f ..... . iS If Y CABS jssiasi PROVINCIAL LIBSART, ewEij -PM i nn 4 - UK 0 ; 1 0 IVICTOaiA. B. C. EAT 3150 oar,7f DRUGS DaiivWelivery . . . NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBUS KEW8PAPER vol. xxxix no is pot!?? rOC,r,e T P,,nee RuPrt the K h Grof Northwesr" PHONE 81 1 mn, o. v., inimLm, April 24, 1950 PRICE FIVE CENTS esffcfeirn Berlin roadcasling Changes iter of House Debates Acheson's Warning Britain Asks Ifelp Of U S A- ' ' ,: f. ' V May Try To Drive Out Western Powers; Will Be Resisted To Limit Would Broaden Scope Of College Training VANCOUVER X Unlv ersi;y training may some day be available to all high school graduates In British Columbia, Dr, N. A. M. MacKenzle, president of .the University of B.C., said here recently. Every high school grad- Llian Parliamentarians Speak To Radio jcnfes Kaiher I nan rcilow Members Hy LOUIS L. LECK KEY, Australia (CP) Radio is changing WASHINGTON, D.C. States officiaIs believe the (CP) Hi"-het United Russians wi again iomil character of the Australian parlia- next month to drive western occupation powers out m t,rs no longer address their speeches to il i 1 0f Berlin. ' They v say this mbeis but rainer to a racno audience., m m of an invasion of the dty's western zones by half a million German Communist youths who will (janre began in 1946 when parliament, by Proposed She Take Over Respnnsibilty For India V.. I PakiHtan WASHINGTON D. C. ff The British government has nmniKwi 'that the united states take over t-. . ZuiniST ' southeast Asia. .' Offleiau . ,nri rf ..... ' vw v. i j uiav the British embassy has put forward this Idea in an exploratory proposal now under consldera-tii by high administration offl-cialjj. :. , f he British plan would call for th United States to pay off in dollars to such countries as India Doukhobors Obdurate Twelve Krestova Buildings Burned and Nelson Jail Crowded krkktova paii and Pakistan part of Britain's 1 ".000 telephone, 9,008,000 fP"1 workers began offic-tng wartime debt to sterl- bloc countries. - - tal,y at 8 a m' today ,n tne Unit Mai k. ui ' ed States: The walk-out in the . i i J nrSaml . I h nd " "Wd came after a union XTITJt , "-Commun- ultimatum expired at midnlKht ! ' " they"" P"'" Doukhobor vinlrni'p n this Rnnx nf Frsorinm -.v ... ca"ital , last niht- " w 0,1 Comunlsm while , at the ..same Pce mmaa lour- teen more of the nude, chanting 1 -edomitcs while others shouted time easing the huge debt j which and maintenance only Bn in-ls jeopardizme Britain' ..... .......j ..... ... .. n.:WM uurmiiB u;e wnoie TWO-FISTED M.P.Clarle OillU, CCF member of parliament for Cape Breton South,, demonstrates how he tackled a Communist sympathizer tn the back-alley of an Ottawa hotel. Mr. Oillts, once a coal miner, said he Intervened during an argument between an elderly man and a young man In the hotel beer parlor. Mr. Gillis sajd the youngster tried to have the other thrown out because h Would not listen to the "old Commie line." So Mr. Gillis invited the youngster outside and there "tossed a couple of rights" to his Jaw, ',' . . - : . (CPPhoto) Five Years For McKnight George McKnight, who admitted that he had been dis charged only last May from New Westminster penitentiary after serving three years for theft and breaking and entering, was sentenced to another five years' imprisonment by Mr. Justice Coady at the Supreme Court Assizes here this afternoon. Sentence followed conviction on two charges of breaking and entering here during the Christmas season arising out of the burglary and safe crackings in two local stores. Stewart Thompson, 20-year old associate of McKnight, was sentenced to 18 months imprisonment at Okalla, having been convicted in only one case although having been charged in both. 1 , bupreme court Assizes Saturday afternoon journeyed to the Gordon & Anderson premises on JTblrd Avenue In connection with the trial of George McKnight 'and Stewart Thompson for I breaking and entering. Manager 'Lee Gordon gave evidence at the store. He indicated Stewart Thompson's postioh when he had seen him in the store Christmas .Eve and also showed the court the rear door, location of the rsafe in the office, and position of certain merchandise on the first and second floors. Lee M. Gordon, part owner of the business, testified that he had seen Thompson in the store uate In the province has the right to higher education if he 1 neab'thi?d "annua? SiSnS school conference.-"! can fore- see through ade- i fill ft. i J arnnlnrurima Vnifoorluo and ,oan3-H wlu posible 10 make th,s a reality- "But lt must be remembered "V. that not everyone la fitted to profit by a col lege education," he added. Phone Workers' Strike Starts NEW YORK ' - A coast to ! with the collapse of peace talks. t. u..,,.,...... vuiveu, me puonc win not oe at ;;fccted immediately unless there 'should be breakdowns requiring repairs. The danger of a complete telephone tie-up is postponed al- though not eliminated following a Union statement that it will not nickel befnr Prpslriont t. .man.s wage strike truce endg at midnight tomorrow. smrrs . ? . y wij-v. ; '-V- "Kiimsioit i . Ltd.) , . Bevcourt jj Bobjo 1J'2 Buffalo Canadian . .14 ' Con: Smelters ...... . 99.50 j Conwest . 1.32 ' i-wnaiaa ...1, .G2 ipdona ...... - .31 East Sullivan 6.90 Giant Y'Knife ... 7.85 God's Lake 35 Hardrock 45 Harricana 07 Heva .08 Hosco .09 JOliet Quebec .70 Lake Rowan 16 Lapaska 06 Little Long Lac 49 Lynx 24 "2 Madsen Red Lake 3.00 McKenzie Red Lake 55 ! McLeod Cockshutt 3.80 Moneta .36 Negus 1.65 Noranda 70.25 Louvlcourt .55 Pickle Crow 1.76 Regcourt 05 Vi San Antonio 3.55 Senator Rouyn 27 Sherrit Gordon 2.47 Steep Rock 3.15 Sturgeon River 21 Silver Miller 72 Upper Canada .....a. 3.86 expected 1 effort will come lhe resisted to the limit, includ- ing the use of machine gun fire If necessary. ' Preparations to resist the threatened putsch May 27-29 are being made by American, British and French authorities in Germany. , . , Football Ass'n Is Cheered Up Offer Made To Clear Up Deficit Wilson re-elected President The annual meeting of the Prince Rupert Football Association was held yesterday afternoon In the Canadian Legion Clubrooms when representatives of last year's three teamsrl20th Battery, Canadian Legion and General Motors elected officers for this year and startedplans tor the year' activities. ' Officers for the , year were elected as follows: President, J. S. Wilson. Vicepresident,' AltX. Haig. Vice-president, Alex. Haig. . Treasurer, Jock Davidson. i ' Secretary, Ralp.S . Smith. A review of last year's operations showed a deficit but the members were greatly cheered when John Wilson stated, on behalf of the General Mo-tors Football Club, that the club had authorized him to inf orjri "the Association that the Geiiwal Motors Club would be glad to pay the outstanding indebtedness of the Association so that they could start the year with a clean sheet. The offer was enthusiastically accepted. A hearty vote of thanks was ed gicney Woodside for FORCED LANDING rrt, WYE MILLS, Maryland, A private plane, carrying Pianist 'Jose Iturbl to a Baltimore con- cert engagement, lost its way In ,heavy ovcrcast a"d matle emergency landing in a comfitld here yesterday after running out of fuel- No one was hurt. THE WEATHER aCatucd synopsis It was cler and cold in the Interior last night but it will be considerably milder tonight. A blanket of cloud from a disturb- ance mc" 13 crossing " c-j-.v today will hold most interior temperatures above freezing. . Showers are looked for on the coast today followed by clearing tonight fe.r.d sunny weather tomorrow. Hoviever a few showers will persist on the north coast and near mountain ridges. t Forecast Nnrtn Coast Region-Variable ciouciiness with scattered showers today and a few showers to- morrow. Litti; change in temperature. Winds southwest' 115 Lows toniRht und hishs tomorrowat Port H.rdy in and 43. Sandsplt and Piince Rupert 35 and 48. - m. . .. omic cwnebi.. LOCAL TIDES Tuesday, April 25, 1950 High 6:31 16.7 feet 20:21 15.7 feet Low ' 0:26 U.l feet 13.41 6.7 feet U TODAY'S " ' Vancouver ' Bayonne : . .03 ' Bralorne 0.00 "3. R. Con '..1.03U B-'X. .... .03: , parJboo Quartz i 1.27. f Congress ; ..1 j4.... it Hed ley "Mascot :.Li.'.: lj Pend Oreille ......'. 5.80 Pioneer 3.30 Premier Border .03 '4 Privateer .i2'2 Reeves McDonald .. . ... 2.30 Reno .03 Sheep Crock 1.13 Silbak Premier 34 Vananda ....;:.: 15 Vi Salmon Gold 05 Silver Standard .90 Oils-Anglo Canadian '..... 5.00 . A P Con .32 V2 Atlantic 1.85 ' Calmont , 50 C ti E 8.10 Central Leduc 1.36 Home Oil 1.52 Mercury , 10 Okalta 1.72 Pacific Pete 5.80 Princess- .46 Royal Canadian 15 Toronto Athuna .1434 Aumaque .40 Seattle .65 ' BASKHAM, KCOKES k SATl'RDAY .4 . National .League ' Philadelphia" Z, Boston' 3 Cincinnati 2, Pittsburgh 0 New York 6, Brooklyn 7 St. Louis 0, Chicago 7 American League Chicago 0, Detroit 5 Cleveland 6. St. Louis 2 ,,, Boston 5, Philadelphia 6 ' ' Washington 7, New York 6 ' ' SUNDAY . National League Cincinnati 3, Pittsburgh 5 Philadelphia 3-6, Boston 4-5 American League Boston 4-12, Philadelphia 9-2 Cleveland 9-7, St. Louis 6-5 Chicago 5, Detroit 4 , SUNDAY Pacific Coast Hollywood 4-1, Seattle 3-0 Oakland 6-10, Portland 5-1 Los Angeles 11-2, San Diego 10-3 Sacramento G-2, San Fran-, cisco 4-5 Western International Salem 1-6, Vancouver 0-5 Victoria 10-1, Wcnatchce 4-3 Spokane 2-7. Yakima 1-6 Tacoma 5, Tri-City 2 SATl'RDAY ' Western International Wcnatchce 7, Victoria 2 Til-City 4-2, Tacoma 3-5 Vancouver 5, Salem 2 Yakima at Spokane, cold. Pacific Coast Portland 4, Oakland 6 . San Francisco 2, Oakland 9 Seattle 9, Hollywood 7 Los Angeles 10, San Diego 8 instructed the gov- .minted Australian fc corporation to air T . .. w 1 tUn lings 01 eimei Representatives or y day parliament illicitly came to re-jadcasts as a valu-of spreading party question period in .came popular with mbers of both sides nticze what kmment by reguia-j L civil service. A Liberal-Country 1 ition government , .n opposition when ! (lnin . 4 to complain bit- arliament had oe- te cipher. Since the bent has been In .er, there has been ton it curtail or broadcasts. ig begins when meets usually 2:30 ice each week at .ends at 11:30 p.m. U House adjourns, I earlier, - i all is regarded as tenlng period and most popular with fie party whips ar- -11 in an attempt to equitable balance. By Committee : appoints an all- g committee which ier the upper or f will be broadcast .;uiar day. General- nittce tries to air ngs in the House h subject of most st, but the House atives gets about as much radio time :c. 1 accurate means of e strength of the 'lience. The A.B.C. AO nrnfrnnic cliil- one on a national the other on a hP Parliament is c national program, 'fly-owned stations, ith tho.se of the 1 that about 85 per r ammmnv.itniti i d radio sets in any given tinm m-n haeir programs, the n. it has also ,i that one-third ot the ABC's rn to parliament. PJd on t.iioao "'ore, would place! ustenlnir F in excess of 100,- I'uiie speeches, al-P ould be a larger. r ""Rjriant talks. Il'e Of hoa; nvnio.i H audience in mind; 'wiy when Rowley ul Laoor member Constih.n. ... I,, ,. ""tiity, was - "ui an lii-e ( during a speech. lurnea to the 5 - hi Dc Home at f"4 and I i, Me ehold fe Port Fran. , ,r!rc'ay ay nlsh't night to k dm Cl'P Z one lPa ad f Western Can- on Christmas eve "looking hls efficient and faithful serv-around." The act was thought jfes M referee. to be unusual by Mr. Gordon, es- j . pecially on Christmas Eve. The ITU RRI CAFE IN village as they danced around the ruins of the homes they had already put to the torch. The Jail at Nelson is: Jammca with nearly 100 of the radical cult and the authorities seem reluctant to arrest any more of the demonstrators. Thirteen of those arrested yesterday were women. So far twelve cf the shanty-town's 250 dfwelllngs have been destroyed.. . 4 .....,. Detroit Wins Stanley Cup Is Settled ; DETROIT l CP,' Detroit's i ouiKli'g i4.u vviiia laob Ai"ti".w won thi Stanley Cup by defeating ,New York Rangers 4 to 3 in & bitter end game that went Into two periods of overtime play. Pete Babando broke up the marathon game by banging in a fifteen-footer near the midway point of the second overtime period played before 13,095 fans. The goal ended 52 minutes1 and 44 seconds of scoreless hockey as the underdog Rangers battled the Wings all the way. Last night's dramatic victory gave Detroit the best of the seven game series four games to three and climaxed a three-year quest which saw them get into the championship final twice. They had bowed to Toronto In 1948 and 1949. They had knocked the Leafs out of the semi finals this year. In Saturday night's game the Red Wings overcame a one game lelicit by winning a wide open thriller by a score of 5 to 4. Sid Abel scored the winning goal from Carveth In 10 minutes 35 seconds of the third period. New York had taken the lead with the two first goals and Detroit fought uphill until the end. Would Implement Fish Regulations Executive council of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce Is wiring Hon. Robert Mayhew. minister of lisheries, asking what steps, if any, are being token to implement rccommen-cintions by the International Fisheries Commission, especially In regard to a split season with a view to spreading out the .season and taking better advantage of conservation quotas. Recent statements in Ottawa by Mr. Mayhew in answer to questions prompted the executive to make inquiries. E. T. Applewhalte M. P. Is also being contacted. FLASH ! ! I ; . ' TRiioPS1 MOVED IN LONDON The government, lor the second time Within' i year, , used troops today in a wildcat ' strike of dockworker.3 which ' has immobilized 69 ships. The first ship soldiers and sailors started to unload was the Canadian Beaverdcli with flour, wheat and bacon. TRANSCANADA AGREEMENT . OTTAWA Signing of the TransCanada Highway agreement between the Dominion and six .; provincial governments w as af ferted today. Hon, E. C. Carson signed for British Columbia. WINNIPEG Building of dykes in the heart of Winnipeg eity is under way as the Red River conUmes to rise at an alarming rate after already being above flood level. Some of the city is already under water. The town of Emerson, to the south, is allmost completely innundatcd now. Succumbs After Mercy Flight Extensive Head Injuries Prove Fatal to Queen Charlotte Island Logger ' Xlfred Gagnon. looser froin the Justkatla camp In Mas.set, Inlet, who was brought to the city by a.Quecn Charlotte Air Lines special flight Friday afternoon, expired Saturday night In the Prince Rupert General Hospital, Severe head Injuries proved fa tal. Pilot N. Gcnnyn brought the man in, accompanied by a camp first aid attendant. ' So far as police have been able to ascertain, there are no relatives In this area. ;An Inquest is called for Wednesday. First Death From Flood ; WINNIPEG, fi Manitoba's first flood death was reported as residents buckled down to prep arations against expected stronger 'blows from the spilling rivers and creeks through the southern part of the province. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police sAld a farmer had lost his life by drowning when he sought to" cross a swollen coulee in a boat with his son. business man stated all doors and windows were locked when , he left, t.lip nremiKPS hrist.mnc ' Eve although he admitted he did nut. mute a rheelf himself Hp said an employee made a check. He returned to the store Sunday but remained on the first floor I onljr ' ; Before 9 a.m. Wednesday, em- ployce Frank Hicks testlfcd, he opened the store and, while walking up the stairs to the sec- ' ond floor, noticed stapled goods ' piled on the floor. Investigating further he found the office; strewn with ledgers and papers and the safe ransacked. A set of travelling bags, elec- , trie Irons and toasters were miss- 1 ing. Mr. Gordon estimated the loss at about $228 in addition to water heating system damage of about $2400. Taps, left running, were turned off when discovered on opening day December 28. Corporal E. A. Wales and ac- companytng officers arrested the accused in a King George Hotel room on the afternoon of December 28. Const. Wales testified that he discovered a pair of boots Under a bed. McKnight acknowledged the footwear. The (Continued on page 6) Hainan Island is Lost By Nationalists; Formosa Next ? HONO KONG-Earller reports that Chinese Nationalists had stayed the Invasion of Hainan and killed most of the Communist landing forces are contradicted. New report Indicated, instead, that the Communists are nearly in control of the Island., and Its complete fall Is imminent. Chiftns Kai -Shek has announced his Inability to stop the Commun.st. He iiow has his back to the wall in Formosa, the final stronghold. ,. . NAVIGATION OPENING The port of yUcb c. is Jammed with ocean-going ships these days after a busy opening of St. Lawrence navigation, sho wn Uv,vc tied up at Wolfe's Cove are some of the 1950 season's first arrivals, the cargo ships Beaverouvt and B hveiien, una ut niitrs Samaria and Franconia. Later the Beavercove won the race to be the first s,hip into Montreal this season. ;- ' . tCP Photo)