perry- after spending the on ys here on bus4nens, ,A by tonight's train for George. -5 Terrace Surprise Shower Enjoyed " Prfnre nuperf DaMp Yut&3 Monday, December 19, 1949 . Timely Topics from Terrace 1 1 ' I ' 'L till j 1X1 Mrs. C. R. De Kergommeaux, Terrace Reporter T. Harvey returned to the J. city . i tJtKACE A delightful in- oja.JSaturday nieb.t's train trip to the from a hrief trip to Sijjitiief4oo Mr. and Mrs. Percy Skinner, for , York to embark for. many years residents of Usk and j Old Country. ' imw of Terrace, were recently the legal business. - " : Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wood salle d .Sunday niht - on the Camosun- for Vancouver where they will spend the Christmas and New Year holiday season with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Naylor, Jr. W. R. McAfre returned to the city on the Coouitlam last evening from a business trip to last Thursday evening at the 'orne of Mr. and Mrs. w. Melvin L ,T.ot Mrs- opor,e A- n the former A?ne, Davids lany, decorated basket held bnded to the guest of honor by mm y recipients of a lovely tri-lamp, the gift of the people of Usk who had been their neighbors for so many years a parting gift to .'.how how hH-rrfy they were thought of and one which is greatly prizfd by the Skinners. Mr. and Mrs. Ear! Louden and children left on Saturday mom-tar's train for the south where they will spend a month on hoM-tiay. Mr. Louden Is In charge of the rock crusher here. mm m jm . m m mw jmw m uc n-ergommeaux A few words of thank, were said b Xmas Concert A! Terrace School and Mr. Atkinson ' ln!!'i.'rith Wife ln xPres-' riorpn,e anfl Agnes Norman. nls PPreeiation for deau travelled to Prince Rupert tnw express of regard shown Tuesday's train, returning on f tnm both. Friday accompany by their Fallowing delicious refresh- hlKlQr- Y,,mlM;. who is a student rnents served by Flora and Lorna at llle Cement there. Melvin and Colleen Si..- . i ivrrtisement is not Dub-,'r (iboiaved bv the Llauor 1 B"urd or bv the Gov-,t uf BiitK'h Columbia. ;rleaant evening was onii-Hu' o.,-... . . M i K ' . 1 c.i u . J ikw nits purcnasea proo- Sut rSl: -L-. Avenue UoZZ EW ROYAL j; ; d ail u 72 hiS guesu Joining he 2 JL enrol slnplng rlth Ho- m ' N" tl MmiIw Mm. IVrvW. tm. ' HOTEL m "Tlie book is overdue; you owe six dollars and sixty-four cents." TERRACE Once again the nchool Christmas concert, held this year in the Civic Centre Auditorium Friday evening was great success. The large half was packed with the parents anc tnends of the youngster and all thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Although not too ion a program it was varied and Interest, hig from beginntig to end. It opened with the "Wedding of th Painted Doll" where the small children were very conscious of their grown-up appearance, The tiny 'bride" and "groom" were every bit as smart as their grown up counterparts and every bit as solemn. It was a love Kin piano. Others present were, Mrs H Davidson. Mrs. P. Skinner, Mrs T. Olson, Mri. McLaren, Mrs. V Moore. Mrs Proctor and Margaret j Robert Melvin. Mrs. C. R. de Ker- Curley Casey and Rawley Bcecher are spending a lot of their .spare time cleaning chimneys. The profits are going for ntw t-quijHnent for the fire SHIPS and Miss Evelyn Bussey returned home on the Ccquitlam last evening from ancouver. tome Away from Home Rimms Hot and Cold water SHSSC j'-nmmeauz. Mis. R. Corlett and Mrs. Sites sent gifts Thi. "t 1. not pnbU.h.4 or U.pla,.a by h. T.tcuor Control ( Board or br tht ttoTtrnuunt of Brltlta Columbia. ?.1NCE RUPERT. B.C. WATERFRONT Having on board a large number of loggers heading to Vancouver from the Sandspit and Cumshewa Inlet logging caps. ! Mr. and Mrs. John Loen left on I Friday night's train on a holiday trip to Vancouver and Seattle. At M:Bdde they will meet their oi saw it in tne Newsi 281 P.O. Bo 198 .5 ' ! 1 1 i a i son Everett. Mr. Loen and his i son will return to Terrace in about two week's time but Mrs. i f 4 I III I 1 v - Vnlon steamer Camosun. CaDt J ly opening. , ( The singins of carols and the recitation of rade i t "Night Be- Harry McLean, arrived in port at lOLyLLUliVI fi FT SHOPPERS Loen Will EO on to Califnmln SIX o'clock last evenins from - ' s ,t w w lore Christmas." with the where she will visit relatives be Santa says Try Christmas Cokes ond Cookies . .' . and Torts ond Pies ond ?uAA,n A. . l south Queen Charlotte Island were ' points anc sailed at 9 p. m. for tions accompanying them, fore returning home. She ex en wen received. perls to be away about six eeks. I n,, H,h . . ., Vancouver ana waypoints. snort- Ce if. ifwfang''! after tne osun. another v i verTe .n in l Latin. Pallhful . flKt ! Union m Steamship Co. r liner, the CHOOSE,,MQLIDAY - . ?H . -") i WEARABLES THAT AREj w V WB -y a. wonaerrul Christmas treot Mrs. Jim Aiseneau of Prince Rupert, the former Jean Kirk-aldy, is back at her place in the post office helping out her parents (lui'ilKr the Christmas mail mi rUK A VUttN arrived at six forty-five from Vancouver ana waypoints, sailing at 11 p. m. for Alice Arm, Stewart and other northern The closing number wa "The Christmas Carol" with Herbert jFiandell doing a particularly good piece of .icUng as the miser f"8crooge". RUPERT BAKERY LTD. 1 !rd Ave. Phone 64J rush. points whence she will return N Annie Lips, Elementarv here tomorrow morning and sal! vk.,xe.,iy ,...i.x..i. i i i Miss , School principal, was the an-", south at 3 p. m.. an hour and a This Year Give Nylons They're so practical whether it's Gold Stripe, Phan- or Harvey Woods in the color and weight you want Roy Clifford is helping in the post office during the present Christmas season. riouncer and ehe remarked how1nalr la;r than usual by special t much the school had grown j arrangement so that local teach- torn, Supersilk, We have them LOCECER PLANT iers may have the opportunity of isiucr seven years ago when there were only 4 classrooms Ir. boarding here after the closing .of school for the Christmas and .comparison wKh theU of today "This iJvcrtitemff4 it not publifhcd or ditpljyt4 by If.c Liquof Control Betid1 Of y the Govcrrtlnrrtl ol British Columbi . f New Year vacation season. THE BEST MEAT YOUR MONEY CAN BUY Cl.wr trout quarters of 8wl ff. Burn's. MAPLE LEAP, tED BRAND BEEF AQr May we suggest STANFIELD'S NOVASILK LINGERIE Gowns Briefs Panties Slips STYLED TO SUIT EVERY WOMAN AND REASONABLY PRICED Always delighted to show y6u our Yule Fashion Tnxnlrn linns Robert and Peter Koch arrived home on Saturday morning's train for the Christmas holidays. They are students at Vancouver Cfrtlege. Their parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Koch of the Skeena Hotel, intend returning south with them when they go back to j The P. T. A. helped make the 'costumes and sponsored the en-, tertainment, wtnen was, nnancl ally, as well as, from the enter-itsinment angle, an unqualifie; success. look for the RUPERT FREEZING CO. LTD. 230 2nd Ave. JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST It hool. They will fly to New big red Do come in soon at . . . AHHETTE MANSELL ! 1 i bottle today! 525 LADIES WEAR Phone J i ten I Dr. Alfred Large Not Leaving City I Due to an error in the report of the Union Board of Health. I meeting last week, It was stated ' that Dr. A. W. Large was leaving I i the city. Dr. Large, who has been acting as director of the health unit, ts remaining in Prince Rupert. , , , 3rd Ave. John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue RE-PRICED j 20 , EEDUCTION 20 ; TP-J VVWvT,VISpVriisrMrwwiisvt -I ON ANY ITEM $10.00 OR OVER IN, OUR STORE Give Your Friends A Gift That Will Be Appreciated ! RHEUMATISM! ARTHRITIS!' T)lr terriblt pn it fte nttdleu To brinf quick trmn puis de to rhvuma-I titan, arthritis, -itic . lumbagor and nurii is, ! t a bo t tie or IKU IN Ubiet' today! Moat Eiderdown Sleeping Robes Men's Jackets Men's Dress Trousers Boys' Parkas Boys' 3-piece Tricycles Pedal Cars Baggage , Badminton Rackets French Binoculars 7 x 50's BRAND Smoked Black Cod FOR XMAS SHEAFFER3 "TRIUMPH" Ihrobbinir, muscular achoa and paina dua la thaoa aoodittona cannot know what joy and comfort anay bm im alort for tiiem until they O try iriii iivm uy ww ni imvTi vt Ihoaaaoda wbo hava bean helpad by DOI.CIN. rtatulta ara what count. Try lX)LC!N for prompt and prolonjrud rlif from thaaa achaa n.l naina Fkll f'trvJ tahloM fee Ma tn Icka. MANY MORE ITEMS TOO NUMEROUS TO LIST DON'T MISS THESE RE-PRICED XMAS VALIIM AT 10 Pound Box .. $3.95 L Inatrurt ions otna with aarh parkaia. Lft fXH.CIN show you bow fast it mny blp you and proa to bo the very medk-ino you need. 5 It has relieved tbe anfuishof many thousands a of your fellow -suffw-ra with lonR-standins; 9 casea aoeompaaiad by Mtranit) pain. This 2 i tk il fvdJympouid prod ictooaa orKttl. 3 ; (itt your IM)L('!N toilay 100 pracious tsb-2 i Ista cost only $2 39 and the large. acoDomy J i2 f.tXI-UMet bottle costs only f 10.00. Youff A i drucsist baa DOLCIN for yasa. M . .v .. ' 1 j ! If you cannot obtain DOLCtN from you THE SPOUTS SHOP 20 Pound Box . $7.50 30 Pound Box .. $11.50 THE STORE THAT HAS EVERYTHING IN TOYJ AT THiS PRICE YOU LIKE TO PAY 533 W- 3rd Ave. Box 1692 Blue 69 Dolrin Limitad, TaroBto 10, Ontario. PROCESSED IN THE PACIFIC COAST'S MOST MODERN SMOKEHOUSE Prepaid to any points served by C.N.R. Rail in B.C.. Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Freight extra to other points. Use Coupon Below I Send to I Name I Address I Sent by I GIVE THE GIFT THAT PLEASES "ALL-WAYS" Shsoff.r'i "TRIUMPH" Pent and matching Finlin Pencils ar a ifthoie that is built to plsaif i Try woy . . . olwoys. DIBB PRINTING Alir - - - . . . . !U)NDIE -Relayed Information Bv CHIC YOUNG -ri Company Besner Block Phone 234 A Xmas Card Will be Enclosed.vWith Each Shipment Name Address i i FOOTNOTES 1 For Christmas I GREY SUEDE BABY DOLL I I V Indicate by X in circles below I O Cash O Cheque O Money Order j .. 95 O $750 O $11.50 J '50INGTO2 I WHAT KINO OP JEILV J( HAVEN'T J , TWAT WAS ' ; 'p DADDy...S ,yL WAS THAT SE HAP') THE ,'M T,racr, T"??D" k . I PASPBE(?Ry . L LGSP jy.iP ''0 l-WE SOME OP Hj SLIGHTEST IU.GO ) I Sf jr?vV. OELLV r-A- iJiff-i xrVr x&gW.Y'dr- f--nL m is, .rrriB- r.4? - Walkina Shoes! , ,' ,',; , 1 Uy" I'LL PET THEM S U VOH DEM?. I FORS0T-' uM BREAKING 1 .olul of.rL )- ALONGSIDE THE J, rr f THEV PE ON THE l ws--s Vil T.b) - X,S v paGwOOO TO AND MAPLE yf ' , r-sSr '' -. j , iar.Z) , ; Jl , ' " - IFislieriimn's Co-operative f17k 1 d V fe a Va Prnrl Producer and Processors Brand Fresh HyWave, . , w " Fmwn frozen & Ar Smoked RmnlcoH Viuh Fish nlon also Mllrl Mild, PiimH Hnlm Salin 4 5 V i $8.95 A A A . Crinnprs of Ckallnaer Rrnnl At the ! FIRST QUALITY CANNED SEA FOODS Processed at the , Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative Plant IS FAMILY SHOE STORE LIMITED 3rd Ave. Rnx R.1R Ph. S.r7 i P.O. BOX 1580 PRINCEiRUPERTi.C. : . if ...... 4tTttrim