Qa T. W. Brown, who 'now realizes that trade unionism lis here to stay and managemnt Prince Rupert Daily News Mr. and Mrs have been on to Vancouver, jWi. Hears Addresses a two weeks' trio ' are returning to Saturdsy, May 13 l-oO jKccp Strikes At Minimum i . . . . Plea Made at Rotary Club by George Wilkinson, Labor ' Relations Board the city from Vancouver on the Coquitlam tomorrow afternoon SUBSCRIPTION RATES By Carrier, rer Week, roc; Per Month, 75c; rer real, ot, S3 00; By Mail. Per Month 50c; Per Year $5.00. mX!0l Cishup Gibson and F. E. Anfield Officers Elected 1 in ready to accept unions as bar-1 ny of unions are .o thoroughly , ' aware of the problems of man- : aaement. One, of the most feared ' ; things today is communism but Mr. Wilkinson stated that n.ost j unions are doing a tremendous job of house cleaning in this respect. Mr. Wilkinson said in closing: j SALE r 4' 1 J I First BapUst Church (Young Street) Minister: Rev. F. Antrobiu Phone: Re. Green 812 ; Rt. Rev. J. B. Gibson, Bishop of Caledonia, was the speaker rt ' the luncheon hour when ihi i members of the Woman's Aux- I liiurv nf the Phmvh nf Fnclnnrt An appeal to every citizen, whether representing management or labor, to take an active part in keeping strikes at a minimum Most people prefer collective Here Are Justo heavy PASTi n Socciat in Canada met in the Cathedral as made by George Wilkinson bargaining to collective bludgeon- mi MOTHER'S DAY SUNDAY, MAY 14 This is the beginning of CHRISTIAN FAMILY WEEK. Plan "to bring the whole family, and worship with us at one of, li a u on inursaay, ior me secona ni me provincial nour neiations lng Tne pe0pie 0g British Colum-Iday of the annual meeting. Board Thursday at the weekly bia must come forst and foremost Choosing -Others ' as the luncheon. ' j Rotary d everyone shoulcj d0 all things lUeme of his address. Mr. Wilkinson gave an outline- ible t(J k ln botn fur summw 4 4 u I . 1 I f 1 ij I Fl 'J vtPI inO TI 1 r I I 1 J )r IS LLI A tl n aii, .na.l " wear Sui,i labor and management. (Or - . ujl iiir luiiiiawun auu ucnig i remember that Jesus went about done by the five man Labor Re ; c:oing good and thinking of laUons Board and lne methols . ethers. By doing likewise they . , , . arhitr.ata Lin double brea.J Ri i, . The speaker was introduced y Jack McRae M L A. for this district and thanked by Rotary president Roy Van der sluys who presented Mr. Wilkinson with the weekly club can of salmon. cur services. 11 a.m. Morning Service 1 12:15 p.m. Sunday School and Bible Class j 7:30 p m. Evening Service j Special messages and program at both services, with the Mission : Circle in. charge of evening serv- ! ciliate labor disputes throughout the Province. He stated that the government Men'l gahar. '? W would help to extend God'3 kingdom throughout the world which is the sacred trust of the W. A. 1 Mrs. Basil S. Prockter thanked Bishop Gibson for his inspiring address. UTJATS latest Sl,u t to 147 m ' Younger than our Fathers SAY you had been horn in ancient Rome and had reached what could he called the full span of years. You would still have died sometime between your 20th and 30th year. The aed were not a problem in ancient Rome or Athens, for what they called ape we now call youth. In all our thinking this startling fact should stand out. Today any one of us will probably live more hm twice as long as the aged of Athens or Rome. In 1940 that is not so long ago man's lift expectancy was 63 years. But today, less than ten years later, the average life expectancy is over G years, r.nd we are on the doorstep of vast medical discoveries that may defeat the great remaining enemies of human life and make 60 years seem only the end of youth. " If man's average life span can increase eight years in the pat eight years, isn't it reasonable to assume that with a little careful study, thinking in terms of knowledge and craft, instead of muscles alone, man's working life might be extended too? This would bring benefit and happiness to the older groups. Ice. -l-TOll . Youni! ir.env. o,k..T wl CASTLES IN THE AIR . . . rrn't sitbjiTt to forerlimirc, hut hoiiM on ttie trrounil may be loft tlirouuli HUlili-n t'lvrraity. An ini i nivp Sim Life nmrt-:- jiok;v will free ymir l,oinp from anv alcbt rcuiaining at d atb. l'rultwt your luvej um' home , . . cn(i nic tcJiy. SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA Advertise In -t.e Pally News. -various eol.jr,. .I m-.u w.. ' . -..uc, nn ., First United Church CS6 Sixth Avenu West Prince Rupert, B.C. Rev. Lawrence O. Sieber 1 1 TrV' MOTHER'S DAY e!l taikufd. Spwial . Boy,' VVISlmRMKIv5 ; showerproof, hi ' 14 on v " j During the afternoon the ; meeting was addressed by F. E. J Ar.fieid who speke on "India:! Residential Schools." Mr. An-j field sketched the background j cf these schools and stated that J the Church had always pioneer-jfd in the field of Indian educa-j tion. Today the Church and I State joined hands. He urged j the members of th? W.A. to per-! severe in this great work of ! assisting the children in these Indian Residential Schools and. i ta uphold this practical mis The Officers of the Caledonia Board for 1950 and 1951 are as follows: Honorary vice-president, Mrs.! P L M-Tnfo?h: president. Mrs., J. B. Gibson; first vice-president, Mrs B. S. Prockter; seeori'l vice-president, Mrs. E. Hodson; recording secretary, Mrs. R. E. Mortimer; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Lionel Holtby; Treasurer. Mrs. N. E. Arnold; Dorcas secretary - treasurer, Mrs. A. Mattson: girls' secretary-treasurer, Mrs. E. Lindseth; junior secret lry-treasurer. Mrs. L. Pot-terton; little helpers' secretary, Mrs. C. J. Currie: education secretary-treasurer, Mrs. S. Dar-ten; editor Living Message. Mrs. G. D. Mead; secretary-treasurer Living Mesgae, Mrs. F. E. Anfield; praver partner secretary. JOHN T. FOWLE 142 5th Ave. East ResldVnee Phone Black 549 Office; II . Sermon: God Works Through ! Homes j Children's Story; Timothy Anthem: Happy the Home When Ood is There The boys and girls of the Sunday School are attending this Service. No Sunday School. ami VI i i sionary endeavour which is ono of the-glories of the Church. The president, Mrs. Gibson, tiianked Mr. Anfield for his 7:30 Evening Worship Sermon: What Use Religion Quest Preacher: Rev. Percy H. Flower B right iMallett of Terrace, B. C. I helpful address. ! General business, parochial a i r i ttmmmmmmm SINGER We repair U makes Kcwinc Marhiufs WORK OUARANTEEQ Fur Free Estimates Special Music Conrad United . Hall special leports, and the reading of the i 3' " ' SHINGOLE The ideal fims Shingles, Fences revised constitution occupied Sunday School Session at 2 p.m. The Red River is, at intervals, subject to freshets. In a " century's exprience of the Selkirk colonists there have been four floods. The site of the city of Winnipeg is said to have been under five feet of water for several weeks in May and June 1826. Under two and a half feet in 1852. Not covered in 1801. Only the lowest levels were under water in 1882. - . Encyclopedia Britannica. didjtes' secretary, Mrs. H. E. E. ! the morning and afternoon ses- J r - . Faure. First Presbyterian Church ! Mons. i! 1 Following sviwi the v, afternoon f( i Out of town deleeates to the' PAI0NS meet-! Phone 864 rough lumber. M; Diocesan annual meeting in- inor fr nihcnn UQc to hnc!ncc fo"in 1 to the delegates and officers of;C,"d,ed n Singer Sewing Centre ft summer prins j a variety of ottr: colors. rh T A I A AII C 4 i -wmwlft'md.,.. i Thompson Hordwi Uiiion steamer Camosun, Capt. ; riving here on the Camosun in-WUUam MeCombe arrived in port eluded Olier Besner, E. Keltner, at 4:30 p.m. Friday from Van- Mr. and Mrs. K. Sisquist, Mrs. A. couver and saikd for northern Williams, Miss McRae, Mr. and Cuee.i Charlotte points at Vi Mrs. H. R. Hinton, Mr. and Mrs. r m. She is due back Sunday M. Timmins and ion and F. nicht southbound. Passengers ar- White. Co. Ltd. A i -f M . the Diocesan Board at "Bishop. Lodge." Special guests were the . ladies from the W. M. S. Pres-; byterial of the United Church of Canada. ' Thi final meeting was held in the Cathedral Hall on Friday I morning when the Revised Con-! stitution was formally adopted. , The meeting closed with a bene-, diction by the Rt. Rev. J. B. Gibson, Bishop of Caledonia. Officers Elected paqe rage art arter MoTin, Pifkim, Ct Shipun( tai Cnrd of exciting new Mrs. Edith M. Brow-n, Ocean Falls: Mrs" C. A. Hinchliffe, Smithers; Mrs. W. S. Braden, Dawson Creek; Mrs. J. Heron. Fort Fraser; Mrs. Katherine Clayton, Kincolith; Mrs. Annie Benson, Kincolith; Mrs. H. C.j Francis, Burns Lake; Mrs. H. P. Taylor, Burns Lake; Mrs. E. M. V.'est, Terrace, and Mrs. M. i Laird, Terrace. , i In addition, there were dogates from the afternoon and . evening branches of St. An-( crew's Cathedral and St. Peter's, ! Seal Cove. Outside bnnches who ! were unable to send delegate' 'were represented by-"' mcmb'ejs! from W. A. branches within trw I CarUe tni Stan: Complete Reiiabie m Fourth Ave. East i styles at EATGNS tent Service, also if i Minister: Rev. E. A. Wright. DD. MP May 14th Canadtaa Liquid iir C moderaj ' - y 'prps! Organist and Choir leader - (or Oxygen, iceijlcn weldlrK tuppHet. landsay's Carta? Storage Lins' Boys' Runners Top Grade Cork Insoles Mrs. E. J. Smith Morning Worship II a m. Special Mother's Day Service Church School 12:15 Classes for all ages Evening Worship 7:30 p.m. Subject: "The Strength of Minorities" . MAY WE SUGGEST 0 "STATIONER Y ' ' PYREX GLASSWARE FIGl'RINES & STATI ETTES KITCHEN AC CESSORIES COSMETIC SETS for. 2nd and Frk H city. : Est 1916 Phano ! i I i: The minister will preach 0$$ V A NCQC V ER V ICTORI A Sunday, 9 p.m., Camosun Tuesday, 1:30 p m. Coquitlam ALICE ARM. STEWART ASD PORT SIMPSON Sunday, Coquitlam, 11 p m. 10 p.m. FOR NOKTH i lt CHARLOTTE ISLAXDS sa. Camosun. May 12 and 28 FOR SOl'TH qi EEN CHARLOTTE ISLANUS ss. Camosun, May 5 and 19 10. pan. lltANK.4. SKINXr.B Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 5C8 Hmm! k both services. "Call the Sabbath a de'.icht.. m M a iw i holy unto the Lord honorable.'" Phone Red 400 P.O. Box 1118 518 3rd Ave. ince Rupert Florists i t't i Flowers for All Occasion " ICWEST ihi.. 3rd Ave. Box 518 Tel. 1V,( PRICES iw noun . IT'S HERE! The Neiv It pays to advertise. Sensational That's What Tub About Our PASTRIES CAKES PIES t COORlH and urxu floorOmatic Family Shoe Store Ltd, Charlie Roberts Phone 357 Box 638 ' .BhakfJfrr It's Yours For Just $55 A Month A beautiful Ford or Monarch Car The. average monthly instalment on a new car Is a strain on most family budgets. In order that you may enjoy driving a 1950 model, with the greatest financial convenience possible, we are offering a new time payment schedule whereby you pay Just $55 a month (following a reasonable down payment) on any passenger car you choose. COME IN AND LEARN MORE ABOUT THE "55" CLUB IIK!,Sli;i Silil! M WE PAINT and DECORATE exterior or Interior MaWaaWaaVjajaaj SPRAY or BRUSH Wallpaper JBanglng THE LATEST PAINT BURNING METHODS SPENCETnd MATUlk Phone Blue 215 233 lUh St. aOOR WAXER T.S.S. STEAMER POEJSKER PRINCE GEORGE WAxma 69.50 A NEW mcmet FINISH WITH 6 AMAZING IMPROVEMENTS NO I MII IM OVr, PlilMKR OR SKA I.Kit NKKKKO. ok tovr iovkhs most W AI.I. SLRK('i:s. 0 KKS 1 1 TIM KS 'I'll E AREA. KASII.U TO WTI.Y . . . Hltl SII OU ItOI.KKU ( VTKR. IIHIKS EASTEH . . . SELF I.K EI.S. !! Rupert B j LimHed THE 6ESI '!. in Plumbing (CLE' M31tSij':lti SAILS FOR Vancouver aM Intermediate Ports Thursday, May 18 at 11:15 p.m. FOR KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT For Reservations Telephone 93 FOR WALLS tUfFINtr y ml. WOODWORK 1 lk II STKOl SIOKC.EI.AIN FURNITURE -M,u,,,": fyr it's tZf OHiBlniidinn paint M" 4..3li llimiircry in Half a OnUiryl ! Service 109 1 PHONE In l.imilrd NOW AVAILABLE Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT B.C. ';SEE THE DEMONSTRATION OF THIS Sprklin9 lloort ia flth with t ka-diftt fioof waiar anot polithar Floor O Matic tcrubt. wii. poUiho a4 autfi. Sa aaty. a littla firl aaad nly 2 flngart to puth it. titra aaul Intarchantibla brwthat lor politbinf plus twin bvTmg pd mk it aa all-araaa4 hit with avary howuwifa. t.S. Ift to jooo. wa'a Id mat m prof tut ol Bom vmtttf aaaiaa-'icaa. HEATING ,01dPostOBid NEW PRODUCT NOW IN PROGRESS AT GORDON & ANDERSON HOMES Build your new home thru the National Hous-'ng Scheme. Easy payments Long terms For Expert Advice Call Your Local Builders GREER & BRIDDEN 215 1st Ave. West Prince Rupert, B. C. Phones: Office Black 367 Night Red 561 LAMPS! BOUDOIR SHADES .98 BED LAMPS '. 1.95 TABLE LAMP 4.95 TABLE LAMP . 6.95 TRILIGHT SHADES, SILK 4.95 TRJLITE LAMPS, COMPLETE 17.95 TORCHIERE LAMPS 18.95 NORTHERN B. C. POWER CO. PRINCE RUPERT BTEWART, B. C. Blue 210 ... HOLLYWOOD cafe JOHN H. MOST UP-TO-DATE CAFE IN THE CITY BULGERi OPEN FROM 1:30 P.M to 3:30 A.M. We Specialize ln Chines Dlihei SMITH and ELKIMS Plumbing & Heating OFTOMEIH'81 McRAE BROS. LTD. CHOP SUEY CnOW MEIN For Outside Orders PHONE 131 Prompt and Efficient Service -'Km