doors, yelling, running, and enjoying themselves to their young heart's content. feet the human qualities of peo- VIOLENT PASSIONS .-. K moL-iitr VPrT little PrOSt'CSS . , . l r.UJIIna 17' CLASHING IN FIERCE Hev look there, there's m . ' V"- u"u "'"" - , w.,f but nArhanc I I PXn(HU'U WU Ilium perhaps cxpcctoi does not depend upon or is spoiled DESERT Z .Ci&'lSMl! til I of my first session. "Two matters were a treat dis A0VENTUIEI ys.i7'i 71V .ill IP. U appointment to me: I was disappointed at not being able to persuade the government to reopen Atlin as a customs port of entry for aircraft. I feel very strong that developments in that par! of the district justify this. In fact I think it is essential Jnd I don't intend to let it drop. ""The other major disappointment, which will be a disappointment tn thousands in our Joey on the stage. Now, isn't that ' sweet?" one excited father was saying. "Jeannie wants to be an actress." a mother was whispering to another mother who was eyeing the Stage looking for her Susie. The event, staged to a packed house at the Civic Centre auditorium Friday was the annual Christmas concert of King Edward school. Grades one to six combined to present an excellent show and much credit must be given to patient teachers who helped make the concert a suc WIUUU CtSHOf ESCtl RlirHiNm in -v Peopies Store gift certincaies may be purchased in any denom 1 GIVE BOOKS OF THEATRE TICKETS THIS XMAS 1 by party affiliations." . j Speaking., of ..other., local-' matters. Mr. Applewhaite said... . he was hopeful that by next.. . year there might be weekly air., i mail service from Prince Ru-.. . pert to Alice Arm, Stewart and.. 1 Graham Island, arranged to., t alternate .' with., the., present.. I weekly boat mail services. ' The possibility of having an1 air field built at Prince Rupert' .also engaged Mr. Applewhaite's , i attention at Ottawa. He will be active on it whle at home , between sessions. Speaking of the breakwater! for the protection of the fishing j fleet at the Fairview Bay floats, 1 the Skeena member said that the public works department, had is.sued instructions to ob-1 tain estimates immediately on the cost of materials which; would be needed 50 that tenders 1 would be called with a mini-, mum of delay. 1 inations and can be used any time for any Item In the store in either ladies' or girls' wear. CASH PRICES ALWAYS SAVE- -PROVE IT AT cess. The audience of parents and guests without a doubt, enjoyed j RUPERT PEOPLES STORE FINE PRINTING at district was my failure to oh- , tain a settlement of the prob- j j : lems and radio reception for j ! Prince KuiktI ami llur other i ' towns on the northern main line of the Canadian National . ' Railways. 1 hope that every J organization from Prince llu- ! I pert to Burns Lake ill keep up , j relentless pressure on this sub- J I ject until we get it solved." j 1 Mr. Applewhaite paid tribute . to Prime Minister L. S. St. Lau- j ! rent. "There is no question at ; all," he said "but that the Prime Minister emerged from this ses- i 1 sion as a very outstanding Can- , Sg REGAL PRINTERS the show. It s that tnrtu in a 1 lifetime to see one's little tot ; j performing, breaking all the : ! rules of showmanship but never- I J thelcss standing on his or her 1 ' own two feet. A varied program of precision ! ' chorus drills, choruses and plays Mr. and Mrs. H. S. MacTier left, on today's plane for a trip to Vancouver. I'HOXR 21 222 Second Av Mr. Applewhaite already has : been booked for speaking ap- pointments during the next few weeks including the annual meetings of the Prince Rupert was presented. Highlights of the program 'were the junior choir. 4 ..:((( ,&7 ndian. ' He did not speak often erades 1. 2 and 3, under the di fiinsi in the House but, whenever he and rectlon of Mrs. Christianson, j chamber of Commerce, the the senior choir, grades 4, 5 and Terrace and District Board of Trade and the Junior Chamber of Commerce at Smlthers. A Gift the Whole Family Will Enjoy O The Rodio-Phonogroph of the Ycor 7 Different Models to Choose From with 3 Speed Automatic Record Changers priced from $119.50 to $239.50 8, under the supervision of J. 1 Goscoe. A Mother Goose play, entitled ; "Nursery Land," featured grade , ! , y r y . : y ' : y y V i 1 i f y y y !one students dressed In various- am, ne was usu-iii u 10 uy uu sides with the greatest of attention and respect. This was more than the courtesy clue to the position of Prime Minister. It was a tribute to the qualities of the man. Hiving seen all the cabinet ministers in action, I feel surer than ever that the affairs of Canada are in very good hands." Respects Other Side At the same time, Mr. Applewhaite feels that not all outstanding Canadians are on the government side of the House George Drew, M. J. Coldwell and Solon Low are "all big men men entitled to our very real respect, !g FOR EVERY MEMBER OF THE FAMILY !j At J j colorful costumes. Miss A. Rogers J j and Miss Margaret Talt super- I vised the children for that par- ticular contribution to the con- ' cert. j A muslcale, "Christmas Tree," 1 g had grade three students on ' the stage hoping they would just-S'ify Miss A. Patterson's teach-t tag. For the latest in IDEAS and modern MATERIALS SEE ISLAND CITY iHiinins' siTPi-iKS General Builders' Supplies 505 McBrlde St. Blue 820 v y y y y y y XMAS TOYS FROM SANTA MANSON'S y Ask about our Time Payment Plan with lite insurance at no extra cost YOUR FRIENDLY JEWELLER Grrrn TH y y y y y y y 2nd Ae 1 Orarip three students of Miss NOBLE & WICK Exclusive Dealers Phone 100 201 Snl Ave. W ' Patterson presented another y y number called "Peppermint , wneuier we. agree iui uieu- pun- Candy Cane." A three-act play ! y y y y y v by the grade two students of Miss , Gifts For Motorists! .is y D. Robertson was well liked. This ; A was the story of the Snow White ' ( and. the Seven Dwarfs. Miss M. ! Caldwell's grade four student . I acted out a Christmas Story PAPER TOWELS PAPER CUPS TOWEL CABINETS LIQUID SOAPS SOAP DISPENSERSDISINFECTANTSDEODORANTS and FIXTURES LAMPS PASTE and LIQUID WAX DUSTBANE and SISAL r. i Credit Note for Gasoline Lubrication Contract Book Seat Ccvers Radio Heater Spot Lamp Fog Lamps Bumper Guards Fire Extinguisher Cigarette Lighter Skid Chains Tires and Tubes Spark Plugs and numerous other auto accessories. which featured the Three wise Men. Wind-up of the concert wcr- two plays. "Coming Events" ana 1 "Teacher, It's Nearly Christmas" , presented by grades 4, 5 and 6 students. R. G. Moore and J. : Goscoe were in director roles. j Jcanelte Spark was annouac r j and Miss Rogers, pianist. Supr- visors of the concert were Mrs. B. ; Andrews and Principal R. G. j Moore. . ! Imliitrial Janitor Supplies at. Vancouver Trices Manufacturer' representative ' y l TAVC i Motors l 1 m 1 t t: I) PR1HCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE '12 Second Ave. Phone 032 P.O. Box 772 r v I Hot Drama iy 2 BROADWAY CAFE 01 Desert Best Food iy 4 y EVERY VARIETY I OF J !iy CHRISTMAS S I CARD y 1 y 4 "v Xmas Lights i Scorching G.uiaa of nine men' f.nd a woman seeking fabulous treasure in the desert Is the 'torv of :: Walking Hills," co-starring Randolph Scott and Ella Raines, which Is showing at j the Capitol Theatre here this Monday and Tuesday. The cast also features William Bishop, Edgar Buchanan, Arthur Kennedy, John Ireland, Jerome McClary Refrigerators and Electric Stoves, Westinghouse Radios, Westinghouse Washing Machines. Trilitc and Tab Finest Cooking I . v. Tbii (lvtrtnfmnil h m-l ti !-. I nr .ln l r,r, ., I i.nr,f (Anlrol trmri 1 by tlic (iv(.iuiiicol ui tiutislj Hours 7 a.m. tc 1 a m -Phone 200 For Toke-Home Orders Lamps, Toasters, Inl ; io vtoKe mis 4 4 Courtland and Josh White, the 4 and Waffle Make Heating Pads. Sold on Easy Budget Terms j mm j y y M y y y y y y r blues singer. , The story revolves about a group of border characters from f.ll walks of life vho set out in search of a legendary golden y i y MM C treasure supposed to have been lost 100 year3 ago in the shift- y .-(.LTV H nflSES lne sand dunes nirt.urpKniiflv ' y at- y X-3 laueu tne waiKing mils, locat 1 . a 1 ; 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 i 4 4 4 4 i 4 i 4 4 4 4 X 4 1 4 4 4 1 Phone 311 Mcliride Street ed north of the Mexican bordc ,rftMftMtli,Ji3iMi)jjtjllils,A2.a.A.3S.ia.aiiA3i..A2'.: At Your Co-op Bakery Our best Xmas Cake Decorated, per lb. $1.00 Christmas Brighter FOR DECORATIONS VARIETY . ' CANT BE BEAT 4 ut vuttio.ii;ia iui;iuuu a cue- jy throat, a cowboy, a renegade and a policeman, all gamblers, who y 1 1 OK TASTY MEAlii AT ' Rex Cat y ' y y y y y I y seek the storied treasure and escape from their pasts. Into this oddly assembled group stumbles the lone woman, Miss The "What Shall II Bel" Question THIS STORE IS PREPARED TO ANSWER IT The occasion may be what it will it's our duty to be ready to supply you and we can do it, too. With pleasure to you because ot the size of our display. With profit to you because of our ability to sell close. When the gift problem presents itself, let us show you how easily we can match your ideas. - j Jur best Xmas Cake Chin,... lUh 1 SP,-''11f'' Not decorated, per lb. 85c Light Fruit Cake, decorated, per "lb 60c CHOP SUKY 5i not decorated per lb. 50c S Lisht Fruit Cake CHOW MK There's Gifts 4 I Z I S Christmas Puddings,' l's each 75c Secoua Avenue opposiie rrincf Kupert Hotel l'2's each $1.10 IB ( V O" 1 :. PLiu.e 113 lot OUUUe urv 7:00 m. to 9:30 a.m. . 4 H Christmas Puddings, 2's each $1.15 m ' y 1 u Six WE WILL BAKE AND COVER YOUR MEAT For Every Christmas Wish Awaiting You SO Don't Wait for Tomorrow SEE IT TODAY At CHARGE Klti l-UK A NUMINAL y Pyrex Ware 4 4 4 4 Ht 4 M Don't forget the Co op Xmas Show for children Wednesday, Dec. 28, at 2:30 p.m., Capitol Theatre. Tickets available at your Cow Bay store, and Bakery, for children of members and employees of all local Co-ops. 4 4 y 2 y 2 y 2!? S'v DREAD TANS CASSEROLES CUSTARD CUPS UTILITY DISHES TEA POTS PERCOLATORS PIE PLATES DOUBLE BOILERS mm mm Tickets will be Riven to parents ONLY upon request. 518 3rd Ave. THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. IT I' y y Box 1118 Red 400 1 1 1 mumm m hi.jh.himj I I (297) i t